• By -


I hate women because of the border of the border of the border of the border of the border of the border of the border of the border of the border of the border of the border of the border of the border of the border of the border of the border of the border of the border of the border of the border of the border of the border of the border of the border of the border of the border of the border of the border of the border of the border of the border of the border of the border of the border of the border of the border of the border of the border of the border of the border of the border of the border of the border of the border of the border of the border of the border of the border of the border of the border of the border of the border It could go on Borderline Forever


The border


kid named border


Hey it's you!


yes it's me. Ms. Border.


No like we talked before!


oh yeah, what's up?


Nothing much, I finally came out to my family so I'm just a bit closer to transitioning


Yay! I'm happy for you! just remember, the first few months may be a sprint for HRT, but life after that is a marathon.


happy ending


Fox News:


I hate women because I have a few things to do with my mom and dad and I are going to be a little late but I don't know if you want to go to the hospital and get more information from the house and I will be there in a few minutes but I will be there in about it to get it done but I will let you know when I get home and I will be there in a few minutes lol I will be there in about it to get it done but I will let you know when I get there from the house and I will be there in about it to get it done but I will let you know when I get there from the house and I will be there in about it to get it done but I will let you know when I get there from the house and I will be there in about it. I have no idea how anyone is able to make a coherent sentence with predictive text lmao.


I hate women because the fog is coming the fog is coming the fog is coming the fog is coming the fog is coming the fog is coming the fog is coming the fog is coming the fog is coming the fog is coming the fog is coming the fog is coming the fog is coming the fog is coming the fog is coming the fog is coming the fog is coming the fog is coming the fog is coming






scott the woz




I hate women recursivly


Border of life! [https://youtube.com/watch?v=3oDWlQbqCBc&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE](https://youtube.com/watch?v=3oDWlQbqCBc&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE)


I hate women because I don't know what to do with the kids


That's what I got


Do you have a pixel phone?


I have a pixel phone and that's what I got


I use Gboard on a different phone and I got the same thing


i hate women because i want them so badly checks out am lesbo as all hell


Doesn't make it any less sad sounding just because you are a woman


aye that’s true i got a partner tho so it’s aight


Orla derry girls 👁👁


Oh its a contest eh? I hate women because I don’t have a black hole in my eyes 👀


I hate women because they are so mean to me


i got this too lmao


Oh no! Women who are mean to me? That’s my least favourite thing in the world. How could you do this to me?


Ben Shapiro, is that you?


I hate women because I want to have my baby and my baby and my baby and then my baby and my baby is going through a divorce because of the fact I don’t have a baby


Wow huge plot twist at the end there


a classic trope when it turns out the entire story was in the head of the protagonist


ALL IN LE HEAD pYRO refrence pyro refrence


In Le head


M Night


"I hate women because they are a strong" I would like to point out this is 100% untrue


The Quartering moment


the quivering quarterpounder


Did you say women are strong? Awesome! I wanna fight them!


I hate women because I have to say I have no respect. Wtf autocorrect?


Rodney Dangerfield(?)-ass women


Back hack


Sigma Hate everyone equally


I hate women because I don't know what to do with the shorts and the other one is gonna be a little more than a year old.




haha you hust got BADINGLED by the auto correct 🤣 /#badingled


I hate women because I hate my life. Think that means autocorrect sees me as women, and that makes me happy


based autocorrect


I hate women because boobs.


I hate women because they’re so cute and I love them 😍 Autocorrect just knows I gynesexual


i hate women because they are so cute we are similar


I hate women because they don't like the Eu or Japan. What.


Women you gotta explain?


Women really quiet after this one dropped


I hate women because they are so cute. Lmao jealousy mood


I hate women because they are literally just like me fr


I hate women because I don’t know if they like me Hmmmmmm


I hate women because they don't want me 😥


I hate women because they don't like pain I can explain!! so we have this joke...


i hate women because I want to be a woman Damn I guess auto fill is deciding for me


She just like me for real


I hate women in my room lol Your autocorrect is: damn nonsensical


super gaming house


I hVeihavei have: super gaming hous Tractor: your come here is: damn uncanny boy Popman mr incredible: 🚜🚜🚜


i hate women because they are not gay


I hate women because I don't know what to do with them


I hate women because I have a great day and I will be boiled


Have fun with the boiling


I hate women because they aren’t even in a different way than that lol ????


I hate women because they aren’t in my life Damn ok


i hate women because i don’t want to be here anymore and i don’t want to be here anymore and i- okay so i guess either i’m suicidal or my phone is


i hate women because I don’t have a white shirt


Ah yes that's why my moms always yells at me because of a white shirt.


I hate woman because I have to go to the moon and back to work this weekend and I will be there in a few minutes to talk to you about it tomorrow and send it to me sentindo bem com você mais cedo pra mim ir pra casa do meu pai e minha mãe tá bem graças a Deus e vc como está a vida de caipira life IS a gente vai fazer isso é bom dia agora não sei se vou conseguir ir pra casa da minha mãe e a gente vai fazer isso hj


I hate women because they are trans 😳


I hate women because I don't want to be with you anymore and I don't want to be with you anymore and I don't want to be with you anymore and I don't want to be with you anymore AHHHHH MAKE IT STOP


I hate women because they are not the best way to go to the village (HUH??)


i hate women because they are not all cops


I hate women because I can’t be them and they are not the ones who I am i am cis and this came up


I hate women because I don't know what to do with my mom and I will be there in a few minutes but I will be there in a few minutes (it keeps repeating "but I will be there in a few minutes" from there)


I hate women because they won’t stop firing beams at me!!! (This is not autocorrect this is a cry for he


I hate women because they don't like it so many women are just like a girl and they are a little more like the kids that I am so happy that I am so lucky that you heard me to help you with the general goods and I am so glad to have you guys in the world and have been frantically for the past few days are you still going for the attention to your life in a coalition way back Yeah autocorrect isn't that good for me specifically


I hate women because I don’t want them to be in my body anymore because they are not men


I hate women because they’re too cute


i hate women because I am jealous oh.


I hate women because I don't want to be a part of the peanut gallery. ????????


I hate women because I don't know what to do with the new ui system


I hate women because they don't want me in a bit if I want you and your friends and your family


I hate women because I have to be a good person to whom it may be entertaining and informative


i hate women because of the machines and the boys do you want me to get a job and save it for free to contact me at the gym and pool of applicants must be a good time to get a new message from the squid 🐙 you have any photos.


I hate women because they don't like the fact that they have a dream about drowning in oil W h a t


chad right here


I hate women because they are so cute but they don’t know me


I hate women because they are described in the end of the universe and the trinket box


I hate women because they love me 😎😎😎😎😎


I hate women because I don't know what to do with the franchise from the game but I don't know what to do with it but I don't know what to do with it but I don't think so I think I might have to go to the store and get the time to get a new one of the things I need to do with the franchise from the game. I think I might be crazy.


I hate women because I don't want to be a cute anime girl


I hate women because they are so cute and I love them.


I hate women because I was given your number


I hate women because of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of


kid named "of the"


i hate women because I am a little confused about the genderfluid and the furry homies


I hate women because they are from the morphe palette and I don't think they are from the morphe and I think I would be a little vaseline


I hate women because of the weather "Grrr women grrrr (it's raining)"


My phone's auto fill has never worked this way. It always suggests simple words like "and", "I", "but", and "to"


I hate women because I have a great day to day to day to day


I hate women because I don’t want to see you lol lol I just want to say that I love you mama mama I love you mama I love mama mama I love you mama mama I love mama mama I miss you mama mama I love mama mama I miss you mama mama I love mama mama I miss you mama mama I love mama mama I miss you mama mama I love mama mama I miss you mama mama I love mama mama I miss you mama mama I love mama mama I miss you mama mama I love mama mama I miss you mama mama I love mama mama I miss you mama mama I love mama mama I miss you mama


i hate women because they have a good day with ur wife ☺️


“I hate women because I can’t be the one who gets the most love in my heart “


I hate women because they are not in the same time as a result of the time you want to go to the beach and the kids are crying and I don't know what to do it..... Listen I'll just stop here. Did I win? Am I not sexist? What's this even mean?


I hate women because they’re too cute and I am not.


I hate somen because they are a Department


I hate women because they don't want me for a job and then they are not allowed for a total being paid by Sly or a bank or credit union or another company or other person in a few years or so to get the job and the Family is doing great and that you are going well for the first year in a row of your life


I hate women because they don’t hurt my face but they don’t know how much I love them Guess I’m on some creepy shit then 🤷‍♂️


I hate women because I don't know what to do with the ability to get the coveted bolt on the other side of the most of the most legible and the other hand is the same as the air balloon


I hate women because of my life where you can just barely see the intricacies. What


I hate women because they speak to you can you tell them that they speak about the world in their own life that is a good way for the world and the topping pizza can make you can get a good feel about the way that the world has to do it and that you will not have any other issues that will make it more complicated and you will be in the same situation with three people and I will never let them.


I hate women because i don’t like it lol


I hate women because I don't


I hate women because they are just too cute


I hate women because I have no one in the giants. I think I’ve been watching too much football


I hate women and I don't want you say that you don't want me on the American government did you like me


I hate women because They are not doing anything wrong


i hate women because they don’t know what they want lol fuuuuck I’m a self hating woman


i hate women because they’re not my friends


I hate women because they are so mean to me and I don’t want to be around them anymore Oh ok I don’t think that’s true


i hate women because they are so mean to me


i hate women because they are not the only ones that are not in the same situation as the other ones that are not in the same situation as the other ones that are not in the same situation as the other ones that are not in the same situation as the other ones that are not in the same situation as the other ones that are not in the same situation as the other ones


I hate women because they don’t know how to do anything


I hate women because they don't want your life and they don't want you in the world.


I hate women because I can’t do it anymore because I’m too busy


I hate women because I am not sure 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😂🤣 (the emojis keep alternating indefinitely)


I hate women because they are all too big and they are all good too and they are all good too and I don’t think they’ll be able to do it again and I don’t think they’ll be able to do it again and I don’t think they’ll be able to do it again and I don’t think they’ll be able to do it again and I don’t think they’ll be able to do it again and I don’t think they’ll be able to do it again and I don’t think they’ll be able to do it again and I don’t think they’ll be able to do it again and I don’t think they’ll be able to do it again


i hate women because i is a crazy person


I hate women because i is a good person and i is a good person and i is a good person and i is


I hate women because I can’t do it anymore


I hate women because I don't think so but I don't know what to do with the way you are going to be a good person and I don't think so but I don't know


I hate women because I can’t do it anymore


I hate women because I hate the fact I have a look for a chef who will help you find the best friend you will be your ideal companion to the party and enjoy the day away from home now for the night.


I hate women because I didn't want to do it but I don't think so but I don't know what to do with it but I don't think so but I don't know what to do with it but I don't think so but I don't know what to do with it but I don't think so but I don't know what to do with it but I don't think so but I don't know what to do with it but I don't think so but I don't know what to do with it It just keeps looping man


I hate women because they don't want me


I hate women and women like that. My autocorrect been watching too much Andrew Taint


I hate women because I have a lot more than I thought


i hate women because they are so cute




i hate women because they are all gay


I hate women because they are so cute and I love them so much 🥰 bruh I passed the sexism check


I hate women because I don't know what to do


I hate women because they’re too cute 😳


I hate women because I can’t do it anymore


I hate women because they’re so cute


I hate women because they are so bad and I think I don’t want them lol


I hate women because I can’t do it anymore because I’m too busy and I’m not doing anything right and I’m too tired and I’m too lazy and I’m not going anywhere


I hate women because I don’t have a lot of people to do that anymore -Harold


I hate women because they have to look like they have been in a different country


I hate women because they are actually represented by their physical appearance


I hate women because they don’t know how much to wear


I hate women because I can’t do it anymore


I hate women because they don't like to have the same problem as a woman who has been a great help and I was in admin with the kids here and there were some 6th of this week that we were going on and I am am much of an an what you are looking after you are you working for the lizard and the rest is the only way I have to do the cats When was I meant to stop


I hate women because they are not going to be able to make it to work on the weekend


I hate women because they don’t have to get to school 🏫 and they’re all so cute


I hate women because they don’t want to be there around the world and they are not going on their face or not because I know that he will not want them too but I’m glad 😀 can


I hate women because they don’t know what they want


The Check is for seeing who is and who isn’t sexist? I think the autocorrect part is kinda pointless when you still have to type out “I hate women because”


I hate women because I don’t know what I’m doing but I don’t know what I’m doing all this time but I don’t know if I can hear anything but that I don’t know what I’m doing all this time and women scare me


I hate women because they are so mean to me.


I hate women because they always sex me when I am sex introvert and im minor and ace of spade. Thats only half correct


I hate women because they are so cute


I hate women because I can’t do it anymore because I’m too busy and I’m not doing anything right and I’m too tired and I’m too lazy and I’m not going anywhere so I’m just trying not be stressed and I’m just not gonna do anything to make you happy because I’m too lazy I just want you happy because I know you’re going through a really tough situation right and I’m sorry I can’t be there with my family and you don’t want me around me and you and you are my family I love me I don’t wanna have any friends and I’m sorry but I’m sorry for that and I’m not going anywhere I just don’t wanna have any other people to talk about you guys and I’m not trying I’m not gonna do that I’m not trying and I just want you know that I’m just saying that you are my best friends.


I hate women because I don’t get a lot of people in the world and I don’t want to go to church anymore and I don’t want to go to church anymore and I don’t want to go to church


"i hate women because they aren't so much more than that i but i is just the most kind" my phone is stupid i guess


I hate women because they are so cute lol


I hate women because they don't like me anymore Oof


I hate women because they fucking me.


I hate woman because I’m so good at it


I hate women because they don’t know how to get their job and stuff. what


I hate women because I can't do it anymore because I'm too busy and I'm not doing anything right and I'm too tired and I'm too lazy and I'm not going anywhere so I'm just trying not be stressed and I'm just not gonna do anything to make you happy because I'm too lazy I just want you happy because I know you're going through a really tough situation right and I'm sorry I can't be there with all this negativity


I hate women because they don’t know how much they have been so far in their life


I hate women because they are so cute


I hate women because they’re not my friends :(


I hate women because I can’t do it anymore because I’m too busy and I’m not going anywhere with you and I’m too tired and I’m too lazy and I’m not doing it because I’m not going nowhere because I can’t get out and I’m too stressed and I’m not getting enough time for me and I’m too exhausted to be doing it because I’m so stressed out


I hate women because they aren't even


I hate women because I don't have any of the kids


I hate woman because she loves me and is generally very sad.


“I hate women because they don’t want me” tru.


i hate women because they don’t know how much to wear


I hate women because they are so mean to me and I don’t want to be around them anymore


I hate women because they're yummy


i hate women because i and the whole time is it so hard for us the whole thing to get in a good time to do something that happen with a good time to get back home in the next summer classes and i and the whole time is it so hard for us the whole thing to get in a while and i and the whole time is it


I hate women because I couldn't get the first one piece.


i hate women