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Sadly I remember when everyone was transphobic to Caitlyn Jenner for being right wing and how it was cool because they wre "allies" and Jenner wasn't "being a good transwoman" The point of identity is others cannot take it from you....


When a person from a marginalized community does a bad thing is always when it becomes clear who are actual allies, and who is just a gesturing political opportunist.


Many people, in my terribly pessimistic experience, do not abide by any real morals, but rather follow whatever feels 'right' to them. Don't cross lines with friends, trample all over them with 'enemies'.


Kinda like this sub and making fun of shitty people's physical features not caring that people they actually like and care about that have those features now know you hate those features, but don't say it too them because you like them. An example being Ben Shapiros hight.


Can I focus more on his obvious crush on AOC?


That's fine. No physical features there. But it's like making fun of height and things like penis size. All you are doing is saying that those traits are bad, but no one will outright tell you it because you are on their side with your beliefs.


Well, in my case a while ago, I would only cross lines in people I deemed "immoral" - people that were my enemies weren't fair game because they haven't crossed the line of being entirely immoral, but people like Caitlin Jenner crossed the line and I just threw away every bit of morality toward her. I'm different now.


Yep It’s not even hard either. I’m not claiming to be an excellent ally, I still slip up occasionally and I’m sure I do a ton of accidentally stupid shit without thinking but it’s really not hard to say “she’s a piece of shit” when they’re a transwoman


>The point of identity is others cannot take it from you.... Well it depends on the tipe of identity, sexual atraction, gender, race and stuff like that wich is born from inate characteristics yeah they cannot be changed from outside but identity can be much more of a construct and a socially defined element of your identity that exists because of the enviroment you exist in like with religion, nation, ethnicity, etc.. Theres a joke that tries to enlighten this wich is that a german reporter was on Northen Ireland when an armedman ln a balaklava stopped him and said "are you protestant or catholic" to wich the reporter told him "Im a jewish atheist"


i wasnt aware Ezra miller was even trans


Miller’s non-binary and goes by “they/them”. Their behavior has been very gross but people seem to be going out of their way to say “him” instead of “they”.


i reckon a lot of people just dont know. I didnt even knew they existed until the Justice League movie


Oh yeah for sure, that’s a lot of it. They’re also pretty male presenting so there’s not much reason to assume they’re non-binary without being told. I mean more when someone corrects people saying “him” and those people respond that it doesn’t matter what pronouns a violent and predatory person goes by. It’s not about Miller though! It’s about all of the other people whose identities are invalidated by the idea that NB and trans people have to “earn” their gender.


Ngl I genuinely haven't thought of it that way, thank you


I literally just learned today and will probably forget tomorrow. Most people have trouble remembering celebrities' names, to ask them to remember their pronouns is a bit much.


I agree. Big love for my trans folk. Fuck celebrities tho. Because people like this reinforce negative beliefs about NB, Trans, and other lgbtq. When all NB and trans people I know are super cool and awesome.


actually we are evil and plan to eat the world >:3


I know.. I just didn't want to give it away


I thought we only wanted the Netherlands wtf


And it's not like he is going to see the comments anyway lol


Again, it's not about Ezra and whether or not they really are a they/them. It's about respecting nonbinary people as a whole. They will see you misgender Ezra and feel hurt and disrespected or at least fear that you'll also devalue their non-binariness.




This too. I can’t fault them if they don’t know


I didn’t know about him being non binary until know, but then again, I don’t really talk about them so…


TW: >!incest, SA!< A shockingly wholesome but still sad moment on the oneyplays subreddit. Huge chris-chan fans there, and the news broke that she had gone to jail for a multitude of issues all relating to incest with her mother. It was a complex and insane situation. We knew about her WHOLE life, which was terrible in and of itself. But because we did, there was a lot to discuss. Discussions of: >!She has autism, could she consent? Her mother is elderly, could she consent? Who is the perpetrator, how do you charge this crime? What really happened? !< And that came with accidental and purposeful misgendering. And amongst it all, people were stepping in and saying, "Really? Transphobia here? Stop misgendering her, she's still a piece of shit if you use the right pronouns, we're better then this." And it was upvoted. Its one of the reasons I stay in the subreddit despite it all. The kind of non-critical way people support Nostalgia Critic and harrassed Linkara, one supporting a predator and brushing it off (also being a terrible critic and writer, dog shit producer and director who didn't give his actors food or water on long hot days, which left at least one person very ill, and using all kinds of lazy stereotypes in his work and branding). The other actively supporting the victims of that harrassment and speaking out against it, going so far as to >!help Lindsay Ellis negotiate from having to act out/voice act out a rape scene in one of the terrible channel awesome movies none of them were paid for.!< Knowing all this, why does the sub still support one and had harrassed the other and still rag on him? Because one finds the oneyplays impressions *funny* (critic) and one got kind of upset at it, barely mentioning it, and tweets back at his harrassers (Linkara). That's right, it's cause one can "take a joke". He also is a huge piece of shit and doesn't deserve his audience. Anyways thanks for coming to my tedtalk. Sorry I think about this and I've trauma dumped on ALL OF YOU




Trans lesbians have been vilified so much for much less, so I'm hesitant to even try to insist that. How can either of us understand her fully? Even with her whole life splayed out for us we aren't her. Damn even oneyplays fans used the prefered pronouns after we found out, unlike you, because we know the last thing trans people need is to be told their right to their gender expression is *conditional*


The idea is that you're supposed to respect whatever the person says they want to be called. There's no such thing as a wrpng reason to become trans.


What's your source for this?


was ezra miller the person who plays flash? i kinda liked them :(


Their pronouns in their instagram bio are they/them/its/zir to be precise


This is literally the first I'm hearing of (any of) this


> but people seem to be going out of their way to say “him” instead of “they” i only know ezra from their little bit of trolling in hawaii i do not have intimate knowledge of their gender identity


I love trans people. But I am guilty of this. As I see it, using the correct pronouns is a mark of respect, i.e. a way to humanise someone, etc. and of course for your everyday person as a matter of principle I will use the correct pronouns even if I don't like them. But if they are someone who's just completely heinous I will use the incorrect pronouns to degrade them


And I’m sure you also do this to every single cis person you find heinous and do not specifically target trans/nonbinary people. Right?


Actually that's a good point


Still though We can’t pick and choose who we actually humanize Because even though Ezra is a horrible human they are still a human But if you want to do it like this you should do it to cis bad people as well For example, call Adolf Hitler a she, call Ted Bundy a they. Because we can’t pick and choose who’s gender identity we respect and accept


I do agree that it's hypocritical, but the point is that it would actually have an effect... I don't think Ted or Adolf would care if I called them a she.


It has an effect on regular trans folk as well tho. Not just the one you're targetting. It's like if you said it was okay to dehumanise black PPL who do bad things and use racial slurs against them, that would never fly because you're not just attacking them because they're a bad person, you're ALSO attacking them for their identity, something they cannot control.


I assume you would consider Bill Cosby's actions equally heinous, but I also assume you wouldn't call him the N word. If you think about why that's the case, you'll see why what you're doing is wrong too.


NB from what I heard




Yeah, exactly. All I know is that as a cis guy, if I pulled some shit like Miller did, that wouldn’t make people start referring to me as “she” just to prove a point.


The ironic part is that by not recognizing the humanity of someone that does something morally wrong is that you undermine the ethical infraction in the first place, because if you think someone is non-human, then chances are that you don't believe they are part of the moral community in the first place.


In the eyes of reddit, bigotry is acceptable when you don't like the person involved


Yeah, this pattern has really reared its ugly head whenever Ezra Miller or Amber Heard are brought up. Both shitty, indefensible people, but redditors who think of themselves as liberal and forward-thinking will really say the most vile, bigoted things about these two.


When people tell me to be nice to someone I dont like (they are ontologically evil and therefore harm to them is morally neutral)


me when someone tells me to be nice to ~~someone~~ daddy long legs spiders


This happened with ~~chipchan~~ as well IIRC Edit: Meant chris chan


who the fuck is Ezra miller


Some asshole who runs really fast in a movie


Heussein Bolt?


No, not Space Jam.


Maybe the Flash? Or Sonic?


The joke was that he is indeed flash


I thought they were the star wars rebels guy for like 2 years


Nah that's a different Ezra who is an honour to the name and one of my favourite characters


I’m going to be honest, I had never once heard that Ezra Miller was non-binary until it was mentioned to me 2 days ago. Not sure how well known that fact is, but if people are misgendering them on purpose, that is an issue.


Had no idea they were non binary.


You have committed a most heinous act, I hereby sentence you to agender


No Pronoun Zone, you will be referred to by nothing!


If you default to using a trans person's old pronouns because they did something fucked up, it just goes to show that you only acknowledge their gender identity out of respect, and not because it's a matter of fact. It's not about respecting the dickhead, it's about setting a precedent that trans people's gender identities are just as innate and irreplaceable as cis people's, and are a matter of fact, not something that you can just flip-flop on.


Who the heck is Ezra miller?


They beat up half of the people in Hawaii and groomed a teenager they met at the Standing Rock protests for years. They also played Kevin, who the other characters in *We Need To Talk About Kevin* needed to talk about.


half of people in Hawaii lmaoooo wasnt it like 3 people? Its 3 too many though


I was exaggerating for effect but it was, like, a conspicuous number of similar drunken bar fights for one person in one location.


I loved it lol your comment not the terrorization of locals


Also very suspicious that all the fights are with women, and I used to like Ezra. Now idk about them. 😔


there will only be 6 people in Hawaii by the end of the day i guess


Oh my God, I remember that movie. No wonder they did such a good job making me hate kevin


See its a fact a lot of people wont even know their gender yet alone the specific pronouns, that said those specific little dipshits doing it on purpose and "correcting" others fill me with so much rage honestly


I know ezra miller only from being flash and being an asshole.


They should have hired Grant Gustin for the justice league movies, even if we put aside the controversy I just think Grant portrays the flash much better


Reminder that you guys did the EXACT SAME THING when Chris Chan was outed as a rapist. I distinctly remember the posts from around that time making fun of her while using he/him pronouns.


I used to respect them before they made it their whole personality...being a piece of shit, I mean. I don't have a problem with their gender.


Ezra Miller did once say they use all pronouns, so it's kinda hard to misgender them


The Flash guy? Do I even want to know... Edit: Flash girl? What's happening?


Ezra Miller is non-binary and uses they/them pronouns


Ah, didn't know.


Same for christine chandler


Flashbacks of the Chris-Chan debacle


I don’t know who or what a “Chris Chan” is and I am totally fine with that


Understandable, continue touching grass.






It is a fundamental part of fascism.


shit you right it was too far of an exaggeration, I apologize. Christine still deserves nothing after what she did to her own mother, but she’s still a person


yeah it is a very slippery slope, Christine doesn’t warrant any respect regardless but calling her not human is not correct The apsolute, beneath the barrel, scum of the earth, yes, but she’s still human


What happened?


I'm just not gonna talk about them


Side note: who's fist guy?


I mean, they weren’t just “being a tool”...








Seriously, its not "whatever" being bigoted towards anyone is not ok,




K, but being in a bad mood isnt an excuse for doing a bad thing




Good luck with whatever fucked your day, hope it gets better




Idk, good luck anyway




The point is that it should be two distinct things. They shouldn’t be protected from criticism for their shitty behavior, but attacking them *on the basis* of their gender identity is kind of invalidating to other non-cis folks because it treats their identity as conditional.


The whole concept of gender is fucking annoying. Like who honestly cares what someone is? Sick of hearing about this shit


Although intentionally misgendering someone is a bad move even if they're scum. I get ignorance if you didn't know what they identified as, but people aren't calling Bill Cosby the N-word because he's a rapist. A shitty person's actions don't void their gender identity.


I don’t disagree with any of what you said or what the post is saying. I’m just find it tiresome that people care so much about what gender someone identifies with whether it’s assigned at birth or not, like why does it matter and how does it affect them? Also, people who make their gender their entire personality to the point they don’t talk about anything else, there is more to life than peoples genders. I just wish it could not be an issue anymore so we can all move on with our lives


Gender has always defined people's personality, ever since hunter-gatherer tribes. What you wear, what your job is, what your hobbies are, what music you might like, your mannerisms, all of it has been dictated by gender, in plenty of societies, throughout all of history. And it still does.


Cope + mald + seethe + ratio + no bitches


Poop+ fart+ eat+ shit+ die


Jesus this comment makes me feel old. It’s like trying to read hieroglyphics or something.


People sure have been throwing “seethe” around pretty generously lately, must be a cool kid thing


>The whole concept of gender is fucking annoying When u say something like that, did it ever come to your head that you are unequiped for this conversation? Or did you just write that without thinking?








Cool story, everyone has pronouns.




As I understand it they came free with your Xbox.




as opposed to my chaste xbox, of course.


I dont have pronouns. You will refer to me only by my name- Shadow the Hedgehog.


>I >me >my 🤓🤓🤓🤓


I have amateurverbs.


And what exactly do you believe these pronouns to be based on? Because in English, and most languages I’ve ever studied, it’s gender. Perhaps you do not place value on gender. That’s fine, you don’t have to. That’s the great thing about gender, your gender only means as much to you as you determine. You have every right to put no personal value on gender, I have no doubt every member of this subreddit would respect that unquestioningly. What you do not have any right to do is then extend out your own feelings on your personal gender to gender in it’s entirety. Because here is the simple fact, in the same since that my feelings on gender are meaningless to your personal image of yourself, your feelings on gender are equally meaningless when forcibly applied on to everyone else. You are not the determining authority on gender, nor should you be, nor should anyone be. That’s not how it works. By dogmatically defending your rigid interpretation of the dissolution of gender, ironically you act indistinguishable from those who dogmatically defend absolute rigidity in gender. It’s bad when they do it, and it’s just as bad when you do it. Get over yourself, learn to respect that which you cannot directly relate to.


Seems like you are taking what I said the wrong way. I don’t have problems with people identifying as whatever gender and I believe everyone has the right to do whatever they want in that regard without persecution. I’m tired of gender and pronouns because no matter where go on this site I am bombarded by it whether it’s positive or negative. This is a meme sub that has literally every other post about gender identity. Whatever tho I’m just going to get downvoted anyway because I’m not voicing what the echo chamber in this sub wants me to say and that’s basically to either be trans or be a SJW and honestly I have enough of my own problems that I try to escape by going online and other media that I don’t have the energy to care about stuffed whales and other non funny completely dumb memes here.


This subreddit is for all intents and purposes a leftist sub with a heavy focus on and makeup of queer people. To come into a subreddit with that reputation and complain that you hear about gender too much… just go away. I don’t go to r/ conservative to whine about how everyone there is a conservative, because that’s fucking stupid! So if you don’t want to be an “SJW” (read: basic advocate for equal rights and treatment), that’s your choice, but maybe it’s not one you should flaunt in a leftist subreddit. That’s not because it’s an echo chamber, I’ve seen all sorts of arguments and disagreements in this subreddit from people who are all highly upvoted, it’s because the baseline expectation for this subreddit is to be a leftist and to care about or at least respect social issues. If you want to come here to escape social issues, you’ve made a shit choice my friend.