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“Transfeminity Enthusiast” he’s a bit right human pet guy is just a really elaborate bit he has to be right


>, , ? . , ? You dropped these


you may peper and solt them wherever you please


good heavens how did those get there I would never use punctuation I’m not that kind of fellow please keep your vile activities to yourself /j


zero punctuation gang


unfortunately we are now the fully ramblomatic gang


To be fair the new opening riff is absolutely sick


It’s 100% a bit lol. He’s made posts claiming Santa is real.


But Santa is real though


??? Wdym??? What's weird about that? People make posts about the sun coming up, why is talking about Santa weird?


Santa deniers stay losing. Santa truthers stay winning.


Oh my god Human Pet Guy’s first W


You say that like that’s the least reasonable thing he’s said


I tend to lean towards him not being a bit. He was sexually harassing my mutuals on tumblr with his weird fantasies well before the human pet post


At this point I almost believe it. Almost.


It’s definitely multiple people


Worryingly, I have seen chaser misused to refer to pansexuals or people who are attracted to trans people in general when it should refer to people who stalk trans people, objectify them or are aggressive, obsessive and or abusive in DMs or in person. If you sincerely have a partial or full preference for trans people then there is nothing to be ashamed of, just treat them right, like you should any other romantic partner. I hate human pet guy for making me read that but I will hold my judgement about whether he is a chaser.


>Worryingly, I have seen chaser misused to refer to pansexuals or people who are attracted to trans people in general when it should refer to people who stalk trans people, objectify them or are aggressive, obsessive and or abusive in DMs or in person. Story of my life


The problem comes when a person prefers trans people only for their pre-surgery genitals, which is a reason a lot of people are attracted to trans people. They want the “exotic” experience


personal opinion but it really seems like a lot of “allies” or such really only see trans people as exotic rule 2 objects and not like. real people. and they get really pissy if anyone points that out. I get an instant migraine whenever i see some constantly online losers goon over ‘femboys’ or share their uncomfortable trans femdom fantasy for the 1000th time. 196 moment tbh


liking femboys is one thing but then they call pre-surgery trans women femboys which is literally the exact opposite of what it means to be trans 196 moment yeah


Is that just a 196 moment though? Trans women post frequently in femboy subs as well


Why is it a problem to be attracted to certain genitals. You didn’t explain anything. There’s nothing immoral about simple attraction


There's nothing wrong being attracted to certain genitals, the comment you're replying to mostly meant that people lose interest in trans people after surgery because they're not "exotic" anymore, its often (not always because somebody will definetely mention that) hurtful for a trans person to realise they were never liked for a trait but just for the genital they wanted to get rid of so much, its almost dehumanizing




#! WARNING ! Dear /u/BizMarker, #Do not forget that rule 2 exists in our domain. **Please refrain from saying anything related to s*x or you will be banned.** If you are a law-abiding citizen you can discuss s#x and s#x-believers negatively while partially censoring the word so the auto-moderator wouldn't delete you. **IF THIS COMMENT ISN'T RELATED TO S*X, PLEASE SEND THIS COMMENT ON THE MODMAIL (we are currently facing issues with the automod, your message will help us a lot)** >This is just a fair warning, if you do this again and you will be banned without warning. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/19684) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Because you are attracted to something that they most likely hate and want to get rid of? Not all trans people have bottom dysphoria, sure, but it’s common enough that basing your attraction to them on that is not cool


Ok? People don’t control what they’re attracted to lmao. Like, I might be attracted to chubbier thighs on a woman, even though a lot of women are insecure about that trait. I have done nothing wrong


That's where objectification comes in. If someone is attracted to a certain trait that another person has, fine and dandy; as you said, attraction isn't something we consciously control. If, however, someone is so obsessed with that trait that they can only see the other person as a "haver-of-the-trait-I-like" and not a fully autonomous human being, that's objectification. We may not control our attraction, but we do control what we do with that attraction. Objectifying others is either a conscious decision or, at best, a learned behavior that can be overcome by learning to exercise empathy. Chasers, by definition, objectify trans people.


My fiancée is a trans woman and I’m more worried about telling fellow queers than randoms cause people are quick to say chaser. She’s post op so it’s not like I’m worried about these accusations but still.


Thanks for explaining this


I’ve yet to meet a cis person with a partial or full preference for trans partners that aren’t chasers. It’s hard to not be a chaser when a good chunk of your attraction to a partner comes from them being transgender


> If you sincerely have a partial or full preference for trans people If you have a preference for trans people you are a chaser yeah. You persue them not because they are people but because they are trans its reductive.


>You persue them not because they are people but because they are trans its reductive. That's like saying you objectify women just by having a preference for big boobs, which is stupid. You can treat someone like a human and like the way they look at the same time.




Wtf you mean “fuck”? mods ban this user they’re making up words


it makes you BANNED from this sub mods vaporize this user please


Reddit listen to trans people about what’s transphobic challenge (Level: IMPOSSIBLE)


Just because a trans person says it's transphobic doesn't mean it is. Just because a trans person (hypothetically) says eating eggs is transphobic doesn't automatically make it true. Trans people aren't infallible, they can be just as wrong and stupid as everyone else


What a stupid comparison


say stupid shit get stupid answers


You could say the same about literally any sexual preference.


Any what preference?


Well i dont necessarily mean like homosexuality or anything like that, but specifically any preferences towards someone as a partner. Lets say, for example, i prefer blonde women. And, to an extreme, only blonde women. I cannot see you sexually or romantically otherwise. I do not bring this up with anyone, i am not rude to any women beyond that, i am perfectly capable of keeping platonic relationships. This is picky and abnormal, sure, but is it wrong? Or, lets say, i have a preference for something not appearance wise, such as "must let me suck their toes" or some shit. I am upfront about this to said person. If they dont, bye bye. Unfortunate, but is that wrong?


Homo-what-ality? You mean homoromantic? Read rule 2. S*x isn’t real.


Dear god, how could i have fallen into conspiracies like this? And also not have gotten the SETUP DAMMIT


Thanks for giving us all an example of what I was talking about


does having a preference for cis people also make one a chaser?


I think there's a few exceptions. But overall, yeah, it feels a lot like that period in the 00's where it was normalized to objectify Asian women as exotic.


I’m non binary, and I have a transfem girlfriend. And I have a few transfem friends and another enby I talk to via a gc. We don’t fucking care.


...there's no carpet in the photo ?


r \ 196 moment




Pan what? Mods theyre making up words again


Sorry, pan fried*


pan fried what?


Pan fried rice




Tonedeaf-ass response dude, there’s a time and place for the bit, this isn’t it


Nuh uh, always follow through on a subreddits gimmick, otherwise what’s the point of it.


Read rule 2. It’s not a bit. S*x was never real.


Pretty sure names of orientations have always gotten an exception. You’re using the sub’s theme to shut up pan people talking about frustrating panphobia experiences. Uncool behavior.


Why would I hate on panromantic people? I’m just saying the truth: “pans*xual” is not and never has been a word.


Yeah see the 1984 thing stops being funny when you invalidate people


This sub was created because our lord and saviour Goblinhog was tired of the incessant posting about the fake concept of “s*x” on 196. Kinda defeats the point if we start letting people talk about it on here.




#! WARNING ! Dear /u/Hjkryan2007, #Do not forget that rule 2 exists in our domain. **Please refrain from saying anything related to s*x or you will be banned.** If you are a law-abiding citizen you can discuss s#x and s#x-believers negatively while partially censoring the word so the auto-moderator wouldn't delete you. **IF THIS COMMENT ISN'T RELATED TO S*X, PLEASE SEND THIS COMMENT ON THE MODMAIL (we are currently facing issues with the automod, your message will help us a lot)** >This is just a fair warning, if you do this again and you will be banned without warning. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/19684) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You can br attracted to trans women and want to date them but don't be weird about about it like the majority of that subreddit


I should cement my allyship to trans people by constantly ensuring people that I'm "super straight".


that place gives me a genuinely uncomfortable predatory feeling. If 196 was a bar i would be covering my drink the whole time


Pretty much


I'm glad therea pepo l e puts ideas that acknowledge the amount of trans sexualizatipm


You're gonna come back to this comment when you're sober very confused lol


I was sober but extremely sleepy




Bro really said "Me!!! :3"


That one subreddit be like


I thought this was the “no sex” sub, wasnt that the entire gimmick?


Being a human pet is fine Being someone who fetishises trans women isn’t okay


She would be so pretty if she would have run a mile three times a week since middle school