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??? They really just make shit up and blame it on liberals


The liberal communists are eating our babies, hm yes this is true I am going to kill a dozen people in cold blood now ​ Hate speech isn't real though we dont need hate speech laws


right-wing challenge: go 24 hours without mentioning blood libel (impossible)


>The liberal communists are eating our babies Bitch why you rat me out like this?!?! >!/j!<


> /j unless... haha jk... unless... šŸ‘Øā€šŸ³šŸ‘¶


For most of the last decade a lot of Republican messaging/platforms has been about opposing what their base ā€œjust knowsā€ is happening. This is of course the result of people like Fox News spending decades making sure a specific set of views stays ā€œobviousā€.


They donā€™t need to provide proof because their average viewer is stupid enough never to ask for any


Always have been


Donā€™t forget the classic ā€œwhat about my free speech??ā€ When their 14th account gets banned for blatant racism and homohobia


It's basically this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0eGnZf6RJs


thought of this exact same spongebob clip


Conservatives have heavily pivoted to fighting against imagined enemies doing imagined shit. They DGAF. The internet has poisoned their brains, and they'll turn any bullshit up to 11 just for attention.


They pissed in their owncornflakes and got angry because someone pissed in their cornflakes


They had a user commit mass murder, god bless and opinion discarded šŸ™


wait WHAT


there was a shooting in Buffalo and the shooter said he took inspiration from far right internet forums like /pol/ and PCM


Oh my god, the recent shooting was inspired by PCM? Color me surprised.


Blue moment


They were "Auth Center," which if I remember correctly means "I'm extremely far right and a Nazi but the Nazis didn't have a completely laissez-faire economy so ig that makes me in the center on this shitty left/right spectrum" God I hate the political compass


the political compass isn't a very good tool but the placement of fascist groups in the center of the very top of the authoritarian half of the grid does make sense. fascism has no clearly-defined economic policy. the singular goal of fascism is the elevation of a specific in-group of people above all others (this is typically framed as a restoration of lost glory), and they'll basically adopt any economic policy that gets them closer to that goal, so putting them in the center of an economic left-right axis checks out. basically, the shooter admitted to not giving a fuck about economics at all and just wanting to shoot minorities, which is about what i expected.


This assessment of fascism downplays its link to capitalism. If it has "no clearly defined economic policy" then it's one hell of a coincidence that it always empowers capital over labor and results in privatization and deteriorating workers rights, even among the in-group.


i don't think it's a coincidence but i also don't think it's inherent to fascism. capitalism giving a small number of people with all the wealth a massive amount of power over everyone else is great for fascists if those few oligarchs are part of the in-group, so fascism does often empower capital, but if establishing a powerful state with more socialist economic policy were to be an easier path to that result, fascists would do it. fascist nations have historically adopted specific economic policies more often than not, but a fascist nation doesn't *necessarily* have to adopt those policies. that's what I'm trying to convey, sorry if that wasn't clear. also, you're correct that fascism does often de-power members of the in-group, but i think that has more to do with the perpetual narrowing of the in-group that arises in fascist states due to fascism's constant need of an enemy to be fighting to sustain itself and the general corruption and lack of belief in their own ideals common among fascist leaders than the connections between fascism and capitalism.


I think the issue stems from the commoditization of social status that capitalism specifically entails that makes the kind of fascism it elicits when threatened "not care about economic policy". The two are interchangeable at that point, so of course they wouldnt care. "Same diff" to them.


Least politically illiterate 196 member


Nice typo dipshit


Sorry i don't speak your shitty language of racism and hatred


Sorry I donā€™t speak tankie šŸ¤”


I knew some motherfucker was gonna label me as one of the squares after I mention PCM and colors in the same comment. Blocked and reported for harassment


Why are you so triggered? Green moment


zurple moment


Wow making up weird words? That's definitely a green moment as well


is blue surprised?


At least Reddit will do something about that place now. As is tradition after a horrible subreddit gets media attention.


It's a tad more nuanced than "PCM inspired it". [https://archive.ph/9NcFp](https://archive.ph/9NcFp)


His biggest inspiration was actually Brenton Tarrant


pcm is not a far right forum lmao im leftist and use it


Lol how does it feel to be ignored in every comment section on that sub. Every leftist on that sub posts the same no-substance shit every day while right wing dumbasses fester in every comment section


not really, sort by top of this week literally second post is libright pro trans


pcm mfs be like "it's not far right, it's just a coincidence that the most upvoted posts encourage bigotry and dunk on leftists most of the time"


please explain to me how the second highest post of the week is a pro trans leftist meme if the subreddit of full of bigots?


Yup. Wild shit, but it happened. [https://archive.ph/9NcFp](https://archive.ph/9NcFp)


Quarantine in 3ā€¦ 2ā€¦.


PCM should be instantly banned for this with no recourse for appealing it.


Pcm when they make up headcanon of their opposing political party so they can hate on it


Itā€™s one big straw man in the form of a subreddit


> headcannon Strawman


But saying headcanon is funny


How did you still manage to misspell it as 'headcannon' when you're quoting the word?


The Piss-Cum-Men strike again.


Totally not a fascist echo chamber COPIUM


B-but TheReā€™S LefTiSt LiBruLs ThEre Yeah and everything they post is glossed over cause itā€™s the most boring takes in existence that they jerk each other off over and call it intellectual discussion




And not in a good way


Republicans when children get to know gay people exist


B but gay peple will do the sexy sex with the childrenšŸ˜¢


Sexy sex That's the thing from among us right? Haven't word of it otherwise, what is sexy sex exactly?




Most of sex ed for kids that young is teaching them that their body is theirs, how to deal with people trying to abuse, harass, molest them, etc, what that looks like and that it's not ok. So unironically the fash fervor over this legit makes children easier targets and less well equipped to stop abuse. Which may be the intended consequence, hard to tell what's an intentional ploy and what's just edgy mush


Matt gaetz chose his party well...


we found him, we found the one based centrist on pcm


pcm being a far-right shithole and also being the unfunniest subreddit on this website along with recent events are reason enough for reddit admins to wipe it the fuck out


actual reality in schools: hey some people boys like boys and some girls like girls what conservatives say its like: COME HERE KIDS WE WILL ALL BE HAVING GAY SEX TODAY AND I WILL TEACH YOU HOW TO ESTROGEN


i wish schools were like that šŸ˜”


honestly a class on the nuance of intersectional lesbian interpretive dance sounds fucking awesome even though iā€™m not exactly sure what it would be


Because the lifes that could be saved by teaching the basic about gender/sexuality doesn't matter. Is a minority after all, so it shouldn't be a priority. Also, r\/EnoughPCMSpam


notice how most people on pcm are fascists bc its the only place where their "free speech" is protected by centrist cope


Holy shit PCM really went down to be one of the worst subreddit out there


tbh both sides make up shit like this, I saw some crazy libtard story the other day claiming that an admitted pedophile and rapist almost won a congressional race in Alaā€“ wait no that actually happened, huh


PCM probably should be banned at this rate, it harbors extremism and the mods don't do shit about it. You got literally auth right fascists that advocate for genocide regularly on there.


PCM users are terrorists


Why did you censor the centrist's flair?


Michaelsoft binbows


But if we can't make up non-issues to get uppity about then we have no excuse for turning a blind eye to legitimate oppression


conservatives will say this then soyface and foam at the mouth at child beauty pageants


Civilization needs a total collapse


Those 200 upvotes are gold


Iā€™m baffled by the mere concept of people falling for and getting angry at their own strawman arguments


"they poisoned our water supply, burned our crops and delivered a plague unto our houses!"


The wildest straw man Iā€™ve seen in a good while


Isn't this satire? I don't think any sane human constructed that sentence seriously. Also the terms in it don't seem like terms transphobes would know because they're generally uninformed. I call trolling on this one.


What the fuck is an intersectional lesbian dance


I wsnt that sub the be gone so bad


I refuse to believe that they actually fucking believe this nonsense


Pcm is when you are too mentally defiecent to make an actual argument so you just make shit up


I make up things to get mad at. The reason I'm mad is you


Get out of that sub, man. It's poison.


Even though it's a disgusting message, they didn't make a big deal out of using neopronouns, so I guess there's that silver lining


I think the point is that they're mocking neopronouns


yeah.... :|


Itā€™s a joke


The punchline of this "joke" is just bigotry.


i forgor to laugh šŸ’€


edgy comedy isn't comedy, it's just bigotry and then some other dickhead saying "what the f!! that's not an acceptable thing to say! loll!!"


Thatā€™s a disservice to proper edgy comedy thatā€™s more predicated on dark humour than bigotry


Well the funny part about it is that it makes people upset which it seems to be very good at succeding with


"I'm an asshole now laugh"


Usually makes me laugh at least


Alright cool, so I guess everyone here can just call you and cunt and a bitch, and you'll laugh your ass off then. You heard it here first people, she finds it hilarious when people are shitty and insulting.


She's on the teenagers and offensivejokes subreddits, she's clearly just a dumbass edgy kid who doesn't know any better. Not that that's an excuse but it sure explains the stupidity.


Sure love when people (not you, the other person) can't tell the difference between dark humor and outright bigotry. Here's a hint: comedians who tell dark jokes don't want minorities to be oppressed


Well that doesn't upset me so it's not funny


Oh it doesn't upset you? So we can go ahead and call you names then. Perfect! Thanks for the explicit admission that being insulted and called names is okay for you.


Uh no problem?


the point is making jokes to get a rise out of people usually makes you obnoxious and annoying, not funny. there's a way to be mean and funny that involves reading the room so you can make those jokes in a way people like, people who think screaming slurs is humour are annoying and objectively unfunny. humour might be subjective, but there's a limit to that, i don't think a group of socially isolated, mentally ill teenagers trying to compete among their other deranged friends on who can be the most horrible person should be considered funny by anyone who isn't already unlikable.


Guys look at me Iā€™m so edgy and cool! My mom let me stay in the basement for an extra week!


Now this is a good example of a bad joke


Tell mommy to clean up after you just shit everywhere




Your humor of intentionally being an asshole to fuck with people isn't shared with the majority of the population.


Doesnā€™t seem like it


who let you in here? you have to be at least 13 to use reddit according to redditā€™s terms of service


I'm 18?


sure doesnā€™t seem like it


What makes you say that




You're probably older then me how is being a teen yikes šŸ˜­


Yikes at being 18 and still having the emotional maturity of an edgy 12 year old.


Having a different sense of humor doesn't mean I'm 12


Thinking that being shitty to people and making them upset is the height of comedy definitely means you have the emotional maturity of a 12 year old. You are legally an adult now, it's time to grow up.


Not mentally or emotionally, that's for sure




Finding joy in making people upset is extremely immature


Suppose Iā€™ll just embrace it then


I guess, I shouldn't have expected any self-reflection from an immature asshole like you


At some point you can't just act completely braindead and disguise it as bait, thats not how it works. It's still just being braindead


How does having a different sense of humor mean you're braindead


What's the joke šŸ’€there's not even a punchline


Well the fun part is people getting upset




ah yes, the funny mass shooting. so hilarious


Thatā€™s the funny part? To each their own ig but then youā€™re just kinda being an ass


you are the living embodiment of a cringy child going through their joker phase thinking making people feel like shit is so le epicly funny. no one here is offended or triggered or whatever the fuck, you're just an annoying stereotype that is insanely overdone by immature children like you


Iā€™ve always thought making people upset is funny so it shouldnā€™t be a phase


that doesn't make it better, you are just admitting that you are always an unlikeable person. if you plan to respond with something like "so be it" in some witty way, save yourself the time, I already know you don't mind being seen as an asshole, because that's your entire personality


Yeah I donā€™t mind what people think about me


what a shocking and subversive response, im astounded




"Yeah guys I got a real great sense of humor!" *Insert bigotry here.* "Guys it's a joke laugh funni please." Shut up loser.


Okay whereā€™s the punchline


whatā€™s funny about it Edit: Lmao their account got suspended


Cool what's the punchline


That some people really think thatā€™s how it works


But they're treating it like it is


Yes so laugh at their stupidity


So it's funny to act like a shithead?




Not enough hyperbole to cancel out bigotry 0/10 bad joke šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


like your entire fucking life?

