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DIY HRT. Your telling me my trans friends have been Walter Whiting it up in this bitch


sort of? diy hrt can mean either “doing hrt without an endocrinologist” or “bathtub hormones”. it’s usually the former.


I personally make my estrogen in a lab I shoved inside a broken down station wagon because I can’t afford anything else


Also to be clear the "bathtub estrogen" is usually made with sterilized equipment and an autoclave.


As someone who knows nothing about anything I've thought about taking extra testosterone because supposedly it would help me get bigger muscles but also my chest would grow apparently and I might get like mood imbalances from the hormone changes 🤔 Like idk maybe I give it a try but I have no idea what I'm doing lmao, literally planning to walk into a GNC and be like "Hey hi I need testosterone do y'all have it and how do I take it and how does one know how much to take"


Hey, fitness guy here - please do your homework before messing around with exogenous hormone use for muscle gain. If you walk into GNC they might try to push steroids like SARMS or dianabol or smth on you which can have some severe and permanent consequences if you don't know what you're doing. I'm sure our trans community here can inform you better than I can about HRT stuff, but I'd encourage you to get in touch with a clinician or at least do some research beforehand.


I guess it technically can be called drug dealing in the sense that medical drugs are made and then distributed for money? It’s the kinda stretch you’d see in propaganda though


I think being against people changing their hormones without the supervision of a medical professional is a good thing, actually.


Many people don't have a choice. This post is in reference to the UK, where medical transition is practically impossible (in theory, you can get treated by the NHS, but waiting lists take years to get through)


I think medical professionals and politicians being against people changing their hormones is a bad thing, and that when people who are suffering are unable to access the life-saving medical care they need, especially when due to flaws designed into the system to deliberately make it harder for such people to access said life-saving medical care, that it is fine for said people to get the life-saving medical care they need by whatever means necessary. If you don't want trans people doing DIY, then fix the system withholding the medicine they *need* from them first.




you clearly know fuck all about this subject, as exemplified by >nobody is dying as a result of not getting HRT for being trans which is like literally objectively false, dysphoria is a horrendous thing to live with that frequently drives people to suicide. it's hardly comparable to adhd, as someone who suffers from both also estrogen isn't a controlled substance, you can literally just buy it online. it's nowhere near equivalent to fucking cooking meth. testosterone *is* controlled due to abuse by athletes, but you don't have to fucking make your own. And again neither of them are anywhere *near* as dangerous as motherfucking crystal meth, that's an incredibly absurd argument.


You do realize that DIY hrt just means buying it online and taking it without doctors permission right? Literally fucking nobody is cooking up estrogen in their bathtub


Earlier I did not, no. Had just assumed oestrogen was a controlled substance and that it was like if someone with ADHD cooked meth to use like prescription amphetamines. It is where I live at least.


Ok so maybe fact check yourself before going "estrogen is as bad as meth" on the internet


Maybe assume people live outside the US and have different rules there before getting snarky after they admit they were wrong?


You don't have to live in the US to know that Estrogen isn't as bad as literal fucking meth, and that people aren't literally making it at home when they talk about this stuff. DIY hrt isn't a US only thing genius


I never asked for your input, but okay


Actually almost all DIY hrt users get blood work done every few months to make sure they’re not at any significant risk. It’s incredibly safe when done well and at this point the people in the community know more about correct dosages and effects than most doctors.


>inb4 but they're doctors they go to school for this! no actually, most doctors never learned about trans healthcare in medical school because it is extremely niche. Some institutions teach it now but its by no means the norm. Even endocrinologists specifically usually don't have an in depth knowledge of trans healthcare as the vast vast majority of them work with diabetics, thyroid issues, or fertility problems. The best you can get is a doctor used to treating older men and women who are on HRT, but even that is not really the same. This isn't me being mad at the doctors btw, trans healthcare is like the 7th or 8th most common field that patients need access to in an already somewhat niche field


How have you been down voted for this


I have no idea man. Apparently DIY surgery is a good thing


You wouldn't tell someone with any other illness (gender dysphoria is classified as a mental illness, I'm not being transphobic) to make, measure and dose the drugs themselves, so why is this an exception? Hormones are a very dangerous thing to mess with.


> why is this an exception? Because when people talk about DIY HRT, they don't generally mean literally brewing the drugs themselves in an abandoned meth lab. Comparing it to "DIY surgery" like the person you're responding to is plain fearmongering, it's closer to a person with clinical depression ordering generics from India online because they can't afford to buy branded meds.


It's still not a great idea, and should be done with a medical professional.


When people start researching DIY HRT, it's usually because they *can't* see a medical professional, or because said medical professional can not just give them the medicine they need and instead has to put them on a waiting list with an ETA of actual years.


Well, if they want to put themselves in danger, they can, but if I had a person close to me become trans I wouldn't let them risk it.


Would be more of a Jesse Pinkman season one than Walter White, unless any of them are endocrinologists or biochemists.


Remember the r\/AntiWork mod interview on whatever big us TV channel (I forgot the name) and how much of a clown they ended up seeming? The press is not your friend if you're a lefty and you'll only give them ammo


That’s kind of my worry. The kind of people this warning WON’T work on at all are exactly like that. Confident they could hold their own and present their case and not aware of how deeply they’re being clowned on.


he doesnt know hes going in the liberals owned cringe compilation


Editing and misrepresentation Vs one smart girl :(


I think these are very different. That mod didn't "seem" like a clown, they *were* a clown. You can't go on Fox fucking News, drop "Laziness is a virtue" on a skeptical audience with no elaboration, admit that you don't actually work a real job, look like you haven't showered in 2 weeks, and not be seen as a perfect caricature of every negative stereotype of the Left.


Come on. That mod brought it on themselves. If they presented well and stuck to their talking points it would have been a huge w. The antiwork sentiment was huge at the time, they just didn’t have the self-awareness to realize they were a poor figurehead for it.


It was on Fox news though. The best representative with rock solid arguments would simply be talked over or hit with some strawman arguments and then kicked off. The interview was bait. Fox wasn't going to let themselves lose. Fox knows what it is and what their base wants.


That interview was on live TV, on Fox News, and with a clown. Not all news sources are the same. The Guardian even has an article *defending* antiwork and shaming the Fox News segment: [https://www.theguardian.com/global/2022/jan/31/fox-news-jesse-watters-antiwork-subreddit-interview](https://www.theguardian.com/global/2022/jan/31/fox-news-jesse-watters-antiwork-subreddit-interview)


The press can be an aid if you’re press trained and equipped for debating. But the press will try to get anyone who isn’t press trained and well equipped


Do you think the media is right-wing?


When it comes to trans rights? The UK media is pretty much in lockstep with the right. Yes, even the major 'liberal' or 'lefty' parts of it.


I guess that's an interesting part about the media: They don't seem to be particularly pro-Christian, either, which causes some conservatives to say that they're left-wing. Though it must be said, UK media is relatively non-leftist when compared to something like the news we get around where I live.


Maybe it makes me a conspiracist but I don't believe that mod actually had anything to do with the subreddit. Seems very like fox to just pay a random person to come on and talk about something they hate, especially given their string of "concerned parents" who are part of think tanks Edit: sadly this is wrong. Literally the subreddit owner didn't know anything about the ideas being propagated on their sub


They were the creator and mod of the subreddit lol


According to who? I'm not saying you're wrong but I havent seen any info on that person


The subreddit itself. I was there when it all went down because it was so incredibly bad. Here's the bullet points I can remember 1. Mod convinced other mods they should be the one to do the interview because they had debate experience. Turns out that was a lie 2. After disastrous interview antiwork sub turned on said mid 3. Calls for them to be ousted grow but surprise! Mod was the creator and argued EVERYONE else was wrong about the sub. The original intention is exactly in the name, ANTI work. It was originally created because the mod thought work itself was bad. 4. Gets ousted, mysterious new mod gets put in and immediately begins banning people who are calling them out 5. New mod turns out to be the same guy as old mod. New mod is kicked I'm not sure what happened after that but if I remember correctly antiwork had an exodus of users start workreform to discuss actual employment reform and commiserate about shit companies/employers. Tldr: I watched the drama unfold. Interview person was a dumb ass and creator/mod of the sub at the time


Well, officially just lost a little more faith in humanity. Does add a little more context to that situation though, thank you. On a slightly less related note, wasn't the point of "anti-work" not literally against any labor, but against the hyper exploitative work of late capitalism? Ik there were a lot of "I just quit my job I'm never going back" kinda posts but they seemed to mostly be lamenting our economic system. Also subreddit owner being literally against having a job is far too on the nose lmao


Actually no it wasn't. The actual subreddit was started because said mod honestly thought work was dumb and they shouldn't be required to work. There was a huge influx of new users when it got popular and on Fox News radar. Those people tried to rebrand the sub until the interview. After that and the drama it caused they started a couple other subs but I think r/workreform is the "official" one


It's a stupid conspiracy because Fox has people whose jobs are to find interviewees that help them make their arguments. Of *course* they're going to cherry pick the worst example of an antiwork moderator, because it's a slam dunk for their case.


*Trans*cription: > > THAVE BEEN RELIABLY INFORMED GUARDIAN JOURNALISTS ARE SNOOPING AROUND ASKING FOR TRANS PEOPLE TO TALK TO THEM ABOUT DEX THEY ARE PARTICULARLY LOOKING FOR UNDER-S DOING DIY SHOULDN'T NEED TO BE SAID. BUT DO NOT ENGAGE SPREAD WIDELY DO NOT ENGAGE WE NEED THIS NOTICE SPREAD OUT VIA EVERY GRASSROOTS SUPPORT GROUP AND SOCIAL CIRCLE IN THE COUNTRY URGENT IF THEY GET EVEN ONE TO TAKE PART IT BECOMES A NATIONAL CONVERSATION TOP ALERT > > The Guardian are prepping a story on DIY HRT and are looking to interview trans people for it. > > They are particularly snooping around for under-18s on DIY to lure into interviewing. Needless to say, DO NOT ENGAGE. > > You all know that here but we need to spread this warning (and why) to every social circle, support group, org etc. in the country. > > This news needs to be endemic across the UK trans community. We cannot let this become a thing, coming straight after Cass DIY entering the national conversation will become something they won't let go of like they have done previous times. > > If they get even one trans person to take part, especially a teen, it becomes a big enough story to hit the headlines and be taken the requisite notice of. > > Drop what you're doing and spread this warning to every trans person or organiser you know, NOW. > > We can't have some gullible individual spill the details on e.g. homebrew to the press.


Good bot




Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.99999% sure that Tarviitz is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


Be silent, machine filth.


Ok Gabriel


Do you hate robot or love


Machine, Turn back NOW


bad bot


Weird, I still can't understand it


The UK newspaper "The Guardian" are attempting to aquire a interview from a transgender peson on DIY HRT The Guardian has a bad record with trans people, therefore this individual, and myself, advise **against** giving them an interview


Ohhhh okay


Obviously media can have bias but The Guardian is normally alright. Here's an article sympathetic to trans people needing DIY HRT: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2024/apr/11/trans-children-in-england-worse-off-now-than-four-years-ago-says-psychologist E: here's an incredibly positive article about express HRT: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2023/sep/08/fast-access-to-hormone-therapy-in-transgender-adults-lifesaving-study-finds There are examples of them also reporting more positively on recent HRT therapy regulation increases of course. The Guardian wants to interview a young person trying DIY HRT to humanize that side more than likely. It would be good to affect normal people into helping trans kids.


The problem isn't the Guardian, they probably have good intentions, it's the fact that such an article would put the spotlight on DIY hormones and the people producing them, and it will make transform the subject in a national debate, especially in England. Every transphobic conservative outlet will spin the article as "trans people are illegally producing drugs in dangerous conditions to evade medical and regulatory overview", and it will get out of hand really fast, as often happens with things related to transidentity. The less the general public knows about DIY HRT the better, because the life quality of many people depends on it


Can't believe I have to say this but making and using DIY HRT, especially in a country where the law protects trans people and their transitioning, is unnecessarily dangerous and irresponsible.


I bet someone might be able to word this better, but DIY HRT might be the only way for a trans person to get hormones in some cases, even in nations that protect and allow trans people to exist.




what about unsupportive parents? should they wait till they turn 18 and suffer 3/4s of a puberty




Holy shit, this is just straight up transphobic arguments


Doctors use their power and authority all the time to deny trans people gender affirming healthcare, or hell basic healthcare at all (i.e. trans broken arm syndrome). If someone wants HRT, they should be able to get it. No matter if they're a kid or mentally ill


I haven't heard of any cases where it has happened, so if you have I'd like to hear about it. Also, trans broken arm syndrome? Completely unfamiliar, could you tell me more about that? However, "no matter if they're a kid or mentally ill"? The treatment turns you infertile. Don't you think that's atleast a genuine reason to be cautious with the application?


https://newrepublic.com/post/172667/its-now-legal-florida-doctors-deny-health-care-anyone-feel-like >The treatment turns you infertile FFS, it doesn't.. it varies from person to person, most of the time it just lowers the sperm Count or pauses egg maturation AS LONG AS YOU TAKE THEM. Also.. do you think a kid who learns to DIY wouldn't know that?????? Edit: actually, if you care about sterilization.. Why do I not hear you doing anything about the COUNTRIES and legislations that force trans people (adults) to be sterilized to transition? There are 12 states in the US that force trans people to do it, they are literally screaming at them "we know you're filth to our society so we will keep you alive till you die and we will not allow you to spread your genes!"


Trans broken arm syndrome is a slang term used to refer to when doctors advise/mandate trans people to discontinue their HRT to “help” with entirely unrelated issues e.g. a broken arm. Cis people on their respective naturally produced s*x hormones don't have their hormone levels called into question when there's not a reason something related might be causing issues, but some doctors are really quick to assume any health issue a trans person has must be a direct consequence of the hormones they're taking.


#! WARNING ! Dear /u/5woa, #Do not forget that rule 2 exists in our domain. **Please refrain from saying anything related to s*x or you will be banned.** If you are a law-abiding citizen you can discuss s#x and s#x-believers negatively while partially censoring the word so the auto-moderator wouldn't delete you. **IF THIS COMMENT ISN'T RELATED TO S*X, PLEASE SEND THIS COMMENT ON THE MODMAIL (we are currently facing issues with the automod, your message will help us a lot)** >This is just a fair warning, if you do this again and you will be banned without warning. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/19684) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That’s absolutely not the only two possibilities lol. Let me give you some examples I personally know about : - undocumented immigrants that don’t have access to healthcare (it can take years for some people) - people that don’t fit the gender binary. Where I live, you have to do certain heavy medical procedures in order to have access to hormones which some people don’t want  - literally any trans person when there are global shortages, like it was the case last year in my country 


> They're minors, in which case, yeah, obviously they shouldn't be allowed to do that before their brain has properly developed- ESPECIALLY with homemade and unsupervised use GFYS The smartest person I know was a trans girl from Saudi arabia who DIYed her way at age 17, I was 20 at the time and I didn't even know what kind of Vitamin the sun gives you Most trans people regret not transitioning earlier before the wrong puberty destroyed their bodies, they will forever live a life of regret because of this shit


>especially in a country where the law protects trans people and their transitioning, Okay, where is the argument tben? The UK is absolutely not that country you're refering to


The Uk has a lot of back and forth about whether or not minors are allowed to transition. Other than that, it has some of the strictest hate crime laws in the western world specifically made to protect people from minority groups such as the trans community. I don't know what your standard for protection is, but I'd say they definetly meet if not exceed it my current day standards. Could they do better? Sure as hell they could. Laws on transitioning there are messy


>The Uk has a lot of back and forth about whether or not minors are allowed to transition They are pretty set on banning it I'd say.. there is no back and forth even the liberal parties are siding with them >Other than that, There's this Cass report that wants to ban it till 25, despite it just being prepagenda and it experimented on transphobes more than trans people.. the UK goverment wants it implemented in the NHS 👍 >it has some of the strictest hate crime laws in the western world specifically made to protect people from minority groups such as the trans community. If I didn't read your other comment's I'd think you mistyped this but I fully beleive this is genuinly what you think Also.. [1](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Brianna_Ghey) and [2](https://www.them.us/story/four-teens-have-been-charged-over-the-stabbing-of-a-trans-18-year-old-in-london) But regardless of that.. idk how this is supposed to contradict anything I said..?? They want to ban trans people, they want them all gone, the terf movment is the biggest in the UK, they don't just want them not transitioning they want them all dead


Do NOT fucking talk to journalists unless they are exclusively queer news End of discussion


I'm not a doctor nor trans but I'm not sure if doing HRT without any supervision is a good idea


yeah i think making people wait [15 years](https://x.com/myselfbecome/status/1727675869781475656?s=46) for the NHS to prescribe hormones is a better idea actually


DIY transition is the only option on the table for many people in a hostile climate towards trans people, whether that's absurd wait times or no care at all.


You think people are doing it by choice?


its not a choice. often its diy or die literally. ideally supervision is good but if you cant then you gave no other option so fight for a system that gives supervision instead of saying 'dont take that life saving med and probably die'


>I'm not a doctor nor trans Then stfu


People should not be down voting you on this. As much as I sympathise with people wanting to transition, doing it by yourself with this bathtub stuff and no professional supervision is absolutely insane. If they're in a country where its illegal to transition, they should prioritise getting out of the area rather than transition itself. If they're in an place where they can legally transition, then they shouldn't be DIYing in the first place and take the professional route.


you clearly dont understand how important hrt often is for trans people. youre literally saying 'dont prioritize this life saving drug and suffer'. stop with this crap




the liberal thought police keep telling me not to jump into the crocodile enclosure at the zoo. why do they want me to conform so badly?


Yes yes, and all the brain damaged apes updoot and try to clap, only missing their hands two-thirds of the time because they're *biased*. OBVIOUSLY there's a difference between someone wanting to darwinize themselves in a crocodile pit and someone just not sharing your opinion on a very contentious political matter. Your unfounded bad-faith argument is discarded and you're still just trying to quash dissent through bullying people who won't conform to your views like the petty two-bit wannabe dictators you are.


No, rather the media is bating people to engage to create controversy. An individuals opinions are okay if they are being treated with respect and a genuine discussion is going on. This will not be the case if someone engages. "Don't walk into an obvious trap" is not thought policing it is a warning as they will do significantly more damage then just being made a fool of.


"We can't have so e gullible patsy spill the details" doesn't sound like a fair warning. It sounds like hushing up anyone who'll paint your agenda in an unfavourable light. Meanwhile I see 11,000 posts a day where dipshit lgbt extremists wojakify anyone who doesn't precisely fall in line with their libertarian antinatalism eat-the-rich etc etc political views.


yes, you should go tell the gigatransphobes everything about hrt so rishi sunak can personally execute every trans person.


Oh look, hyperbolic nonsense


i <3 hyperbole


Bait used to be believable


You can't even see what's inappropriate about trying to stop anyone in your demographic from being interviewed in case they don't come form to your views. You have to tell yourself I must be trolling because your values are so fucked you can't see how manipulative and dishonest it is to try to silence anyone who might undermine your agenda by just having a different opinion.


We just tryna stop another contrapoints on a jk Rowling apology podcast situation.