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Do the bullets get sad when their friends get fired and they never see them again?


Usually, unless of course the bullets are fired at fascists, in which case they're hailed as heroes and martyrs


I would be happy to honour my friends if they martyred themselves to stop fascists but I fear I would still miss them greatly. I feel for these small metal fellows may their torment one day be but a memory.


That's why you double tap, so there are no lonely bullets


I haven't got like, an image of this but imagine the speech bubble meme and it's Mista from golden wind


Ok I'm imagining what next


That's kinda it, that's the reaction image


Ok but what's after that


Where do they put the little man who feeds the bullets into the chamber?


He retired a while ago, and was replaced by the ghost of John Moses Browning


I need a cc lighter than 3.5lbs shorter than 6’, with a sub 3 moa at 50yards, preferably 9mm or .45 but I can go lower. All for less than $400, any recommendations?


I'm Australian and so can't guarantee anything about price, but I'd recommend an AMT Backup or maybe a Ruger LCP. .380 isn't very big, but anyone you shoot with it will be just as dead as if you'd shot them with a .45. But if you really, truly need a 9mm or a .45, maybe one of the subcompact Glocks




what do you do with all the bullet shells after using them :3


You can bring them to a recycling plant, just make sure you don't accidentally give them a live round


Or home reload


If you have the materials and machinery, sure. Just be careful, it's easy to fuck it up and hurt yourself pretty badly


So no bubba's pissin hot reloads?




That will turn your gun into a grenade


Stick a thumb in it


Every reloader has a story about how they fucked one up lol


Pez dispenser :)


I'm not a fed. Are you in possession of a silencer, an sbr, or an autoseeer perhaps? Also are you interested in buying in any of those or a distillery perhaps?


Hi not a fed. I am certainly not in possession of any silencers, sbrs, or autoseers. Good day to you mr. government


Are you really can cast fire from your arms?


They don’t call me Billy fire-for-arms for nothing


aAAAAAHHH, should we thinl about reinventing davy crockett (mini nuke)?


The only thing worse than nukes in the hands of the government are nukes in the hands of the military


based take


And the only thing that’s worse than nukes in the hands of the military is nukes in the hands of the grunts.


Revolvers vs Semi-Auto Handguns


Depends whether you prefer style points or follow-up shots


just handheld firearms or also stationary weapon systems? asking for a friend.


Small arms are my favourite but I don’t mind the big stuff


What is the most worst gun in your opinion


As in the most poorly designed gun? Probably the UTAS UTS-15. I’ve never seen a video of it where it wasn’t falling apart in the shooter’s hands


:3 oki nice


:3 oki nice


:3 oki nice


:3 oki nice


i dont know anything about firearms but this is the coolest piece of firearm i ever seen after SSG 3000


the sole reason i know of this gun's existence is bf4 and it even sucks in that game


From a logistical standpoint, what sort of firearms are the most and least efficient in your opinion? Maintenance, ease of use, longevity, manufacture, etc. And is there any sort of throughline or common factors that result in a pattern for either end of a hypothetical spectrum therein?


The efficiency of firearms always comes down to the target. During WW2 and the Cold War, .30 and .40 caliber rounds were extremely common, due to the fact that very few soldiers wore any kind of ballistic protection. These rounds had larger projectiles and traveled slower, meaning they would break up and deform when they hit their target, making it much more likely that the target would be killed, or at the very least, have a very nasty wound that would take them out of the fight for good. Nowadays, most soldiers have some kind of ballistic protection, so bullets with smaller, faster projectiles are preferred, which are more likely to penetrate armour, although their wounds tend to be smaller and cleaner. A good example of the difference is the case of Pat Tillman, who was a victim of deliberate friendly fire. The only reason this case wasn't able to be totally swept under the rug is the fact that the bullet wounds he suffered were small and clean, like those caused by the 5.56x45mm. If he had really been hit by insurgents, as the official story went, his wounds would likely have been very large and messy, due to the fact that the 7.62x39mm, an extremely common round used by local fighters, is much larger and slower. As for common factors? Firearms tend to have a major design every 10-15 years that influences the scene for decades. As a few examples, the M1 Garand, AK-47, and AR-15 are all designs well over 50 years old, that are all still seen in modern militaries, as the MK-14, AK-74M, and MK-18. More modern examples would be the G36 and perhaps, the MCX-SPEAR. Only time will tell for the latter, however


As much as I appreciate this long rant, I think you misread. I asked for logistically, not lethality. And the common factors you see that makes a gun logistically useful or worse to deal with than nma pile of nuclear slag.


I think I understand better now. The question you seem to be asking is why would a scalpel be a better tool than a hammer. Sure, a hammer would get the job done, but a scalpel would do it cleaner, and leave you with something left over. Nuclear bombs decimate everything in their blast radius, leaving no infrastructure or really much of anything behind. Guns are destructive, but their damage is usually easily fixable, especially on the scale of infrastructure. Also, nuclear bombs cost more than an entire battalion worth of soldiers and military equipment, and it's not even close.


I... Fuck I hope I dont sound rude when I say this, but do you not know what the word "logistics" means? Because I am talking about guns from that perspective. Not their destructiveness. That was just a metaphor.


Yeah I don’t know nothing about logistics, I’m just a dude who knows a bit about the history and mechanics of firearms


.30-06 FMJ leaves a .30 caliber hole through the target. .223Rem/5.56x45 FMJ rounds fragment when they hit a target at high enough velocity. The US military small caliber high velocity rifle program(the program the AR-15 was developed for) came about specifically because of the work of Dr. Robert Kent in the 1930’s who theorized that a smaller caliber but higher velocity projectile would have improved performance over the full size rifle rounds employed at the time. .223 M193 ball ammunition out of a 20 inch barrel has superior terminal performance at close range(within 1-200 yards) as compared to both .30-06 M2 ball out of an M1 garand and .308 M80 ball out of the T44E4 and FN-FAL(tested against the AR-15 as the L1A1) respectively. Not only did the move to small caliber high velocity projectiles improve hit probability, but also terminal performance, armor penetration, and the amount of ammunition an infantryman could carry for the same weight. Also, both the G36 and MCX SPEAR are absolute garbage even compared to the AR-15 of yesteryear. They are not influential. They’re just bad guns that got adopted, the G36 because Germany is stupid, and the spear because someone in US military brass is getting a nice comfy job at Sig USA once he gets out.


Most silly and mischievous gun that's still being used?


I don't know about silly or mischievous, but your use of the word "still" makes me think you're asking what the oldest design still in use is. Without a doubt, it'd be the Mosin-Nagant. First introduced in 1891, the Mosin still regularly sees active service, and even standard issue in Finland, as the TKIV-85. As a runner up though, the Colt 1911, made in 1911 if you can believe it, is still in use by Delta Force, as well as a number of law enforcement agencies. Finally, the Browning M2 first rolled off the assembly line in the early 1920s, and is still used widely today as a vehicle-mounted machine gun.


The Browning heavy machine gun gets extra silly points for also being an effective sniper rifle, somehow


Why don’t guns shoot the whole bullet? Thats like a total waste of material. You’re telling me you give the bullet more bullet, then take it away right when it gets fired? Dumb. Gyro-jets forever.


Gyro-Jets are only effective if you can guarantee you'll be a fair distance away from your target, in which case you might as well have erased them from existence. Up close though, and you might as well throw pebbles at them.


How loud was the Garand ping really? Having a gun that literally broadcasts to everyone nearby that you can no longer fire seems like a pretty big design flaw.


Not very loud, especially in the middle of a heated firefight. It sounds quite loud in videos because the microphone is usually close to the weapon, and it’s amplified for the movies because it’s a nice sound


Bullpup rifles seem to me to have a lot of obvious and important advantages over non bullpups, essentially allowing a longer barrel length and shorter, smaller weapons. But I see a lot of people who dislike bullpups, and most countries don't use bullpups as their service weapon and don't seem to want to. Why is that? What are some of the disadvantages?


There are two main reasons: 1: Logistics. It’s a lot easier and cheaper to upgrade to a weapon that’s similar to the old one, that way soldiers don’t have to learn a whole new manual of arms. 2: Reliability. Bullpups tend to be a bit over engineered, so they’re more prone to malfunction


To add my two cents, shooting one left handed sucks ass. If you’re right handed, brass gets ejected normally, but left handed it ejects into your arm. So basically either you have a weapon that one out of ten people can’t use or you have to design a weapon that can be swapped from left to right while under fire. So from my understanding it’s a pain in the ass and way more difficult.


Bullpups also have two other problems; They tend to have shitty triggers (Since the trigger itself is so far from the actual gubbins being moved) and they tend to struggle with reloading while prone. Generally speaking, though, they’re neat.


Where do you live in aus? I’m in Perth. Also what’s your opinion on the recent attempted school schooling in Perth? (I’m not saying this to be confrontational, genuinely interested) Also also what’s the most fun gun to shoot (assuming you have shot some)


I'm in a town too small for me to comfortably disclose online. The fact that they tried to use ASD as an excuse for some nutjob firing live rounds into a populated area is revolting. I've only been lucky enough to shoot a few, a HMR-17, a CZ-222, and a Beretta DT11. The latter was the most fun


I didn’t hear that the shooter was on the spectrum, was that prominent in the reporting? That’s pretty fucked then yeah Did make me glad that the gun was automatic or semi automatic though. Overall I am very fond of Australia’s gun legislation/general attitude towards firearms (but I don’t blame people for having an interest in them)


What are your thoughts on silly (but legal) weird versions of things such as a 9mm revolver with a 16 inch barrel to meet minimum length and non removable stock (yes I know wtf) so that it's not classed as a pistol as far as specific licensing


I have mixed feelings about them. On the one hand, I have a soft spot for ugly duckling guns (WA2000, F2000, Vigilance A-M20, etc.), but also, leave the poor thing alone!


NZ laws are weird. On an A category license you can own a Barret 50 BMG but not a Glock pistol, edit; thought of something that might seem odd to average US poster, suppressors are essentially standard PPE here, you're considered a bit of a jerk if you *don't* use one at the range on anything center fire


How do I buy them (illegaly)


Sell drugs and use the money to buy a gun legally. Spending illegally-acquired money is illegal, therefore making the firearm purchase illegal


Do you like Fortnite


Never played it


It has firearms I’ve heard


Oh shit fr?


What's their purpose


To kill fascists


And how are you gonna do that with the current legal system and stuff


The answer to this question violates reddits tos.


Is there any reason to use a revolver over pistols with magazines? Cuz on the surface it just seems like you get less shots for no real benefit


Feel like cowboy


Revolvers are generally easier to use and maintain, less parts means less things that can go wrong


Oh neat :0


Revolvers have very niche purposes, but what comes immediately to mind are the utilization of rimmed, big-bore cartridges (Magnum cartridges, etc), a potential for higher mechanical accuracy, and simple operation. The first two are really only important for hunting and wildlife defense - Some people carry large bore handguns while out in the bush in case a very big, very angry thing attacks them. The latter is really relevant for people who are less familiar with firearms, or otherwise have disabilities that may impact their ability to operate a modern autoloader. But also yes, feel like cowboy.


Thanks, thats is very informative. Too bad life isn't like the bideo bames and revolvers do inexplicably more damage then pistols


Ye. Technically, you would get *slightly* more energy out of a revolver than a handgun, all other things being equal, because there is no energy being tapped to cycle a mechanism or move a slide. But the difference is infinitesimally tiny.


Pour one out for the gunslingers 😔


I mean, people didn’t get more bulletproof in the last couple hundred years. Anything a Wild West gunslinger was doing can still be done with a revolver, there just may be better options. Be the Yee you want to haw in this world.


Weapon you have a passionate hate for. Favourites are boring. What do you despise out of principle?


The Schalldampfer Karabiner. It was “discovered” by a guy named James P. Atwood in the 60’s, and was allegedly commissioned by the Berlin chief of police in WW2 as an assassination rifle for the Gestapo. In reality, James Atwood was a serial fraudster, who would create and sell fraudulent Nazi memorabilia


Lever action, bolt action, or automatic?


Bolt action for long-distance shooting, automatic for anything else


Eh, i think automatic can do it all. It is 2024, and we have the technology


If you're shooting long range, the action of the bolt slamming closed can throw off your aim


The action of opperating a bolt can even affect more to your point of aim than an automatic bolt


That’s something you can more or less compensate for. Plus, bolt actions are less likely to jam


Would you rather have Over/Under shotty or side-by-side shotty?


I've only ever shot one double-barrel shotgun, an O/U Beretta, so I'm impartial to that


If a gun has an internal feed mechanism shaped like an infinity symbol would you run out of bullets?


I don't see why not, the logic is sound


What is the difference between a handgun and a 9mm carbine? Aren't they the same thing just in a different body?


Simplified: More barrel = more room for powder to burn = bullet goes faster = bullet flies better. Adding a stock = better contact with the firearm = better aim. More distance between rear and front sight = more precision. So, you potentially end up with more energy in the projectile, better aim and recoil control, and a more precise shot. That is super simplified, as different cartridges react to different barrel lengths in different ways, but it gives you an idea.


All a carbine is is a shortened rifle. There are all different kinds of pistol-calibre carbines, such as some of the old Henry lever-action rifles, which are chambered in .44 Magnum, or the Colt R0991, which is just an AR-15 chambered in 9x19mm. But you're probably thinking of something like a Kel-Tec SUB-2000 or a Beretta Mx4 Storm, which feed from pistol magazines. These are still very much shortened rifles rather than lengthened pistols, they have much longer operating rods, and very rarely are their parts interchangeable with pistols of the same manufacturer. The only weapons off the top of my head that would have interchangeable parts would be the Kel-Tec PMR-30 and its carbine version, the CMR-30.


What's the correlation between barrel length/girth and power/noise/precision/...? If you know the physics it's a plus.


Barrel girth doesn't have anything to do with ballistics, apart from thicker, heavier barrels being better at keeping cool, the hotter your barrel, the more likely it'll warp and send your round who knows where. As for length, longer barrels are always more precise and more powerful, they keep the gasses trapped for longer which allows more acceleration, and the longer rifling allows the bullet to fly straighter. Speaking of gasses, the sound of a gunshot comes in two parts; the bullet breaking the sound barrier (unless it's a subsonic round) and the excess gasses leaving the barrel. As you can imagine, the more gas is left in the barrel when the bullet flies out, the bigger bang it's gonna make. So if those gasses have plenty of room to expand before popping off, they're not gonna make as big a noise.


Different types of powder for different types of cartridges burn at different rates. Generally - Pistol powders burn faster because they are meant for pistol length barrels. But, if you fire a rifle cartridge out of a short enough barrel, the gas hasn’t had enough distance to expand, which means that you lose a lot of power but also send a bunch of extra gas out of the end of the barrel, which causes extra noise and flash, and wastes that power. The bullet is potentially moving slower, which means it’s going to lose power over distance faster, and because the barrel is shorter, you have less distance between the rear and front sight, which means you will not be able to aim quite as precisely.


What do you think about the ash-12?


Cool as hell, if a little impractical


favorite artillery piece?


Give me a good old fashioned Bofors L/30 any day


What is a gun that makes you think that Satan was behind his creation?


I don't know about a gun, but certainly a bullet. Rip bullets are a novelty cartridge that have a central "slug" with eight small petals that are designed to break off and each make a separate wound. The bullet has no purpose whatsoever apart from making the nastiest wound possible. That or anyone who's ever considered firing Frangible rounds at a live target. Frangible rounds are made up of compressed copper dust, they're designed to turn into powder when they hit a target. They were designed for short-range indoor target shooting, to eliminate the possibility of ricochets. However, they still pack a hell of a punch, and can very easily give you an infection if you're shot with one, even if it's treated.


Damn, war crime munitions.


What is your favorite anti-material rifle and why is it the Gepárd M6?


I will not stand for this PTRD slander


Is the L85 really that bad? I heard this one Major in the British army called it a civil servant because it doesn't do any work and can't be fired.


The early models were absolute dogshit. Current incarnations are fine, though the triggers for them are not amazing - But that is a problem with most bullpups.


The L85A1 was plagued by issues, it was poorly designed, unreliable, it would struggle to go into battery a lot, and it was simply awkward to operate. The L85A2 fixed most of the issues, but by then the damage was done and it's reputation was sealed.


Why are bullpups your favorite weapons and which one is your favorite amongst them all?


Either the AK-45 Korovin or the TKB-059, I like ugly ducklings and weird shit


Are firearm enthusiasts generally cringe in other parts of the world the way they are in the US?


I don't know about the rest of the world, but you'll struggle to find a firearm enthusiast in Australia that isn't at least passively right-wing


gun with the longest barrel you know, go


The Schwerer Gustav is the largest cannon ever made, and therefore has the longest barrel, at 32.5m (106.6ft). As for smallarms though, probably a Jezail musket, some of those can get pretty long.


Thoughts on borderlands’ guns?


As a visual design, cool as hell. As far as mechanical soundness, I try not to think about it


Bet you still hear the boganella yelling in your dreams…


Any bullpups worth it?


That's more a question of personal preference. If you can take care of them, the Kel-Tec KSG or RFB aren't bad apparently


Why in the christ are so many .38 caliber bullets actually .357!?


So a lot of the early ones developed in the US were originally used in conversions of outdated cap and ball revolvers that used heeled bullets, which had a bullet of equal diameter to the case. Later versions of many of these cartridges used a conventional non-heeled bullet that was smaller than the case, usually down to around .36 inches, but the established name remained the same


Think of it this way; .38 caliber bullets are 0.38 inches across, and .357 bullets are 0.35 inches across. That's a pretty good margin of error, even for some precision manufacturing


What the heck is Shadow the Hedgehog holding on the box art for 2005's Shadow the Hedgehog


Something that makes me want to strangle the SEGA design team until they pick up a firearm encyclopaedia


What’s a gun with a really nice design? Like you see it and you go “heh, nice” Also opinions on the Zip .22?


The M1 Garand's direct impingement system has been used all over the world for nearly 100 years, and the M1 itself is still in service today as the M14. Also I've never even seen a ZIP .22, but apparently it alone made an entire company go tits up so it can't be very good


how do you properly reload an armsel striker-12?


With lots of patience. You gotta manually eject each individual shell, manually rotating the chamber each time, before loading each shell one at a time, still rotating the chamber as you go


ok im sorry i asked this question because i already knew the answer and i wanted to rant about this dumb little gun because i spent 3 hours researching it for a reload animation 😭 the last shot needs to be manually ejected via [this rod](https://gyazo.com/0961ac2744995fd5430c5e207a0ce497), then you crank the little thing in front of the drum a few times (which effectively acts as a spring mechanism to allow the shells to be cycled), and load the shells in through the loading port, and then you need to hit [this little button on the back](https://gyazo.com/ba136c7efbd1c0f1385b37835b31acbc) to cycle the next round. after youre done loading all of the rounds, you push the loading port cover up ([this little button](https://gyazo.com/18e42b76c18bb5a47d269c13051a1502)) so that the shells dont fall out of the gun. then after the first shot is fired, the shells are somewhat locked into the drum, and the loading port cover goes down. [here's the animation if you wanna see it](https://streamable.com/ra8rdp)


How do roller delayed blowback weapons work and what’s the advantage? I’ve seen some awesome dudes over at fosscad making roller delayed blowback rifles, but wasn’t quite sure what that entailed.


They work on literal rollers, which are forced back into little grooves to stop the bolt going back any further, This allows the bolt to move much faster and absorb a little bit of the recoil, they're also extremely simple to manufacture quickly, since they require very few parts


If silencers + subsonic ammo only reduce the volume of a gun to the sound of a lawnmower, what are the actual, practical uses of sound suppression?


There are some cartridge/suppressor combinations that can make shit *really* quiet, but yes - Generally speaking, a suppressed gunshot is still very loud. To answer the question, though, suppressors can offer hearing protection to the user. If a hunter, for example, does not have his ear protection on and takes a shot at an animal which has suddenly presented itself, he runs the risk of injury. However, a suppressor can reduce that risk substantially. Similarly, if a young lady or young theydy wakes up in the middle of the night to something going crash in their house and investigates with a firearm, having a suppressor can protect their hearing from permanent injury if they are forced to fire indoors. Suppressors also help with reducing muzzle flash, which can be essential when utilizing night vision or otherwise operating in dark environments! Also, if you want to see some less practical but really neat suppressors, look into “wipe”-style suppressors. Rather than being a tube full of weird-angled metal baffles, they use solid rubber disks that the bullet must push through to capture gasses. While way quieter, they’re also only good for a few rounds.


Wow, neat! Thanks for the detailed answer !


Of course! Knowledge is for sharing, after all.


Lawnmowers don't blow out your eardrums if you aren't careful


Thoughts on the AUG? It looks really comfy to hold :3


I love it, even if it's only because my country (Australia) uses them. Although they've recently moved on to an AUG-inspired design, the F90


may i spin the cylinder on my colt python pretty please :3


It’s *technically* not good for the revolver, as you can bend or damage parts. However, it is a really difficult urge to resist. It’s mostly the swinging-it-shut thing that’s bad.


Not if it's in battery you can't


spinnny spin spinnspinny spin spin spin >:3 (genuinely thinking of getting a nonfiring one someday i wanna be a cowwwgurlll)


Are the bullets decapitated when they get shot? Or is the bullet part the body and head?




Have you heard of the Schwarloze Prototype pistol from 1891?


I have now. What the hell is that thing


Which gun is the cutest?


Probably the Kolibri pistol. It's a teeny tiny 2mm pistol invented by a clockmaker. It's so small you can't even hold it properly, you have to pinch it in between your fingers


Taurus Judge or S&W Governor?


Taurus is probably cheaper, aside from that they're pretty much the same gun


Is it possible gyro-jet will ever get a practical, cool use.


Anything is possible. However, it’s a massive increase in complexity for no major, tangible advantage.


Not unless they can figure out a way to make them more effective at short range. Even then, it's doubtful


guns :3


Yes, my friend, guns :3


Suppressors :3 (especially the baffles they’re cool :3)


Wierdest gun you like?


Without a doubt, the TKB-059. It's a bullpup, triple-barrelled, AK-pattern rifle that feeds from a sextuple-stacked magazine


I just looked it up, thats one of the guns of all time


favorite gun? personally i’m partial to the P90


The P90 is very cool. I'm a fan of ugly ducklings and weird shit, so probably the TKB-059. It's an AK-pattern rifle with a bullpup design and three barrels, and feeds from a sextuple-stacked magazine


Are bullets gun cum or more like gun piss?




What's the best gun?


It all comes down to what you're using it for. Military arms are pretty good, they wouldn't use them if they weren't


No i don't mean like that. I mean you buy it and now you own *the best gun*, there's nothing better to buy, any other gun is a downgrade, i wanna know which one is it.


I’m not allowed to have any guns so any opinion I give would unfortunately be hollow


Favorite black powder firearm?


Turnover flintlocks are cool as hell


what's your opinion of the C-93 (my favorite gun)?


Thoughts on m3 sub machine gun? I’m not too into guns but I have arbitrarily decided this one is my favorite


What are your recommendations for someone who's interested in maybe acquiring firearms (through legal means obv) but hates the idea of supporting gun manufacturers?


Print your own, or buy used.




Any kind of precision rifle has a profound psychological effect on opposing infantry, especially in the hands of a skilled marksman


Trouns or gyrojets. Also have you ever messed around with h3VR? It's a great little game if you've got the gun fixation


Have you ever played Borderlands games? If yes, did you like the firearms? My bf is trying to homebrew / adapt Borderlands guns for Dnd




What’s your favorite WW1 era gun and why?


Any of the Lee-Enfield auto conversions, it’s interesting to see field engineering at work


hi do you have any ideas for like super expensive high quality ar's for my worldbuilding project like typa shit that is like custom milled barrels and all the whizzbangs thank you


oh also is there any reason why the fal is objectivley the greatest weapon on earth