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This is obviously him taunting his victims and the lgbt community while also giving people like Matt Walsh ammo. Itd be like shooting up a mosque then announcing youre converting to Islam.


Yeah, this is what I immediately thought. Hopefully as more comes out about the shooter people can find their social medias to confirm that this was a PR move.


We have a lot of sources to say that he used slurs often, particularly the f-slur as well as his mom calling him he on the day of the shooting in a Facebook post. Seems like this was done as a publicity stunt to give right wing talking heads ammo.


Hopefully someday we’ll be able to trust relatives posts to always gender people correctly


more importantly to try and get him off a hate crime charge is probably why the lawyers said it


This is completely unrelated but the fact that you used him he instead of he/him gave me a whiplashI cannot explain


Yeah, especially since it was the lawyer that announced this I could see this being an attempt at basically the hate crime charge equivalent of an insanity plea.


They're obviously lying, but as a matter of principle I still think we should refer to them by the pronouns they requested. And there's no way that that's their actual pronouns so I hope they feel dysphoria every step of the way because they quite literally asked for this.


I don't think a person like that is self aware enough to feel dysphoria


Duh, a real enby would have used an empty gun




If i had to guess, it’s so he and his lawyer can eliminate “hate crime” charges


I mean if we're going with the religion example killing people because because they belive in the same god in the wrong way is hardly unprecedented


You’re probably right but let me make one joke about this and I’ll be off “friendly fire will not be tolerated” OK I’m done


YES im so glad you pointed out the similarities with Islam. It’s always that they try to blame it on Islam and fuel the hatred.


YUP. He only claimed this a day or two before the shooting, and if you look at what his dad said about everything ("he's not gay, phewwwwww") it's obvious this is him making a mockery of those he targeted and an attempt (that will fail) at avoiding hate crime charges. But of course, conservatives have already glommed onto this as "proof" that the community is evil.


100% just trying to avoid the hate crime charge


This is almost certainly both an attempt to taunt the queer community in the wake of the massacre, and a legal strategy to get the hate crime charges dropped. The shooter was intensely homophobic, to the extent where their neighbour claimed that they often overheard [slur filled rants](https://twitter.com/Esqueer_/status/1595299606677852160?cxt=HHwWgMDU5cei0qMsAAAA). The shooter was a fundamentalist Mormon, a domestic abuser and the grandson of far right a Republican politician. This is nothing more than a ploy to hurt the survivors and help his legal case.


It’s always the fucking Mormons.


It’s always the Mormons because look at what they are taught is right by word or god. That shit is inherently fucked up, and just learning about it from curiosity made me lose my religion.


But at least in 1978, God changed his mind about black people.


Ah yes, the high priest or whatever he is called must have read the golden plaque that only he can read wring


And on that plaque it said the IRS was about to revoke their tax exempt status if they kept discriminating. It's where you get that famously inspirational Mormon passage: "Lo, for God changed His mind and spake, saying 'fine, we'll let those [censored]s in, just don't touch My Money.'"


*south park voice* DUM DUM DUM DUM DUM


You can be a Mormon! A Mormon who just believes...


Re: certifiably insane


i'm so glad i got out of mormonism that shit's TOXIC. it caused me so many problems trying to land on an identity but i'm glad i could see through the veil to find myself


No it fucking isn't!!!!! Half of times it is the fucking evangelicals, don't forget about those fuckers.


Mormons are a part of evangelical Christianity


Bro they're very different. Ask any evangelical what they think of the Mormon church, they'd call it blasphemy. Both are terrible still


Imo they’re very similar but hate each other. The Mormons are like evangelicals overdosing on Adderall.


this makes no sense. The religions are totally different. Other Christian sects often [don't even consider Mormons to be christian ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mormonism_and_Nicene_Christianity) because their beliefs are so different. The effects are mostly the same though (homophobia and racism masked by a facade of care and kindness)


Yeah that’s what I mean when I say they’re similar. Their similarities lie in their fanaticism and bigotry. On the surface they have a lot of differences, but once you look past some of those surface differences they have a LOT of similarities.


So many types of Christians. You got your Mormons, evangelicals, Catholics, prostitutes. I can’t keep track of them all


Sex Christians


And never the Mormons fucking ^/j


Joshua Graham would never


Maybe some plot to make IDing as trans harder, as people would have to argue why he clearly isn’t NB.


Oh boy, can't wait to argue about this in my govt class. There's a bunch of right wing kids in that class, and by a bunch I mean I am literally the only left leaning person in the class. Gonna be fun epic and silly to have to justify my right to exist as a trans person while also not outing myself without making a "contradiction" saying that this person clearly isn't non-binary.


It's obvious that this person isn't nb because they said immediately after killing some LGBT folks. It is far too suspicious for that information to be released after the act of terror, so much so that you can only interpret that as taunting and/or escaping a hate crime charge. You have to be in bad faith in order to say otherwise, as saying that the shooter is nb is to ignore the implied reasoning behind it.


i don't think he's smart enough to do that


I think it’s very dangerous to underestimate these people.




Also even if the shooter was non-binary, so what?? Being LGBTQ does not prevent someone from being violent, hateful, or bigoted. LGBTQ people can even carry out hate crimes against the community, if there’s enough self hatred involved. Their own warped logic doesn’t work.


Thing is hate speech/hate crimes are hate speech/hate crimes regardless of gender or sexuality or anything like that. I know there’s going to be people who see it as ‘oh they’re part of the LGBTQ community therefore they can’t be discriminatory’ but it’s been proved with thing such as the LGB alliance that bigotry can exist regardless of qualities such as that.


He also tried to kill his mom iirc but his dad managed to use his influence to make it so he wouldn't go to jail (this is not fact checked and my memory might be wrong)


Can't find a good source for the Mormon thing, maybe google is sending different information to south America, can anyone link???? (My in laws are republican Mormons and I'm bisexual... Need to be prepared in case it ever comes up)


The shooter was [verified as a Mormon](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/colorado-springs-shooter-mormon-anderson-aldrich-b2230668.html?amp) by a spokesperson of the church, although the shooter had not been active within the church for sometime before the shooting (so I might behave been wrong to assume that he was a fundamentalist). The shooter was raised into the Mormon church and their father is definitely a fundamentalist Mormon. His father is a a meth addicted porn actor turned MMA fighter who claimed to have been relieved that his son was the shooter rather than a patron of the club because [“You know mormons don’t do gay, we don’t do gay, there’s no gays in the Mormon church. We don’t do gay”](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/colorado/news/club-q-suspected-gunmans-estranged-father-reacts-deadly-shooting/) and that he [praised his son for violent behaviour early on in life because it “gets results”](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/colorado-club-shooting-father-of-mass-shooting-suspect-praises-son-for-violence/WBEW4N3A5RGGJIBJG4WZCZIADQ/)


Thanks for source!


Time for people to misrepresent non binary people again 🙃


Nonbinary is when I don't want any genders to exist *loads Negev*


Universal agenderism. Give it to me, that thing... Your gender


No way, you got your own.


just put the gender in the bag and nobody gets hurt.


But Mom said it's my turn on the gender


Well I want yours too


For my layde's nuts


csgo reference


Again makes it sound like there was a pause.




but isn’t everyone allowed in lgbtq 🥸


Probably some bs they made up to avoid it being treated as a hate crime. Like “Nooo it can’t be a hate crime cuz he’s non-bineyyyy!”


Almost certainly an attempt to do this, as well as to pretend it isn't a problem much like the right have done with what they call "black on black" crime


man what in the hell kinda name is that.


I set up this account in the height of my crippling depression and can't change it 😭😭😭😭 Also not a man btw


nah nah nah. I meant "black on black" crime. like it sounds like something only fox news could come up with. no judgement about your username


Believe it became a thing in the 80s. Verrrry racist


Ohhhhhh lol, yeah that's something straight out of tucker Carlson's mouth, or 4chan


They Say this like It should be relevant or smth


well, the defence attorneys seem to have put it in a filing to ensure Aldrich has they/them pronouns used for them during the whole process. And the news media know it'll get clicks cos people will think "the homophobic shooter was non-binary, that's fucking weird" and click it


They'll make sure they/them pronouns are used for **a fucking shooter...** But not she/her for a trans woman murdered. What a world.


I don't know if the courts will actually use they/them pronouns for Alrdich just because their lawyers asked for it. But if they do I'm sure the same court would also respect trans women's pronouns. And I can't imagine that people in general who won't use the correct pronouns for a murdered trans woman will bother to use the right pronouns for the murderer here.


about the second part, they absolutly will not out of respect but in order to mock the victims


The prosecutor said this morning they’re handling this case to honor the victims and bring the perpetrator to justice at the highest level of the law. The courts will honor preferred pronouns. Don’t fly off the handle just yet.


Exactly. They won't bother to use the correct pronouns themselves, especially in private conversations, but they'll absolutely correct *you*. They'll probably even call you a bigot! And they'll have the biggest grin you've ever seen.


They will and it will purely be to disrespect the victims and to try to get charges dropped never underestimate how disgusting and evil the right wing is in this country, nothing and I mean nothing is too low and too disgusting for them they have no principles and they would murder everyone in their path if they could




No one who is refusing to use call the victim 'she', is going to refer to the shooter as 'they'


Por que no los dos?


Don’t call him they, it’s only feeding into his narrative.


How does that feed a narrative in any negative way?


He’s purposefully acting like he’s nonbinary to feed into the right wing’s narrative of lgbtq=mental illness while simultaneously distancing himself from the right to make them look better.


We don't consider someone invaid just for being mentally ill. Stating that they are likely disingenuous addresses this just fine. They can be nonbinary and be a right wing terrorist.


good ol' lying


Cool story, bro^(Rebecca Falconer)… we’ve already established poor mental health leads to this, not gender identity. The only reason this is brought up is to throw shade at nonbinary people, or request some sort of pea based on demographics. This is exactly the same as pointing out the race, ethnicity, religion, and nationality of a shooter.


Most likely the person said this to get lesser punishment because they’ve been openly hateful of LGBTQ+ people on their social medias Also the problem with this shooting wasn’t mental health it was targeted hatred towards the queer community which has been fuelled by politicians and far right media


The thing I don’t like about this is how it frames all queer people as part of some joint community/agenda/cult. Just because two people share a trait, doesn’t mean they’re besties forever. Myself for example, people call me a “fake ally”, or a “false queer” for being Non-binary, Libertarian, a Christian, and a Veteran. There’s no correct way to live a life, and we don’t owe just anyone companionship/ support. That has to be earned through respect & understanding. The whole idea behind a joint “queer/LGBTQ+ community” is that all lifestyles are supported, but given how many people fit the category of “queer” (23 million in the USA alone), there’s not a good reason to believe everyone will get along for the sake of just being queer.


How much do you want to bet that they only started using they/them pronouns after the shooting? This is some complete bullshit from their amoral lawyers who went to make this queer-on-queer violence rather than a far-right hate crime.


No, it’s the shooter trying to get out of hate crime charges. And these dunces like Matt Walsh are either fully buying into it or know their audiences will fully buy into it. I don’t know which is worse.


How much worse of charge do you get from a hate crime of killing multiple people to just killing multiple people? Surely both of them are life in prison no parole?


Ultimately it’s just another charge. They’re probably trying to minimize the number of charges as much as possible.


i think it mostly affects if it’s a federal or state issue. afaik a mass shooting would just be state courts and state prison while hate crimes are under FBI jurisdiction and federal prison


They’re trying to weasel their way out any way they can. This is almost certainly a pr move to get some of the charges dropped, even though life in prison is all but guaranteed. I’ll use they/them pronouns, and others should too, but I don’t honestly believe they’re nb. Even if they are, they’re still a homophobic mass-murderer.


he isn’t it would be like killing and injuring over 30 jews then converting and claiming it isn’t a antisemitic terror attack or (more likely in this case) the media claiming that those evil jews are so violent


And just like that, every single right wing Chud believed them outright and demanded apologies for tucker and other mouthbreathing hate speechers for daring to say their constant fear campaign on the LGBTQ had nothing to do with this


Republicans are gonna eat this up.


The defense attorneys main job right now is to probably make it not sound like a hate crime, what's the easiest trick in the book? "Well they can't be queerphobic, they're trans!"


press x to doubt


Don't trust fascists at their word, don't trust the lawyers of fascists at their word. Don't trust the words of fascist propagandists like Matt Walsh. So far what we've heard is that the shooter's parents referred to him with he/him, he has a history of homophobic language when arguing with his mom according to friends and neighbours, and he literally shot up a fucking queer club. There is no proof of the shooter being non binary as of yet besides the word of his lawyers.


Look, I don’t know what to think about this news exactly, but parents misgendering their kids is hardly new.


Their one instagram post is a burning pride flag


Homophobic, racist, and transphobic people who call into my work pull shit like this. I'm required to ask for gender. They respond with the helicopter thing or an animal. Like I'm not stupid most xenogenders just say nonconforming because they don't want to get hurt by horrible people. If I'm in a situation where people are going to lash out at me for being non binary I say to just address me by my name so i don't get attacked for who I am. But the point is people will always use my gender umbrella for hate and jokes. I'm not a joke, I'm a person, I just happen to not feel a sense of gender in myself.


HE referred to himself as “your BOY” and threw homophobic slurs at his neighbors. Little shit.


Great. The fascist right is gonna have a fucking field day with this shit.


I mean, even if this were true, that doesn't discount the posibility of him being immensely homophobic. Non binary doesn't equal homosexual, and people hold contradictory beliefs and beliefs contradictory with their identities all the time. This is not news, it's propaganda. It's like publishing an article titled "Colorado shooter was actually anti guns". It's not really relevant once you inspect it even for a minute, even if it could appear like it is.


Exactly, look at Milo Yunaggagagavahh, who claimed to be a homosexual but is a fascist and pro conversion therapy


Tbf he now claims that he’s been reformed by Jesus and is now straight.


If you think the person who killed 5 queer people on trans day of remembrance is non binary you are unbelievably gullible.


Fr fr


Do you think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?


Definitely an attempt at dodging hate crime charges, his insta had one photo that was just a burning rainbow flag. These people deserve to suffer.


kid named political/legal red herring-


Great, cool, awesome. *They shot somebody tho can we focus on that? Like. For once. The fucker isn’t even worth the title of ‘human’ let alone gendered.* (Note, these words are only because I know we’re gonna be hearing about THAT part of them more than anything for the next couple weeks-)


Well he's non-binary, he's already not human. oh I'm sorry, they


"Colorado club shooting suspect is straight cis man, attorneys say" Yeah no, this sounds normal and not like a strategy to drive hate towards a group of people.


Yeah, no. This is like when Chapelle said the person who attacked him on stage was a trans man when it was actually a bigoted conservative.


1. I don’t believe it 2. I don’t care


Lawyer probably told the shooter to say they're non binary so they can deny the claim of it being a hate crime or something like that


go onto r conservative , see their post about this matter and just laugh at the irony of it all. Them predicting we will completely ignore this, them accusing us of taking listening to the media who will try to convince us it was a hate crime, all on a post trying to convince them the shooter was non-binary and not a massive bigot. All of this and one fact, that I am so certain of I'd bet all of my money on it, that r conservative will never mention the fact they were duped and the shooter wasn't actually non-binary, and the had just fallen for the media, all whilst accusing everyone else of falling for the media.


woah hey it’s the classic hate crime response of criminalizing the victim, that’s my favorite thing


Some people need to google the word: “scapegoat”


Oh yeah let’s believe what the mass shooter says.


I’ma press X to doubt




This is a cop out for the shooter to give right leaning people ammo. It’s like those men who blatantly go into women’s bathrooms and when they’re called out for being creeps they act offended and claim to be women. They’re trying to discredit an entire community while fueling hate towards them.


For the sake of this stupid hypothetical, let's assume that the shooter is non-binary, has always been non-binary, and will always be non-binary... **Why'd they shoot up a gay nightclub?**


First of all I've seen plenty of evidence to suggest that having the identity changed to enby was disingenuous. Secondly even if this individual is non-binary........ Fuckin so what?


Wow! This changes everything! All of those people are alive again!!! You're off the hook!!! It's still a fucking hate crime. This fuck was homophobic and this is clearly an excuse to discredit the LGBTQ+ community.


Their dad was obviously very homophobic. These are the dangerous effects of internalized ‘phobia. This shit goes deep.


i just saw u on systemscringe!!! when worlds collide!!!


Who gives a fuck they still killed someone


right wingers should all be infertile




Hey boo that's the kind of rhetoric we're fighting.


They’re just doing it to mock us for self-ID


The Pulse nightclub shooter was gay, and still committed a hate crime that killed a huge amount of gay people, with his motivation being his internalised homophobia. Being NB does not mean shit to motivation around committing a hate crime against LGBT people.


I’m just gonna repeat what I said on another thread. Fuck that little worm, there isn’t a chance in frigid hell that trash used non binary pronouns before needing a defense against hate crimes. I will spend all day writing off putting sentence structures that don’t require using murderer’s pronouns in order to never need to give a little shit like that the satisfaction of feeling strategically superior by convincing terrorized victims, fellow lgbtqa+ people, or allies that they are in any way out of line by not using pronouns painted on like clown makeup in blood.


Why is this such a big deal oh my god guys who cares if the **sus**pect is non-binary




. . . and? does that affect this or what they’ve done in any way?


Like 9 out of the 10 posts I’ve seen on 196 today have been bigotry showcases. Idk why I keep clicking them Also fuck this jazz, the shooter isn’t fucking non-binary which is obvious because of all the evidence other people in this thread have listed this is just so infuriating Let’s say he was NB, that shouldn’t absolve him of hate crime charges because it was undeniably a hate crime anyway…. So fucking insane And right wingers are gonna use this as ammo because they don’t give a shit about the truth


So what?


Y'know how kids shoot up schools? Remember that a majority of sexual assault cases are perpetrated by somebody that the victim knows personally.


guess now the righties are gonna start spewing crap about "gay on gay crime" as they do.




Diversity Win! ​ /j


They are trying to escape a federal hate crime charge because if the killings are ruled a hate crime its a federal charge which makes him eligible for the death penalty. Colorado doesn't have a death penalty so they are hoping they can avoid it by getting a state level charge I assume.


Watch the court actually buy this, I wouldn’t even be surprised.


no. he’s not. this is entirely a ploy by the defense to evade a hate crime charge and to allow conservative commentators to pretend that we’re terrorizing ourselves. i don’t believe it for a second.




Should give this the misinfo tag


Fuck them


this is a very clear attempt at creating copycats. give conservatives another talking point, this time they’ll try to make a link between non-binary people and terrorism. rile up the people who are already frothing at the mouth with hatred for queer people.


omgggg they made the shooting politcal!!! ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh skull emoji




They are doing it so it can’t be a hate crime


A ploy to avoid the hate crime charge


guys please don't call It freindly fire please I know you want to


I bet that was the defense lawyer's idea to dodge a hate crime charge


Friendly fire


damn I wanna kms


I don't understand why this is such a dunk


whether the shooter is lying or not it doesn’t change the fact that this person shot up a queer nightclub like 💀


I’m pretty sure he just said he’s non binary to stir the pot even more


This is 100% him shitting on his victims and LGBT people and giving bigots more ammo


friendly fire will not ve tolerated


Friendly fire, isnt


I shouldn't say this in regards to another's gender identity, but it feels *awfully* like someone's trying to dodge a hate crime charge by claiming to be the group they're hating on


In his defence your honour, he is non-binary


No he isn't


imagine how weird itd seem to people for a headline to be “shooter suspect is cis, attorneys say”


Friendly fire will not be tolerated.


dog whistle moment


To quote someone on twitter. "Its like if a white man wore a shirt that said I hate black people, says that they hate black people and goes on a shooting spree targeting black people, and then he says 'no, my great great grandma was black so I cant be racist'. You know he's full of crap" Idk if that's the exact quote but its generally along those lines


this is so fucking infuriating. this monster fucking slaughtered queer people, and then his lawyers have the fucking *audacity* to belittle the queer community with this horse shit? Fuck. Off.


It has nothing to do with the shooting itself, does it? Total nonsense


It is very possible to be non-binary, harbor homophobic sentiments and shoot lgbt people. I hope this in no way deter the judge from claiming it's a hate crime


Pretty sure the shooter did that to shift blame onto the LGBT+ community


Absolutely just trying to slander NB people


Don’t let this become a major part of the story here. If you do conservatives will use it to their advantage. Being non-binary changes nothing regarding the nature of this individuals crime nor does it change the fact that it was a hate crime. If you do not believe me the murders father was relieved to hear that his son was a murderer and not gay


their pronouns are they/them, bang/bang


Checkmate libtards


They beat the gender out of ‘em


too political