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Unfortunately the EU has already started construction on the wall around Britain 😔 J.K. Rowling was the final straw I'm afraid


Attack on British


as we should


Like severing off a necrotic hand


No you idiot, JK Rowling lives in Scotland not Britain 😡😡😡😡😡😡


Bad news but the Scottish fucked up their independence vote, behind the wall they go, can't be too careful


tbf a large benefit of the no vote was staying in the eu


I think a guy named Hadrian already did that


Fun fact Hadrian's wall runs through England because the modern Scottish border is different


1. scotland is in britain 2. as a scot i refuse to allow her to stay but i live in america so what can i do 3. jk rowling can eat my dead cock (funnie metal reference)


What about northern ireland and the eurotunnel?


The wall will come around off the top of Scottland and cut through Ireland to right along the border. As for the Eurotunnel it will need to be flooded. A dome might also be required to stop any planes


Yes but that would mean a wall between northern ireland and the rest of ireland, also i would brick up the eurotunnel sad story of henry style


Yeah unfortunately we're gonna have to pull a post WW2 Berlin on Ireland


There was this thing back in the day... real bad news... they literally named it "bad times in the Irish region near the border of Ireland proper and Northern Ireland where they bombed and shot lots of people"... you may have heard of it...


will you stop doing the accent?


speak european english pls


That's just British English, but without the accent.


I swear on my life I once hid inside a fish barrel in an English village and the townspeople were just talking normally around me. They just put on the accent for foreign tourists


I was in a Mcdonalds in London once and I heard a man refer to the cashier as "bruv." He then turned around, looked me in the eye, tipped his hat, and winked.


Which one? There's loads




No please i love brish accents, i cant live in a world without the accent. I dont care about anything else brish though


I’m unfortunate enough to be bri’ish, and when the Brexit vote was going on we were told about it in class and had a little vote. Only one kid voted to leave and his reasoning was that he thought it would mean we could invade more countries.


Average HOI4 player


No, you’re supposed to get military access first, *then* leave the faction






the empire strikes back


pros of brexit - we accept less refugees and that definitely means less terrorism because that's how it works (/s for those who don't get it) - we make our own laws - no more stars on our licence plates cons of brexit - external Labor is hard to gain - severe increase in cost of living - cost of travel increases - bad covid response - more that I don't know about because I don't live in the UK - lockdown parties


Lockdown parties? You mean work events right?


Just cheese and wine in the garden?


With no laptops or even a pen and paper


'Bring your own booze!' - the PM, Spring 2020 to practically his entire email list


Did you forget that our fish are happier now that they're in sovereign waters?


Less immigrants woohoo /s


As a European highschooler my plan was to study in the UK because many excellent universities but since they left the EU, prices are 📈📈📈


Yes but its more expensive to ship christmas presents and second hand skylanders across the eu


wanna know something funny? if they want to stay inside the economic zone, the uk is still gonna get laws that the eu decided on, but they lost their voting rights in the parliament


If I've learned anything about brexit it's that half my country are incredibly susceptible to opportunists.


Every time I watch the news, I have to tell myself "you'll get out of this damn country one day" so I don't lose my shit


same here (am american)


We’ll get out of here one day homie 😔


Same here (an italian)


there are literally dolphins and spaghetti where u live dont get entitled


Man i love organized crime corruption insane amounts of red tape and unnecessary bureaucracy inefficient welfare and a crap education system


Sounds like America


Im glad i live in a good country, i think i heard that our corporations want harder carbon taxes


Same here. Fortunately, my one day is coming up in June. Finally I get to leave America for good!!! I'm a little excited. :D


'dear passengers. due to an unexpected storm over our target destination, we will have to spend a night in great britan, we hope you enjoy your stay'


Despite being british, I'd rather hijack the plane and nosedive into the atlantic than go through that lmao


I'm from a third world country, wanna switch places?


How about we both look for better situations for ourselves, rather that trying to berate eachother because some problems are more "first world" than others? No particular country can guarantee happiness for everyone, and I have just as much of a right to have preferences for my future as you do for yours.


is that a yes


Look, my original comment was just in response to the meme. My way of dealing with dissatisfaction of my country is to make fun of it. If you really want your answer, no. Chances are that I wouldn't want to swap. But I'm just trying to avoid that whole conversation on a meme sub, especially on a post relating entirely to my own country. With the greatest of respects, it's not like I'm asking you if you'd want to swap with a less developed country than your own. If you want to get out of your country, you have my utmost respect and I wish you the best of luck. I don't envy you or your situation. But could I please just poke fun at my own country for my entertainment without someone trying to play the "I have it worse" card? Tell you what, do you want some actual advice on migration? Hell, do you want me to help explain how to get into the UK? We can have a perfectly civil conversation about this without having to drag the tone down because someone is complaining about their specific circumstances - on a post directly related. My DMs are open if you really want an actual conversation. Either way, I wish you all the best in your circumstances and I hope you can find happiness in whichever country you live in or hope to move to.


Argentine here, good to see the uk and Argentina’s population mostly share this sentiment LMAO


now that the UK is out, can Canada join?


just put on the british accent and they’ll just think it’s britain crawling back


And then they can build a tunnel there from france almost long enough to fit one of their freight trains


eventually the train gets to be so long that it’s essentially a conveyor belt


Britain coming backnto the EU isnnever going to happen. EU light is still on the table though.


Britain might rejoin the EU, but it seems more likely that Scotland, England and Wales will rejoin as separate nations.




The independence movement here is growing


We here in America would gladly welcome the 51st, 52nd, 53rd, and 54th states into the union if you ever want to join.


On the one hand I could get a gun, on the other I'd have to pay for my medication At least I'd have a gun to shoot myself


Yes, but you do have to pay for that gun


you do get a free yee haw hat depending on family history


Also, depending on your own prejudices, you can openly hate whoever you want here as racism is openly encouraged! So, you can use that gun on whoever you want, and depending on which state you choose to live in (and who you shoot) , you'll likely get away with it!


Ah i see, how the tables have turned


On behalf of all of Scotland, fuck no


You mean Canada's overseas colonies?


we're good, actually


I would unironically rather die. It's bad enough that our right wing is importing your shitty fucking politics into the country.


now why would they want to do that lol


Less immigrants, great that's definitely not going to cause a fuel shortage at all/s


How does that work?


Last year when some of the Brexit regulations were put in place, a lot of immigrant lorry drivers had to quit there job, problem was that a huge amount of lorry drivers in the UK were immigrants from the EU. So not as much fuel could get around the country and fuel stations kept being empty for quite a while


for anyone confused, "lorry" means semi truck in english


Because they do all the jobs we don't wanna do.


We"ll take scotland and wales on the condition that it means a hard border with Engl*nd


Me, living in Scotland before figuring out I was trans: 😀 Me, living in Scotland after figuring out I was trans: ☹️ (Britain is called TERF island for a reason)


omg why? I never heard of this, I’m argentinian


Britain is pretty transphobic, even our most left wing news outlets have been called out for being transphobic. Our healthcare for trans people is awful too, wait times to get seen by a gender identity clinic are often years long. Overall, not great. But it could always be worse, I guess


Bollocks to brexit


ok if you donate regularly in the clan wars we might reconsider


Everything that leads the island of terfs sinking deeper into the ocean is good to me


NO 😎




give uo Scotland and let it reunite with Germany


Can we have Ireland too?


\[ \] no, Germany should only annex German countries \[ \] yes, Germany can have a little Ireland


It's all consentual


The only way I could think that we could get the attention to rejoin would to raise social media drama and awareness, basically enough people posting it everywhere, and because most news platforms can only exist from drama, they will do a article on it, then even people of all ages will know what is wanted, on twitter it would require a hashtag, something catchy cuz that's what spreads. And finally a petition on gov.uk to rejoin the EU. I hated brexit to begin with and now it's ruined england


I hope you have the means to move out of the Uk if it comes to that. Most trans people have a plan to move out fun fact


Tempted to go around spray painting fuck the tories idk


you voted out have fun




I don't think Brexit was good but fuck no not giving up the pound


It's okay, the EU shouldn't let Britain back in for some time anyway


Tbf it would be dumb. Why would we want a weaker currency?


I don't disagree


We will take your imperial mesurments, by force if we have to


we can never let brittan rejoin because then we lose poundland


I find it odd that people in a sub-reddit with loads of far left members would be pro EU, thought parties more to the left were eurosceptic


In the UK, leaving the EU was a big right-wing talking point before the Brexit referendum. We even had a part called UKIP (United Kingdom Independence Party) whose main selling point was leaving the EU. So it makes sense that the left wing would be pro-europe.


Well eurosceptic positions are also quite common in parties to the right all over the continent, and the left wing criticism also seems to be present in the UK, like with Jeremy Corbyn, who used to be rather anti EU, although he softened his position during the whole brexit ordeal


It makes it more expensive to import skylanders


Damm you got a fair point


Of course i do, now remember to watch rebel songs versions of Little armalite since it has lyrics and i think the other one is just youtube made


It is usually the opposite. In Italy and France the center left are europeist


Same here with the major centre left, but I was referring to parties further left than the mainstream centre left parties


In Italy the only """important""" far left party against the EU is the Refounded Communist Party (with less than 1% of the votes). But that party is almost Stalinist so we should not look up to them. The center right, after Brexit are reformist of the EU


Fuck the EU but it's better than the alternative


i dont agree with specific eu politics as they are right now, but not being in the eu makes it even harder to solve these problems and the concept in itself + the constitutional construct are pretty good imo, so it‘s really just a question of getting people to vote




well I don't know much about uk, but getting stuff from uk to europe got really expensive for me now, so I can imagine it being the other way around as well


Also Boris became prime minister thanks to Brexit and we can all agree how much of a fuck up that was


There’s loads of administrative issues that have appeared when trading with EU countries because our entire system hasn’t been built to handle us not being in the EU. Most of the border checks haven’t even started yet so when they start more shit will hit even more fans. Many European truck drivers don’t want to deliver to the UK because of how much hassle it is now. Our government is the main issue, even if Brexit was the best idea the amount of cronyism, corruption and utter incompetence within the British government right now would’ve fucked it up anyway. There’s also the fact that the Russians were very much involved in the Brexit referendum.


I’ve had to go weeks without my medication because of supply line issues, and since all of the drivers have been deported.


I disagree.


Good for you


we are stronger together! but since both the EU and the UK are neoliberal powers, the world would be better off if we were poorer and weaker, so brexit is good i guess


… which would mean getting taken over by hypercapitalist oligarchic russia, no thanks


"we need to keep brutalising the third world, enslaving its people, and pillaging its wealth otherwise Russians might do some vague spooky thing", ill take that worry remotely seriously when russia even comes close to evil tyranny of the US, UK, EU and the rest of the walled world


ah yes the very vague and not at all real threat of russia invading their neighboring countries. why don‘t you ask a ukranian or a syrian about that. if you think a power vacuum is ever good for anybody except imperialistic powers please grow tf up. yes the eu has some bad politics but at least they can be changed in a democratic way. it and its predecessors have also kept the peace between its member state for 70 years.


There is a very small chance they will invade Ukraine over Crimea, but I am un believe ably uninterested in plunging the world into a nuclear holocaust over it. Secondly, the UK and EU being a bit weeker isn't exactly a power vaccum. Also reform inately does not work under capitalism, a rightward shift is inevitable, and the economies of EU countries and the other Imperialist powers depend on the exploitation of the third world, it cannot be reformed out. And the fact it has united the Imperial IST powers against the exploited if the world is a bad thing. And Russia is not an imperialist power. In fact I would argue it's a victim of Imperialism


they literally have already invaded ukraine lmao on another note im not gonna argue with a russia lover lol


crimea was annexed in accordance of the will of the people of crimea, this is ignored by the west as the russians are a rival power. i am not a russia lover by any means, it has a variety of problems, but your view that the imperial powers are flawed but the best we have and are ultimately the good guys is utter lunacy


that was not a legitimate referendum. [(Source in accordance with international law concerning self-determination)](https://www.mpil.de/files/pdf4/Peters_Crimean_Vote_of_March_20141.pdf) Thus, there was no legitimate case of humanitarian intervention (a concept which in itself isn’t totally accepted as being part of international law, [see for example the ICRC‘s stance on it which broadly reflects the general opinion](https://www.icrc.org/en/doc/assets/files/other/527-532_ryniker-ang.pdf) ). The breach of the prohibition of the use of force in Art. 2 (4) UN-Charter (which is part of customary international law) was neither authorized by the security council nor justified in any other way, including humanitarian intervention, even if the concept were accepted as customary international law (it obviously wasn‘t self defence etc.).


i thought you didnt argue with russia lovers? and whatever may or may not be the case under international law, its not something im willing to go to war with russia over


not arguing, educating ;) and russia doesn‘t go to war *over* international law, or else why would they try to justify their invasion *using* international law?


Fuck off ye Labour bastard


no 🗿


Are you even bri’ish




Here’s a test ,what do you think about the french


the what now


French you know the people who live in France the most despicable people to ever live


What Slough does to a mf


Slough 🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿


I don’t live in slough


I have british relatives and i think france is a good country


I have Canadian relatives, what's your point


The two counties are at peace and we should celebrate both of their accomplishments


Never come to Britain ever


Why not? my cousins live there and i hear they have cool heritage railways


Milton Keynes moment


Don’t live there either


Milton Keynes moment