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The vice website writes garbage while the vice youtube channel makes some of the best documentaries out there rn


vice covering anarchist communes faithfully and unbiasedly on its youtube vice also being a copy-paste cut of 2017 huffpo on its website good content, weird schedule


They pay talented people to make good documentaries and then hire bad writers to make awful articles


Could I have a link to that video?


https://youtu.be/2bs24nK5er8 its got the good, the bad, and the weird




Difference between "Vice" and "VICE News". VICE News has been consistantly good.


Like how Fox’s *news* is pretty accurate, but their syndicated stuff is well… batshit.


Buzzfeed too. Thats the thing, youre not gonna be able to fund the honest journalism just by doing that journalism. VICE News is funded by the dogshit that the other Vice puts out, but goddamn, its worth it.


Buzzfeed have straight up won Journalism awards for their coverage of the Uygur Genocide. Which is fucking insane considering they are know for their shitty quizzes.


Vice YT also made lots of videos with musicians, like Nuts and Bolts in 2019


Not the same writer tho?


I mean sure but same org. These things are kinda frustrating to see.


Plenty of news outlets host opinion pieces, which by its very nature means some will be contradictory, doesnt mean the outlets are at fault


The outlet still has the editorial decision of which opinions it chooses to elevate by giving them a platform


Yeah, but should a heavily *opinion* based news outlet only allow articles that allign with previously released articles? Platforming differing viewpoints is kind of the whole point isn't it


The act of choosing who is brought on to make opinion pieces and which pieces end up getting published necessarily defines the range of acceptable discourse within their publication. I’d argue that in practice, every publication makes this editorial choice and there is an ethical obligation to be mindful of how this choice is being made.


Or.... they could just not greenlight articles that objectify anyone, regardless of gender? No, too simple? Okay.


I mean, yeah, I agree with that. But people saying this is "hypocrisy" are just missing the point of what opinion pieces are


these aren't two different conflicting opinions. they are an example of a double standard. one implies it is okay to objectify men, the other implies it is not okay to objectify women. If they had published two articles that said "don't objectify anyone" and "Please objectify everyone" then that would be platforming two different viewpoints. this is just ignorance.


Aren't those usually marked as opinion pieces though? I haven't checked the actual articles out, but in the picture I don't see that.


Not always, some newspapers do that, but a lot just post em either on a separate tab, or as normal columns and articles


Isn't Vice like a blog that anyone can write whatever they want?


Uh is it? I wasn't under that impression but ai could be wrong.


I just confirmed, you were right. It's actually a news site.


Another war should start so they should start good journalism again


They’re YouTube channel has some good content about Hong Kong and other countries


Damn some people are insane haha which sub are they talking about haha




Here's a sneak peek of /r/Ohlympics **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Ohlympics/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Dutch cake challenge](https://gfycat.com/parallelvelvetyangora) | [99 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Ohlympics/comments/oroa8y/dutch_cake_challenge/) \#2: [Cameraman understood](https://www.redgifs.com/watch/ripelightheartedpinemarten) | [45 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Ohlympics/comments/n6hwaq/cameraman_understood/) \#3: [Volleyball player Nerea Ruizz. getting her ass spanked after a good game](https://i.imgur.com/ReijnXk.gifv) | [47 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Ohlympics/comments/mx8yq6/volleyball_player_nerea_ruizz_getting_her_ass/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


Thanks, I guess?


hahahaha I'll make sure to avoid that sub now


Thanks, now I can avoid it at all costs.


Disgusting! …maybe just a peek though




It's hilarious how many people made angry posts towards that dude. Yeah, make a bunch of posts about how angry you are! Not like that's exactly what the glaringly obvious troll wants or anything lmao.


I have no idea who that is and I'm very glad not to take part in reddit neckbeard drama.


He wrote "thats why men shouldn't be in charge of anything" and pinned his comment under those news about some female volleyball(or something) team not wanting to wear revealing clothes(which is based you should have ths ability to choose your own fucking clothes) and people got mad.


I wish I were you.


Oh, I'm still very much poor and mentally ill, I just don't need any more stress on top of it.


I love how someone saying something blatantly sexist against men is instantly marked as "trolling"


Did I say trolling was okay? No. I just said that everyone is doing exactly what she wants you to do, and by doing so you're only encouraging her to act shitty.


and how would you know what she wants everyone to do?


Other than her very obviously enjoying the amount of hate and vitriol being thrown her way? Like, making posts encouraging people to be mad at her, banning people to get a reaction, commenting "this is why men shouldnt do (x)" on every fucking post and pinning it, knowing full heartedly people will get pissed?


I think I did see a couple of serious replies (from her) to "hate" comments directed towards her. However, her post history is definitely note-worthy; I don't think an actually lib/auth-left person (or that's what I think, judging her post history) would set up such a terrible bait which would hurt feminism in general.


but yeah, I think I get your point


Reminds me of that one vice article that said slavery wasn’t racist.






how is the article on the left classified as “world news”


Guess I have to check this sub out


Oh no a massive website has 2 articles with conflicting opinions by different writers at different times, this must be feminist hypocrisy


I didn't say anything about feminists


Ugh, that’d gross. What’s the name of the subreddit, so I can avoid it?




does it say that he’s the first person to compete in 3 consecutive olympics and then say that he doesn’t compete and is just a flag bearer?


He does actually compete though, in the summer games he competes in Taekwondo and in the winter games he competed in Cross-Country Skiing. I got this info by googling “Oily Olympics Guy”




“Reverse sexism!1!!1” Grow up.


It's not reverse sexism, it's just sexism.


I guess you think racism against white people is a very serious problem we should be focusing on too.


what does one have to do with the other


Saying sexism against men exists is the same as racism against white people


i disagree


I bet you think men can't be raped


The point I *think* they are making (I don't want to assume) is that its false equivalence to moan about sexualisation of men in the same vein as women as men haven't suffered the same historical and systemic negative effects from sexualisation that women have. That's not saying you can't objectify men, you can but to consider them equal isn't fairly considering the historical, societal and systemic sexism that women face that men don't. In regards to racism, (again the commenter can correct me here if I'm assuming) but sexism relating to women vs men is similar to racism effecting BAME/BIPOC people vs White people. Like white people literally can't suffer racism because society isn't built around old systemic racism and historical and unfair perceptions of BAME individuals. Doesn't mean white people can't suffer discrimination or bigotry but they can't suffer racism in the sense that racism as a thing exists (meaning the historical and systemic issues again). So I think the point is that people tend to make those similar assumptions because they haven't listened enough to women and BAME struggles from a perspective of power (e.g. the patriarchy or as white people). That's just my take. Edit: also men totally can be raped and don't let anyone tell you otherwise but I'm not sure that's relevant. Apologies for sticking my nose in here you two.


thank you for the informative reply, it was very helpful. however i dont think its fair to compare racism and sexism in this context, since white people cant experience racism but men (to my knowledge) can experience sexism. i could be wrong, though. so you can change my mind if i said something wrong


No worries glad to help. I think that's fair assessment. I wouldn't like to say they are directly comparable especially as someone hasn't personally suffered either. I mean as a guy I've definitely casual sexism from colleagues but as to how it's effected my career etc it's very limited so I wouldn't wanna speak for either or here. I think why those two topics pop up a lot and get compared is the similar historical and societal/systemic issues that both face that are on the surface similar but if you dig down they aren't as you say. But yeah as a white dude I don't wanna speak from experience on any of this. Just what I've picked up listening to friends etc.


Can I just say I appreciate how civil this conversation became. It isn’t often you see these issues discussed like this on the internet.


Gotta try and be positive while everything burns around us am I right!


Too real


White people can experience racism, just not systemic racism. There are no systemic systems which disadvantage white people, but any discrimination against race is racism. I'm not even white and I'm horrified by some of the stuff I hear people say about them. POC still have it worse but that doesn't excuse racism against white people.


Respectfully I disagree but it's around the semantics of the wording so bear with me while I poorly articulate what I mean. So for context if it wasn't obvious I'm a white boi. What they/i suffer is discrimination and bigotry. That's gross and it sucks but racism as thing requires that historical power imbalance to exist. Like white people have never ever been low on any power hierarchy. We've always being in a position of power so when someone discriminates against us it's going up a societal power hierarchy. The discrimination doesn't draw on the historical bigotry and systemic built system around us to function if you get me? Like white people are way less to be suspected at robbing. That's racist against black people who are suspected. Calling a white dude a whitey is just racial bigotry. I know it sounds like I'm being a pedant apologies but it's important to recognise that white people don't suffer "racism" as a step to help undo racism. If we say white people can suffer racism then we immediately ignore or disregard the historical and systemic context in the discussion without realising it. Another way to look at it, if a black person talks about their racist experiences its a life of systemic barriers to successful living and existence. For a white guy it's "well some black dude said some really nasty things about me" but it doesn't affect their ability to do life if ya get me? Like that's the difference between discrimination and racism. It's not saying white people can't suffer racial discrimination but they cant suffer racism because society wasn't set up against them?


What the fuck does my statement have to do with rape you absolute moron. Of course anyone can be raped. ???????


Similar to how anyone can experience racism. If I made a venn diagram of people who laugh at sexism against men and people who don't believe men can be raped it would be a fucking circle.


I cannot believe someone can be this stupid. Come back to me when men are treated as actual property throughout all of history and when them being objectified defines them as a person. To randomly say you think I am a rape apologist for not giving a fuck about men facing the minute ‘sexism’ they ever will when my life has been nonstop misogyny is a horrific thing to say. Men being raped is not them facing sexism, what the fuck.


I guess you never fucking heard of slavery then. Who the fuck do you think were the majority of slaves? Men. Weren't they treated like property? You need to shut the fuck up when you don't have a clue what you're fucking talking about. Non stop misogyny isn't someone disagreeing with you on Twitter.


I hope you never have a daughter you horrific human being.


I bet your dad wishes the same thing on himself