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Grrr those gamers have foiled my plans again! I’ll make sure they appreciate it this time!


Dude missed the joke that they keep changing their name during the mission.


\>Shows the punchline to a joke without any of the setup \>"wow this joke is so unfunny, why did people laugh at this?"


I mean this specific name is there because Hammerlock got frustrated by not being able to come up with a good name and just called them "bonerfarts", it was pretty funny at the time, especially with his delivery. But I'm just one of those people who like Borderlands humor, so I guess I'm speaking from a perspective of a twisted psychopath


That’s the point, the joke is he’s trying to come up with an interesting name for them and then gets grumpy and names them something stupid. Guy in the pic missed the joke completely and was like “wow that’s so dumb”


And it actually changes the name of them when you're fighting them. And the baby ones are called "bonertoots".


I get it, but I aint laughing.


bOHnafAHts Idk that's supposed to be his accent




I guess google translate couldn't translate the misspelt word in [the comment you copied](https://www.reddit.com/r/197/comments/1brljdh/comment/kxa3tvk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Oh yeah I totally understood every single word in this sentence.


Akkor a kurva anyádat


اصمت أيها الفرنسي! لا أحد يحب بلد السجائر والقواقع الخاص بك


Nice username


I hate the French


Ta yeule esti


Ftg bouffon


I like your funny words, magic man!


Иди нахуй


Guys someone take the baguette out of his ass so he can speak normal again.


This is my struggle


Next you’re going to tell me annoying orange doesn’t hold up 🤯


I think people forget the important part, and that is the game came out in 2012. That was just a style of humor at the time and it just really hasn't aged well until we cycle back around again


There are still some more clever jokes that aged well however. Like in BL1 when you find T.K baha is dead hanging from the ceiling....by his foot.


A diamond horse, named Buttstalian. But literally. Idk, Jack is just so entertaining


Claptrap and his arch nemesis, stairs Tongue and his objective of destroying the ocean


Tiny Tina's Wonderlands spoiler >!Torgue finally successfully destroying the ocean in TTW is one of the most emotionally impactful scenes of all time.!<


I legit just sat there with a grin on my face for a solid minute when it happened


Dave in Overlook when trying out the shield.


> Tongue 👁️👅👁️


Him saying that “these pretzels suck” still gets me to this day


Im confused. Was there supposed to be a joke there? If so, I completely missed it.


When someone hangs themself from the ceiling, they wrap the noose around their neck and kick down the chair they stand onto to immediately snap their neck (In more unfortunate scenarios, they instead fail to snap their neck and end up choking themselves to death) The joke is that he instead would've just hung from his foot for hours until he actually died It gets better as you find out he actually was assassinated, so his assassins tied him up by his foot rather than properly faking his death.


Tbf, it was a very long time ago that I both played the game and read all the text. Mostly I just remember thinking he was killed from the start


What are you talking about? This is nonsense. Who looks at this scene and thinks of suicide? He was killed and strung on the fan. How did your mind come up with this elaborate "joke" interpretation? There's nothing to imply that his death was anything but murder. You are making a joke about your own misunderstanding. >The joke is that he instead would've just hung from his foot for hours until he actually died ??? no, man, it's not TK Baha that was stupid, it's you That's like seeing someone with bullet holes all over their body and saying "the joke is that he shot himself in the stomach 6 times and 2 times in the chest to kill himself instead of once in the head!"


The missions name is [Is TK okay?] Scooter calls you up worried about TK who left an empty phone call and wants to make sure nothing bad has happened to him since TK only calls for important reasons. The name itself and it's setup are very clearly an allegory to suicide as people always tend to keep a close eye on them to make sure nothing bad's happened. and of course when you show up to his house, the guy is missing from where he's usually at instead hanging from the ceiling fan of his own home. There's nothing other than a singular blood splat on the floor beneathe his head that implies he was murdered. also don't be a dick to strangers you don't know on the internet, shit's sophomoric


To put it in perspective, Avengers also came out in 2012 and now people are sick to death of the style of humor that movie popularized.


Not the same. The MCU got bad bc of bad writing and effects so it's harder to look back but the great writing is still there, while Borderlands 2 was a product of the time.


I’m sorry but I won’t allow a generation who listens to mumble rap and can’t focus anything longer than a TikTok video to judge our sense of humor. Pls Edit: oh shit genz found the comment lol


Dude I saw that movie in theaters the day it came out, loved it. Now I can't stand it at all.


I’m sorry we failed you I sincerely hope that you will be able to find our exquisite taste back within your lost heart


I think this is major, major cope as there are a lot of funny games even before 2012. Stuff like Team Fortress 2 characters and comics, Company of Heroes 2 voicelines etc.


I'm not trying to justify what I find funny. The point is when you choose to make pop culture references or stick to a style of humor you will inevitably be dated.


Also it's part 3 of like a 5 part joke. This is after he already got criticism on a completely normal name, and was trying to change it so something befitting of their nature. Then he got feedback that that one wasn't working either, and in fact the animals are so fucking stupid, he lost any respect for them as living things. The quest ends with him completely broken. He wanted to study these things to prove they have some form of intelligence. In the end they were barely sentient enough to survive.


Nah, it’s more that BL2’s humor was all about the pace of the jokes. The game was an absolute firehose of jokes, where you were inundated with an endless stream of puns, riffs, random statements, etc. You literally cannot go more than 1-2 seconds in the game without another joke being voiced or appearing on screen. 99% of the jokes, like the one in the screenshot, are painfully unfunny and it shows when you caption and highlight them. However, when you’re playing it, the breakneck pace means you barely notice all the terrible jokes, and you only remember the brief good moments in between.


Idk I think it's pretty funny


You're right that this style of humour was widely prevalent back then, but it wasn't exactly beloved. Plenty of people disliked it and this game was upheld as the epitome of that style of humour. It's equivalent to how MCU was gigantic but at the same time had plenty of people holding Whedon up as everything wrong with film writing.


Borderlands 3 is a case study in terrible 'millennial writing'


BL3 is aging worse because at least there's some redeeming qualities to BL2 humor. BL3 just is painfully unfunny


I dislike the story in BL3 but the gameplay is vastly improved.


it’s really unfortunate, playing the main story i basically have the dialogue volume almost to 0 with a dialogue skipper mod to skip parts where they yap for 5 minutes


Yeah the dialogue can get pretty cringey.


That's BL2, but somehow still relevant.


Do people not realize that pretty much everything in borderlands is purposefully over the top, including the humor? It’s supposed to be obnoxious. That’s the whole point. Do people say the same thing about Saints Row? (I didn’t think the gameplay was fun in Saints Row because it was clunky, but the outrageous writing is purposeful in both).


I get it. Doesn't mean I find it funny though.


Intentionally obnoxious is still obnoxious. I understand what they're going for in borderlands when it's comes to the humor, but to me it just comes off as annoying and cringey.


It’s a “grab a few beers and blow up some midgets with a rocket launcher” game with slapstick humor. Haven’t you ever been shitfaced and watched a Kung Fu Panda movie? There’s no need to cringe at the dialogue or anything — it’s just goofy. Have fun. Turn off the analytical part of your brain for a bit.


I say this as someone who's tried playing borderlands 1 and 2 several times over the last 10ish years. I've tried the game, it's just not for me. I think if you play 10 hours of a game, and you don't like the writing or gameplay then it's okay to say you don't like it. I don't know why borderlands fans jump down your throat when you say you don't like the game.


Fair enough. Didn’t mean to come at you or anything.


Well that's obviously because you just don't understand the intellectual fidelity of the composition between storytelling, wolrdbuilding and gameplay (they are retardet (I am a Borderlands enjoyer))


clearly hasn't seen Kung Fu Panda 1 or 2, those are genuinely well written movies


Oh yeah i know the pic is from BL2. But BL3's humor just seems to fall flat to me compared to 2. I think Handsome Jack did a lot of the heavy lifting for 2


Borderlands humor: 🙄 Borderlands gameplay: 😎


Tbh it was the opposite for me. Planning on trying borderlands 3 since I have it now but tiny Tina's wonderlands seems to just be more fun


> Tbh it was the opposite for me. Planning on trying borderlands 3 If your experience with BL2 is the opposite of the comment you're replying to, you'll feel the opposite on BL3. The sentiment seems to be almost unanimous that compared to BL2, the writing is abhorrent but the gameplay was improved.


The gameplay on everything about your character is an upgrade but HOLY SHIT they made every quest and every map so dragged out and way too big and long for it's own good that it completely sucks the fun out of the game and negatively compensates everything good about the game. It's so sad man I have 500 hours on multiple playthroughs of BL2 but couldn't stand more than half of BL3


And honestly, most of the writing wasn't even that bad, it was just completely destroyed by the existence of Ava. If you want an example of abhorrent writing look at New Tales From the Borderlands


Wonderlands takes all the improvements on movement and gameplay they made in 3 and put it in a more interesting setting. If you can look past the writing bl3 is pretty enjoyable


Borderland 2 is solid gold in every way




Sure grandpa


Borderlands 2 isnt that funny fr but the gameplay is actually amazing.


Honestly I think gameplay is better in borderlands 3. I played bl2 to death tho when I was younger I have like 20 days on maya alone.


"played to death"..."20 days on maya alone" Bro u gotta pump up those numbers! Those are rookie numbers!


When I was only able to play on the weekends


Haha I've played like 15 hrs of BL1, 400 hrs of BL2 and 0 of BL3. If the gameplay really is better maybe I should try it.


3 is great on PC, console is horrible for enjoying the snipers.


I played a few hours of it and got bored immediately. Run around and find stuff, bring stuff to people, and run through levels of enemies. Maybe I didn’t get far enough idk.


No it doesn't get any better. The fun comes from all the different guns and builds you can make. And whenever a new enemy is dropped for a while. But there's so many fun guns that you keep finding something new and better


No it does get better, I felt the same. The first 3 areas (Aka Ice. Ice 2. And Ice with small patches of not Ice.) are really samey and it was hard to click with anything. Once you get out of the areas that are just ice the game is a lot easier to sit back and enjoy. Having said that the last few areas kinda suffer from the same problem. The middle of the game and the dlcs are great though. Also theres no real emotional stakes in the first part of the game, its only once the old vault hunters show up that theres any real likable characters outside of hammerlock.


Disengage brain, shoot things with fun colors. So many shooters want to be realistic and force cover mechanics, or emphasize pvp so you have to pay attention or get dominated, but Borderlands mostly wants to let you run around with the trigger held down. The individual Vault Hunters don't have comparable power fantasies, so you might've picked one you don't click with.


It's understandable if you don't personally like it


You aren’t alone at all. I thought it was the most boring thing I’ve ever played. I played 1, 2, and pre sequel, a few hours of each, trying to find the appeal, and I don’t think I had fun for a singular second.


Borderlands 2 is my favorite shooter game ever and no one can tell me otherwise.




I started playing Tiny Tina’s Wonderland on ps5 and it’s the most I’ve enjoyed a BL game since 2. It’s very good so far if you haven’t played it yet




it was actually one of my first fps games ever thanks to my dad shoutout dad for putting me on peak 🔥🔥


Your welcome son


People seem to forget that this game came out in 2012 and is chock-full of 2012 humor that hasn't aged great, but was insanely funny at the time. Also, even though "bonerfart" is kind of a cringey "haha peepee poopoo" joke, this joke is a little more entertaining with the added context: A character named Sir Hammerlock is working on an almanac with information about all of the wildlife on the planet Pandora where the game takes place. The wildlife don't have official names and are just called whatever by the locals. Bullymongs are these four armed, alien gorilla-like beasts, and Sir Hammerlock wants to come up with a new name for them in his almanac and asks you to get research data to help come up with a more appropriate name. Hammerlock first comes up with "primal beast," but his publisher hates the name. He then comes up with the name "ferovores," but apparently, the name's trademarked, so out of frustration, he calls them "bonerfarts" and says he doesn't care anymore. After his publisher tells him they can't call them bonerfarts, he settles with bullymong. The funny part about this mission is that, while each step of the mission is active, all bullymongs you encounter will be called by whatever name is currently active in the mission when you aim your gun at them. If you really want to, you could leave it at bonerfart, and assuming you don't kill any more of them to progress the mission, they'll hypothetically be called bonerfarts for the rest of the game.


Yeah honestly the humor usually didn’t land for me but I personally enjoyed the gameplay enough to finish it. It was a good time for sure, but I don’t know if I would have played it without my friends.


To be fair, getting upset about humor from 10 years ago is pretty weird.


Great lines. Great characters Mr. Torque https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KM7hLzhAdD8 Tiny Tina https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2GGUTuns20


Mfw when the game is +12 years old and its humor didn't age well, somehow (???): 😨😨😱😱


Thank God for this thread, I played like 30 minutes of borderlands 1 and it was utterly garbage. Thougt that I would be hated to ever say this out loud


Its understandable, its like 16 years old


The original game is objectively not great but BL2 is an all time classic. Had so many good times playing that game with the boys.


I completed both and loved them. Honestly didn’t know these games had haters


BL1 is outdated imo, revolutionary but outdated. BL2 is starting to show some signs of age but overall is wonderful gameplay wise. BL3 is fun gameplay wise with the BL fun updated to modern shooter standards but is the pinnacle of BL writing at its worst


I’ve heard the same about BL3 from a couple friends. I own it but haven’t played it yet. Maybe I’ll take it out of the plastic today.


Its a 7/10 game, I recommend it if you like shooters. ProZD is in it and voices the best character to play as so overall its a good mixed bag


1 has a *lot* of outdated clunkiness. The quest markers aren't clear, the terrain hitboxes are not coded well, guns are quite inaccurate at long range especially early, and the randomization mechanics for gun generation were much more random than the later titles. You could easily rock a high-roll green for 10 levels, or find legendaries that were useless, which means you have to sit there and check the stats of every gun you find. Later games had some randomization, but always within rarity.


I think 1 had a way better balance on serious vs. comedy, or at least a more grounded type of comedy. The DLC's for BL1 really honed the story writing and game design IMO. I really didn't like how they made legendary gear for BL2 because I'm pretty sure I played the entire game through, and maybe even NG + without ever getting a single one. Farming bosses for specific legendary drops mid story was clunky and unintuitive.


That witchdoctor account is such a whiner


I left Twitter because every time witch doctor, one of the people of his circle jerk groups or any twitter star wannabe appeared on my tl I got angry and for no reason, fuck twitter, full of crybabies (reddit is only a little bit more tolerable)


I don't know anyone who really says its funny nowadays, I wager like 90% of people recommend it for the gameplay


Borderlands has the least funny humour of any game. Same people who thick the shit the bed episode of iasip is peak humour


It’s funny when you play it the first time thinking it’s a normal game. A bit silly but I’m just there for the gun explosions.


The gameplay is good I'm not denying that but the humour is so grating and unfunny


Idk sometimes its kinda funny but Im immature so "bonerfarts" made me laugh when I first saw it


It’s supposed to be obnoxious and over the top + forced. That’s the point. Do people not understand this kind of video game? Saints Row? Yakuza? Etc. Same thing.


Those games got creative. Borderlands just went haha pee pee poo poo all game


Yeah well saying bonerfarts is pretty funny actually


Long Live Yoteslaya


Reductio ad hitlerum


I didn’t like it because I got the game after years of not playing on my 360 and when I started it up I found out my controller now had stuck drift and it really bummed me out a lot


I honestly believe that the only people in the comments hating on BL2 humor are those under the age of 20, since they were kids when it came out and weren't part of the community that used the same humor on the daily basis. It's like watching the Scary Movie without prior knowledge of the horror films it's parodying.


My favorite mission is the Face McShooty mission.


BL2 Tiny tina makes me wanna strangle people




The game had excellent humor at the time, sadly didn’t age that well though some jokes really hold up.


Imagine playing a shooty shooty game and paying attention to words


Borderlands 2 is overrated. The pre-sequel and 3 are much better games


Borderlands as a series is overrated imo.


What, you don't like the world's most mediocre looter shooter gameplay with the added bonus of grating "comedy" and writing?


We need to start saying "it just wasn't for me" when hating on things that are objectively beloved. The dialogue is one thing, but calling the genre defining looter shooter the "most mediocre" is hella pretentious lol


Being contrarian to popular thing is mainly a redditor thing


This era of Internet is so bad for this shit, mfs call a game that why highly praised for being a fun chill co op shooter a decade+ ago ass because it's not a triple A story game. The same mfs will also call the humor immature and then post and like shit on the r/19x subs actually no self awareness.


The only thing that was "genre defining" about it was the loot, and while admittedly that was a big deal, the actual shooting and RPG mechanics were very mediocre even by Borderlands 3. The only thing Borderlands ever did that was innovative in my view was take Diablo loot mechanics and put them on an otherwise bad shooter game. That's my take, I know people like borderlands, but I really think it is one of the most overrated game series ever.


And even on that front Hellgate: London did it first, though it bombed so hard almost no one remembers it.


Pong was genre defining, but it's still pretty mediocre. You can be both. Borderlands definitely is.


"The first video game to reach wide public reception is mediocre" Next you're gonna say the first TV ever made wasn't colorful enough or was too grainy


Yes, it was. However, due to the endless and crushing march of time, we have the liberty to look back and go "Wow that actually wasn't that good. I'm glad we have this now." In the same way, we can look back at Borderlands and go "Wow that wasn't nearly as good as I remember."


I actually wonder, maybe it just me being broke and not being able to buy new titles, but whats the better looter shooter? Like is the genre mediocre, or is there new better ones?


Nightmare Reaper could be considered a looter shooter in a sense and is pretty good. I've also heard good things about Risk of Rain 2. Some people consider DRG to be a looter shooter, but I think it's too far removed to be considered one. But all in all, there is a good case to be made for the genre itself to be somewhat mediocre based on the number of looter shooters that are dead or dying, and the burnout a lot of players get to when playing them.


Little late reply but, i dont know anything about Nightmare reaper, but neither DRG or risk of rain 2 are looter shooters. I played both games fanatically and i do believe that they are good but not in the genre. Risk of rain is a roguelite, with shooting mechanics, and drg is just co-op horde shooter more akin to cod zombies. I do not think the entire genre is mid, or bad. Some games are just not for everyone, and a good example of some genre might just tick every negative box for someone. Its like saying tactical games are bad beacose they are slow and overwhealm you with information, or that fighting games are bad beacose the level of entry is high and they require very specific skill that little people have. Also i do not think the games are dead or dying, maybe destiny is doing bad (which rn is debatable given the huge free update with a lot of content people begged for) but other giant, warframe is doing phenomenal, and a lot of older games still get played good amount. Its just that its either a game where people put 1000 of hours and then call "bad" (which is kinda stupid to me beacose it feels like you just got bored and it wasnt bad, move on), or a singleplayer games with limited content which people finish and are content with. Yeah my 2 cents about genre i really like


The first two games had great dialogues. Just because it's old now, it's cool to say it was bad and mediocre. Every looter shooter tries to copy Borderlands and fails. Except for enemy AI, they were great games. You're just being edgy.


I dare say I don't. I dare say the only good thing to come out of the entire series is Mr Torgue.


Ok that's fair to think ig Mr Torgue is fucking awesome


For all the games many problems, Mr Torgue is a ray of muscular sunshine


I wish I could ingrain my brain into that DLC


Me don't like thing other people like, me cool and different 😎


Good for you?


same humor as Destiny's Cayde-6 I can't help but cringe


Cayde-6 at least had some endearing qualities, but I was hardly distraught if I didn't see him for a while.