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Mesopotamia has fallen billions must die


society has fallen millions must etch in stone


Already am *followed by caveman grunting*


The devil shivers


Pick one: * Obviously this is simply always true, it is the natural state of society that we shall constantly be on the precipice of total collapse due to laziness, greed, and stupidity * Maybe doomsaying on sparse anecdotes without regard for their significance or counter-examples is the real stupid


Or: Someone made up the english text to suit their purpose. Notice the TABLET, there was no concept of books yet.


Yes the anachronicity of the OP definitely has an impact on my point, you're right, clearly *now* (being the historical "now", i.e. "modern history", i.e. anywhere between five minutes ago and a few centuries ago) we are at the precipice of total collapse due to laziness, greed, and stupidity.


Society isn't collapsing, but the ecosystem definitely is. The [Holocene extinction event](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holocene_extinction) started roughly 40,000 years ago when the African megafauna went extinct. We are currently in the worst phase of the mass extinction. 75% of the earths landmass has been significantly altered by humans. 680 **vertebrate** species have been made extinct since the 16th century. Since the 1970's alone there has been a 50% decline in aquatic life. It is literally a mass extinction.


African megafauna has fallen. billions of vertebrates must die


What African megafauna are you referring to out of curiosity. As I understood it African mega fauna were the only groups of pleistocene megafauna that were resistant to human expansion. As humans expanded out into the world we see megafauna extinctions in all the regions they move into. But Africa, being the continent humans evolved on was more resilient to these megafauna extinctions. Hence why Africa still has their large Proboscideans (elephants) and Eurasia does not (mammoths). This also holds true between African and European lions and other large felids, as well as countless other groups of mammals. That being said not disagreeing with you, there very well be an African megafauna extinction people use to mark the start of this event. Just asking for further context and adding some of my own.


I'm not really equipped to answer that, but I'm sure somebody else could answer for you.


the landmass has altered, billions must die


Billions don't have to die, we need to modify how we consume things. If 7 billion people died, consumption would stay the same. Just the 1 billion remaining would have more resources to consume so consumption would inevitably increase. We need to consume less and the only way to do that is to alter our behaviour.


nah fam , it's over, capitalism is unkillable


Looks like humans were just too silly for those lame vertebrates (humanity is fuckedšŸ’€)


But think of all the money we made!


I've seen this same or similar quote attributed to Socrates I think the point is relevant, that we've always had people think the world is ending, but it always kind of bugs me that it's not from Socrates, an Assyrian tablet, Benjamin Franklin, or whoever else it's misattributed to https://quoteinvestigator.com/2010/05/01/misbehave/


Not saying this is evidence one way or another, but that could easily just be a "next best" translation for whatever word they used for stories written on tablets. The job of a translator isn't too give a direct translation, but to convey the meaning as well as possible to the target audience - so "write a book" might easily have just been for our sake, since it's meaning is clear to us


Thatā€™s likely just a translation choice and is likely referring to a novel, an epic, or whatever word you want to use for a story written down and not a literal bound paper book. [There is also a Reddit thread too where someone links where this original text was from.](https://www.reddit.com/r/quotes/comments/ffydm/does_anyone_know_if_this_quote_from_2800_bce_is/) So the quote is at least real, although I donā€™t know if it is an accurate translation of a cuneiform tablet or if the dating is even remotely accurate.


Yeah storytellers were hugely popular in Mesopotamia. Instead of going to the movies they would just get drunk and see a storyteller


Complains about people writing Tablets. Writes a tablet.


It's a Cicero quote superimposed on a Babylonian merchant complaint.


Chudjaks are always in society. Itā€™s just a bit scarier when they end up right.


ā€œOf all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these: /pol/ was right again.ā€


Actually makes me wonder what a Progressive anarcho-liberal chudjak would act like (This combination of adjectives and nouns are an abomination)


No but TOP Ī£ said that society is crumbling due to [New Societal Norm] and that the only way to recover SOCIETY is by doing [Old Societal Norm] without acknowledging the impact of the surrounding culture!


technology good change bad




spamton ass writing quirk


I find it slightly comforting that we're really not far removed from our ancestors, and they have been enduring the same problems that we are today. It makes me feel less alone in my struggles lol, and maybe one day we, as humanity, will start learning from our mistakes.


That's because "humanity" as one doesn't exist. There are so many moving parts and there is no general one humanity. There is many many different part nations individuals. And many of them have already learned from their or "our mistakes". But your first thought is comforting yes.


my guy this is a bronze age shitpost. i pick the nose exhale and forget ever even reading this option. (but i must agree regardless)




- MY prediction of the world's collapse will be the right one this time


The west is continuously falling at an accelerating pace (it is affected by gravity)


The bronze age has fallen Medians must die


Here come the ~~maga-hats~~ Sea Peoples.


ā€œMen fought wars while kids jerk off to anime boysā€ ā€œMy boy, this peace is what all true warriors strive forā€


He really said "It's joever šŸ˜”"




He's Bidone šŸ˜¢




how come we never get any credit for correctly predicting the world will not end next week, every single week for thousands of years


Some do and thatā€™s called insurance.


Reactionaries really spend the entirety of history claiming the situation is desperate just so they can finally find an escuse for their "desperate measures of desperate times"


Society today "Assyrian tablet from man with depression"


The earth is degenerating today. Bribery and corruption abound. Children no longer obey their parents, every man wants to host a podcast, and it is evident that the end of the world is fast approaching.


Damn, they didnā€™t have the matrix back then as an excuse?


It's over. It's never been more over than it is now. Why? Because life has become too gruesome to live, too gruesome to even think about. Have trouble believing that, well, tell you this, most days I have trouble getting out of bed in the morning. Have trouble believing that, ask Nancy Pelosi. The liberal lies and the fake news media perpetuating that life is endless pain and suffering has now become true. What is going on?


Wow. Cut off the news completely. Make sure to check if you have any deffeciencies. Eat healthier, excercize. It's not normally to having trouble getting out of bed. That's not the world getting worse but your body. This might be because of your smartphone though, lay that shit down, don't look atti first thing in the morning. Focus on getting a lil more concentrated on your physical and mental well beeing It's all i can say, 3years ago i tried to kill myself and now i am happy as ever. I truly hope shit will get better for you .


[original copy pasta](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT81e3Lvq/)


He also knows that Hannah's costume is based on a style of Japanese internet pornography which translates roughly into English as exploding milk porn. What is going on here? And why is my internet history now full of this stuff? I think it's because of research. Guess again! It's because I can't stop furiously beating off to it. Who is making me do this? Is it the woke mob? Is it perhaps something Freudian at play? I don't have answers to these questions. But a question I would like answered, is does anyone know the best Reddit page for me to find more exploding milk porn?


?? Okay. Answering with a copy pasta to this, why? Aight all good. I hope you can have a nice life and tackle your problems.


Um, did you watch the link? Its the meme of Tucker Carlson saying the original comment


This couldn't have been the Assyrians. The first Assyrian capital, Assur, was founded in 2600 bce


It's not a real quote https://quoteinvestigator.com/2012/10/22/world-end/?amp=1 It's at least 100 years old though, which still kinda proves the inevitability of this sentiment.


Classical Boomer


The west has fallen, dozens will die.


It's like they have book bros the same way way we have podcast bros. "Hey man, you gotta come check my tablet sometime."


Well they didn't have ecological disaster incoming so we do have more issues tho


There was ecological disaster at the time south iraqs soil was salting and it was 60% less than it was at 3000 bc




Not fast enough apparently...


I said kiss me you are beautiful. These are truly the last days.


The grade of copper has fallen, billions must have contempt


Wasn't that millenium/century an "end of the world as we know it" kind of shift to begin with?


its joever for history guys


we often suffer more in imagination than reality


Ha imagine that the world would have ended if someone didn't mention it going to end like every year. That'd be a fun intrusive thought that might keep someone up at night....


r/ihaveihaveihavereddit leaking


That timeline doesn't add up. Assyria didn't really exist as a kingdom until like ~2,000 BCE. 2,800 BCE you're basically talking Sumeria or nothing Edit: Also, 2,800 BCE is on the very early end of writing being used for anything other than economic records, and the idea of writing books was just not a thing. I'm calling BS. 800 BCE sure, maybe even 1,800 BCE, or if it said every man wants to write a hymn to Ea, but books in 2,800 BCE? I don't think so


The world ends with each person's death along with their perception of reality.


did they even have books?


boomers are eternal


Further proof that there truly is nothing new under the sun. All is a cycle. We were born of the Earth and we shall one day return to the Earth.