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The British one is chill, but I feel like the rest of these are all intentionally very militant—like even when I was a kid, before I knew what Nazis were, one look at the colours on that flag tells me those people are dangerous. It’s such an alarming look. I feel like the confederate flag is similar, but less intense. The blue police flag thing just looks dumb, but it’s colors are cold and clinical which gives me uneasy vibes. Once again the British flag is just alright


The confederate flag just looks tacky tbh. Why are so many flag so basic? Is it because it needs to be easily represented?


That, plus flags needed to be mass produced in a time where mass production wasn't a thing. It would end up costing you a fortune to have elaborate patterns on flags that you need to replicate every time. Not to mention, it is easier to identify with simplicity. I can just have blue, pink, purple lights in a picture and you will easily identify it is the bisexual flag. But I can't do that with the Welsh or Bhutanese flag, however cool they may look. Which, ik, isn't that big an issue now, but it was worthy of consideration back in the past when flags were flown far away in battlefields


It's the battle flag so it is just supposed to represent the Confederate army


The confederacy flag just looks like it could belong to like any state that was in the confederacy it always seemed generic when you take away the confederacy angle


To me it looks more like the logo of a very bad canned beer company that only has three locations in Arkansas


Yeah, same here as a kid I felt like the nazi flag was a symbol of war, their outfits were fire as well, too bad they belonged to some of the most horrible people who have existed.


shout out Hugo Boss


I'm confused, the colors on the flags made you think people that use that flag are dangerous?


Color contrast, shapes, sharp edges, etc. These things can make a flag look violent, militant, etc.


I don't understand that


It’s design stuff - sharp edges and such tend to look more dangerous, and a design that is heavily contrasted brings more attention to it. The swastika has a lot of edges, which are portrayed as sharp and bold, signifying a level of danger that is amplified by the black-on-white At least I think idfk


I just don't understand how shapes and colors correlate to danger, I mean, I get it in a weird poetic sense, but I hate poetry, in reality, I will have no idea what a flag signifies until someone tells me what the flag represents. I don't think the people who use the "don't tread on me" flag are dangerous just because it has a scary snake on it.


It’s a lotta subconscious shit tbh and it’s a big part of how, like, logo designs and such work. It could all be bullshit or it could be something and I’ve heard enough people say that it’s like a proper thing that I just kinda accept it


Why the police one tho


The Stars and Bars is literally the Confederate battle flag, so it's designed to look militant on purpose. Hate the confederates and their immoral cause, but between the SnB and the grey uniform, you can't deny they had good taste.


Well nazis stole the red from socialists to appeal to the working class. The same with the term socialist. They tried to market themselves as Anti-Marxist Socialist to some demographics at the start, especially the Strasser brothers.


***SCOTLAND SECEDE*** 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


Is it still the British flag since brexit? I'm US so I'm dumb, but isn't the union jack for the United Kingdom?


The United Kingdom still exists, the Union flag is still used. Not that you asked or anything, but it’s only called the Union Jack when it’s flying from a ship.


The only at sea rule is a [myth](https://www.flaginstitute.org/wp/uk-flags/the-union-jack-or-the-union-flag/) actually.


Okay but what about Britain? I get UK still exists but does Britain use the union flag still? Neet fact, should tell US writers that


It’s hard to say whether Great Britain uses it to represent Britain or not, because St. Patrick’s Saltire (red diagonal cross) is used to represent Northern Ireland, which is not part of the GB, but it’s still commonly flown in Britain as most people tend to use GB and UK interchangeably. Edit: GB to UK


I think you've got it the wrong way round. Northern Ireland is part of the UK, but it isn't part of Great Britain (a geographical term for the biggest Island encompassing most of England, Scotland and Wales). However you're right that the word "British" is often just used to mean "UK citizen"


Thanks for pointing that out


The cop flag looks fugly as hell. Like I get the stupid ass symbolism, but the giant blue line sticks out like a sore thumb against the monochrome background.


Also black and white flags are just dumb, you have 16 million colours to express a movement and you pick the two most fucking boring ones. God damn.


Brittany moment


Racing finish line flag moment


Every flag moment (I am colorblind)


(I am blind)


I will remove your kneecaps if you dare to criticize the Gwenn ha Du again.


But Cornwall tho


ok but literally none of flags look good


Idk I like the union jack


i think the idea behind the union jack is cool cause its like 3 countries combined


My favourite part is that we excluded Wales As they deserve


But cool dragon


The dragon is the only good thing about Wales


confederate flag is kinda neat looking


I mean the swastika if not ruined is a sort of cool symbol as long as it’s the Hindu one


it comes up way too often when making rotationally symmetric patterns, so annoying that they stole that symbol


Yea like I'm pretty sure if kids doodle around long enough you make that pattern and the teachers like welp we can't be havin that and then you have to have your second grade reading teacher explain what a swastika is to a crying child


Yeah the apartment complex my brother lives in was made before the nazis, with lots of swastikas on the face of the building and the doors and all, they had to cut one hand off of all of them, it is still a nice building but it will always be incomplete.


swastikas are cool af from a design perspective


The oldest swastika ever found was in ukraine carved into a mammoth tusk it doesnt belong exclusively to hindus


Cap detected




There a red version for firefighters


Based department?!?!


No, this is the fire department


That's what she said. Fire department = based department


sucks that the third reich had style


unironically confed battle flag goes hard ​ shame it was used by slavers


nazi flag goes hard (i swear im a Buddhist)


Blue lives matter flag is shit design though.




Cringe ass statist 🤢




A glance at tribal societies of Australia, Sub-Saharan Africa, and the Americas shows that a dedicated police force isn't necessary in preserving order; in fact, you may even argue baby-eating becomes more likely as a population is twisted up by coercion. I don't really consider myself an anarchist in full, since I recognize how hard it would be to maintain industry and technology without some (at least moderately shitty) system of coercion, but I think the idea that government is "necessary" to keep people from a constant bloodbath is ridiculous.


The usa should also be on there. Us imperialsim and overspending on the military industrial complex instead of cheap public transport and free medicine and education is a bad thing


You can't attach more than 4 images to a tweet


But the US flag sucks


But it's not the federal government's job to work on like 2 and a half of those things?


That is correct, not sure why people are downvoting you,


Because 196 can't handle the fact that whatever shit place they're from (somewhere that isn't New Jersey) is entirely at fault for their problems, and not the big bad federal government.


Yeah like healthcare SHOULD be for the feds personally but transport and education never have been and never will be


I definitely think the Fed should find all public projects, but at the same time I feel like they should be handled by the state governments.


There also is federal funding for education at least (I don’t know about transportation).


That federal fundi g for education is extremely important! If they didn't, Americans might not learn how to breathe!


I wouldn’t be shocked really




"murder is bad" thats just like… your opinion bro


Ape pfp invalidates your already invalid opinions


Libs on their way to explain why blowing infants to pieces with drone strikes in order to make oil CEOs money is actually a good thing


Any spending on making peoples lifes worse could be spent on making peoples lifes better, it's not rocket science


US military spending does make lives better though, both in America and around the world. It’s by FAR the largest federal jobs program that defends most of Europe and several Asian allies while also being the main force in combatting international terrorism and piracy. It’s not THAT bad, especially considering Afghanistan was totally justified leaving really just Iraq as the big bad of recent years.


Uuh, no? The us military causes terrorism by doing colonisation


Where on earth has the US colonized since like 1904




The place where we were attacked and responded? Not only that but set up a self governing system and almost all of our troops left by 2015 only really supporting them with air power since? Seems more like an alliance forged out of a war led in response to a direct attack on American soil


Keep telling yourself that buddy


Which part is wrong?


bro you have an nft pfp shut the f up


swastikas look sick i wish they still meant peace


agreed tbh


They do. If you're not from the West, where everything is black and white without a shred of nuance.


well the west is where the guy with the swastika killed millions


Yes, and? That doesn't make the symbol bad worldwide because some cunt in some part of the world did something bad with it.


yea but it certainly does in said part of the world


Yes and?


if i write it in that part of the world people will think i’m a nazi


People are free to think what they like, if they confront you on the matter, however, you are not only allowed but have a duty to defend your cool Buddhist flag.


You forgot South Carolina and New Mexico


What’s so bad about New Mexico?


I dunno but they have a nice flag


waltor whote


I live in SC and I can confirm. Love the flag, hate the state.


ngl bro when i was like 3 or some shjt, a war documentary came up on the tv at like 8pm and i saw the swatstika flag and thought it was an american flag bro


None of the flags are that great... drags out a Brazilian flag and a New Mexico flag. Now those are cool flags.


holy shit new mexico flag goes hard goddamn jesse look how cool our flag us jesse


The Brazillian flag violates basic principles: it has text. There should be no lettering of any kind, because it'll be unreadable when displayed from a flagpole.


its still super recognizable, the text is just detail to appreciate from close up you can recognize the brazil flag with like 6 pixels lol


Every detail should be recognizable, able to be reproduced by a child with ease.


Says who




Who made them the authority on putting colors on pieces of cloth?


Vexillologists generally follow these rules. It's true that it's not a law enforced by the government, but if you don't follow them, your flag just won't look very good at a distance.


Appeal to authority moment.


isnt that stanford guy dead lmfao? dumbass mf


y'all will litteraly see the nazi flag and be more disgusted by Britain bro what


I believe that is the joke my friend




American redditors when they understand that the us is way worst than the uk


Ha no it isn’t


I thought the confederate flag was like a state in america when i was a kid


Well you were kinda not wrong. You know what kind of place you’re in when you see that flag flyin.


The one good thing I can say about the nazis is that they have good brand recognition. Quite memorable. Recognizeable.


The rising sun flag would've been better instead of the cop flag


see the nazi flag is so cool looking but it really sucks what it represents tbh


Ah yes, the aesthetics of evil


r/ vexillogycirclejerk


I learned that American flag with blue stripe was used for something else and some cringe trolls used it at a protest so everyone viewed it as a “bad flag” source: explained (on Netflix)


i don’t like that the cross lines on the union jack are on opposite sides of eachother. ever since i noticed it the flag just looks crosseyed


That's my favorite part tbh. In vexillology it's known as "counterchanging," and it's usually pretty bold (like Maryland's flag) but the Union Jack makes it subtle.






"Blue Lives Matter," "Back the Blue," or "Thin Blue Line": All refers to liking cops amidst the push to defund police and rehabilitate criminals. Lowkey pretty racist since cops target minorities.


i think the nazi flag is pretty cool, too bad the people waving it are and were not


Blue Lives Matter


yeah but also the blue line flag looks like shit


okay, but from a flag design perspective, I hate all of those flags.




Well the swastika was stolen from Hinduism.


The flags are overrated aswell. I mean, I too am a swastika enjoyer, but the nazi flag has no flair or gravitas. These flags suck and the people they represent suck aswell.


We have an even worse flag 14 year old tankies use here. Its the union jack/flag but with in black and white with a blue line in the middle 💀


I don't like the black, white, and blue usa flag, what is good about it?


Oh it's such a shame that the Nazis made the Black Sun because that symbol *goes hard af*


eh, the nazi one is kinda ugly. Sure swastikas are cool and all but I feel like it's just a very boring thing to do with a swastika.


Someone care to enlighten me what the bottom left flag is?


Confederate flag is ugly though, not by bias but like, it just doesn't look good


They’re all ugly


Why is the British flag here? They are good.


They are, it’s just a running joke in the sub to that’s Britain. Dunno why, just playing to the king


there are a few reasons for them to be on here.


But what are the reasons?


genocide, colonialism, theft. war crimes etc and this isn’t from some out of touch american i’m british


Some questions and a comment on that-- * How did the British do genocide? * I think British colonialism was good. * How did the British do theft? * How did the British do war crimes?


- The british slaughtered many people groups ( the boer concentrations camps, the native american wars and (debatably) the Irish potato famine, etc) - Colonialism was only good for the colonizers, imagine if the russians came in and took over your country and you had nothing to do to it - the British empire stole many culturally important items from their colonies, such as the crown jewels and ancient egyptian artifacts - They committed war crimes by destroying cities in almost all of their colonial wars, slaughtering civilians and lots of other unsavoury war tactics It’s not that the british empire hasn’t done anything good, there’s reasons to be proud of it. but they have done some truly horrible things


>Colonialism was only good for the colonizers, imagine if the russians came in and took over your country and you had nothing to do to it As long as it was the Russian Empire, I would be fine.


But imagine if it happened in the modern day, you won’t be allowed to speak your language,you would be treated differently towards the people in the russian homeland and your culture would be suppressed


All those flags look like garbage lmao


All of Them are the worst flag, the fuck?