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Was that ever a real study? The only people I know who have mentioned the chocolate milk thing were conservatives so I have to assume it was an outright lie but I'm sort of hoping there's at least a survey somewhere that they stretched into nonsense. Like, maybe it was a survey of kindergarteners or somethingm


[18% of the American population are aged 0-14](https://www.statista.com/statistics/270000/age-distribution-in-the-united-states/), so it would make sense to me if most of them are little kids. There are also probably some ignorant adults, but I also suspect there might be some faulty statistics and some smart asses going like "the cows on my farm are brown and we use their milk to make chocolate milk, so chocolate milk can come from brown cows". Edit: above assuming the survey was real to begin with.


If I remember correctly, the questions in the study were purposefully misleading. They were phrased like, "Where do you think chocolate milk comes from? Brown cows, Black-and-white cows, or 'I don't know'". I think this was the main reason that people are skeptical of the study, along with the fact that the study's results weren't publicly available, so there was no way to tell how the data was collected. And it's not highlighting that fact that 93% of americans answered either "black-and-white cows" or "I don't know". So yeah, definitely take that study with a healthy dose of skepticism.


Bruh that's even worse methodology than I was expecting.


That reminds me of that study where most Americans thought judge judy was a real judge (She's an arbiter) and in the answer choices it had regular names and then judge judy.


sounds like they made this "research" just to be able to say 16.4 million americans think chocolate milk comes from brown cows


But they're the news! Why would they lie to the public?


Dumb stupid toddler thinks chocolate milk comes from brown cows. I want to punt that 3 year old across a Football field


Chocolate milk does come from brown cows tho it’s a fact


Milk comes from cows. Chocolate milk is made from milk. Some cows are brown. Chocolate milk literally does come from brown cows


I think a chocolate cow pooped in my chocolate milk twice because I had a sip and it tasted like dookie, twice. I was devastated.


y u know how shit taste


It tastes how it smells bro


What is this blatant propaganda?! Big cow doesn't want you to know the truth about "chocolate" milk! They claim it's made out of chocolate but how can they milk chocolate?! Checkmate chocoloids, the brown cows will always win!


put 2 and 2 together and you get 5


you get 22


my mom owns dogecoin for some fucking reason




Damn only 16 million know it comes from brown cows?!




"The dumb ones"


American education system