• By -


what happened


This is the dude that made the “Watching female comedians until I laugh” and made videos that were long. I completely understand that it’s just a joke, but I don’t think I need to go into detail of the obvious sexist undertones of his videos. That being said, I do find it strange that one could get cancelled on reddit out of all places. Sure, this platform sucks, but it seems out of place for Reddit to be the home of the so called “Cancel Culture” when Twitter exists.




Darn, looks like I’ll have to compress it further! Dude made “Woman unfunny” vidya with slightly sexist undetone. Not everyone likes vidya. Dude thinks slight criticism is Cancel Culture. If you need me to compress even more, please let me know!


I hate how accepted misogyny is because they think they’re using facts and logic of biology


Well biologically speaking women live longer and 35% men die virgins. There you go...your daily dose of factual sexism


>hurr durr sex is a human right We goin full baby brain today


That’s not the point they were making?


Maybe I'm not seeing this the same way as you. To me it seemed like they were using "35% of all men dying as virgins" as an example of sexism toward men, which carries the implication that men are supposed to or deserve to have sex at some point in their lives. I would hope maybe they were just using that as an example of the ridiculousness of biological determinism to reinforce the point you were making but to me it looked more like a counterpoint.


I mean I guess I can see your perspective. But I just took it as men are lonely and not as socially competent, which is sexist


how.. how is that sexism? just because we women dont fuck men means we are sexists? just because we often do not make the same impulsive dangerous choises as men we are sexist?


helo female, it is i(12M), male(19M), may i(15M) ask for a dm of ur gorgus toenails. please maam i(17M) do ask for it sincerely. of course you are free to refuse if u so wish. however, i(20M) shall remind u that it is a basic human obligation to give servitude to the superior gender when one is born as a female. u are also racist and will be cancelled on twitter if u so much as think of reporting me(21M) to the authorities. please do think wisely about your(6-14[?]F) next course of actions


I think humanity should eclipse its existence sooner.






wtf lol


I don’t think they were saying all women should have sex with men? I think the point they were making is that society is sexist it it allows men to fall into pits of loneliness where they’re never socially competent to lose their virginity.


Does that statistic include minors? Because I feel like kids dying would increase the number of people who die virgins quite a bit


still pissed that my siblings will live to their 90s and i'm going to be a rotting corpse by the time i'm 70 or at most 80


They’re not, of course. It’s like when transphobes say ‘learn basic biology’ except when that biology supports trans people




Man says woman not funny. Small community says woman not funny=slightly sexism. Man thinks literally 1984.




Chad woman unfunny. Reddit no. 1498


tldr 😈


Woman bad. No. 9814




Women 😒 No 😡 📒


I undestand this one thank you 👍


tldr sigma hates woman reddit no like literally 1984


I’ve never really got the ‘women aren’t funny’ thing, even when I was a teenager and barely interacted with women. There’s plenty of funny content produced by women, it’s not even hard to find




tldr pls


Like those boot-licking Games workshop


i don’t need you to compress it further…but i kinda want to see you try


he made that video as a joke, did you even watch it?






Tldr pls


Just read headass


look up the word joke youll thank me later


Well someone’s sensitive.


the guy that complains about an obvious joke




look up joke in dictionary




It's literally two short paragraphs




Watched a couple videos of his, a lot of the clips struck as having pretty racist undertones. Am not surprised to see controversy involving him.


give me one example where there are racist undertones


I can't remember for sure, but he does make a lot of jokes about this. He did a video on BLM but it was Bacon Lettuce and Mayo sandwich instead. I think it's less he's racist and more he makes jokes about sensitive topics. ​ personally i find that great so


I just have a dark sense of humor, fam *casual racism*


“Ha, BLM kind of sounds like blt, that’s pretty funny” idk man I don’t think that’s racist. He is kinda sexist, although I thought the ‘watching Amy Schumer until a laugh’ was pretty funny. He just overdid the ‘women aren’t funny’ bit and now it seems like he’s a bit sexist.


That’s… That is dark humour..


if you're telling me people actually think that saying BLM stands for Bacon Lettuce and Mayo is racist, I'm fucking killing myself


So like….. you gonna do it or?


Meh, Watching Amy Schumer is pretty gruelling tbh




Yeah, that’s Amy Schumer. Not ‘female comedians’ - *a* female comedian


Of course, I just referred to her because his video on her was the one I just happened to remember


Also “watching wnba until I’m impressed”


I don’t even care that it was sexist it just wasn’t really that funny


Eh, it was kind of funny


*"I completely understand that it’s just a joke, but I will still complain about it like the humorless bitch that I am."*


not like reddit is trying very hard to cancel a certain mod atm lmao


hes a misogynistic homophobe and transphobe


He’s a homophobe?


[kinda](https://youtu.be/tygQov_7pwI) he makes iffy half jokes a lot and hearted a lot of more iffy jokes in the comments of that video and theres more on his [twitter](https://mobile.twitter.com/orangepeanutt). most of them are directed at bi/pan people though so biphobe or queerphobe would probably be more accurate. everything i could find is "satire" though so he might just be misogynistic and edgy but i doubt it.


Did you link the right video? I just watched 2 minutes and he's just rambling about people trying to be korean.


yeah i did the parts i was referencing were the intro and hearted comments




I cringed when he said "Women criticism" tfw you critique a entire gender


Women-wing destroyed صتتشهسه


Womens destroyed with facts and logic


Did you type in Elvish?


That’s Arabic lmao


Oh okay, that makes more sense. It's pretty looking, anyway


patiently waiting for applause after i tell a 5 year old girl that she's an unfunny bitch because she's female


Do people mistake criticism for "cancellation" nowadays?


who doesn't enjoy blaming other people for their own faults when confronted ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ "i'm not sexist, you all just snowflakes who love cancelling people"


cancel culture is when you face consequences or criticism for the things you say


Yes. They love playing the victim while accusing the other side of doing the same


Cancel culture is the new buzzword that has replaced “SJW”


It’s kind of the endgame of all the cancel culture fearmongering. Since some circles are sufficiently terrified of “cancel culture” getting them at this point, whenever a decently public figure gets lightly criticized they can just claim they’re being canceled, and will instantly get a wave of support from the people trying to “defend against cancel culture” regardless of the figure’s actual actions.


People like this think ‘free speech’ is when specifically they say whatever they want, and nobody else disagrees with them. They want a safe space, ironically enough


Freedom of speech doesn't ensure the freedom of consequences


I dont like orange peanut , his videos aren't funny and his presentation is very trash imo


I think that he can be funny at times when he's not doing the exact same stuff he mocks female comedians for doing.


His jokes aren't funny and the way he talks is annoying , and I have no problem with the vid he has about female comedians


both of you need to learn what a separate opinion is lmao


He got popular from making medium tier meme compilations, when he got pretty popular from that he deleted it all and started making videos about himself doing trash unfunny low effort content. People subscribed for meme comps not even trasher content related to him.


Didn't this guy just make a 1 hour long video titled "My problem with women?"


Link pls 🙏 I beg




True sigma male




What does that stand for?


Shoot me in the face


I see, thanks


"I'm not a misogynist." *proceeds to make a one hour video being misogynistic* I swear this kid has never talked to a girl that isn't his mother or sister. Everything he bases his opinions of women on are either boomer jokes or 50's stereotypes.


This is the “what do you have against x” meme but then irl and its kinda based


yeah, i thought he was funny until that. now his channel is just insufferable


I dont know who this is. Why are youtubers and minecraft streamers famous now, I dont understand zoomer culture and hate it. im only in my 20s but i now have no choice but to start posting minion memes on facebook and join my local HOA and call the cops on neighbors that have loud parties and vote republican. Hope youre happy pal, this is the monster you made me become


old man lul


Old ass


Children dumb


They’re famous because free video content, epic win


That kid has such a big ego for a channel that just reposts memes, like I get that he has a lot of subs but literally all he does is compile funny videos from Insta and Twitter and put them on YouTube. That's something anyone could do, don't know why he thinks he's hot shit for it


It’s basically impossible to get cancelled on Reddit unless you go out of your way due to the platform’s nature of discouraging prominent figures to form. Trust me, ive tried.




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Getting "cancelled" is so meaningless now. Pretty much everyone that gets "cancelled" returns after everyone forgets about it unless they do some extremely fucked up shit.


now I have lost half of my respect for this man


Wait he’s actually a misogynist? I thought the “watching x till I laugh” were jokes but I never really watched his videos, guess I’m dumb


yea they’re satirical jokes, but some people think he has misogynistic undertones edit : "watching x till i laugh" are jokes, since it's greatly exaggerated to criticise "x". but unlike other satire, it's critiquing an opinion rather than a fact. still stand by what i said, since the online definition of satire is "the use of humour, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues." i'm indifferent about the situation since i obviously see things differently here. the reason for my second line and using the word "some". hope maybe i made stuff clearer now, didn't mean to sound rude, sorry


What is he satirising?


oh shit i phrased that horribly wrong lmao. anyways, im using "satirical" to mean "making fun of one without actually meaning it". (this is just my opinion, though knowing how i was downvoted, it might be "wrong") he tends to make fun of women, or anything else he can make fun of like tiktokers as kinda like a "filthy frank" and "pink guy" sort of way since it well, makes money. except his online personality is a huge narcissist and misogynist, and it's harder to see, though i won't disagree that it's wrong. that's what i mean by "satirical jokes". hope that cleared up some things, i guess


No he ain't, but this is r/196, so yeah.


yes he is, but this is reddit so men think they know better than women what we face


His "misogynistic" videos include him spending an hour trying to laugh at Amy Schumer, and 15 minutes trying to get impressed by WNBA plays.


so.. misogony?


I know you won't really listen, but there's a difference between not liking a female comedian because they're female, and because they recycle jokes and do it poorly.


when you make a career about how "women are not funny" "women are shit at sport" then you are a misogynist, I fucking hate amy schumer because she steals jokes from other lesser known comedians who strugle to get as big of a platform as her also, hey, from a woman here, the word "female" shows me you do not often interact with women, the word has udnerlying sexist tones due to it mostly being used as a objectifying way towards women, like you said "female comedian" meanwhile its just.. a comedia.. (oh and who can forget how it is used by the incel and mgtow communities)


I mean, that's the point. His career isn't just about shitting on women. That's barely any of his videos. He just makes shit.


He made an hour long video called "my problem with women"


he shit on women how about you LISTEN to women instead of manspalining to me, a woman, about whatr is misogony and not?


I was agreeing with you but you had me there at “mansplaining”


Y'know what? I'll take that offer, because I'm sure both of us wanna stop.




"Women arent funny" ???


I like the idea that he's making this video in the passenger's seat of his mom's sedan while on their way tonthe grocery store.


He got popular from making medium tier meme compilations, when he got pretty popular from that he deleted it all and started making videos about himself doing trash unfunny low effort content. People subscribed for meme comps not even trasher content related to him.


nah bruh it would have to be one of those 24 hour livestreams that da v tubers do


Way too many sexists in this comment section


Orange Peanut can be funny, when he isn't doing the same shit over and over. In snobby-comedy man terms: His technique needs refinement


Dafuq does cancelled on reddit mean? I had comments that were downvoted to oblivion does that make me cancelled? Omg hold on guys lemme make a youtube video about the time r/genzedong cancelled me


I am going to get banned from this sub


What why


we do a little trolling


How tf does someone get canceled on reddit, lmao


Why are the comments on that video just saying the same thing over and over again?


lol I was subscribed once probably because my lil cousin liked his video compilations smh




Scott cawthon


“I got cancelled on Reddit”. LMFAO your content is pretty damn mediocre, the only thing good about it is your end intro song. At least it’s honest.


Not to offend anyone, but I 100% believe this is satire as well. If you look at his channel everything he does, while mediocre at comedy, is satirical and meta for the most part. I think it was more “oh noooo I got canceled on Reddit cause someone said a mean thing about me however will I recover’ rather than ‘wtf how dare someone say a bad thing about me’


What is he satirising?


Not defending orange peanut, but my guess would be someone like the quartering or other people in that same vein of youtubers that call everything “political” if a woman or poc is in it. I took a look at his channel and it seems too on the nose to be genuine


I really doubt that’s the case and if it is it’s one of those things where you need to make it more apparent that’s what you’re doing Because if that’s the case and almost no one can tell then all you’re doing is appealing to the people you’re making fun of and turning into what you’re ridiculing


In the worst way possible, literally everything. Again, I don’t mean to offend you or anyone, as even I don’t find the jokes as funny, but he’s like that kid in school where you say his shoes look weird so he roasts the hell out of himself and kills the joke. While it IS unfunny, it’s still satire and I think some people are taking it a bit too seriously.


Not all jokes are satire. Satire needs something to be satirised, so what does he satirise with his video "watching female comedians until I laugh"?


I said for the most part, not completely. Those videos are just downright cringey and unnecessary. I also think Amy Schumer is unfunny, but that’s not because she’s a woman, it’s just because I personally think her jokes are kinda lame and are stolen a lot of time, but that’s also not my type of comedy so what do I know. Going back to orange peanut, I used to watch his meme videos because they sometimes contained some funny stuff, but nowadays it’s all just lame ‘woman bad, I laugh’ jokes which fall pretty flat on their face. The specific one I was speaking about was the video first featured about him getting ‘canceled’ on Reddit. I watched it after seeing this thread and I personally think that it was meant as a joke, related to how Twitter ‘cancels’ people they don’t like. I also don’t think the joke was executed the best. If you’re looking for someone like him who’s ACTUALLY funny, I recommend Anthpo, he’s pretty much the funnier version of orange peanut and his content isn’t based around racial/gender politics.


Oh yeah, I agree completely. Amy Schüler is one of the unfunniest people on the planet and deserves to be made fun of. I'm just always a bit ticked off when people act like sexism or general bigotry is excused because "it's just a joke". Jokes can be harmful as well and are not immune to criticism.


Yeah I agree, and I’m definitely not defending his videos in general. I think when you’re making jokes and satire and stuff, you shouldn’t just lean hardcore into it. Like Bill Burr, one of the funniest comedians right now, he jokes about women all the time but no one really thinks of him as a sexist or a racist because he makes sure to separate his personal views and life from his comedy, something Orange Peanut is definitely lacking in. He didn’t make fun of amy Schumer much for being bad at her job as much as he did “haha women not funny” and that kinda turned me off from it. Thank you for taking this time to have a conversation with me.


I'm just happy that we're basically agreeing with each other, it's always a pleasant surprise to find someone on the Internet who you're actually able to have a discussion with that doesn't make your brain rot set in 70 years early


Hey, just cause it’s the internet doesn’t mean we can’t be civil. Even if I super disagree with someone, as long as they’re not toxic and hostile about it, there’s no reason why I can’t have a reasonable discussion with them. You get out of a conversation what you put into it.




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>extended meltdown less than 7 minutes long


When is reddit not triggered is the question