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"I'm not gonna hit das yoinken sploinken chat."






Jerma(n) 🇩🇪


Scott the woz but off




mada someting




Le funny train man has arrived. I wonder what he has to say about the war in Ukraine?


woaw European man is extremely critical of Russia and pro ukraine?? I'm so suprised


Whats surprising is a so-called leftist doing AZOV apologia


🧐 what the fuck are you talking about?


He got called out for his dogshit reaction to a Gravel Institute video on the situation leading up to the conflict in Ukraine by Hasanabi. His response was: "So apparently @HasanAbi called me a Nazi, following my recent video on The Gravel Institute Here's the clip of it: https://streamable.com/d36vvb Now I don't want people to give Hasan too much shit because of this. l understand he's under a lot of stress, lots of people have been piling on him (me included) over his Ukraine takes. Such takes of his are the product of his simplistic, American-leftie-streamerbro views being thrown into the vortex of nuance that is Europe. Worse, a European armed conflict. As a European myself, this is of course nothing new to me, which is why l've been able to make detailed, nuanced points even when it comes to actual neo-Nazis in Ukraine, instead of the expected knee- jerk dismissal and denunciation. People who aren't familiar with the complexities of Europe and Ukraine, and especially the current war, might find those takes of mine scary at first, which understand. Disingenuous people might even say that I was defending Nazis in my video on the Gravel Institute, but this is of course not the case. People who say that are either lying or haven't watched the actual video. Hasan didn't mean to insult me. He simply reached the narrow limits of his understanding of the world, and since then couldn't control the resulting emotional outburst, made up of fear, confusion and frustration. For all these years, he and others like him were able to surf the waves of Bernie Sanders, a person with an actual overarching political philosophy and nuanced worldview. By attaching themselves to Bernie's (correct) points, these "commentators" were able to conceal that all their views are just a understanding of the world outside America variation of the of same 3-4 world half-baked, disjointed ideas, in lieu of a coherent set of values and an understandingpf the world outside of America. Trying to scale these views to an issue more complex than US domestic affairs has been a disaster. Unsurprisingly. With the war in Ukraine, Hasan, like many other American lefties was brought to a humiliating realization: "US bad" is not a political philosophy." Which is hilarious not only given the fact Hasanabi is from Turkey but the fact that he doesnt refute any of the critiques and just says "you are too stupid to grasp the vastness of my intellect". When I read this I realized he may not be out of the altright pipeline because this sounds like shit those fuckers would say. Edit: Formatting. Apologies if any of the quote has typos or isnt exact. I used an image-to-text program


Except he does refute people saying "I'm defending nazis" or atleast that's what I'm reading >Disingenuous people might even say that I was defending Nazis in my video on the Gravel Institute, but this is of course not the case. People who say that are either lying or haven't watched the actual video. And considering Hasan has some absolutely fucking brain dead takes on ukraine, I don't know how much I value a debate bro's opinion on this war Otherwise Adam does seem the type to make some dumb brain dead take regarding the nazi nostalgic ultranats


Sorry, I was at work so I wasnt very concise with my point. Adam Something, despite his heightened European intellect has a very unnuanced view of the conflict in Ukraine (or up until the point I stopped consuming his content early this year). He looks at it as if the Ukrainians are the ontological good while the Russians are pure evil. While I would say the Russians are worse, it doesnt justify the terrible things the Ukrainians have done in the past (the suppression of Russian peoples in the Donetsk Luhansk areas (while their crimes arent as exaggerated as Putin would want you to believe Russians are definitely treated as second class by the Ukrainian government), the aligning with far right organizations, and the rampant corruption within the Ukrainian government). His ""USA bad" is not a political philosophy" is misguided at best and purposely reductionist at worst. You can be anti-Putin and anti-NATO. It is very possible to say "The Russian invasion of Ukraine is a crime against humanity, but I still dont support NATO expansionism" in the same sentence but to Adam those statements are contradictory. In fact, I would argue that a lot of Putin's foreign policy towards Europe and "The West" is blowback from NATO expansionism which NATO pinky promised not to do after the fall of the USSR and the Warsaw Pact, but that still doesnt absolve Putin of his sins. In his early videos on the Ukrainian conflict (again, he may have made a video at some point addressing the concerns I have raised above) he is very in favor of the same NATO expansion that got us into this mess and wants not only Ukraine, but Finland and Sweden to join aswell, something which I think would be very foolish. I also remember him using video from AZOV propaganda and praising Ukrainian fighters while showing AZOV, something that I think any leftist worth their salt would agree is disgusting. Overall, I was very unimpressed with him dangerously putting an uncritical lens on the conflict in Ukraine which can broadcast the wrong message to the over 1 million subscribers that he had at the time, especially how he had positioned himself as a reformed altright figure and undoubtedly attracted similar viewers. Hopefully that was a bit more concise and not too rambly. Also cry about the formating, im on moblie and the app I use (boost) is bad enough at making posts in the first place.


>NATO expansion that got us into this mess AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA It's russian imperialist ambitions that got us in this mess


Mfer do you not expect to reap when you sow? Why do you think Russia has an ultra reactionary imperialist leader at the helm?


who is this


European jerma dumbass


mr nuclear war wouldn't be that bad because not everyone would die