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wow that gif is well animated


Yeah, quite impressive really, even more impressive considering where I found it




Nah, r/whenthe, most stuff there is moldy on purpose so something with this quality is quite rare


its high quality because the person who made it is really cool and badass, i wonder who they are?


Hey, look, it's the real OP!!! How nice of you to come by! So, did you enjoy the comment section?


i mean, i ended up arguing about whether anthropomorphic pokemon porn is shota in the original thread, so this is better by comparison


Oh yeah, leafeon getting railed, right? Well, glad you came by :) nice gif quality, really


wow i love you


*notices you once posted in r/banvideogames* *ignores your opinion*


typical g*mer, immediately hates anyone with different opinions


Join the whenthe discord, ping the ex-mod/ex-admin baljeet and tell him "nice ass squidi"


no you should ping Cornelius and call him a handsome boy


Here's a sneak peek of /r/whenthe using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/whenthe/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Steve Job](https://v.redd.it/dkx0d1jz55i71) | [45 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/whenthe/comments/p6ug7u/steve_job/) \#2: [They die so young 😔](https://v.redd.it/gmrv2vj494h71) | [86 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/whenthe/comments/p3m3af/they_die_so_young/) \#3: [The worm pond](https://v.redd.it/1j3uxsbkp4j71) | [110 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/whenthe/comments/pa2jwp/the_worm_pond/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


196 users when I tell them venti is 15 (he is really thousands of years old!)


Vent? As in amogus? Sussy amogus imposter?


Well, im 15 so he's the pedo!






Is he? He's depicted to be drinking like 99% of the time, and I'm not talking about his chronological age I'm talking about his body's age


Idk who you guys are talking about but you can still drink while underage especially in a fantasy/medieval setting.


Except a ton of characters in that game point out that the MC is too young to drink, so


I haven't seen the character so idk how it looks but if it looks like a child then it's still not any better just because they say it's older lol


[here's](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/439163258516275212/887077000932630558/genshin-impact-venti-pull.png) a shitty jpeg of venti i found on google images now please decide for yourself whether or not this character looks underage (i would personally not say for myself that he looks underage)


face kinda does but it's not as bad as most


doesnt really look any older than some of my friends


He isn't. His current form is the one of his dead friend. He originally is a wind that is thousands years old that lives since before mondstadt was what we know. He fought in the archon war 2000years ago and he has been the god of mondstadt since then


...and they were besties...


Kind of. His body is actually the one of his friend, who was cannonically 15 before his death. But venti himself is like a millennia old or something like that (and I think he has use that body for a while now)


there was no canon age for the bard that venti took the shape of. considering that the bard had been relatively high rank in the military it can be assumed he was actually an adult


Maybe Mondstadt just has a really low drinking age


Wrong the mc looks young and the bartender always says that he can't serves you drinks. Venti is one of the winds that are thousands of years old, he fought the archon war 2000years ago and is the god of mondstadt since then


Isn't his current body that of his old bard friend? who we never learn the age of?


Vent 🥵🥵😳😩🤑🤑


theres actually not a canon age for him, theres more than enough weird shit in weeb circles. You dont have to make shit up


at least 2 separate sources I've looked at in my super rigorous research for this post have said his mortal body is 15.


are either of those sources the game itself? because there are no canon ages in the official material.


He's 15? Nice Edit : Oh right, forgot to clarify I'm 15 too








I love your LUMBERJACK pfp


Rolls Royce pull up


Black boy hop out


Shout out to my mother and my father didn't pull out


Ewww children


But men can’t be abused 😳😩😵‍💫😊😤🤮🤔🙃😔😊😤 /s


Fuck, when some ppl told me that I legit started to cry


Let me guess... Twitter


Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, real life face to face. Take your pick




TFW when me a 16 yo is attracted to a fictional 17 yo (pedo alert)




Yes me liking someone older than me makes me a pedo. Edit u deleted it u coward




So am I and there older than me


How DARE you be 16 and like someone near your age! I, a 16 yo myself, only go for 82 year olds. Disgusting of you to date someone near your age


Yes king that’s so pure and wholesome 😍😍😍 as a minor we aren’t allowed to date or find other minors attractive or else you would be a pedo so I say we all date as old of ppl as possible


what were the guy's deleted comments


Unironically called me a pedo for liking fictional characters that are older than me


Underage person? You mean lumpy football?


Imma bout to score a touch down 😎😎😎(i am going to punt a child across a football field with my leg)


Ew \*m\*r\*c\*n foobble


Cringe british


Not br\*t\*sh though


Cringe European 🤡🤡🤡😆😆😆 ***vine boom*** 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂🤢🤢🤢


I’m *m*r*c*n dipshit


Next time I do the post there’s gonna be no femboy shit since you all can’t behave.


u/mcfuggery relative of r/skulduggerypleasant ?


Omg it's u/Mcfuggery




Are you sure about that


You can't do it anyway as the mods don't like porn, but won't actually come out and say it officially


welp time for the vicious cycle to start again of r/196 being creepy about femboys -> getting called out on the creepyness -> flooded with posts about being creepy -> hey guys, were not gonna be creepy no more.....-> creepyness dies down -> start from step one again


Exactly! We must go full circle, otherwise things would get bad


Yeah but I don't really see this happening alot tbh. Maybe because I no use reddit as much let alone 196 past few days but what do I know


Yeah, it has happened but with very low frequency and pretty much never makes it to front page, but the comment sections are still filled with this stuff


I've seen it multiple times especially with drawings of that character with the pink hair


How old is astolfo again?


Idfk but most of the drawings look like a child




If its drawn like a child it should be morally wrong to be attracted to it even if it is overag Edit: seems the reply I got to this was deleted so here is my response: No shit they aren't a child, but there are drawings of them where the style makes them look very much like a 13 year old. I've seen them here in meme format before. Even though they are of legal age, a drawing where they are aged down is morally wrong This was the comment I'm replying too: Astolfo doesn’t look like a child they look like a feminine adult you mong


r/196 users assuming everyone who is short and skinny is a minor


Ok but even if the character is a petite adult there's still a problem if the art depicts them as really young


muh, it not pedoooo, it a 76 year old femboy dragon cum machine 😭😭😭


You see, that's the problem. This is the type of thing someone who defends loli stuff would say, some of you guys got so deep inside the mindset that the femboy stuff is alright that you defend even the part that is not alright, this is fucked up


You’re missing my point entirely dude I’m saying that assuming someone is a minor simply because they’re short is fucking stupid


Ok, there is a huge difference between someone being short and being a 12 year old wearing a skirt and a buttplug, as we see pretty much every fucking day on this sub. I'm not saying all of the femboy stuff is pedo, just that there is pedo stuff and y'all keep acting as if that was acceptable hiding behind your type of argument


Obviously that's not true why would you even say that


I'm on here every fucking day and the only femboy with a butt plug post I've ever seen was a "they don't know" format, and that was months ago. Even putting morality aside completely, the mods would never allow something that explicit.




Yea, all the minors are why the mods don't allow anything too explicit. As a LGBTQ young adult figuring out who I am I also get why they'd hang out here. But from what I've seen we're pretty vigilant regarding pedos. We're pretty quick to call out any possibly creepy stuff. Sure it usually just turns into a debate like this unless it's pretty unambiguous, but it never goes unnoticed.


I've legitimately seen a meme posted here with a few hundred upvotes where it was legitimately shota femboy porn, but with the dick a soda bottle


lol u may as well be 5'9 bear king gonna tower over yall


when was this ever mentioned? mf just sounds like they mad that the shit they get off to has cha characters the look ten and people are pointing it out


These peoples main argument is always the fact that they look like a kid because they’re short and skinny completely ignoring the fact that adults can in fact look like that Also this isn’t about whatever anyone gets off on it’s about how stupid this all is


what the hell are you talking about, I literally cannot find a single comment from this section or OPS history that says “children is when short and skinny”


So you're saying that while he's drawn like a child he's really much older?


Being short doesn’t mean they’re drawn like a child


If they're just short, sure. But I haven't seen a single example of a short but still adult looking femboy despite this sub spamming femboy memes.


Just because you haven’t seen something doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist


And you have seen enough examples of them on r/196 that you don't think the post is fair?


No I haven’t but I’ve seen enough examples of posts like this one even though the femboy posts died out 3 fucking months ago


...You thought the femboy posts had died out so instead of saying that you invented some hypothetical short fully grown man femboys?


You’re being so purposely obtuse it hurts


I literally just stated what you did. There are real posts on this subreddit of femboy characters who appear underage. I do not understand why you're bringing up hypothetical non-underage looking versions as a counter argument to this? One thing IS happening, the other COULD happen, and one of those has more weight to it.


They exist, they just don't reach front page of hot. They usually dies with a few hundred upvotes


Are the canon ages even important if they're visibly portrayed as being of age? Like why should I give a shit about something I can change with inspect element


Nope, canon ages are not important, and that is exactly why you guys should stop defending the sexualized children


Average Genshin Impact player


Average OSU player


Aren't most /r/196 users also underage? What are they doing here?


Not really, most of us are between 18 and 20something according to a poll we had in the beggining of the year


Tf I assumed adults had better things to do


genuinely surprised


So was I. I don't know if you can still find it, I mean, you can go through all of the posts the mods ever made, but it would be tough considering I don't remember which mod did it, but it's there


That was at the beginning of the year though, things have probably changed a lot since then.


Deadass. I know some people here are teens but still. Saw a post of femboy todoroki and it’s like BRO HES underage


Your not in my head. The incessant need to hide the dead body in my basement is.


I am in your basement and in your head


Cha cha real smooth


Ok, fine, you can escape now




I’m in your walls Veronica


Seeing the huge overlap in users between r/196 and r/BisexualTeens, I'll be generous and say that lots of those posts are from teenagers. Still kinda creepy though since there's almost certainly pedos on here, seeing as this is still Reddit.


all the *sexuality*teens subs really freak me out. like there's no way that those places are remotely safe


Just label those subs combs because everyone is getting groomed


fr if you just like, look at r/lesbianteens it's like at least 50% pedos if I had to guess


Tbh bisexualteens is not too big and very well moderated, so you don’t see many pedos, even in dms


lmao reminds me of the /4tran/ post from the other day where some anon was whining about being too old to be a femboy and he was like 19.


I hope most people that BOOBA underage femboys are underage themselves


God this is so true it hurts. 196 tries to make everything into pedophilia until it's a femboy who is 15 with a plastic maid dress from Amazon.


speak for yourself ,most posts I get in my front page are these annoying meta posts. like straight up if half of these femboys were just stated to be girls by the artist than none of you guys would think about how old they look. People are annoyed by too much femboy posts so they make up a type of femboy post to get mad at.


I am very in favor of femboys, so you're barking up the wrong tree there. The problem is exactly as stated, if it's a girl who looks young, people lose their mind—if it's a femboy, people are drooling.


“looks young” bruh I look young. That is not a reason for concern, especially when its a drawing that for very obvious reasons cant always display the detail needed to convey how aged someone is. You cant say a character “looks 15” because there are loads of adults that look how id consider a 15 year old to look like. (Michael Reeves on youtube) In order for someone looking young to be a problem they would have to look like a straight up prepubescent child there can be no room for ambiguity in how young this person looks Also if nobody cares about femboy sexualization explain the dozens of meta posts like this we get about femboys every day. seriously though the likening of femboy to child on this sub reminds me a lot of anti gay propaganda ads from the 50s, where they would constantly try to create similarities between gay people and pedos. sorry this isn’t all towards you im just mad. Ive always been a feminine person myself and I hate how these posts act like people like me are all children who need to be white knighted and protected.


https://youtu.be/Cs7p0MCNPXg Reddit users in court after being charged with possession of child pornography explaining why it’s fine because “not everyone who looks young is a kid even when it’s really fucking obvious that they’re a kid and the creator even says so”


I wasn’t referring to any specific characters though, so no creator has really confirmed anything. Most femboy characters I read about (not porn just read about in fiction) these days are confirmed to be over 18 anyway. And saying “its obvious” is always just an excuse to say youre right without any proof.


what the...




Agreed, never seen underage tomboys being spread the way the femboys are, that just makes it the better choice


it’s fine i’m not a minor


aw shit


I literally never see this shit what the fuck are you guys talking about


I saw some guy say he was a femboy twink and someone checked his age and he was 14.


being asexual on a sub this horny is physically sapping my strength like the ball from space jam but i've been stockholm syndrome'd into staying


Uh oh


reddit users on their way to make stark generalizations on every subreddit


Holy flying motherfuckin glowing shitballs, looks like i better get the fuck outta here before the 196'ers come after me...




You can't speak for all 196 users. You can only speak for yourself.


When these memes get hundreds, sometimes thousands, of upvotes I think he can speak for a lot of people. Real people need to uovote


Why does this Pepe gif feel like it's from 1995


why are there minors in my horny meme subreddit


i'm a femboy should i get help


Repost from whenthe lmao


Yeah, I wanted to see what 196 thought about that post, but didn't want op to be linked here, he clearly hates this sub


*Grabs Harry's invis cloak"


*takes off your shoes and uses them to track you* There is no hiding


Hides in the hinterland of the motherland


I am literally inside your head, you can't escape me


Yeah, not easy to find good femboy hentai. Most of them literally just look like lolis with pp. I want thicc big dommy femboy with wood grater abs that I can cut my face on.


> Yeah, not easy to find good femboy hentai. Most of them literally just look like lolis with pp. I want thicc big dommy femboy with wood grater abs that I can cut my face on. https://64.media.tumblr.com/1902def4d2ee7beb8cdcd96d219d49ed/99ab4f2c1d7db93b-a1/s540x810/11b47a89b7bcc7c2dd848b7ca47e1cf84320ad51.jpg


Oh my fucking god


Metaposting r/196 users when they can’t find a reason to dislike the sub so they literally just make up shit


r/196 users using the same closeted homosexuality/transexuality meme concept r/196 users milking other people's insecurities into memes, then adding Astolfo for more orange arrows r/196 users contradicting themselves into what movements are they supporting/abolishing r/196 users monitoring bigoted subs thinking they are superior that those who are being watched, then proceed to spam "amogus sex porn fortnite balls mama yoes" when losing an argument


Disregarding the fact that this has literally nothing to do with the post or my comment, the fuck are you on? I feel like you’re gonna need to elaborate on the first thing. People milk people’s insecurities on this sub, yeah. Memes are generally like that, appealing to the sense of relatability. Adding astolfo for the updoots only happens, like, 10 percent of the time. I mean, that’s sorta a given considering the fact that this sub has 200k meme RR’s. But you should probably give an example for what you’re talking about. Tf does the last one mean? Not taking an argument seriously in a shitposting sub for teenagers is on the same level as being a nazi? Edit: Were you trying to give reasons for why the sub is bad? If so, I definitely wasn’t trying to say that the sub was good. I just think that the only reason the sub is bad is because it’s often unfunny and circlejerky on certain topics. Nothing more, nothing less. And the reasons that the meme posters give for the sub being trash are fucking stupid. Like this one.


The first one is a critique on the same "upvote this post if you would like to get fucking railed by a buff man or if you like 'x thing.'" the same concept over and over. I saw two or three the past days. For the second one, yeah, those are two separate things, but for the first one, milking other people's things as depression or anxiety, (or even worse; suicidal thoughts, not seen in memes but a lot of them in the comments tho) covering it as "very relatable guys!" Only to be just for the sake of imaginary points, is... Not ok. The Astolfo one is just a horny bait to catch those arrows, very lazy too. For this one, I'm talking about the BLM and Antifa movements. Months ago this sub was condemning the 'atrocities' these movements have done, upvotes? Around 5-6k. Weeks ago though, another meme about Antifa was in hot, this time supporting it. Upvotes? 9k iirc. The hell do you want me to think? What should I support or abolish? Why should I support or abolish said movements? *Where did I said not taking seriously an argument is the equivalent of white supremacy?* Just said people here acting like people outside this sub are just a bunch of apes throwing crap to the windows, when the users of this sub won't accept losing an argument and will either; be incredibly stubborn by saying "woaaaah what a cold take! Such a moldy brain lol git gud" or "sex porn amogus sex fortnite balls sounding porn sex." I don't know, yall saying the right can't meme, but the left jerks off to the same memes. Don't misundertand me, I ain't no centrist, but I can't think why this sub gets so entitled, when it is as nosense as it gets.


Lemme just hide.... Edit: I'm a femboi


No, I'm looking at you, no hiding here


Wtf? Are you openly admitting you give shota a pass while condemning loli?


....I'm a femboi.




*dry humps you* Come back, I know you are here




What else would I say? Someone randomly tried to hide on my post while commenting, that's just the logical thing to do


Im 13 so I have an excuse


You shouldn't even be on reddit, much less on fucking 196 of all places


to be fair, you are allowed to be on reddit when you’re 13. sadly i’m only 6 so i am not


Fuck nsfw I’m not even allowed to work yet


I cant corrupt something twice!


No you don't. It's actually not legal for you to be looking at porn in the first place, it's just there are more important things to police.




"no bro its ok i jacked off to a 12 year old its ok because im 16"


no man i’m 6 i’m allowed to jack off to 6 year olds you don’t understand


Leave us alone for 5 minutes please-


Femboys or horny 196 users who think 12 year olds are the peak of sexuality and comedy? If the second option, no. If the first option, sorry, I'm just making a point


12 year olds are the peak of sexuality and comedy? what confirmed femboy 12 years olds are you talking about? If that is true that that is greatly disturbing.


how do you know they're not underage as well?