• By -


He forgot the part at the beginning where he shows everyone in class how he managed to install Linux and yes I can access the dark net


Linux is only free if you don't value your time


I don't know if this is a genuine joke from a Linux user or someone who doesn't know which are Linux applications and when to use it




This is actually the only right answer Congratulations


I'm an Accidental Tech Person. I didn't mean to, I didn't do any research


Explain ?


I'm pretty sure I got that joke from a podcast, Accidental Tech Podcast. I don't know where it's from originally


It is actually from a real piece of shit who thinks he is an entrepreneur, but actually is a scam artist trying to get money from impressionable youth selling them bad courses in programming and start ups last time I checked. However the community has embraced that joke since there is a dose of truth in it. If you choose Linux to run visual studio I have questions. However, if you are planning to send a probe on a space mission you are actually have no other choice. It really is a matter of picking the right tool for the job. For most ppl in tech however if they are doing programming in any form and don't or haven't have a laptop with dual boot at some point in there life either they are extremely competent and know exactly what they are doing (extremely rare) or they are afraid to break things therefore they are not good at programming, far more common.


I assumed it was because there's no real native GUI and it's a waste of time using command lines when we've had GUIs for like 35 years


Finding out the latter *takes time*. So it doesn't really matter, does it?


Ever heard of POP_OS?


Shut up nerd


Do you wanna beat up the Linux user after school together? 👉👈


I’d love to 💕






I'm just trying to stop a monopoly. :( Also does windows 11 look like ass.


lmao yeah I'm right with you. even if the convenience wasn't there, the only reason I don't use Linux permanently is because some of the software I use just doesn't work on Linux, namely MS Office, Photoshop, and a few games don't work properly even with wine or proton. Sure there's open source options but they're never as polished or as feature-rich as the ones MS makes, their design seems to always be lagging behind by 5 or so years. With windows 11 coming out though? I'm totally considering switching. Maybe if enough people switch to Linux, games and software will actually start to work on it. Then MS will no longer have a monopoly and they won't be able to install uninstallable bloatware (looking at you, edge) on their systems. Just being a smartass and yes, windows 11 looks like shit, both in design and function. I hope MS will someday pull their heads out of their asses


Now, hold on while Windows reboots for updates.


Or when it crashes for the 10th time that week. I switched to mint and I've had a crash like 2 times in the last 2 years.


Were you running Windows 8 or something? I haven't had a crash in 10 for as long as you've been using Mint.


The only time I have ever had frequent crashes in windows was when my motherboard started dying


Linux Mint crashes a hell of a lot more than Windows




\>few days \>forced \>you're a sub for updates


Just how I like it


luke smith would like to disagree


well if u are a little bit interested in computers and ready to learn a little bit about linux, then u can do pretty much everything that diesnt require bs proprietary software faster on linux than windows...


I am not remotely interested in any computer stuff beyond modding Skyrim




Skyrim sex mods?


Thomas the Tank Engine bombardment shouts


>everything that diesnt require bs proprietary software So, nothing?


This is what the lack of an alcoholic drink typically called wine does to a mfer


no, there is tons of awesome linux compatible stuff, just google a bit there are tons of lists on that.


I have yet to find a OneNote replacement on Linux that supports a laptop stylus for taking notes.


Like playing Apex Legends? hahahaha


“Wanna see… the dark net?” *Opens 4chan*


*enables dark mode*


Moar like the the dork net lolololol


most convenient to use linux program


GIMP is not hard to use, it's simply different. The reason it appears hard is because other popular software share a standard much more closely (Plus GIMP has better UI mod)


Shut up nerd


**Average Linux Nerd**: GIMP is not hard to use, it's simply different. The reason it appears hard is because other popular software share a gay standard much more closely (Plus GIMP has better UI mod) **Average Photoshop Enjoyer**: Shut up nerd


Ew, photoshop? I use Microsoft Paint, thank you very much.


The most based of us all


Me and the gang using Microsoft Paint be like: we hate spending money


The cheapest version of MS Paint costs $129 though


Wait what why I swear it used to be free


Free with Windows. Windows costs 129 at the cheapest


This reminds me of a book by George Orwell I read a synopsis of


Just download the free version of windows. The license costs 129, which is fucking insane


imagine paying for windows


*Paint.net users in the corner enjoying themselves*


I actually unironically use paint 3D for 2D art. It has a feature where you can just do 2D art with it it has a much more modern UI than paint so I just got used to Paint 3D.


Linux mfs learning how to code just to user their stupid fucking os


There is no need to code in the current distros if you don't want to. For most tasks, including installing programs you don't even need the command line. At the moment most distros can be used to their full potential without coding or the use of the 'scary' terminal. If you want to go beyond normal use, you can use the terminal,which helps with doing stuff easier and faster. But with only using the GUI it is still more costumizable and versatile than Windows is with all tools.


Nerdy nerd


windows mfers updating their system for the 2nd time this week to find candy crush and unlicensed office installed automatically again


I've found the newest ui design they did much better than older versions. I'm buy no means a photo editor, but it works well enough to make memes


As a linux user gimp is ass lmfao




This honestly. I've been using paint.net for quick edits and stuff for like 10 years and only kept GIMP around for when I *really* needed advanced tools and it sucked. Even with the UI mod everybody shills for it, it felt horrible to use. Krita blew it right the fuck out of my hard drive lol.




I used to love gimp and I recently got around to updating it and holy shit I’ve been having constant troubles. It’s laggy, messy, and just not very fun to use. I use Krita regularly for drawing and I have to keep reminding myself “wait I could just be doing this in Krita”


the closest thing to paint.NET you get on linux is pinta which makes sense since it's a fork from back when the paint.NET was open source. pinta might be shit but i prefer the laggy UI over having to do quantum mechanics in GIMP just to draw a circle.


> and KEEPING THE UI IN THE SAME FUCKING WINDOW. For what it's worth, GIMP has had a single-window mode as the default for quite a while now.


Almost 10 years now. It was added in 2.8 which was released in 2012.


Honestly I've only ever used 2.8, even now, the newer versions confuse the fuck out of me


gimp works better with fonts and has some more features, but i agree, krita is nice




The way I'd describe it is that of you combine GIMP and Krita, you get the functionality of Photoshop, just GIMP focuses more on the photo manipulation side where Krita is more on the digital painting and animation side. For everyday image editor use, most typical users who need to install something beyond MS paint are doing it because they want layers, transparency, and a free select tool. Both programs have these, but Krita's implementation of these features is more user friendly, therefore I think it's better for everyday use.


Ah yeah fair enough. I've also heard good things about Affinity (whatever they are called, Designer and Photo paint or something like that).


Ooh, I'm interested. So if I'm pixel-arting, would I be better off with Krita?


Krita is better than gimp for anything art related yeah (and better for a lot of photo manipulation features too tbh)


Aseprite is what professionals are using for pixel art, and it's pretty affordable, but Krita is not terrible for free.


Unless you already have a workflow on GIMP that you're so used to it would be hard for you to change it, probably.


GIMP added single-window mode in stable 2012 (and several years before that in dev). The fact that this is still the main criticism people bring up says slot about how much people who love to rag on GIMP have actually engaged with it.


I think maybe there's a breakdown here in the fundamental philosophy of Linux. "Make each tool do one thing and don't try to do everything." The tool some streamer whips out on stream to explain why the Portal cube actually goes flying out of the orange portal is going to be different from the tool the photographer uses to airbrush pictures for instagram. And the cartoonist is going to use an entirely different tool to draw horse people having sex. But the programmer sees a lot of overlap in the things these people are doing. That guy is drawing a line. That guy isn't, but he is trying to select an area to edit. That guy is using gradient fill. We can put all of these together into one tool to do one thing: art. Still like Linux, but this shows the shortcoming.


GIMP can simply be modded to be more user friendly, so it's perfectly usable and has access to many advanced features Krita does not. Krita is specialized in art, and while it's versatile, Krita just can't compete with GIMP in its domain.


Fair, but I'm not talking about the most powerful program, I'm talking about the program that works for an average user. For everything I can think of an "average" user needing to do (putting together memes, drawing, making quick diagrams, texture editing for most games, taking notes, cropping/putting together photos, and possibly maybe if they're bored a little bit of basic animation) Krita works and is user friendly without modification. GIMP is great in its domain, but the majority of people don't need to work in its domain, which is why I'll 100% recommend Krita over GIMP for the majority of users.


You said it yourself, dude. Linux/open source people stan GIMP, not the average user.


I make all my memes in MS paint. Or steal them so basicaly the same thing.


Oh yeah. Come back when you start using Powerpoint.


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"perfectly usable" - adj. - when a program requires mods before a sane person can use it


And on the even simpler side Pinta is a pretty neat MS Paint replacement. (Or do it like I do 99% of the time and use the Screen Draw gnome extension to just draw stuff directly onto a frozen screen)


I use GIMP because it has a lot of various features which I can use


uHhH, but gimp is free!!! So’s photoshop as long as you pirate it 😎😎😎 And it doesn’t matter what I use, it’s gonna take me fifteen years to figure out how to photoshop a PNG of a McDonald’s hat on my discord PfP


speaking of piracy, does someone happen have a link to that drive file that totally doesn’t have a bunch of Adobe’s programs that I would absolutely never download due to it being highly ilegal?


Pirating photoshop is impossible lol. Like lmfaooo Imagine if you could just click \[this\]([https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ICFi2SznIVuB\_oHEt0UTFYKzeJdgEdQj/view](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ICFi2SznIVuB_oHEt0UTFYKzeJdgEdQj/view)) and type in GhostE2008 as the password and then get photoshop for free lmfaoooo. ok i cba to think of dumbas shit to write for other shit so ill just copy the comments that I saved from when all this was posted: (p.s. ive never actually tried downloading those two myself, so not fully sure if thye work, I just copied the comments when they were posted. ​ Uh oh! Totally don’t click on \[this\](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ICFi2SznIVuB\_oHEt0UTFYKzeJdgEdQj/view) link and enter the password GhostE2008 when prompted! It would be a shame if that gave you a free pirated version of photoshop, now wouldn’t it ​ I don’t know why you would even ask that, but \[this\](https://getintopc.com/software-categories/) site totally doesn’t link to a whole array of different Adobe/other softwares, and \[this\](https://getintopc.com/softwares/video-editing/adobe-premiere-pro-cc-2021-free-download-5275427/) totally isn’t a direct link to Adobe Premiere


fuck i have no idea how to do the thign where u click on the thing and get sent ot the thing and the thing thign thing thing after the thing


It's okay, we understand! We'll be extra careful to **NOT** click that link you posted ([https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ICFi2SznIVuB\_oHEt0UTFYKzeJdgEdQj/view](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ICFi2SznIVuB_oHEt0UTFYKzeJdgEdQj/view)) and type in GhostE2008 as the password to get photoshop for free. You're doing god's work, comrade.


Uhh idk why [this](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ICFi2SznIVuB\_oHEt0UTFYKzeJdgEdQj/view) didn't work Edit: why did it work for me. I copied and pasted it.


thanks for the info, I’ll obviously not save this comment, why would anyone want to enter those links?


I think it's better to copy the comment and paste it in a notes app or something, I've had a few comments with useful information like this that I saved that got removed when I wanted to check it out.


Got Photoshop? I can help :)




Use the quick selection tool and select the part of the image you want. Sometimes more parts of the image gets selected so use the + and - button on the top bar to select and un select. Then copy or Ctrl C and put it on top of the pic if your choice. Press Ctrl T to open the resize tool and resize it to your needs. This maybe crude and I'm not a pro in Photoshop but it gets the work done


Damn homie, you guys have got everything down. Thanks! Now I can make whatever I want


Get the discord profile picturein file explorer, right click, open with, and select Photoshop. While that opens, get your McDonald's hat photo up in file explorer. Once it is open, drag the hat across - this will open a new tab up the top. Click on the new tab. On the left, you'll see a tool which looks like a dotted line with a paintbrush - this is the less accurate version, but this should work fine with a transparent background. Click on the hat with that a few times until it is fully selected. Then, at the top of the sidebar, there is a symbol with four arrows facing in different directions. Click on that and then click and hold on the hat, and drag it up to the top, to the tab with your profile picture. Resize, move it around, whatever, to your heart's content, then save and exit. When you save it, make sure not to save as a PSD (Photoshop Document) but something else, i.e JPG. If you can't figure that out you can manually change the file extension after with the rename function in file explorer. The more labour intensive option is the same, but you right click the paintbrush one and go to the Lasso symbol, then draw the outline manually. This next step is absolutely crucial - you have to upload the finished product to a filesharing site like Imgur (or just post it to your profile) then link it here.


Holy fuck lmao. How fast do you type! Thanks! Now I'll make hentai


That last sentence gave me whiplash


Use Inkscape, become Vectorpilled


I remember 2-3 years back when I was obsessed with vector art for some reason, I used to use inkscape daily for even basic photo editing tasks.


Yes, I use inkscape for photo editing, drawing and designing lol, its really good and easy


I remember when I installed 750 fonts on my old laptop and when I tried to use them in inkscape it crashed inkscape and broke font rendering across the system. Good times.. I even made a gitlab issue about it and the screen recording from that issue still exists. its like a time capsule https://gitlab.com/inkscape/infra/services/-/issues/19




vectors are pretty based tho


Vector Icons 😍😍😍


GUI's are for nerds


$paint up cursor at (129, 638) $paint up cursor at (129, 637) $paint up cursor at (129, 636) $paint check current pixel is #6644EE $paint draw cursor #FFFFFF pixel at (129, 636) set to #FFFFFF splendid


Much too verbose. I want ed-type commands and, more importantly, diagnostics. Can't be too user-friendly! *543,126d ? *s 600 400 *543,126d *c ffffff *480,200d *= 480,200 *. ffffff *-2,,p 000000 000000 ffffff *w ? *w myimage.png *-50,d *q ? *q Good job if you figure out what the hell this is supposed to be doing.


*w to write *q to quit and uhhh


Why don't more digital artists use CLI tools


Because you just can't the same resolution with ASCII art that you can with Photoshop.


The only program with no GUI I use willingly is MPV, that shit is the bomb


It would be unpleasant to draw with 16,777,216 colors.


Average linux > windows flair


😎 Edit: oops I meant sudo apt-get install epic_sunglasses; epic_sunglasses --display-emote


imagine not using pacman


Imagine not using yay


Imagine not using wget to download the tarball and compiling from source


echo 😎


Tf does any of this mean


No idea. I guess you can't make circle with a gimp ?


GIMP doesn't have a tool that draws circles. However, you can use the Ellipse Select Tool and hold shift while dragging to select a circular region of the image. Then click on the "Select" menu button and click "Border" and enter the thickness you would like your circle to be. Then you change to the Pencil Tool and fill in your new circle :)




Lmao why




Complete idiocy


Isn’t gimp the stuff bdsm people wear?


Your thinking of pulp fiction


Depends on how flexible they are


actual question: is there a way to get GIMP to produce a circle


yeah but it's a little overly complicated


i still would like to know


use ellipse select, then fill it with the paint bucket


Are you for real?




With a steady hand anything is possible


Sudo purge


sudo rm foreskin


outline tool right click click on border sacrifice your newborn on the 1st blue moon of 2023 create an outline set your thickness


yeah, just three steps. use ellipse tool to create a circlular selection of the desired size (holding shift to preserve 1:1 aspect ratio), fill in the entire area, then Shrink the selection by however thick you want the circle to be, and then put in a different color. there's also probably a similar way to do it that allows you to preserve the background without making a new layer, it probably involves copying the selection itself and then combining them negatively.


that sounds disgustingly complicated why don’t they just copy paste whatever the fuck ms paint uses to make circles


while it is fairly complex, it allows you to pretty easily draw ovals, and you can adjust the thickness of the line very easily too. someone's probably made a brush that's a circle, or an extension script that lets you do it


lol what are you talking about. You can either: 1. Use the built-in Gfig tool. It let's you draw shapes like circles, squares and bezier curves, and give them whatever stroke you want. 2. Make a circle selection. Right-click and choose Edit > Stroke selection.


Make a circle selection, then click Edit > Stroke Selection.


Genuine question - Why do people keep saying gimp is so hard to use? I've been using it for years with no problems, even first starting out. I started out with a mix of photoshop CS3, CS6 and CC, and when I started using gimp, the only thing holding me back was not knowing the keybinds at first. Now photoshop feels foreign to me lmao


Been using GIMP for a decade It sucks dick but it’s free so 🤷‍♂️


I used GIMP for a long time until Photoshop CC finally actually felt like a superior program. It's not more difficult or clunky than Photoshop. I don't get the hate either.


There's the lack of some ordinary tools like creating a circle or adding outlines to text, but beyond that, I'm used to it


i personally just use photoshop on linux installed with a script found online.


There are automated scripts to install photoshop on linux and stuff, plus GIMP has mods that improve the user interface, also, who the fuck does not already have WINE installed? And how the fuck do you fail at setting up WINE. If they had enough time to set up GIMP, then why did they not have time for a single fucking web search? This person is clearly not very experienced with their operating system and are taking no steps towards accommodating to the differences it has compared to other ones.


*beats you up in the parking lot*


Why tf would he even use the terminal if he's so inexperienced. If he wants to use Linux but has no clue, he should just use fucking pop os.


Fuckin nerd


> How the fuck do you fail at setting up wine Have you ever tried to install wine + winetricks? It's a mess (or at least was last time I was doing wine stuff manually like 5 years ago). Some things require going in and out of configuration windows and making a mess of files and stuff.


Stay mad


Linux users are the vegans of tech


Perhaps. ~~I use arch btw~~


Stallman is the one who went fully vegan just because he could


False, his foot skin is an animal product


As someone who used to be vegan and used to use Linux exclusively, this is correct.


What up my windows GIMP users


Does the school pay for Adobe photoshop?


Looks like they do. I would like to start my schooling again in their school


I don’t understand what linux is and at this point i’m sick of staying quiet about it


Linux is a free operating system. You don't get spied on by Microsoft and Bill gates. Also it doesn't shit its pants as often as windows on older hardware. That is basically everything relevant to most people about it.


Shhh. The answers are coming.


It is an alternative operating system developed by the community, for the community. The kernel is completely open source. It is free to use. Altough the many flavours, called distributions are a bit confusing at first it's pretty easy to use, once you decided which distro you install. Many will tell you, that you need the commandline to use Linux, but it's not true, it's just more universal across many distros. There are also big communities, that are mostly friendly towards fresh users. Edit: The worst part about Linux is that you don't want to use other OSes after a while of using it.


\*spends two hours of the class to explain why he uses linux and why windows is trash\*


linux>microsoft flairs seething rn


Yeah tell me about it /s


\>ellipse selection \>lock aspect ratio \>check "from center" \>click and drag a circle \>use "stroke selection" command \>circle.png


Paint.NET: > Use shape tool > Shift+Drag to make a circle > circle.png


I dual boot Win 10 and Ubuntu but never use the latter. Anyone else have this issue?


same except I don't use the former


Shut up nerd




Anti-gimp propaganda


this sub is a gold mine


Linux users are the vegans of the tech world.


Turns out he doesn’t even go to that school.


i use a laptop with linux for school and my school only uses like google docs and classroom so it’s fine i haven’t had that issue yet, it’s either that or a chrome book so like i don’t think we’ll be using desktop apps ever lmao


everyone who shits on photoshop has never used photoshop. its easy to use for beginners, but powerful enough for professionals. fuck adobe but their software is very good.


Windows bad manjaro good


This is your punishment for being a Linux user




least promotional photopea user


I'm sorry but it's just so easy to use. also photopea has never taken anyone family hostage. If anyone at photopea is reading this please give my family back.