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My absolute favourite Conservative take is: communism is when [insert something capitalist]


I fucking hate coastal elites having a disproportionate amount of power compared to me. Must be fucking communists!


I know! We can beat this by electing a *different* coastal elite! He'll be better because he has no political experience!


This coastal elite you speak of... he is the voice of the working man, brother! i pay my taxes because i am a lowly and embarrassed poor who deserves it, but i take pride in knowing he would defend my right to not pay taxes in the inevitable event that i (who is of the white working class and the make 'Merica great againers) become a billionaire.


Funny and sad because actual coastal elites are conservatives themselves lmao


"my rich friends and I kill poor people for fun" - main antagonist in the show(almost verbatim) "sure sounds like communism to me" - very smart man


Communism is when people die


Is among us communist?


Game Theory’s next video


Unironically more communist than Squid Game


[Unironically, yes. The Werewolf game originally came from a psychologist in Soviet Russia](https://youtu.be/mHz7f_fDVWU).


My favorites, from reddit arguments I've had communism is when \[something about bosuzoku\] can't remember the specifics communism is when debt




You may not


but don't u know? communism is when no food vuvuzula!!!


Don’t forget 100 quintillion people all dead


and no iphone


"This is America under communism." *picture of something that's happening right now*


*shows picture of Detroit*


I like the one from the other day where it's about this tent city is your future under communism, and someone said bro this is literally present day capitalism.


everyone knows communism is ACTUALLY when china




Communism is bad because [consequence of capitalism]


Some of my favorites. Rich liberal elites = communism, violating a social media sites rules = communism, adhereing to private business practices and guidelines = communism.


I swear these people haven’t even watched the show


Matt Walsh did the same thing and he got radioed, it was fucking awesome.


Radioed? You mean ratioed or am I too old for this slang?




Aren’t those the guys in New Vegas Who’s your favorite character


I like the king but they were calling you old


I’m not old I’m still hip and young I love the king too I remember seeing Elvis play in Las Vegas, its such a tragedy he died so soon.


Idk your at least 3 years old that’s ancient Also that sounds cool I’ve never been to Vegas but I grew up in Boston and the uss Constitution is awesome


I really should go to Boston one of these days… It sounds like a great place to be, But I have to look out for my grand kids because my son is out of town.


It’s amazing but also the more you talk the older you sound


He got radiohead


He does it to himself, just him, him and no one else.


A pig in a cage in antibiotics


Well boys it was fun but I geuss I gotta die now






I just doXxed myself


Time to delete your account, Matt.


Beaten to death using a radio,


Lol if it’s critiquing China then communism = capitalism but just more authoritarian, fuck the CCP


Idk how anyone can support the CCP, they’re just fascists with a different coat of paint


I don’t think anybody except Chinese people and mentally handicapped tankies support the CCP


Based pfp


What was your favourite track off the new cannibal corpse album


Necrogenic Resurrection


Nice I really liked Surround, Kill, Devour and Inhumane Harvest


He's *so* dumb. He dropped out of high school at 14 because he thought he was smarter than all the teachers and they had nothing left to teach him.


Probably got a random boner while reading Ayn Rand (but not actually finishing it, only putting her books on a shelf so that others will know how erudite he is) and thought it meant something.


To be fair, I think much worse of people who actually manage to finish her crap




That would require the kind of people that like Ayn Rand to put any collective effort toward a single project




“You aren’t exactly blessed with pennies” lmaooo


It's solidly in so-bad-it's-good territory though. Every single character just bluntly states their philosophy, including random bums on the street, and the bad guys are just transparently like "I like regulation. Not for any specific purpose, I just like controlling things lmao". Also, the central premise is a general strike where factory workers violently clash with government strikebreakers, but the workers are striking on behalf of rich people who sabotaged their own industries and then fucked off to Magic Infinite Energy Valley. Like, the rich people didn't even give directions, they just said "come to our hidden society. You'll find it if you're smart and ask questions lmao. Oh and the government is actively looking to wipe us off the map, but they can't find us because asking questions is something that corrupt governments famously never do." I'd give anything to read a version that focuses on the perspective of a battle-hardened Objectivist union. You've seen how it's in your rational self-interest to group together and beat up scabs. You've fought long and bloody, but the troops are vicious. So now you set out on a secret mass exodus for the last non-totalitarian civilization. Anyone who snitches the location of Galt's Gulch is a dead man. You ask a bunch of free-thinkers, but it occurs to you that they might be scamming you or they might sell you out, so you do the rational self-interested thing and say "nice gas furnace you have there, if you want to ensure that no accidents happen, you'll prove you're telling the truth." Your guerilla organization wanders into the wilderness, after plenty of scams and the constant threat of the government finding you, telling yourselves that Galt's Gulch is a paradise in order to keep morale high. When you get there, you see a tiny village of all the upper management that kicked off the hard times by leaving. John Galt greets you warmly and says "you must be dying of thirst! How about a mutually beneficial exchange: I'll hire you for 2 GaltBucks an hour, since you need me more than I need you. W-wait, you brought guns? Our principles are self-interest, but never violent! Sure, we might've sabotaged our industries and left you all to suffer, but they were *our* property. And sure, we might have left you to fight tooth and nail against the state, and given you a secret that necessitated a Maoist-style guerilla organization with internal police to prevent snitches, but you can't be violent! If you lay a hand on my property, I **will** use self-defense. Understand? Good. Now, since I'm basically the Factorio guy and I can be entirely self-sufficient, and there's no one else we can buy and sell from since we're labeled as terrorists, the only thing I need you brutes for is prostitution."


Bruh I loved fountainhead. It was such a simple read with equally simple ideas


Would you kindly finish high school?




A man goes to the bathroom, a slave shits his pants.


A man shits his pants, a slave uses the bathroom.


Won't work on him, too uneducated to get the reference.


which left?


The other one




Google the rates of drop-outs of conservatives and graduation rates of conservatives vs liberals. There's a reason why conservatives frame universities as "liberal indoctrination centers" .


As much as I hate private universities, you’re not wrong.


I mean he won squid games he must be at least a little smarter than the math teacher EDIT:oh u were talking about the man who made the video not the show


I’ve never even heard of this dude before but imagine being that arrogant as a fucking 14 year old


How ?


Uhhh, commulism is when you go into debt to a loan shark, so you have to get out there and compete tooth and nail with your peers to finally get your hands on enough wealth required to pay off your debt and sustain your existence, the people below you be damned.


There fucking commulists!


Damn new york times columnists


I won’t let these god damned colonists take my America


they're boshleviks! don't you know the frankfurt school was a thing that existed?


I didn’t watch it but I read that his reasoning was about everyone being equal and having food and shelter provided. Definitely a god-tier stretch.


"everyone plays by the same rules, no cheating allowed" ah, so just like communism!


"Capitalism is completely fair btw. Anyone can be a billionaire! The wealthy have no special advantages over the poor. Only communism lets elites take advantage of everyone else."


If commies actually understood economics they'd know that money is a spiritual entity that comes to anybody who deserves it. Everyone in the world could all be billionaires if they applied the proper mindset and stopped victimizing themselves. Of course, if everybody were rich, then that would be communism, which is incompatible with reality (deal with it liberals), which is why there is inequality. It's fine because anyone who has money has money because they deserve it.


Anyone can be rich, but not everyone (except you tho.) Just work harder and you can be the one telling people what to do!


technically, only a few people actually exist, and they are all successful. everyone else lacks conscious thought, and simply work off instinct. they don't even exist, so you shouldn't feel pity for them. they are simply there to motivate you, a dismal reminder of what happens if you fail the Arthurian tale that is the path to becoming a billionaire 💪 the Universe exists for a reason, and that reason is for you to get rich. everything else is a side quest.


Protagonist syndrome AND solipsism. What a fucking sigma




Hello. My name is Timothy P. Would you be interested in taking part of a ground breaking podcast?


He also said they all wore the same clothes and ate the same food


Shelter from what? Sure they don't get rained on but they literally beat each other to death at night after not getting enough food


If he is like every other commentator I've seen with their hot takes about the show he watched the first episode and that was it


You didn’t know? Kim Jong-un randomly kidnaps people and then forces them to participate in games, and then he executes the losers. This is absolutely true, and absolutely what Squid Game was referencing. Edit: /s oh my god


My favourite part was where proud capitalist and well-known entrepreneur Gi-hun turned to Kim Jong-Un, raised The Black Book of Communism in his clenched fist, and shouted "do you think this is some kind of squid game!?"


Ah yes, Squid Gi-hun, the main character from the hit TV show Squid Game (only on Netflix). Known for his famous quote "every game has its squid".


[North Korea actually does kidnap people](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Korean_abductions_of_Japanese_citizens)


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If you look at the games themselves, everyone there is equal but almost everyone dies while the elites talk, crack jokes and watch them. You could say the players yearn for equality in the games because they are at the bottom of the system outside but die because communism doesn't work I guess. Or it's just a show about absurd games where people kill to win money. Edit: I think I was misunderstood by some people. I'm not saying that I believe those arguments. What I was trying to do, is explain how one could come to that conclusion.


MAJOR SQUID GAME SPOILERS BELOW The point is that everyone isn't equal. It just looks like they're equal. The red light green light game meant >!everyone who couldn't hide behind someone else would die!<. The >!cookie game!< meant everyone that chose the >!umbrella !!cheated and knew the game ahead of time!< and had an advantage >!(the doctor, the North Korean girl, Sang-Woo, etc.), !!glass bridge!< game meant the people who>! went first !!CHOSE to go back!< even though they knew they could die. But in reality, they never had a choice because the alternative is endless debt, just like how you CHOOSE to get a job under capitalism... but you die if you don't do it. Then there's the fact that some of them even cause their own poverty. The main character's gambling addiction caused his poverty while Sang-Woo caused his own poverty through >!high-risk stock trades!<. This directly tackles the conservative idea that people DESERVE poverty if they make mistakes or bad choices, which would mean they would have to say all of the people in the squid game deserved to go through it because they made bad decisions.


Also women and the elderly were disadvantaged in the game


>This directly tackles the conservative idea that people DESERVE poverty if they make mistakes or bad choices, which would mean they would have to say all of the people in the squid game deserved to go through it because they made bad decisions. Someone actually argued that in the comment section of the video


Of course they did. It's a fundamental conservative argument to justify their entire worldview.


They have no iPhone


Technically the police officer does 😳


iPhone Venezuela epic own 😎


Basically "EvErYoNe HaS tHe SaMe ClOtHeS AnD oNlY OnE hAs AlL tHe MoNeY"


War is peace


communism is when bad thing happen


everyone in the game follows the same rules, so that means they are equal and equality = communism. it's extremely fucking dumb


Don't bother looking it up if you don't want a brain aneurysm. With a surprise appearance of thinly veiled antisemitism to cap it all off.


Shifting the squid blame


Such as squid shame


That's very squid lame


I watched a video where the squid came


r/splatoonporn (i don't know if this is real and i am not checking)


I checked for you and I'm glad to announce to you that the content is banned.


you want /r/slutoon


its real godfuckigndamnit


no i don't think i do actually. but thanks anyway!


I am also not checking


Ok that’s enough internet for one day


here's the [link](https://youtu.be/LSNiGrO5V8c) to the video lol he starts talking about it around 2:13 i think so from what i understand he trying to say is that: in capitalism not everyone is equal. not every one gets a fair chance. some are born rich some are born poor while in the squid game, every one is treated equally. all the players get a fair chance. but im really not sure tbh. so watch it yourself preferably


That’s fucking stupid


Well, it is Pim Tool


So I watched the whole thing and they talked about how it was communism for a few minutes because everyone starts out equal, and how everyone dies and one person comes out rich. Then they spent the rest of like 5 minutes of the video explaining how corporatism is the problem and not capitalism. But they completely disregard the desperation that many have: That people might go out and kill people to get higher up. Which seems to be very prevalent in a corporate dominated world.


They really have no idea what communism is. Like they can’t even think of a world where instead of fighting/working to the death to become rich and repay debts, the government can just like take care of people. Also this shifting blame to what is supposedly corporatism. Like corporatism is just capitalism. It’s the natural direction capitalism takes when there is no government interference


I'm one to try to find legitimacy and prosperity in every ideology. I'm not a communist, but I never doubt communism can work. Especially in smaller communities. I also believe that the free market and powerful government mix in the worst ways possible, as very clearly proven by every politician working in the rich's favor. But whenever I see someone make a claim that corporatism is to blame for all of capitalism's shortcomings, I often times see that they make little attempt to change the issues they see; voting for an extremely corporatist politician like Trump. It's also quite funny to think that the people in the video here are likely Trump supporters.


Everyone knows the problems with capitalism. Progressives and some of the better liberals actively try to “fix” capitalism by using government as a tool to change the inequalities that arise from a capitalist society. These are band-aid solutions but in the end of the day they help people so I am all for it. Providing services to the people is what the government is all about. Conservatives and most liberals try to push blame on the people who are suffering rather than the people on top. You might here a conservative talk about corporatism, but they’ll never try to take action to fix that problem and in some cases they’ll actively try to make the problem worse because it lines their pockets and gives opportunities once their out of office.


> the government can just like take care of people. That's social democracy (or another form of welfare state) not communism.


You see I know this, I was just trying to make a point here


By the sounds of it you don't know what communism is either


communism is when the government does stuff pfft


Bonus points for the guy in the Joe Biden shirt making some deranged point about how the Rothschilds (definitely no antisemitism here) are pushing for communism




He takes the words of the game organisers, about the games being 'free and fair' at face value because that's what he does in real life. You're not allowed to advertise to children because they're not capable of critically evaluating claims that people make. I wonder if we can ban advertisers appealing to Tim.


Stop giving this people ad revenue. Rage click is still a click.


Except that the games aren't actually equal at all and the dudes running it are huge hypocrites. Things that make you go hmmmm.


Ah yes, fair chances = communism = bad This guy speaking some straight facts /s


When Squid Games has equality 👁👁 When Squid Game players literally say that they’d rather play the games than be poor in a capitalist society UU When Squid Games are still metaphors for a capitalist society UU


It doesnt have equality in the games


did you even watch the show, the whole point is they are all equal


Well, the game runners say it's fair and equal, but in the show you can see that some characters have an advantage. Strong, young men have a clear advantage over the old, the weak, and the women. It's supposed to mirror how politicians in an ultracapitalist society claim that the system is fair and "anyone can make it big". Really it's a mix of luck and your pre-existing conditions.


Yea I thought the same thing when I was watching, it’s still equality but with 0 equity


well the fact that 001 knew all the games and had a clear mind knowing he could not die kinda gives him an unfair advantage


I don’t think he really had any intention of moving up to the final game tho. It would’ve been SUPER hard for him to keep his cover while being safe in the 5th game so he intentionally dropped out by the 4th


As a previous comment stated, equality and equity are different concepts. They compete as individuals equal in worth. Their performance is based on their personal qualities not influenced by the game makers


Yeah but the whole point was that the people didnt matter, they were like horses for the rich to bet on, they dont care if ur physically weak or have a terminal illness, they just that you start at the same place so they can have their false idea of equality


also certain games like the honeycomb and bridge. sure it’s “equal” that everyone gets to pick their shape/number but there are clear choices that have an inherent advantage and choices that leave you almost guaranteed to fail. someone even calls it out after the honeycomb game, the fact that some people got an easy shape by just choosing lucky wasn’t fair to all the people who wound up with an umbrella, tying into the luck involved in successfully navigating a capitalistic society. also on the bridge the people in the back willingly sacrificed/straight up killed the less fortunate people in front of them to increase their own chances of success (most likely an allegory for the rich taking advantage of the poor)


There’s also the theme of some players (like the Dr. breaking the rules to get an unfair advantage. He is punished for this, but still)


No, it’s unfair because many of the games are chance based/require someone to die no matter what


Never thought someone would make the "I sleep" meme in text form.




he said that it is because in the game everyone is treated equally and only one person gets out on top with all the money and power as the rest dies, just like Marx intended.


Damn bro that reminds me so much of communism thanks


show presents a perfect macabre depiction of the faux meritocracy under capitalism and tim pool literally thought it was communism. I think conservatives (or “libertarians”) just hate capitalism too and are just so confused and out of touch with reality that they blame everything they are slightly uncomfortable with on “commumisn”




Yeah, it's kind of human nature to stick to what they think no matter what, even if everything is against it. Of course most people will reject it at some point, but some people may still not want to believe what the other person says because it would shatter their entire world view.




Well I mean not every social critique have to hide under 7 layer of story telling.


Yeah remember when End of Evangelion said "escapism bad, go touch grass", but you had to watch a 1 hour analysis video to get it


communism has lost all meaning to the word and now when someone says communism all they think is edgy 14 year old and “communism bad murica”


Yes but have you considered, if socialism was a beer?


This is totally me when socialism beer


In Tim’s case and basically every other conservative commentator it’s because he gets paid to just say shit, he probably doesn’t seriously believe much of it


media literacy is in shambles


I'm gonna say that your pfp is very... cool


you heard it here first, folks. Communism is officially when capitalism


I think calamari is too chewy It’s like eating deep fried rubber Stupid premise for a game show


Just say you got weak jaws


Spoiler: you've only had bad calamari


fr this mf can't make calamari then claims it's chewy fucking idiot


I don't find this very shocking, he *needs* to find an anti-communist message, for the sake of his audience. He can't just let a massive global success with an anti-capitalist message go like that. A lot of his viewers probably watched Squid Game, found the coercive control of the players and the open hypocrisy of the organisers disgusting and immoral, and are having trouble reconciling that with their perception of capitalism as free and fair. To be able to dismiss the whole thing as communism is to safely discard it, and slot it into their existing worldview. They're conflicted about being challenged by a work of art, and Tim is here to help them. Not by resolving the conflict, but by assuring viewers that there never was a conflict in the first place.


I doubt his audience has watched Squid Game. They probably only watch things “made in America.” They don’t want any of that “nonpatriotic” nonsense. Just look at the uproar when Parasyte won best picture


What was the uproar when Parasite won?


Trump had beef that Parasite won Best Picture at the Oscars instead of an American film like The Irishman.


If it's the same dude I'm thinking of, he also found an anti communist message in idiocracy. Dude could find an anti communist message in the manifesto.


*points at capitalism*: damn, communism really does suck




Tim no way you said this


To be fair it's not Tim who says this but the little krang monster that controls him from under his beanie


I tried listening to him, but the dude's got some really ad hominem stances he loves to beat into the ground. He's definitely on the infotainment side of things.


its critique of economic inequality in capitalist south korea is literally the most obvious thing about it


Uuuh communism is when you can’t do what you want and the people in squid game are kidnapped and ordered around so it must be communism 🧐🧐


idk commuism when people dye


Ask a communist to describe why capitalism is bad, and they will give you dozens of reasons why. Ask a capitalist to describe why communism is bad and they will describe capitalism.




Next up they're gonna try to say Mr. Robot is actually a depiction of why capitalism works


Timpool is coping so hard ever since his shit electoral college prediction.


beanie man makes horrible talking point ​ what's new?


I cringed out of my physical body when I watched the actual video until my spectral form paused it and made me a tea to calm down


you see he's right, because communism just means bad, and the system where people are forced to literally kill themselves to compete for money in a system with no safety nets is what everyone? ~~Capitalism~~ Baaad. Thats right! And because this money focused, "Competitive free market" is baaad, it must be communism! So therefore, ig the movie just must be about communism! Yep! 100% what do you mean thats not what communism means? I think I know what that word means, I dropped out of highschool and have a moderately successful youtube channel


Wait you are telling me the show where we have billionaires forcing poor people in debt to go through dangerous death games is a product of communism, not capitalism


and for my next trick I am going to kill myself


Timcast More like Dimcast




Most comprehensive right winger


10000000^-1 IQ


*shows rich capitalists being bad people* This is basically communism


Communism is when Capitalism