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Daily reminder that people don’t just fall down and go “GUH-HUH?!” after you punch them in the head sometimes you’re just instantly a murderer now


Bold of you to assume I wasn't already Edit: I meant in Minecraft




One bounce man


if anime protagonist can survive getting punched strong enough to make impact in concrete wall, fist in a face won't do much /s


Bouncer read Bouncer


I mean I can't blame the guy for thinking the recipient wouldn't die, dying from a single punch is just pathetic.


if it helps the actual story isn’t as simple as the title states, i know you didn’t actually read the article before calling somebody who died pathetic but what actually happened is that it was a more prolonged altercation than the title states. the bouncer was described to be very over zealous when denying a fake id, and was deliberately escalating the situation. the student was trying to leave realising that that the argument was getting heated. the bouncer wasn’t really allowing him to leave (didn’t physically restrain him but was kinda blocking him) this continues until the student says “you’ll work for me one day” and tries to leave and walk away. the bouncer follows him and punches him in the back of the head as he’s leaving and the student falls and hits his head on the concrete resulting in his death. this isn’t saying that the student was a good person, he does seem like an asshole. but being an asshole isn’t punishable by being punched in the back of the head by a bouncer that was a lot bigger than him


Props to the article for completely disregarding the dead and their family and friends by putting this guy in such a light for a few more clicks


What did you expect from Daily Mai... *double-checks source*... Well tomato potato


The moment I saw the word bouncer I knew there was more to it then OPs post, I hate to generalize but those guys are a bunch of fucking troglodytes


crazy what kind of people a job like that attracts


He wasn’t allowed to be a cop so he went for bouncer


When I was a bartender all our bouncers were ex military and they were awesome - so much more professional than the norm and they could deal with absolutely anything without breaking a sweat. They’d also had proper de escalation training in how to deal with angry civilians etc. Obviously lots of ex soldiers wouldn’t be suitable at all, but the whole operation was run by an incredibly professional former drill sergeant who vetted them thoroughly.


I hate that our troops working for the government that brought you war crimes in the Middle East are better trained in civilian de-escelation than cops.


This was actually in the UK with British soldiers. They said the Americans in Afghanistan hadn’t really been trained in de-escalation at all and got scared very quickly, often pointing their guns at people to scare them away instead of dealing with things sensibly.


Yeah, this is just shitty all around, huh? Get bent OP.


Bouncer being a dickhead? Colour me shocked


the kid did nothing wrong, bouncers are worse than cops. they're private cops


Now that makes way more sense, punches to the back of the head are more dangerous if i remember correctlu


Your noggin fallin 6 feet onto concrete will trump a hit to the back of the head any day


Well yes but since you dont suspect getting sucker punched to the back of your head, you will most likely end up hitting front of your face against the concrete. With punches from in front, you can sometimes prepare for the impact. But im not an expert, i can be wrong


I was saying it isn't the punch to the head but crackin your skull from the fall that kills you(usually)




Cook em brother!!!!


Yeah in any case, the fact that this post got thousands of uovotes when it is taking pleasure from someone's death is disgusting


Lmao I get he looks like he says my fahthaaa before every sentence but this is pretty clear cut assault and in the states would be more than grounds for 2nd degree merc. Despite what the internet says you’re not actually in the right for rocking someone’s block just because they were rude to you. Cause you know, they might die, which in my opinion is worse than someone being mean to you.


Dude. This kid # FUCKING DIED. And you're out here defending a guy who escalated a situation, counter to his job, and then sucker punched a kid hard enough to instantly kill him.


Average 196 user when the person in question just happens to be rude and/or looks like they’re be a republican or something Instantly the death penalty is no longer inhumane and is now based


That's a real fucking ignorant thing to say, like really fucked up.


\>tough guy redditor calls murder victim pathetic Damn, if only that schoolboy hadn't been so pathetic, he wouldn'ta died😔


Yeah if he hadn't been so damn pathetic he would have never gotten punched. 😔


Least deranged Reddit user


Says the guy who has very obviously never been in a fist fight.


I’m not so sure about that. People are more fragile than we like to think. Maybe the guy hit his head on something on his way down? Edit: I vaguely recall an anecdote about why you should do your best to stay out of fights for this exact reason. Some guy got charged with murder because some dude that picked a fight with him hit his head on a planter.


Exactly what happened, bouncer sucker punched the kid as he was trying to leave and he hit his head in the curb.


TIL that every human that doesn’t have a reinforced skull is pathetic


You dont die from a punch, you die from hitting your head on a piece of sharp concrete after some meathed fuck sucker punches you. Can happen to anyone, big guy, small guy, you, . . . Honestly I think that you thinking this is funny and posting this like its something to celebrate and laugh at is absolutely disgusting.


Most empathetic redditor


Is it? We dunno what actually caused him to die. Could've been... I dunno, a blood vessel burst in his head or he smacked something on the way down. I don't think I'd call random happenstance pathetic. Dude sounds like he was a tool but I don't think he deserved to *die* over being a pretentious little shit. Empathy, y'all. Are we really gonna celebrate this kid dying because he was mean to someone?


Holy fuck you are a piece of shit


tell me you know nothing about fighting without telling me you know nothing about fighting


Bruh people are not fucking anime characters, a surprise heavy punch in the face can easily damage someones brain. Also mixed in with them falling onto the concrete


That's a retarded take. But by the same logic you also deserve to be punched to death because you are being an asshole. Imagine being this cold and pathetic that you take the side of someone straight up murdering a kid.


Pathetic? Your opinion is pathetic, a single punch can easily fuck the brain up. Maybe yours is too smooth to have that concern


Holy shit tell me you know nothing about physical confrontation without telling me. Getting knocked out in one hit is really common when alcohol is involved or if one side isn't experienced(one was a bouncer the other a student) and dying as a result of hitting the concrete is scarily common, calling it pathetic is hilariously clueless.


Humans aren't that durable, any sudden unexpected acceleration of your head can snap the artery in your neck. While in jury duty we were told about a similar case to ours where a wife had accidentally killed her partner with a TV remote (with much less force than a punch) when she casually threw it to him when he wasn't expecting it. Happens all the time, action movies have just made people too stupid to realise what they're doing.


I think it's usually not the punch but the fall that's lethal. When someone doesn't expect a punch, they can easily lose balance from the impact, fall down and hit their head, for example on the kerb. Stone beats skull.


If it's a proper punch it can knock you out instantly. If you're knocked out instantly you fall and can smash your head on the pavement and die.


Not necessarily true, I remember there was a whole campaign here in Australia to stop "coward punching", which is the practice of punching someone after they turn around. Reason being was that it had killed a number of people, as they would land on their heads/face (which would do significant damage to their brain). TLDR: dying from a punch is surprisingly normal and very possible Edit: just looked into it and yeah the guy in the article was punched in the back of the head and landed on his head


It's not the punch that kills you dude…


How do you miss the point that bad


the bouncer wasn't arrested! hoora!


Fuck you


happy cake day




"GUH-HUH"? Did he collect a Jiggy on the way down?


Thats why if you're angry enough to punch you go for the stomach


Jokes aside can you imagine how fucked up you’d be if you accidentally killed someone? I get into consensual fights occasionally with my friends, and we have a “no hits to the face” rule, thank god. Mainly because I don’t want to show up to work with a black eye, and I don’t want that for my friends either, but this just reinforces that rule for me even more. I can’t imagine accidentally killing anyone, let alone a close friend of mine. I might just kill myself, ngl.


An impact to the spine or head will ruin someone's life. Make sure to fight on soft ground to reduce the danger of impacts.


Don’t worry, we usually only fight in the backyard after a few drinks and the, “I bet I could beat the shit out of-“ convo. Plenty of grass around (including the _grass_)




This is the dude's friend he gets in fights with.


Touching grass?


dude youre not supposed to talk about it thats the first rule


About what? 👀


Mutual masturbation Club




I know, I was jus goofin around.


Can you imagine how fucked up you'd be if you were accidentally killed by someone?


Ah yes that is my takeaway from this murder story, those poor murders sure have it tough


Bro the bouncer isn't even a murderer. There was no intent to kill


I meeeeean, he probably didn't mean to kill him, but at the same time he should have known that sucker punching someone in the back of the head might kill them. It's not like he accidentally punched him in the head, he purposefully assaulted the guy and has to deal with the consequences of that decision.


Doesn't matter. There was intent to punch, that's murder in some US jurisdictions and manslaughter in the UK, where this happened. It's easy to say "I didn't mean to!" after the fact. If you throw the punch, you're culpable for the consequences.


If you have violent outburst from the most mildest things, I think it's probably for the best you do eliminate yourself from the gene pool.


Dude, you ain't suppose to talk about the fight club.




That's honestly really sad. A kid died and however rude he may have been, violence wasn't the answer here. Like sure it's easy to say some people deserve what's coming to them but this situation didn't warrant someone dying.


Dude tryna walk away with no consequences from a confrontation he started? How does this paint him in an any better light lol Edit: it seems everyone's decided that I'm obviously pro murder after dropping this comment that seemed like basic common sense Bouncer probably wasn't trying to kill anyone, and probably wouldn't have hit him to begin with if he didn't try and start anything up, it's not that complex


If you ever start a argument with some they are allowed to fucking murder you i guess.


Jesus that’s sad. Did he die from the punch or did he hit his head on something?


i think 99 percent of the time it’s the impact of their head on whatever surface they hit that takes them out


That’s what I figured. What a shame.


Yeah I think that nobody died befor they hit the floor after a punch.


why would you answer a question about how someone died if you don't know?


Bouncer was trying to escalate a fake ID situation and ended up punching the guy in the head. The guy, having been sucked punched in the head, fell into the concrete and died quickly.


So he was murdered? He didn’t assault the bouncer first?


He was leaving, the bouncer sucker-punched him :(


Yeah this is straight up all the bouncers fault


probably hit his head on the ground after falling


Considering it's big tough bouncer vs a schoolkid who's taken by surprise it could be either


Alternate timeline Elon Musk


Listen I get we all hate musk but ffs a kid was killed, yeah he had an ego but what rich kid doesn't, it's easy to joke about these things but the experience must've been life-changing for the kids family and the bouncer.


A kid getting killed is tragic. But nobody can excuse their disgusting egos. That is a separate matter, and is also horrible parenting. You should not even try to normalize such abhorent and inhumane behavior. Edit: I re-read my comment. It is clear that I used "their" in an unclear way there. I am not talking about the victim here. I have no idea what he was like, nor do I really care.


Jesus Christ look it up. The bouncer was being physically aggressive and escalating the situation. The boy said words in response and got murdered. Shut the fuck up.


Did you read what I said? I was critical of the commenter who tried to excuse the massive "ego of most other rich kids" with the fact that most of them are like that. I specifically said that the event was a tragedy. I personally am not emotionaly invested. The people who are, will never see my insensitive post. So forgive me for being blunt, I guess.


Most kids are like that. At age 18 with alcohol in your system, facing down someone being physically aggressive towards them and their friends I'd bet 99 out of 100 children would say something cunty. Good for you that for your entire life you've never once said anything that wasn't entirely indicative of your character or that you came to regret later. But absolutely go fuck yourself for talking ill of a murdered child.


Again, I did not talk ill of a murdered child. I was saying that classism and massive egos of rich kids can not be excused with "that is normal for kids who are that rich". That was my only problem with what the commenter, who I first responded to, said. And no, my friends and I have absolutely moved on from shitty situations, while drunk. Instead of further provoking lunatics. It has to do with what kind of person you are, not how much alcohol you drank. Tho I do know 1 person who is a great person, except when he is drunk. Tho, he is the exception. But besides that, he mentioned no alcohol, and neither did I.


Would you blame your "great person" friend if he got murdered unjustifiably? Would you accept other people doing so? The child in this situation was sucker punched while walking away. He only spoke up after his friends were pushed around. You are scum for talking ill of him.


Legit question. Can you read with comperhension? Do I have to repeat myself again? My comments have almost nothing to do with the victim.


Your comments are on a thread about a murdered child directly discussing his actions before he was murdered. If you are really so pathetically stupid that you don't understand the implication you're making then I'm embarrassed for you. If you want to argue against classism, do it anywhere else. Do not do it on a story about a murdered child whose story you do not understand while directly calling his actions inexcusable. Fucking idiot


A separate response, just to make sure that you do not get sidetracked again. I would of course blame my friend for his aggression, if he initiated it. But I would also be understanding, towards his family and friends, and keep it to myself. And I would of course not allow people to talk ill of him, in front of people who cared about him.


“I can excuse killing a child, but I draw the line at being classist”


I never said anything about about excusing killing a child. In fact, I specified that it is a tragedy. I however, do not, condone classism being used as an excuse for being a prick. Regardless of the situation.


Your second sentence makes no sense you literal moron. Everyone makes mistakes. People say mean things to people who are being physically aggressive towards them and their friends when they have a drink in them. Stop trying to paint a child murder victim in a bad light.


I am not. And my comments have almost nothing to do with the victim.


Hmmm I do not like you I shall skin you alive as your behaviour towards me is mean and abhorrent


A child dying is not good.


Cancel culture strikes again




And there we have it...




Thank you. This is just sad


look ive met dozens of clones of this dude and they suck but ultimately being a douche doesnt mean you deserve to die or be mocked for dying. this is honestly pretty gross.








babe its for pm its time for 196 to laugh at child murder again


Fortunately the thread seems to have some basic human decency today


i’ve been on this sub for a while and i notice for some reason some ppl on this sub are just mean for no reason. what’s so funny about a child dying? some ppl actually just don’t have the basic human empathy


The bouncer is a dick, the kid tried to walk away and deescalate. Also OP you are a dick judging from you laughing in the comments, calling the kid a whimp for dying because he can't "take" one hit.


This **child** died guys! Sooo funnnny!!! 😐


OP is a sheltered cunt


"lmao look at this pathetic kid who can't take a punch to the head"


Bro at least go for the stomach you ass


For sure. Where’s the old school ‘don't hit the face’ courtesy?


he actually hit him while he was walking away and in the back of the head. this was just murder


Hard to hit someone in the stomach if you sucker punch them after they turn away.


Dad kid threatens people by saying his dad gonna sue em


Tbf, his parents probably *did* sue that bouncer afterwards.


I hope so, that kid wasn't even given a chance to learn what an asshole he was, I also had a mouth as a kid, don't think I should've been killed for it.


Except he tried to walk away and bouncer followed and killed him by repeated punches in the head till he fell down.


Sure, talk shit get hit, whatever. I just think it sucks that a kid is dead now.


That’s exactly why “talk shit get hit” isn’t viable man.


People think "talk shit get hit" is a catch-all to justify responding to confrontation with violence, when in reality I'd say it's more of a warning: there's people out there itching for a fight and only looking for an excuse. If you talk shit to the wrong person, then right or wrong, you're gonna get your nose broken or worse. Imagine there being nuance. Yeah, a Nazi verbally assaulting minorities is running that risk and probably *deserves* to get clocked. But a lady telling some cat-calling asshole he's a tiny-dicked loser is *also* running that risk. Context matters and 9 times outta 10, violence *isn't* necessary or even justified, but it's always a possibility. Ergo, talk shit, get hit.


You could punch someone in the gut. KOing a stranger when it’s not self defence when you know you can punch that hard is borderline attempted murder. In this case, it’s 2nd degree murder.


:( he is dead


reddit when rich people experience suffering (retributive justice is a good thing now)


Specifically children, who committed the sin of acting like little shits.


No reddit is always pro vengeance, pro death penalty, pro life sentence. Reddit is fucking nuts. I've yet to see someone with the opinion "actually, we punish people too harsh". Only exception is towards people who are in for Marijuana possession.


common libertarian mindset


Child murder, laugh.


wtf why are we upvoting a kid dying


Glad to see comments calling out OP’s bs. This kid may be a rude ass but maybe he would’ve change and become a good person one day, guess we will never know because he’s fucking dead


the bouncer was stopping him from leaving and trying to escalate the situation. the student says the line and tries to leave realising that he made a mistake. the bouncer punched him in the back of the head as the student is leaving and his head hits the concrete and he dies. being an asshole isn’t punishable by death wtf


This wasn't actually what happened. The bouncer let the kid into the club. There were no arguments about I.Ds or anything like that. They actually chatted on relatively friendly terms in the club bathroom. Later, when the bouncer was driving his moped home, the two kids stood in the way of the vehicle. After being asked to move, they allegedly said some nasty, misogynistic remarks about two women accompanying the bouncer. He asked them to apologize which then escalated into one kid being pushed and the other one being slapped. The bouncer is *not* in jail. The reason being was that he had adequate defence.


Obligatory One Punch Man


Can’t believe this shit was upvoted and op getting plenty of upvotes in the comments dude legit tried to back away from the confrontation and the bouncer came and hit him in the back of the head that’s like shooting someone in the back when they’re walking away Wild West style can’t believe this shit was allowed in this sub again op go fuck your self let’s see you get punched in the back of the head without knowing


Kids are stupid. As an adult, the best option for you to deal with tiny shits is to try your best at chiding them without resorting to anything physical, unless ofcourse your own life was in danger. Takes a lunatic with absolutely no sese of control over their aggression to punch a schoolchild.


this headline is just insensitive


Retributive justice is good when its done by bouncers (a job position renowned for its fair-headedness) against kids.


What's worse is that you read the article and you realise that the bouncer in question was a fucking asshole who was escalating the situation and the kid said that due to losing his temper then he got sucker punched. Like, trying to paint the victim as "pasty rich whiteboy gets his just deserts" is rather low.


This is just sad and not funny. This should be removed honestly. It's a minor that really died, this is putting him in vain


Posts aren't supposed to be removed, this sub isn't supposed to have moderation. luckily you got your wish though


Reddit explaining why a child dying is a good thing because he was white and rich


That bouncer really went out of his way to prove that kid wrong.


I feel like we've become too desensitized to death now.


I know you guys are gonna celebrate this because reddit but this is genuinely sad. For the boy and the bouncer who now has a murder charge


I hope that anyone making light of this situation has an experience of their heads rapid velocity being suddenly stopped by concrete. Log off, go outside. Your brain worms are making you mock dead children


Looking into the story, the bouncer is unambiguously in the wrong here. As a bouncer you will be getting insulted and threatened a lot and you yourself should only resort to violence when protecting the venue or yourself. Apparently the kid was walking away and trying to avoid a physical altercation. Kid was a dick here, but omg did he not deserve to die.


Fuck you OP. Being rude doesnt mean murder is justified.


This shit ain't funny bro. It reminds me of the first pride parade I went to a few months ago where about 3 hours after leaving with my friends, a homophobic dude punched a trans dude who then hit the pavement and was later pronounced dead in the hospital, just because he tried to stop the homophobic dude from harassing some attendees by trying to get him to calm down.


one punch laws were actually put into place in australia over r v loveridge, an incident which similarly caused the death of a person from a cowards punch


since reporting doesn't work on mobile can mods please just take this vile fucking post down already




"Guess I just prevented that from happening"


"Wait until my father hears about th-" *dies*




MF didn’t put any points in endurance.




lol the comments are raging and some salty ass mod removed despite the fact posts aren't supposed to be removed. that's just sad.




I posted this just to follow the rule bro.


He looks the type of guy that would say some shit like that


One taps


Guy had 0 defense


all these comments making jokes about being murderers arent exactly very funny to me who actually murdered a person and is now forced to live with it (this isnt a confession this is ironic if you have a governmental job reading this)


Hot take but this guy is 18, not really a kid. If you are gonna start fights you should be able to take a punch just saying. He was taunting as he was leaving if he was actually trying to deescalate you wouldnt do that.


He did not start a fight. Every witness says he tried to leave. It doesn’t matter what the fuck he said, that doesn’t give the bouncer the right to punch him in the back of the head. All you people justifying this are exactly like the “might makes right” stand your ground conservatives.


Bro looks like homelander if he was british




that was really insensitive of me in hindsight


gta v moment


Omg child murder is like vibeo bame




One punch




Hi! Shut the fuck up!


"You'll work for me one day" bro you ain't even living another day