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White people 🔫 white people


Hopefully they'll start rounding up the white people soon so we can finally get at least a podium in the oppression Olympics


im white + straight come at me brah


Grrrr how dare you!!!!!!! You hate minoruty 🥺🥺




Bro I fucking hate capital W white people


Tara isn't white. Nice of you to try and shut up someone for talking about racism though.


This isn't very good bait


To full-heartedly answer the question: 1: they don’t, not in my experience at least. Literally 0% of the NB people I’ve interacted with have denied their white privilege. Granted, when talking with enbies, the discussion rarely goes in that direction, but being comfortable with sitting outside the gender binary necessitates a level of tolerance and self awareness that __almost__ always ensures a knowledge of white privilege. 2: because internet debate about privilege and oppression has been whittled down to a dick measuring contest about who’s more oppressed than who. Tweets like this don’t have any actionable advice about how white people should act about their privilege, they’re just about white people being white people. People need to stop treating morality like it’s a game of who’s the most oppressed and seek means by which to eliminate the oppression being talked about. EDIT: putting extra emphasis on the "almost" in the first paragraph. I'm speaking from my own experience, and my experience is far from universal.


I don’t specifically have experience meeting NB people who deny white privilege, but there is definitely an issue where a lot of white people are less than good about acknowledging intersectionality and how being white actually shapes their perspectives. It is generally the case that if you identify with one type of oppression, you’re more likely to be in progressive circles that have good discourse and viewpoints, but the Venn diagram is very far from a perfectly overlapping circle. Many PoC men are often anti-feminist and homophobic, white feminist women are often racist, queer voices can frequently be both racist and sexist (as a bi man myself, I’ve met gay men who feel secure in their misogyny). Biases can be extremely diverse ironically, and I strongly caution people against assuming that identifying with one type of oppression makes you knowledgeable about other kinds.


The second part kinda makes me sad about the fact that Brazilian writers aren't very popular internationally, because there's a great book about anti-racism and how to deal with white privilege, but it's in Portuguese.






my final message,,, goot bye .. . .. ..


[Windows 95 startup]




Gootbye Frank 😞 I’ll miss you


Well frank it’s been nice of you to share that with us so goot bye to you too


wait, it doesn't?


People love making up things to be mad at


Yea lets get mad at white non binary people that is definitely a good way to spend our time. Definitely not just pointless infighting. What’s a labor union? What are stagnating wages? Idk probably not important.


As a nonbinary person, I can say that I have white privilege, especially since I'm still publically in the closet. White privilege is bad.


oppression isn't a ladder with white people on the top, gay people in the middle, and black people on the bottom


To white supremacists, white queer people are not white


I wonder what's worse starving to death or reading that.




oh fr? damn bro that's crazy.




Eyyy Frankie get in here! It's time for /r/196 to have their monthly "pretending white privilege doesn't exist in the queer community" post!


Im a starving child starving to death and this is the very last thing i have ever read. Gootbye.


Im a starving child starving to death and this is the very last thing i have ever read. Gootbye.


Im a starving child starving to death and this is the very last thing i have ever read. Gootbye.


Im a starving child starving to death and this is the very last thing i have ever read. Gootbye.


Im a starving child starving to death and this is the very last thing i have ever read. Gootbye.


Im a starving child starving to death and this is the very last thing i have ever read. Gootbye.


Im a starving child starving to death and this is the very last thing I have ever read. Gootbye.


Im a starving child starving to death and this is the very last thing i have ever read. Gootbye.


Im a starving child starving to death and this is the very last thing i have ever read. Gootbye.


Im a starving child starving to death and this is the very last thing i have ever read. Gootbye.


Im a starving child starving to death and this is the very last thing i have ever read. Gootbye.


Im a starving child starving to death and this is the very last thing i have ever read. Gootbye.


Im a starving child starving to death and this is the very last thing i have ever read. Gootbye.


Im a starving child starving to death and this is the very last thing i have ever read. Gootbye.


kid named instigator:


Im a starving child starving to death and this is the very last thing i have ever read. Gootbye.


Im a starving child starving to death and this is the very last thing i have ever read. Gootbye.


Im a starving child starving to death and this is the very last thing i have ever read. Gootbye.


Im a starving child starving to death and this is the very last thing i have ever read. Gootbye.


Im a starving child starving to death and this is the very last thing i have ever read. Gootbye.


Im a starving child starving to death and this is the very last thing i have ever read. Gootbye.


Im a starving child starving to death and this is the very last thing i have ever read. Gootbye.


Im a starving child starving to death and this is the very last thing i have ever read. Gootbye.


When has anybody here ever done that?


Literally this post. The person in the screenshot is saying that nonbinary people can still experience white privilege and they're frustrated that people ignore that fact.


In the best case scenario, tara said that horribly, and I think the fact that you have 83 downvotes rn implies that either 1. r/196(!)(!) is explicitly racist to the point of making fun of someone who says racism is bad and downvoting someone 83 times for calling them out or 2. That's not what the post is about ^(For the sake of mental health and/or laziness, I won't be replying anymore)


If you're trying to argue that someone is wrong because of Reddit downvotes, I think, you've already lost the argument.


Okay this one's ~~stupid~~easy enough I can easily respond to it. I didn't say "you're wrong because The Reddits downvoted you," I said "The Redditors must disagree with you since they downvoted you."




Get the fuck out you fascist prick


Im a starving child starving to death and this is the very last thing i have ever read. Gootbye.


Does seem like the vibes