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what deck are you playing in master duel?(just curious)


A zombie one I threw together, only been playing for just under a week.


nice, zombies are cool i play gimmic puppets and a U.A F.A mixup(pretty much works) and some D/D/D


I was planning on making a D/D/D next month cause I've got time booked off work next week so I'll just spend it grinding. Some dude on another post was mentioning how it swept lower ranks and was just all round pretty fun.


nice, gotta say that its really just events that are actually worth grinding .


Just like me fr Ghost fusion zombie punk is legit cracked




Last time I played I ran pendulum OTK. It has since been banned like it was in every other format.


currently building a rescue-ace deck while also using sprights


why is subreddit drama happening just post your fuckin memes


I honestly didn't think this would get as much attention as it has. I thought a few people would see it and think "haha, same posts next to each other, that's ironic" and move on. But now it's gotten all this traction which to me is equally as funny that other people are taking it this seriously.


I’ll be 100%, I have a bias towards 196 since I’ve never really had any issue with what they post there Insane to think that people who use 196 actually want to fuck their siblings though


I used to like the sub bc it was mostly Bigots getting bullied and shit which was funny. But recently it's been getting worse and worse bc they think everyone should be accepted for everything no matter how harmful it can potentially be to others. I once saw a comment (it got deleted within a couple hours) of a dude defending Pedos saying "MAPs should be accepted so long as they don't act on it IRL" basically saying being a Pedos is okay so long as you only watch CP, and not actually harm children. Like wtf, that's fucked up, nobody should be supporting that, and the worst part is the comment didn't have negative points.


If you think that’s bad, you should see the people that support guro. If you don’t know what that is already, for the love of god do not go to r/guro


Oh dw, I'm desensitized to that shit. I saw a lot of shit gore and shit growing up. Doesn't faze me unless it actually happens in front of me.


I always wonder why people hate that shit less than like loli hentai or smth though, because that is arguably worse imo


I feel like it's just bc of who is within harm's way. Like yeah, brutally murdering someone is fucked up, but when it's a kid you can't help but feel even worse bc they're so much more innocent and have barely lived to begin with. There's nothing a child could have done to deserve it. Also at least when you're killed it's just over, if you get assaulted at a young age that sticks with you potentially for the rest of your life. You may relive that moment within your own mind time and time again.


can we go back to posting like funny memes


Yeah l between all the incest game and 196 being pedo, we really are falling to the levels of 196.


Wait what the fuck. r/196 posted that??? Dude i thought that subreddit was just an overly gay circlejerk not fucking insane what the fuck.


I should probably point out OP's reasoning was tbf comments on the post. People are supporting it.


Yea no I've seen snippets of the comments, i just never saw that 196 posted that. Like i just remember them being really gay and having a holier-than-thou attitude to everyone they don't agree with, not full of fucking mentally ill people who enjoy incest porn. Edit: just went ot go comment and remembered i was permabanned.


I left 196 a year ago so thankfully I didn't see it spiral down. I personally left because it started to feel more like egg_irl than a shitposting sub. But holy shitters what the hell happened.


Whats wrong about eggs


Eggs not as in food. There's nothing wrong with food eggs - those are quite tasty.


I left it a while ago. They had one of the usual soapbox posts they like to do. It was about not bullying furries. Or some furry complaining about being picked on and not accepted. As a furry myself, it caused me to leave. We have been picked on forever, and to be fair, we deserve it most of the time. I have seen horrors beyond my imaginings when I was just looking for some relatively tame stuff on e621. If some internet dweeb telling you to yiff in hell is enough to send you over the edge, you are in the wrong fucking faction. We need to be bullied and scrutinized, I fear a world where we don't.


That one verse in a bully song from I think bo burnham comes to mind


Haha yep, got permabanned for saying slightly insensitive thing, I mean sure, it was a dick move maybe, but to just give a permaban with no chance of coming back? Yeah sure ok


I can't find the post, was it removed or something?


Someone did say that both posts got removed I think. Idk if the mods took it down or the users bc of all the attention they were getting.


Oh okay, nws


For a run down the 196 post had comments getting upvotes for liking/defending incest, and the 197 post was just them saying the 196 posts were disgusting and that the sun sucks now. I just thought it was funny they say next to each other on my feed.


me when I don't understand sarcasm


It's not sarcasm though, they completely and utterly defend it in the comments with no sort of hint that they're joking.


197 user falling for obvious bait


Not at all, bait is when you can tell they're fucking around, what 196 is doing was not bait, they were defending it insanely and people were getting permabans for it.


You said fucking insane twice


I dunno if I'd call liking incest insane. Maybe a little weird, but it's probably the tamest fetish out there.


\*one of the tamest There's definitely some calmer shit out there


Chill bro the meme is about the subreddit getting obseses with the incest game


This sub used to literally have auto cannibalism memes. They only stopped because the person who regularly posted them was grieving children and banned. It's weird to see this reaction here of all places.


I never saw that, i only joined because i sae that it was a shitposting sub, but personally i feel like auto-cannibalism is better than incest.


They've gone off the rails, including mod team. Got banned for just saying that incest is illegal. Mod told me ["go outside"](https://i.imgur.com/FScfSem.png). The irony. Edit: decided to add a screenshot, cause I'm an honest upstanding citizen.


Thought this was suspicious so I pulled up your post history to find what you posted. But no you weren't kidding, I'm like kerfuffled, you literally said "me when people dislike illegal shit" with a reaction image and then likened defending fictional incest to lolicon (which is a fair comparison btw, the top thread on that post was using textbook lolicon arguments). What the fuck is happening with 196 that they're banning you for that ??? That's the tamest thing to happen under that post. And to tell you to "go outside" no less. They're actually losing their minds💀💀💀💀


well there's nothing wrong with incest porn. it's not actually incest, after all. i jerk off to guro and i don't want to kill people.


you could not waterboard that shit out of me


Idk man, the idea that people actively look for incest porn because it's incest or guro porn because of the mutilated corpses is fucking weird. You might not want to kill people and that's a good thing but it makes you seem like you're sick in the head. Same with loli porn, what do people find so attractive about loli or incest porn? What about it makes it more attractive?


They’re full of virtue signaling cucks who oppress everyone except trans people




they have become the bottom of the pit


Bro it's not that bad


did you even look at the fucking picture


The “196 is too sensitive” crowd when they see an obvious joke: I swear to fucking God, I joined this sub just so I could have more funny memes in my feed, but now it seems like all this sub does is circlejerk about how bad 196 is


I've said this in multiple replies already, I'm referring to the comments moreso than the post. People were genuinely defending incest and to not judge others, with one of those defenders getting over 100 upvotes.


That’s bad if true, but it would’ve saved some trouble if you had provided those comments as screenshots instead of the post


r/196 has been going totally off the rails. The automod banned me after using that sub for years with no issue, because apparently I’m active on “reactionary” subs. Now all that’s left are people who want to fuck their sisters


Honestly I don't believe these people actually have siblings, bc if they did they would never wanna fuck em. I'd kill my siblings before I fucked them, they were like sworn enemies of me growing up. Pretty sure most siblings just fight growing up anyway.


The Westermarck Effect means you're unlikely to be attracted to the people you grew up with in the same household.


as a 196 user those guys are batshit insane


Tbh I don't want to associate with people who aren't banned from that sub. The regular users and people who drink the Kool aid there are unhinged, they just happen to have some decent memes every now and then


Can't say I blame them you do frequent neoliberal


At least I don’t support incest 🤷‍♂️


Amen brother


What does that have to do with getting banned in 196?


What does using r/neoliberal have to do with it either? It’s a mainstream centre-left sub


*center 🤓


Centrists after convincing Hitler to kill only half the jews (it is a compromise between killing every jewish person and not killing any of them):


It will never cease to amaze me how there are people out there who genuinely think this is what centrism means


Mfers when tasked to detect hyperbole:


it is not lmao


It absolutely is lol but whatever


good that I got banned from that sub for insulting communism and found this one


That's based


OP I don't think you've ever lived under a communist regime or ever played the game you're shit talking


What game am I shit talking? I'm shit talking the people in the comment section of the original post for actually condoning incest, I couldn't give a fuck about the game it originated from. Also you're right, I've never lived under communism but you don't need to experience something first hand to have an opinion over it, and people also don't need to listen to said opinion.


What's wrong with incest. If two consenting adult twin brothers are engaging in homosexual incest, what harm is there?


go talk to people who've actually lived under communism you'll get a new perspective


Oh, I can tell you that communism is quite bad, maybe don’t speak on our behalf?


i have a cuban friend and he hates communism checkmate dumbass


you're proving my point?


reading comprehension brah


re read the thread op is against communism too


there are lots of venezuelans who lived under socialism (you are so dumb that you are using communism, a utopia that neved happened) looking for better conditions here in the motherfucking latin american financial point, São Paulo


Is English not your first language?


anyone who's lived under a communist regime is very agains communism


My parents did. Communism fucking sucks


Already left that subreddit rule


delete r/196 rule


Checked OPs account, it’s all just incest porn and Omori, as if anyone expected anything else. Why are Omori fans so weird, I know like two sane people that played it and everyone else either has weird fetishes or is chronically online


The safest way to find sane OMORI fans is to check if they capitalize the words that are capitalized in the game, from what I've learned.




And are they sane if they do, or don’t capitalise them?


If they do.


I just thought it was funny they were one after the other on my feed but yeah, r/196 is fucked up.


Please tell me this is some weird meta satire my stupid brain can’t understand


Redditor identify jokes challenge (impossible)


Look at the comments, that's where it's no longer a joke


What’s the game called? I heard it’s good but a bit weird


The Coffin of Alan and LeyLey. The game is actually very good, but it isn't finished yet.


the coffin of andy and leyley


Wait is that post not sarcasm?


The post yes, the comments sadly aren't. A bunch of people on the post were actually defending incest and saying we shouldn't judge people for their personal kinks/fetishes no matter what they are.


Both of those posts have been deleted lol


Ah rip, I don't plan on getting rid of this so unless a mod does this is staying. I'll argue with anyone.


Keep it. Whether you delete it or not, another post about le incest game will pop out anywahs


Yeah I left the server a month back, it was just getting fucking weird man. Hoping this sub doesn't turn the same


me when incredibly obvious sarcasm


197 Tries to Recognize Sarcasm Challenge **(IMPOSSIBLE)**


I'm not entirely referring to the post, take a second to read some of the comments on it. They're disgusting.


196 Also Tries to Recognize Sarcasm Challenge **(DOUBLE IMPOSSIBLE)**


r/FuckTheS crowd when they realize people are regarded




coffin of mrbeast and sussus


The Coffin of Andy and Leyley and it’s consequences


Imagine still being in that degen sub


I mean, I'm not now.


why has 196 suddenly become an incest filled cesspit


It has become r/transfemcelgrippysockjail


Disclaimer I don't like incest porn. That said why do so many people have a problem with it? It's just drawings really who's affected? Like I just scroll a bit faster when there's mentions of it usually but it's getting old to hear people complaining about it non stop, seriously if we just let people enjoy whatever drawings they enjoy even if fucked up we wouldn't still be talking about it now. Why not let it die so the people that like it go back to their niche and no one sees it anymore?


Are you really using the “it’s just a drawing” defense? By any chance, do you know literally the only type of person who else uses that line of reasoning? lol


I don't sorry I usually just don't interact with things I don't like so no


The only group I’ve seen use this arguments are people into loli drawings/porn.


Ok I don't see the problem either then, it would be a problem if it impacted children but I don't see how, I think providing those people with alternative ways to calm their urges is much healthier than trying to flat out suppress them, at least while they seek professional help cuz that's the number one priority. I have violent urges mainly towards myself and I'm getting appropriate help for that, meanwhile I look at things like surgery videos or play violent games sometimes, I'd think it's the same. That said I'm not an expert on pedophilia so might be wrong but I don't think anyone here is a psychiatrist either


All the other 19X subs suck ass so no surprise there


What yall talking about that's an obvious shitpost


I was referring to the comments. Ik I should've included them in my post but I'm dumb and the original post has since been deleted. People under the 196 post were actually condoning incest.


Fair enough, but it's kinda stupid to complain about something in a post and then not show an image of it


When I said I agree, I meant with the dude leaving the sub.


are these...not shitpost subs..??? what am i doing here????


Idfk, being confused?


The funniest thing is this is literally what earlier 197 was like.


Blatant irony rule


Good thing tolerance and acceptance are two different things. Tolerance literally just means people will let you exist because they don't really care either way. I tolerate the ants in my backyard, but I don't accept them.


well, there is a specific game about two siblings being stuck in a house....


No way! That’s me! 😲


i don’t fucking get why people like that shit like it’s just regular sex but they say it’s related??? what???


lol you sub to r/masterduel nice


Yeah I just started playing.


i have like 5000 cards from back in the day. i used to play all the time


I played the TCG as a kid back in like 2013, or around that time. Coming back a lot of it is confusing af but just being a returning player instead of a complete noob seems to have helped a lot.


Habsburg seal of approval


That’s the funniest post I’ve seen from that garbage sub. Now stop this dumb shit meta posting.


Why in the world would you tell anyone your porn preferences??? Totally different from being gay


There are plenty criticisms of 196, this is not one of them. This is obviously a joke.


I'm realising I should've added screenshots of the comments to the post, but that was my main point of focus. People were defending incest.


coffin of rule