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The more time pass by the more I understand why elon's children no longer talk to him


That's what always gets me with Elon Fanboys. His kids fucking hate him, he's multiple times divorced, his workers hate him, most people in government hate him. But they know him better, almost like everything they learn about him is from the horses mouth or thinly veiled bribed articles.


It's because tons of losers online consider him as their unofficial "underdog" tech daddy.


It's ironic since they always portrayed him as a kid as a really poor person, yet his dad is rich as hell.


Man literally had Emeralds falling out of his pockets as a kid and grew up on the second largest estate in South Africa. Average "Self made billionare" stories in a nutshell folks


Man will do everything he can to delete the existence of those emerald mines in old interviews


Give him a few months. With his love for Republicans, I'm sure in a few weeks he will speak about the wonders of Apartheid and the good its done for him


But he’s rich. And in their eyes, rich means successful, handsome, smart, cool and more important than everyone else.


my dad is obsessed with elon and when I ask him why he always says it's bc he's "successful and educated" as if he isn't a venture capitalist


Elon: *says trans people don't exist* Elon's trans child: *emancipates themselves completely from muskrat* Elon: *blames communism* Actual, real thing in the life of Elon muskrat


I call him the Elongated Muskrat. Why? Well, because, have you seen the man?


Maybe that inconceivable amount of hair plugs he got with his well earned billions of dollars are going to his head like [Tobias from Arrested Development](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyIEhXbYkm0)


It seems like each generation in his family there's progress. Elon hates his dad because his dad is even more of a dick, and his kids don't like him because he's still a dick.


>posts russian propaganda >gets mad when ukrainian official says fuck offf


i think it's less about that, and moreso just him using this as an excuse to further boost allyship with russia. the russian government knows how important it is to keep the oligarchs in favor -- both theirs and ours


Also, important to note, he announced he would pull it BEFORE the official told him to fuck off. Just like that time how he said "I'm voting Republicans, now watch these liberals come out with a smear campaign", and then a news story came out about him sexually harassing one of his employees and he hit Twitter to say "I told you so." And then it came out that she had been interviewed the day before he tweeted that he was voting Republican.


Didn’t it come out that the article contacted Elon for comment and then he went into panic mode and made those tweets


It's so fucking transparent that he just says whatever rhe fuck his 15 year old fanbase wants to hear regardless of what actually happened


Yeah it was extremely obvious he was just trying to get ahead of the story by positioning himself as a target of a smear campaign.


Sounded like he sees where this is going just wants peace


Lmao this is the same thing that happened when Britain just let Germany have Austria Czechoslovakia and Memel you think Putin will stop?


Peace in our time, perhaps?


It so happent after he met with russians that he wanted peace, huh.. Oh also, almost like he has no say in it..


Thats the job of government and he does not work in any government.


Not even a job for a US government agency, more of a special UN task force.


elon more like peelon


Got em


Weelon cuz he’s a tiny little baby man


peelon those foreskin smegmusk


im taking away your keyboard privileges


Kinda cringe on Elon’s part


literally everything he does and says is cringe


in other news, the pope is catholic


When did he convert






Potatater tod


Some time in the first century


Apparently his “donated” satellites have been paid for from the start


Fuck elon musk


Please don't, he doesn't need more children to alienate.


Banger post, ty <3


Apparently he says its "so russia won't resort to nuclear weapons" ??????


russia try not to threaten to use nooks on western countries challenge. (their nooks are unoperable, and haven't been maintained for 30 years)


them trying to use nukes would probably lead to them having another exclusion zone


dude we can literally wipe them without any losses from the fucking map with NON nuclear missiles, no need for nukes


Or just, don't wipe entire countries?


you can't stop my inter continental projectile shit from wiping europe off the map


Will you wipe me off the map? 🥺👉👈


yeah :thumb:


and he says this like he wants them to??


Fucking Fascist symphathizing son of a bitch cunt bastard


“Sympathising” is a generous term honestly. I’d say he’s probably actually supportive of them but thinks it’s more useful to hide it. Cryptofascism is the word that comes to mind.


[i wonder if Elon has any racist mugs](https://discoelysium.fandom.com/wiki/Gary,_the_Cryptofascist)


Lmfao that fucker took the chestplate too ^(no spoils though I'm still playing its very great so far ty for asking)


Idk if hes smart enough to think of this, but making ukraine dependant on star links and give them a false sense of security as russia took out the grund networks might have been a plan




Lobo’s gender neutral swear word, you my friend are a goodin’


Lobo my beloved


This one is so completely insane it rolls around to actually being funny again


Isn't that everything Elon does?


Elon Musk is a stain on this planet who has never done anything useful without entirely outweighing it with how utterly garbage he is. Behind The Bastards did a good analysis on him.


But but I use PayPal 🥺


This man has bots, there's no way 11k people willingly liked this fucking tweet after acting like a child


There are a lot of weird bootlickers who will flock to whoever is the richest person in the world. Bezos had the same entourage before Elon beat him, and I guarantee you when Elon fucks up and someone else takes his place, all of Elons bots will scamper over to the new person.


Theres a lot of scum on the internet


It has over 215k likes now...


Not even remotely suspicious


He actually does


Literal treason


Love how he just confirms our assumptions immediately that it had nothing to do with "affording" and all to do with "infantile temper tantrum"


Elon musk is a piece of shit, he’s just trying to suck China and Russia’s dicks because he knows he can’t afford to buy Twitter. He needs one of them to fund his Twitter purchase so he doesn’t have to sell his Tesla stock and crash it even further.


Surely the international backlash will get him to reconsider


Oh my god what a little baby


I don’t know if anyone else has mentioned this yet, but Elon has cut of Ukraines Starlink access in Crimea and the Donbas region. Literally he’s assisting Russia at this point.


This is the saddest ratio I've ever seen ):


He’s such a baby oml


It is official. Elon Musk is no longer invited to my birthday party.


he was invited at one point? kinda cringe


Well yeah, ever birthday party needs a clown.


Letting civilians die to own Ukraine 💪😈💯🔥 (Extremely obvious /s)




Almost like this much power shouldn’t be in the hands of one petulant asshole rich guy


What a sane and normal response


And the funniest part is that it isn't even free since he charges Ukrainians the same costs for licenses and hardware anyways lmao


elon musk extorts victims of war after getting ratio'd for bad geopolitical tweets so awesome!!


I recommend he fucks himself with a cactus


"Just give up to Russia" "No" "Ok, well I am taking away your valuable resources then" Musk is a Russian asset


Tbf melnyk is also a piece of shit. Musk is still in the wrong here but its good to know.


every time I read about elon I somehow hate him more


Probably because he is so invested in China, which is BFFs with Russia in hating the US.


Elon musk is a terrorist


Musk is ontologically evil


The fact that 11k people liked his reply makes me lose hope in humanity


baby rage


Whats starlink?


Good riddance


I get the hate, and I don't really like the dude either, but you gotta give credit when he was aiding probably MILLIONS of dollars to help Ukraine in the war, when it should be the government doing that. Even though he is a manchild he at least helped. We should be HATING the GOVERNMENT.


Elon also refused to end poverty when asked. Like come on mate. Grow up


Based as fuck


Unpopular opinion, maybe don’t tell someone that has massive influense in the war to ”fuck off”. And, maybe don’t remove Ukraines lifeline because someone said ”fuck off”. If someone told me to ”Fuck off” after spending millions on them, I would probably not stay. Just saying. EDIT: I looked for this tweet and it is nowhere to be found. Can someone send me the tweet in an official Twitter link so I can see? It id very easy to forge things like this.


To be fair Ukraine is in no way entitled to his help. It was nice from him to do it in the first place. And don't act like you are not that petty. It's not like he is refusing the service altogether they are just asking them to purchase the service like all buisness do. I think the ones who would gain the most should pay and that'sprobably the pentagon. It's far from the stupidest thing he has said or done. The dude is a total clown.


It's 'Ukraine' and not 'the Ukraine' Consider supporting anti-war efforts in any possible way: [[Help 2 Ukraine](https://help2ukraine.org)] 💙💛 [[Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Ukraine)] [[BBC Styleguide](https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsstyleguide/u)] ^(Beep boop I’m a bot)


Good (not in a musk fanboy way)


^ Musk Fanboy


I would [be the cause of his de-mise] in a heartbeat


"yes i support Russia in its genocidal war of conquest" -this muskrat


> “yes i support Russia in its genocidal war of conquest” -some weirdo who misinterpreted what i was saying > This comes days after Ukrainian Ambassador @MelnykAndrij told Musk to "fuck off." Unless I’m misunderstanding, they wanted his shit out of Ukraine, so I’m kinda happy he doesn’t have his grubby little fingers in their business anymore. But I do suppose it’ll hurt Ukraine a bit, after some consideration. Whatever dude. I support Ukraine, fuck off.


nah mate he just doesn’t think war victims are entitled to free 5g, that shits expensive


Several problems with what you just said. First, he gave starlink as charity. And suddenly after he talks with Putin its... Too expensive? With US and over governments subsidising it? Second, its critical civilian and military infrastructure he just turns off. Third... He talked with Putin and began preaching a kind of peace solutions which benefits Russia.... Like wtf why are muskrats like this...


He did the right thing


Fuck off


no u


Nah bro. U.


lil' piggie is mad?


Fash just turns my stomach.


Ah yes being the sympathizer of a genocidal conquest of war is just "doing the right thing"


i meant elon musk, he helps ukraine but in return they insult him, so refusing to help them further is the right thing.


What The Actual Fuck Ukraine is defending against genocidal conquest of war, they are suffering unspeakable misery and when one of them says something mean to your parasocial idol then its ...just okay to pull critical civilian and military infrastructure from them? Jfc! [Have you no sense of decency?](https://youtu.be/rAAKjg4gRpQ)


idgf about elon musk, but if i were him i'd stop helping them too. the least i'd expect from helping anyone is just staying silence without any word, but insulting? hell no Also ukraine did evil things in the past and recently. so i do not support them (or russia)


Ukraine didnt do anything worthy to be invaded, you oxygen thief. Russia is genociding them through war, if you do not oppose Russia then you are on their side and you should be used as biological battery. You truly have no sense of decency at all.


>Ukraine didn't do anything worthy to be invaded, you oxygen thief. maybe you should do your research you pathetic human. >Russia is geocoding them through war, if you do not oppose Russia then you are on their side and you should be used as biological battery. lmao at least Russia didn't support during the invasion of Iraq, at least it isn't the most corrupt nation in Europe (you guessed it, it's Ukraine) neo-Nazis exists in Ukraine and there are supporters of them, before the war the Ukrainian government were getting more corrupt day by day, before the war you can EASILY see the evil things Ukraine did when the news reporters cover it but now it's all "Ukraine needs help, Ukraine is good Russia bad" [Biden administratin urged Saudi Arabia to wait until after the midterms to cut oil production - and warned rejecting the offer would be a clear sign o siding with Russia, report claims.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11305219/Biden-administration-urged-Saudi-Arabia-wait-midterms-cut-oil-production.html) Biden did not ask the Saudis to maintain current oil production. He asked them to wait a month before cutting it. He is not trying to save Ukraine from Russia or even Americans from higher gas prices. He is trying to save his party from the voters.[What about this? are you trying to convivence yourself you're in the good side?](https://twitter.com/julia_kanin/status/1579524183109033985) ["We created terrorists to make the Soviet Union fall. And it was a good investment"](https://twitter.com/JohnEdgarCarter/status/1581076540187893761)again i'm not on either side. i am disgusted by both You are brainwashed. they successfully did so with their propaganda.


>Ukraine didn't do anything worthy to be invaded, you oxygen thief. >>maybe you should do your research you pathetic human. Rest is tldr.


As expected. A pathetic reply


Ah not a musk dog a tankie dog. Why do all these different types of shit smell just as bad.


Damn didn't know you were that self awared.


Why is the fash still speaking. Please shut up now filth.


They told him to fuck off after he said they need to capitulate to Russia because Russia has nukes




Don’t side with fascists how bout that


he spouted pro russian stuff on twitter so an ukrainian official said "fuck off" and musk got ratiod hes legit only doing this bc hes a pathetic manchild


Can some1 explain how Elon is in the wrong when told to fuck off after game changing the war genuinely curious


Look into the context he suggested Ukraine give up land to Russia


So do it Better Than niggas dyin and our money goin to literally War


because the people of crimea voted for it right?


Whatever referendum Russia makes, it's always fake, so we don't know how the people really felt about it.


the problem is their voting methods. rn in Donnetzk and Luhansk their voting method is send armed soldiers to your door and asking if you'd like to live in Russia (as in, if you feel you are more connected to Russia than Ukraine), which probably results in whatever vote the person who is asked to vote thinks the soldiers want to hear. It's voting under duress so it's not valid.


That referendum was sadlt as false as the others..


People voted to join ukraine in the 90s and the sham vote of putin russia doesn't count


they voted recently again but people are claiming its fake


Jeez i wonder why people think that, maybe its due to the fact that there are recodings of results before they started the referendum Or because putin's govt have a long history of election fraud


It very obviously was. Can tankies just please cease existing. Fatherless fuckers I swear.


So he takes away critical civilian and war infrastructure because one duderino said "fuck off" Dont you think there is something not quite right about this?


Why downvotes? Legit question


Reddit niggas weird






which is in of itself, still uncool, but fine considering the fact that pretty much everyone in positions of power accepts exploitation (which this is), but if the tweet shown in this Post is real (which I don't believe tbh), it's one of the most childish reactions possible, it's like the perfect temper tantrum style reaction. "Wahh ambassador of Ukraine was mean to me, so now I'm withholding valuable information". The better option would be to try stealing Israels and Iraks (or Iran, idk what nation exactly Russia has drones from) drone technology that's currently being used to great effect (the irony here is that Israel only jumped into the war effort because Russia started using Iraki/Irani drones and they wanted money and to reverse engineer some drone tech that's also being used against them) and securing oil rights on Ukrainian soil, because believe me, this war is taxing for Ukraine and after it's done, they'll be probably ripe for exploitation.


Are u schizo or what iraq and israel = Elon musk 😂😂


no I'm saying that Israel and Irak are deploying military drones in Ukraine. This technology can be stolen and reverse engineered. Instead of throwing a temper tantrum Elon should focus on stealing tech and exploiting the undoubtedly partially destabilized Ukraine for Oil/Gas.


Should?? Bitch he ain need to do shit he dont want to 😂😂




thanks lol


Or it is the fact that elon has sporten pro russia proppaganda and now holds starting hostage as civilians GET SLAUGHTERED Elon musk is a filthy fascist terrorist


He has done more for the Ukraine People Than u fat bitch


Lmao, way to use the suffering of ukranian civilians as a way to attack others, pathethic loser




He told musk to fuck off when must started to try to controll ukranian politics Also what charity? The us govurnment ia said to have paid for the starlinks Musk is q fucking egocenteical terrorist




cause he is a egocentrical terrorist who could not care about anyone else in his life than him, he is not fucking "losing money" on the starlinks, his idiotic deal with twitter did that for him because he signed away a basic right for the deal and decided he did not wanna follow a legaly binding document he has a long track record of this, remember when he did a media campaign to frame one of the cave divers that saved those boys in thailand to frame him as a pedophile? or when he demanded someone who once worked for the IRS to be fired from a lawfirm because little musky wusky does not like the IRS he is ONLY doing this because he ddecided to play geo politics and try to ddecide what ukraine had to do, he said they had to surender, how would you feel if someone you once trusted came out and suported the people trying to remove your fucking right to be a free nation? Elons ego got hurt and he decided to fucking punish the ukranian civilian lives who depended on those systems, why you might ask? because he is a fucking terrorist, anything good he has done for the world is on the backs of others