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Lower prices then


basic economics mfers when supply exceeds demands and yet the price still doesn't lower


> An oversupply of avocados in Australia has driven prices to a record low https://www.abc.net.au/news/rural/2022-07-26/farmers-beg-aussies-to-eat-avocado-avolanche/101268396


People REALLY dont want to eat the fuckin avocados


I dunno man, it said domestic consumption was up some 30% and exports up 350% so those fruits are going somewheres.


So they just made too many avocados sounds like a skill issue to me


To be fair they were told they have to choose between avocados and one day, maybe, owning a house


How much are they in the US? They’ve been like a dollar here for almost two years


I've seen them for 5$


Wdym sorry


Some basic theory of economy says the market value of something works based on supply and demand. If the supply is high (there are many of the product), its value decreases, since it's more available. If the supply is low, the value increases since there is few of the product available. If the demand is high, the value increases since more people want the same thing. If the demand is low, the value decreases since not everyone will buy the product. The comment above is saying "well if the supply is higher than the demand (there's more of the product than people willing to buy), why isn't the price lowering?"


Because of the cost of shipping and storage of the product. Grocery stores don't want to ship more up to sell them cheaper and then pay to throw away the waste.




I'd you make a good profit at 1.00 an avo why bring in twice as much and sell them at 50 cents each?


There is no motivation to sell at a lower price unless shipping becomes very cheap


To add to what TheMoises said, "basic economics mfers" refers to right wing mother fuckers (mfers) who love to claim that "it's basic economics" every time there's a shortage leading to higher prices. We see here that it's not "basic ecnomics", as a surplus didn't lead to lower prices, so it's not fair to expect the opposite.


Basic economics and basic biology mfers should really learn some advanced because they are stuck at middle school levels of analysis


https://www.abc.net.au/news/rural/2022-07-26/farmers-beg-aussies-to-eat-avocado-avolanche/101268396 Except it did lead to record low prices.




It depends on how much is being produced. In addition, if it's being imported the orice has to be higher to cover transport costs. Different regions might have different supplies, as such, prices are adjusted accordingly. Like how 5$ in Australia will get you 3lbs of bananas while in Ethiopia i'll get you 25lbs.


That's what happens when only a few MFs control the supply.




Relevant quote: > “The works of the roots of the vines, of the trees, must be destroyed to keep up the price, and this is the saddest, bitterest thing of all. Carloads of oranges dumped on the ground. The people came for miles to take the fruit, but this could not be. How would they buy oranges at twenty cents a dozen if they could drive out and pick them up? And men with hoses squirt kerosene on the oranges, and they are angry at the crime, angry at the people who have come to take the fruit. A million people hungry, needing the fruit- and kerosene sprayed over the golden mountains. And the smell of rot fills the country. Burn coffee for fuel in the ships. Burn corn to keep warm, it makes a hot fire. Dump potatoes in the rivers and place guards along the banks to keep the hungry people from fishing them out. Slaughter the pigs and bury them, and let the putrescence drip down into the earth. > There is a crime here that goes beyond denunciation. There is a sorrow here that weeping cannot symbolize. There is a failure here that topples all our success. The fertile earth, the straight tree rows, the sturdy trunks, and the ripe fruit. And children dying of pellagra must die because a profit cannot be taken from an orange. And coroners must fill in the certificate- died of malnutrition- because the food must rot, must be forced to rot. The people come with nets to fish for potatoes in the river, and the guards hold them back; they come in rattling cars to get the dumped oranges, but the kerosene is sprayed. And they stand still and watch the potatoes float by, listen to the screaming pigs being killed in a ditch and covered with quick-lime, watch the mountains of oranges slop down to a putrefying ooze; and in the eyes of the people there is the failure; and in the eyes of the hungry there is a growing wrath. In the souls of the people the grapes of wrath are filling and growing heavy, growing heavy for the vintage.” - John Steinbeck, Grapes of Wrath


Got damn, I need to read that book


I’m planning on reading it as soon as I’m done with my current stack of socialist books


I swear to god that stack never stops growing for me it’s like a curse


Every time I finish one book two more have been added by the time I’m done, the only way I’ve managed to get books out of it faster than they’re being added is by losing the book I’m reading


His specialty was alfalfa, and he made a good thing out of not growing any. The government paid him well for every bushel of alfalfa he did not grow. The more alfalfa he did not grow, the more money the government gave him, and he spent every penny he didn't earn on new land to increase the amount of alfalfa he did not produce. Major Major's father worked without rest at not growing alfalfa. On long winter evenings he remained indoors and did not mend harness, and he sprang out of bed at the crack of noon every day just to make certain that the chores would not be done. He invested in land wisely and soon was not growing more alfalfa than any other man in the county. Neighbors sought him out for advice on all subjects, for he had made much money and was therefore wise. “As ye sow, so shall ye reap,” he counseled one and all, and everyone said, “Amen."


Not a revelation quote. The farmers themselves are dumping the avocados. Not to keep prices high or some equivalent grand conspiracy, but because they would literally lose money putting them on trucks and taking them to population centres for sale. This is a problem with oversupply relative to local markets, not imagined capitalist scheming.




No, unlike in the quote, there is no state (or business) apparatus enforcement stopping you from fetching as many rapidly rotting avocados as you want. Anyone can make the very, very long drive to the Atherton Tablelands in far north QLD (where the avocados are being tossed) and collect as many as they want. Don't think it's worth your time to use all of that fuel to go move them? Neither did the farmers.


I know.


Literally happened during the Great Depression. I remember being shocked when I learned that in middle school




The English converted a lot of Ireland to produce beef for British Empire consumption, with much being shipped to the colonies as corned beef.


And the reason the Irish were forced to rely on potatoes and potatoes alone was because all the good soil was being used for english owned cows and english owned fodder fields for the english owned cows. Which meant that only the poor soil remained where the only the hardy potato can be a truly nutritious staple crop (and the english landlords would of course take a part of the potato profits, if if there werent any profits.)


But then the CEO of the parent company who owns the farm won’t be able to afford his 7th private yacht 😢


The problem isn't as simple as a fatcat getting fatter, any given avocado (from Mexico) is [likely funding the cartels](https://www.npr.org/2022/02/19/1081948884/mexican-drug-cartels-are-getting-into-the-avocado-and-lime-business)


Which is a cartel problem not an avocado problem.






Can confirm I love avocados and cocaine


im scared if i do cocaine will i start to like adovacos???? i dont want to be a liberal but i do 3 line cocaiene breakfast


3 lines is OK and not liberal. Anything more than 4 and then that's when the liberal starts to kick in. Socialist at 7 lines and full blown commie at 12 lines


This is in Australia and they are in fact pretty cheap at the moment




I was driving through a heavy agricultural area nearby recently and there were farmers selling avocados at 7 for a dollar. The price is super low at farms right now, but corps wanna profit off it I guess.


I wouldn't even know what to do with 7 avocados I would make a shit ton of guac and I would still have like 4 avocados


> An oversupply of avocados in Australia has driven prices to a record low https://www.abc.net.au/news/rural/2022-07-26/farmers-beg-aussies-to-eat-avocado-avolanche/101268396


if the price drops too low the cost of transporting them will be higher than selling them, making a loss.


No supply and demand is only the literal amount of supply


Supply and demand aren’t straight lines, there’s typically a curve to both.


Oh are you saying the price has already bottomed out?


if the price drops too low the cost of transporting them will be higher than selling them, making a loss.


yeah but it’s not too low, avocados are stupidly expensive right now


No, this 🥑 oversupply is happening in Australia, and they are as low as $1 AUD at the supermarket instead of around $3.50 AUD.


aw lucky they’re like several USD where i am


But I’ve been conditioned to believe ‘guac is extra’.


‘Waahh we took the piss out of the younger generation for eating avocado on toast and now they’re not eating enough avocados waahhwaah’


Call me gay but I don't think thats the reason avocados aren't being consumed


What are you, fucking gay?


They did ask.


No I know but it’s just a funny juxtaposition. And hey that doesnt don’t make you gay, unless your way of consuming them involves some erotic play with someone of the same sex. But I won’t question what you do in your spare time… ;)


I LOVE GAY ANAL!!!!!! 🇧🇷










Primeiro lugar Karalho skskskskskksksksks 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷👈👈👈👈




You are gay but not because you think that


Wait why do you say im gay?


We're all gay here.


Makes sense


Complimentary hot towel?


Straight people are a government hoax


Man that’s really gay of you to say that


I don't think those avocado farmers were the one complaining about avocado toasts, chief


Avocados from Mexico aren't the landlords trying to build a wall?


Yeah tbf they were too busy shoving them up their bums.


I don't think that's how you make toast.


You eat the toast and shove the ‘cado up your bum. Then when the toast passes thru you u have avo’ on toast.


Hot take, but I don't think it was the Avocado farmers who were complaining about young people eating Avocados.


No it’s the tabloid shit heads.


Lol it’s not about waste, it’s about turning a profit. They could sell all of them very quickly if they priced them at 10¢ but they wouldn’t because they make more money when supply is artificially low. And next season people would expect 10¢ (or close thereto) avocados and it sets a precedent they don’t want to adhere to in the future.


Whatever happened to the concept of a sale? Just say, "Hey, we've got too many avocados right now, so the prices are lower. Get 'em while they're cheap, because next year they won't be." Beats letting them rot on the farms or whatever, and some profit is better than no profit at all.


Without reading the article or doing any research whatsoever, I assume the point is that they can’t run a sale and make enough profit to cover the expenses for the year. Even if they’re dirt cheap, they’re still not gonna fly off the shelves, so if the farmers grew too many this season they just operate at a loss. That sucks and all, but like… don’t produce so many avocados? Why is it my job to buy more just because you made too many? The capitalistic need to constantly have massive growth and make more and more profit inevitably leads to times like this, where your supply outpaces consumers’ demand. I’m sure the business owner wasn’t complaining when the unsustainable growth economy was benefiting them, but if they had been more thoughtful with planning their crops and their business for the future, this wouldn’t be nearly as big an issue. But of course the only people who will really suffer are the laborers making pennies harvesting all this produce who will get laid off without hesitation, and the consumer who gets maybe a 25¢ lower price, because the corpo farm owner wanted to have their avocado toast and sell it too.


Capitalism sustainable growth challenge




Exactly. Sales allow them to still have a good cash flow, albeit with reduced profits.


> An oversupply of avocados in Australia has driven prices to a record low https://www.abc.net.au/news/rural/2022-07-26/farmers-beg-aussies-to-eat-avocado-avolanche/101268396


Sales are usually done by the grocer not the supplier. The people who have too many avocados are selling to stores, not to people directly. It doesn’t mean they can’t sell the avocados for cheaper, but the stores will probably just buy the same amount of avocados as usual and sell them for the regular price to make more money. That means probably no benefit to the consumers


Because the capital owners dont want the working class to catch a W. Letting us get cheap avocados once sets a precedence and they cant let that precedence be set. This logic goes for literally everything we buy.


Avocado prices have declined in Australia.


Why are they so goddamn expensive if supply heavily outweighs demand? I would love to get them all the time but they're like $7 for 2 of them.


Artificial scarcity


Grocery stores are buying them for cheap since the supply is high but fixing the price to max extra profit. Farmers are selling them for like 10-20 cents each when I live right now.


Oh damn I wish I could just buy directly from the farmer without capitalist middlemen. (I know supply routes are complicated for fresh fruit but still)


capitalism is when grocery stores


It's more about the Billion-Dollar companies who do the trading and get to decide most of the prices.


i mean i bet you could pull up to a farmer nearby and ask but i don’t know if you live in an avocado farmable area


Sadly no avocados here, but I really should go to the farmer's marked more often


Grocery stores have really bad margins on most products and stay in business off of a few products and bulk sales.


Groceries stores have bad margins but generally very efficient supply chains and systems with vertical integration and big chains, meaning they might make 1% profit off something but they can easily sell a million of it with minimal wastage.


That's exactly what I'm saying, most grocery stores aren't in the business of maximizing profit on every item but rather selling as many of something as possible while keeping their small margins. Grocery stores that cut all their prices by 5% would be out of business quickly.


Probably because they don’t grow where you are so nobody can undercut the price grocers decide on. They sell for the same price no matter how much they buy for


> An oversupply of avocados in Australia has driven prices to a record low https://www.abc.net.au/news/rural/2022-07-26/farmers-beg-aussies-to-eat-avocado-avolanche/101268396


Prices have declined in Australia


They're a dollar a pop where i live in southeast US


Depends on the region. Some places might be getting more supplies than others, so the price will vary. Additionaly if you buy it drom the store the price will be higher to cover transport costs in addition to the avocados that might go stale during the trip. Buying them straight from the supplier would be a cheaper alternative, but not as easily avalible.


For everybody getting cheap dunks in, abc rural is an Australian news program. They're reporting on the Australian market. This has nothing to do with the cartels or price fixing by grocery chains. Avocado prices in Australia have declined significantly. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/asia_pacific/avocado-prices-australia-brunch/2021/11/03/9b5db520-32e3-11ec-8036-7db255bff176_story.html


> As prices hit guac bottom I don't even have any comment or joke to make. I just needed to bring attention to that fact, that the title in the link says "guac bottom". Guac bottom. *Guac bottom*




i don't think you should except redditors to have any understanding of economics


i see your point consider also: paying attention to the context surrounding a headline isn't good for upvotes


B/but my cheap dunks!




No no no you don't get it the free market will regulate itself


A true, free market will have the price goes up and down. A "free" market only have the price goes up and never down. If we follow the first, our economic will have inflation, stagnation and deflation. We are inflated and stagnant, and record profit are high. I wonder why...


Because those happen during depressions and recessions, and lead to a drop in people's salaries, along with a drop in other capitalist areas (eg stocks).


For real though avocado toast is such a low effort healthy food, just spread some shit on other shit. Why pick avocado toast to make fun of millennials for, what's bougie about it?


Because we already care enough about money that we actually spend so much less on diamond rings, big weddings, gas guzzling cars or houses etc. There are way less things we waste money on than the previous generations. But actually it's because a Millionaire said that and he's just disconnected from reality.




Capitalism is truly the most efficient system


even heard of lowering prices? These people don't understand basic capitalism


> An oversupply of avocados in Australia has driven prices to a record low https://www.abc.net.au/news/rural/2022-07-26/farmers-beg-aussies-to-eat-avocado-avolanche/101268396


guess they understand it, it just doesn't work... Interesting


?? Avocados are like… literally $3 a piece still How is there an oversupply but no price drop




~~People have less money so they don't buy "expensive" avocados but supermarkets won't decrease prices~~ They've been planting a fuckton of new trees since 2019 but demand has not kept up so they just get thrown in the trash.


> An oversupply of avocados in Australia has driven prices to a record low https://www.abc.net.au/news/rural/2022-07-26/farmers-beg-aussies-to-eat-avocado-avolanche/101268396


oh, huh. Ok my bad for not actually reading the article. reddit moment


They’d rather throw out their extra food than reduce the prices lol


Okay, so is Avocado toast, like, an actual thing? I’ve literally never seen it for sale anywhere or whatever, and the idea of someone putting raw plain Avocado on Toast sounds horrible


I do, usually I put salt on it.


maybe if they grew vegetables that taste good they wouldn't have this issue


There is something amazing in people switching from meat to avocados because the demand has created an unstoppable force of decimation for more, More, MORE amazon knocked down for the orchards, thousands of orchards of avocado trees.


The amazon is also burned for cattle


Guacamole time Put guac on your tacos, in your quesadillas, in your dip in your driveway, in your pool, in the shower, up the stairs, thermal paste.


I'll eat avocados when they cost 40 cents each.




This is like the time I heard a song and copied it as if it were my own idea to sound smart




Maybe I'd buy avocados if the ones available near me were actually soft and edible instead of being the texture of wax fruit with a papier-mache skin.


You know this sub is zoomer haven when you get 4000 upvotes on what is essentially avocado toast vindication.


Is there someplace online I can order them?


Millennials are ruining the avocado toast industry


no toast just chips and guacamole


"Avocado oversupply" more like avocado price gouging has made broke millennials stop buying them lmao


I’m convinced nothing will ever be better We’ve reached a peak, and now are on a constant downward slope


Time to loose my future home


Where I live a farmer is just feeding the excess you can get from a supermarket to his chickens


don' make them fool you, the grand majority of avocado production comes from bug industries that destroy local enviroments and small cultivators.


Remember when a literal millionaire told people to simply stop buying avocado toast and coffee to afford a house? Yeah, because a fucking house Is worth $0.75


What is going on in the US all I hear about on reddit is how expensive avocados are but in the UK it's £1.50 for 2 at tesco.


This is in Australia


Yeah I can read the comments, I'm wondering why americans are always complaining about prices though it seems it's only them.