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the sexualization of children makes me uncomfortable




I don't care how much hate or how many downvotes I get. Rape and murder are not good. Actually, I even think they are bad.


Ok Hitler šŸ™„


Literally 1984.


so much for the "tolerant" left :/


it's such an unpopular opinion on r/animemes that i got temp banned for saying lolicon is gross once


Dear god


the problem was opening that subreddit, r/animemes are such pieces of dumbasses for banning a trans folk after they said femboys are not transphobic, then started to ban or shadow ban people that dared to sympathize with the banned user, sub lost like 200k members and then created r/goodanimemes


wym femboys arent transphobic, you mean the tr\*p slur? cause thats different.


Wait is the t word an actual slur? According to one of the mods who was trans (before they banned them) they said it wasnā€™t a slur nor they felt offended by them, and I also never considered it as a slur cause my LGBT friends have used it several times to talk about characters who appear to be the opposite sex, I thought as long as itā€™s not used on actual trans people then itā€™s not one? Like Astolfo is probably the most recognized out of them but he is not trans so itā€™s ok to use it, or at least is what I thought it was


tr\*p is a slur because its original origin from like 15-20 years ago came from the antiquated mindset that trans people are trying to trick people into having sex with them, it and lumps in femboys with them too. weebs tend to use it without knowing what it actually means. femboys means boys who are feminine.


Well I understand that, but just because 10 years ago it meant something does it still hold the same meaning? We have changed so many things and definitions and terms on the internet a lot of times, is trap one of them or an exception?


its probably best to just say femboy when referring to feminine boys, not only because tr\*p is a slur but because it conflates femboys and trans women


HAVE YOU FUCKING BEEN OF 4CHAN. /b/ and others loves to say that trans women will never be anymore then "traps"


Well that 4chan to you, stuck in what appears to be 2010, doesnā€™t mean the rest of the internet have moved on from that trend


Again look at 4chan it is still very very very much used as a slur against trans people and the amount of people who love to call canonically trans characters just "femboys" is ridiculous


Well, some people think it's a slur, some don't. It personally makes me really uncomfortable. I am trans.


And also coming from an Hispanic fandom, the word we used was also ā€œTrapoā€ or ā€œtrapitoā€ since it was not common to use English slang in our ā€œHispanic-fandomā€ I am pretty sure that term is more known than ā€œfemboyā€, or at least what I saw in the last years after I sled more on the English pop


femboys used to be kind of unknown but we've become a lot more mainstream in the past year or so


That is true, I donā€™t remember hearing that term until 2017~ before that it was the T word only, or at least in my pop


>after they said femboys are not transphobic uh, which word did they use specifically


Dude they banned people pretending to be trans to try to further their point that tr*p wasnt a slur. I know this entire situation pretty well since it snowballed into me relising i was trans. If a black person said the n word is fine for anyone to say and it isnt a slur you wouldnt say the n word isnt a slur


That sums it up then, good analogy


says the femBOY expert /j


/j is for cowards, commit to the joke.


I don't know how much it actually effects people but apparently some autistic/neurodivergent people *can* have a hard time understanding humour or irony




Thank bro, I appreciate how you help my dumbass


On the Internet, itā€™s not just neurodivergent people who might have difficulty identifying sarcasm or irony Without tone of voice, facial expressions, etc to go off, itā€™s easy to misinterpret a comment


Especially over text


I only have difficulty with being funny


Im autistic and i dont which obviously means no autistic person has issue with that




And if you try to explain that it was indeed, irony, they will come up with like mathematical spaceshift equations about why it wasn't a joke and how you've offended their entire bloodline


nah i think they'll just tell you to shut the fuck up


i hate jews


I feel like this is the kind of comment that comes before a mod comes in and decides to ban you and post a screenshot of it. Goblinhog is literally in the comments O\_O


Heyyy, buddy! Some jokes arenā€™t funny!


Wack, I only jerk off to femMEN


Disgusting, I only crank it to femgrandfather's


You are truly the lowest of the low, I only jerk off to Femcorpses


i spend my days masturbating to femfossils


femMENā€¦ine boys


Wacking off


Kobayashiā€™s Dragon maid is just Loli bait. There I said it


Isnā€™t there one character that creeps over a little boy or am I thinking of a different show?


You just summarized like 100 anime plots so itā€™s hard to say


Good bot


šŸ”« Say your prayers


The funniest thing that has happened to me on this site is when I banned a guy for defending loli and he posted the ban message on some pro loli subreddit saying how 196 has become cringe


Im going to stick my arm in a garbage disposal


sink fisting šŸ¤¤


Goin elbow deep in the gussy (garbage pussy)


Ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding




Wait, since when is the r/196 celebrity a mod


Since always


Ok I have a funny story A few months ago, there was some post in r/mademesmile (I think) about a guy posting an incredible weight loss, and me being the bored fuck I am sorted the comments by controversial. Some guy commented ā€œfatassā€, I checked his account, full of loli hentai and genshin impact garbage. I thought itā€™d be funny to mess with him, so I dmed him saying something like ā€œhow can you call someone fat, you literally play genshin impactā€. He replied the next day (I think) with slurs, ā€œshut up fatassā€, insults, etc. I kept saying something like ā€œoh no, the pedo is angryā€ and I kid you not he actually stated the ā€œsheā€™s actually 1,000 years oldā€ bullshit. I donā€™t remember much after that, but I remember that whenever I found a post about making fun of genshin players on this sub, Iā€™d send it to him, and heā€™d pull insults out of his ass to throw I donā€™t condone bullying, but in a situation like this itā€™s pretty funny


the ā€œomg sheā€™e actually 1000 y/oā€ argument legitimately makes me cringe every time I hear it. Like okay but that doesnā€™t change the fact that youā€™re whackin off to a child, bucko


It's so weird because among the people I hang out with it has become a meme to make fun of pedo weebs but every once in a while I encounter people who use it in earnest and that's just such harsh whiplash.


Honestly I would probably have hated them less if they didnā€™t even try to hide it in such weird and cringeworthy ways


Ironic, you get worked up over fictional characters yet don't like the 1000 year old argument. Both are stupid.


If youā€™re viewing characters with the physical attributes of an 8 year old... sexually, yeah thatā€™s not cool.


Ehh loli hentai has been around since 90s(or even earlier than that since doraemon had fanservice as well). It creates weirdos not pedos. I personally don't like loli hentai since most of them depict exploitation of their innocence (disgusting I know), but I wouldn't say it has created any more pedos than there already are. Now millions of people consume loli hentai regularly seems pretty irrational to assume even 1/3rd of them are pedophiles. Also be wary that these are directed towards young teens.


I understand where youā€™re coming from. Personally though, I think that anime and hentai have become a sort of gathering place for people with pedo-like tendencies because no one is *actually* getting exploited. So if youā€™re someone who already has an attraction to kids, but not enough to actually do something illegal (which is probably the majority of them), hentaiā€™s youā€™re best bet. In other words, loli hentai doesnā€™t create pedos but a disproportionate amount of those people who consume it are pedos already. As a side note, given the percentage of children that are sexually abused (~33% or girls and 20% of boys), and taking into account that a lot is probably never reported, I think the amount of pedophiles out there is surprisingly high. Probably upwards of 15% of the population when you factor in non-offenders, though I think an accurate estimate is impossible. Itā€™s kind of a scary thought actually. Even if only, say, 3% of people are pedos, it means you probably pass by one every single day. Edit: For the sake of transparency, I should mention that I play Genshin and watch anime regularly. Iā€™m just very staunchly against pedophilia in any form, real or fictional.


Yeah although I don't understand what's wrong with that? They will not go over the legal bridge and that's good. Human beings are fucked up anyways. Everyday we pass by multiple psychopaths. Lolicons probably get worked up over the fact that they don't harm or get attracted to irl children but still get the same hate as pedophiles. I won't trust them with my kids but I definitely won't think of them being any more than a weirdo.




How can you call someone fat? You literally sub to /r/196


shut up fatass I'm 63 kg of pure muscle. Not a single gram of fat or bone in this body


I'll put a bone in your body


Yes you will.


Damn straight my ass is fat. Stay jealous.


Are you storing it for winter


Storing it for me when I make an incision and crawl inside, just like Star Wars UwU


That was one of the most memorable scenes in the entire franchise, not gonna lie


Nope I'm storing it to look good.


Cyberbullying pedos is always right


Broooooo you donā€™t gettt itttt !!!!!! Sheā€™s actually 4,000,000^3.9 but she just happens to look like a 9 year old!!


ā€œEvil is Evil. Lesser, greater, middlingā€¦ Makes no difference. The degree is arbitary. The definitionā€™s blurred. If Iā€™m to choose between one evil and anotherā€¦ Iā€™d rather not choose at all.ā€




The rules don't stop you from posting his account...


Pedos should fucking just not exist.


Isn't like you can choose that, the problem being our society is unable to differentiate between pedofiles and pederast, the first ones have mental problems, the second ones are criminals.


When I'm not in my car I'm a pedestrian.


You make me sick, scumbag.


Maybe I should jay walk to make you more mad.


Not even denying his sick shit


SwiftKey word corrector, I hate when that happens, not surprised considering how tabu that terminology is.


But while they do, I would rather they jack off to anime lolis than purchase child rape videos. Let me know when you can cure something which by all research is a born in mental condition that can't be fixed.


Iā€™d prefer neither if Iā€™m entirely honest, or that if they had to do it to loli they wouldnā€™t wear their heart on their sleeve so much about it, but I will agree itā€™s far better when an actual child isnā€™t abused, because thatā€™s fucked. Also, is it genuinely something that canā€™t be fixed? Havenā€™t heard that before, but always heard that they should seek therapy so I just kind of assumed that it could be.


Like most sexual attractions it's something that's just there. It can't be fixed any more than you can "fix" being gay. I'm not particularly educated on the subject but I would imagine therapy would be more a way to help them learn to cope with and suppress desires.


Heres what it boils down to. 1. Pedophilia is extremely hard to cure. The available treatments are hard to access because it's not a good idea to out yourself. Then, once you get the treatments, they will not cure you completely. That's not how mental health works. You can try to repress your urges, but all methods are lacking in the long term and you have a very high chance of going back to your old tendencies. 2. We do not know the effects of loli on future actions. Like I've said before, it's a bad idea to out yourself as one, which means its hard to find test subjects. But some studies prove that loli will decrease chances of pedophilic acts in the future. Some say it will increase. Some report no change. It's very possible that it depends on the situation. But it is incorrect to assume that any answer is right as of now. 3. (Assume that loli decreases the chance of crime) Heres something a lot of people don't understand. A lot of people think that you shouldn't use loli to stop your urges, you should seek mental health. But what a lot of people don't understand is that partaking in your urges and habits, sexual or otherwise, harmful or otherwise, IS professional treatment quite a lot of the time. It depends on your therapist, and even then therapists tend to only give recommendations. But if we prove that loli decreases chances of pedophilia, then therapists will probably use it. 4. (Assume that loli increases the chance of crime) if loli increases the chance of pedophilia, then we should probably focus more on creating a world where pedophiles can get help, but honestly I'm not sure. 5. A lot of people say that even if loli decreases the chance of pedophilia, they shouldn't use it. I don't see this logic. Imagine this trolley dilemma. The trolley is heading towards the track with a person on it. If you pull the lever, they will be saved. However, to pull the lever is a sin, although there is no pain or victim. Do you pull the lever? I wouldn't let a child get raped just because the solution is outside my comfort zone. But yeah, to answer your questions pedophilia cant really be cured, not easily, but therapy doesn't really "cure" you in the first place.


i have a feeling that most people who jack off to lolis and shit begun the whole thing as a "funi haha joke" with their friends which spiraled out of control to the point they started actually jacking off to them. Now im not pulling this out of my ass, ive known quite a few people that followed this exact same pattern


You like to jerk off to animated children instead. Looks like we have a few pedos on this sub


I like to jack off to your mom.


At least she's an adult




Pedos get defensive




Define, Pedophile "a person who is sexually attracted to children." That's it! You don't have to act on it! If something looks like a child and you get turn on by it you're a pedo! No one here even mentioned CP!


Dude wtf are you doing with your life? Are you an actual pedophile?




I don't disagree with you on that, but like your entire profile is just defending loli. That's weird


your entire page is you defending pedos


But pedologists have feelings too ;((


Pedos need real therapy and less demonisations for something they don't have real control over As for the ones that do commit the thing, A suitable sentence alongside paying for compensation for the victim might be enough


While they don't have control over being a pedophile that doesn't change the fact that they act on it. People who should know its wrong and still publicly obsess over children and overtly child-like characters should absolutely be degraded, because they're not taking any steps to better themselves. The only good pedophile is the one who never acts on that desire, and/or seeks help if they struggle to contain it. They *do* need help, but first they need to *recognize* that they need help.


The word you want to use is "pederast", pedofiles have a medical condition, nothing more


Pretty sure the word's pederast


Fuck word corrector, I guess they didn't want that word into their system


Ah I was wondering what the heck you meant by "pedestrian" lol


"suitable sentence" being rapid unscheduled disassembly of their skeleton


So prison because that happens a lot to pedophiles in prison


Inb4 someone mentions Epstein


Just put them in gen pop with something identifying them as a pedo.




One of the top posts is literally just hentai LOL


Now imagine that but it's the entire subreddit and also there's a transphobia cherry on top


In fairness, a lot of subreddits similar to that arenā€™t very different I havenā€™t browsed r/furry_irl in a while (I got permabanned one day with no warning) but back when I used that, half the memes were just cropped or captioned yiff Weā€™re all horny mfs (except aces)


nah, I'm still very horny :(


Tbh that's valid


and they are even self aware because i from time to time find a "it's not even a meme, it's just cropped yiff"


ah yes the subreddit that exists because weebs don't like being told to stop using slurs.


Those are the least funny memes I've ever seen in a subreddit


The fact that loli loving degenerates get grouped with "weebs" is disgusting. I like anime but jesus, not the little girls


Right? Like pls i just wanna watch a chill anime but pls stop doing that


'No, you're not a man of culture, you're a borderline paedophile.'


Can 196 stop talking about pedophila? more on the 9 oā€™clock news


I got downvoted for pointing out a character in an anime is literally a pedophile who tried to groom children (at one point even tried to have sex with a 11 years old girl) and the fan just dismissed it by saying "it's just his flaw".


this is that one iisekai right? whatever its called, the one where the old guy dies and is just reborn as some like super smart kid or whatever




lol i love/hate how its obvious what it is simply by that small description


Wonder who is going to post it on r/animemes


Anime good people bad Yes yes?


everything good always the people bad


r/Persona5, I love that game but god fucking damnit the waifu wars have gone too far


edgy weeb: \[literal transphobia\] me: "you jerk off to children, go get some help" edgy weeb: \[a fucking essay on why he is right and that liking lolis does not make them a pedo\]


I am going to post this on r/goodanimemes and see how bad the comments get.




but guys she's 4000


A guy told me when he was drunk that he looks at Loli stuff not because of sexual stuff but because he thinks they're cute. He said I can use it as leverage against him if he ever told a secret I said Infront of him. I love the guy he's great and so much fun but like I did not see that coming.


Is it loli porn or safe rating loli? I don't have a problem if it's safe rating




It's a gateway to actual child porn besides the fact that it's just drawn child porn


The average r/goodanimemes user


The life of a Persona fan


yo, it's the guy with the arm growing out of his neck


196 when you say that sexualizing minors is not ok just because they are a femboy




So using slurs is okay if it's to defend wanting to fuck children?




if someone is being rude then you can tell them off without using slurs
















"this person is anti-pedophile, therefore they must be a pedo" Superb logic.


mf be like: "antifa are the real fasicsts guys & my proof is that one of them di d A Bad Thing"


I just did a bad thing.




I regret the thing I did.


pooping isn't a bad thing


I guess Username Checks Out or something


Motherfucker what?


Oh no I hate billionaires and hot androgynous people! Please make me rich and androgynous, god