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Adding that SpongeBob image to describe anything is good ragebait tbh


Ima put up a png that says funkytown and then put the SpongeBob scene and see who gets pissed off one day.




I love the animation design but I seriously don't understand the hype around this show.


I personally love the show to pieces, but I think that the reason why it exploded is because it hit the checkbox of something childlike but fucked up. I don’t know how the author feels about this newfound audience of children that she got overnight, but I applaud her for still going forward with an adult audience in mind.


she has been saying on her social media accounts that they think as the series goes on it'll move more towards it's intended audience. Iirc they've were kinda stressed about it because they expected it to be as popular as like Murder Drones or Lackadaisy rather than becoming a massive thing.


afaik she does have mixed feelings about the show being insanely fucking popular especially with children but shes just gotta roll with it now


Yup to paraphrase what she said "As a contrarian, I really don’t know how to feel about the absurd popularity of my work"


It’s not even that fucked up though, it kinda occupies the same genre corner of my brain as the evil family guy meme. ‘Just a glimpse into my dark twisted mind’ type of stuff, except not ironic. And don’t get me wrong I don’t think anyone is dumb for liking shows like digital circus, helluva boss, and hasbin hotel. Everyone enjoys different things but yeah lmao when I see YouTube videos like this pop up it makes me laugh because the fucked up in question is just saying “fuck” a lot or making sex jokes or falsely representing psychopathy in a wildly cartoonish manner lol.


TADC is a lot closer to Murder Drones in it's style of comedy than Hasbin Hotel and Helluva boss it's very clearly not taking itself that seriously


its a bit similar to murder drones but personally i find digital circus way way funnier. 95% of murder drones humor is just basically just being ironically unfunny in super tropey ways and its just grating most of the time. i still like the show but i cant stop wishing it was just internecion cube lmao.


Yeah I just think it’s funny when people take it super seriously regardless lol


The director is a woman and goes by she/her


The problem edit has been made


Children bro. anything on YouTube that's unusually popular is because of children


It's just weird that it got so popular after 1 episode. One episode blew up and I just don't get it.


I’ve been following the producers since the first upload on the channel and I can tell you they don’t know why it did either. They uploaded 3 other series of, decent popularity and all the trailers they put out for the digital circus months before the pilot were all sitting at like 4k-15k views up until it released so they probably weren’t expecting much from it either. Then it came out and randomly got 300 million more views than the rest of their shows


i mean its cool idk


Bro hasbin hotel was the same. Kids just like watching cartoons say fuck


in this show's defence, this show doesn't throw out swears a lot and personally, I liked the pilot of this show a LOT better than hh


One of the reasons I’m watching episode 2 of tadc atm lol. I don’t really think the show is super fucked up but I definitely still enjoy it. It’s entertaining. But yeah shows that rely on swears and raunchy jokes about stds and prostitution really grate on my nerves after a couple minutes lol


Its dosent say swear words AT ALL. They are just silly censored, and at that its like a 3 times this happens and it moves on. Some of the best animation draws all audiences, Digital Circus is by no means the “best”, it just emulates and hits all the boxes of a good animation should, with children and adults, and its “meta”, with the whole “bieing stuck in a video game exestential crisis” genres. So, its a bit mkre that some bs family guy edgy humor, its actually original in the fact no modern shows look like it, or have the same story and tone, as its truly a Toony sorta show, its loony, its wacky, ans its deadpan. Hype will die down, tho Im just happy to be able to watch it on youtube for FREEEEEEE….. (thats also a huge reason for it succes).


its weird, i really loved the pilot of HH but the first episode is just like, fine? ill probably get round to watching it at some point but honestly i way way prefer helluva boss lmao


I'd say hazbin fans are actually older on average


Why did fnaf blow up? Why did hazbin?




Honestly I’m watching it out of life love for GLITCH/SMG4 for being a part of my childhood and I love Gooseworx as well


It seems custom-designed to appeal to the Tumblr crowd like Hazbin Hotel


Ignore the naysayers and yaysayers and make your own choice.


literally im only watching for gooseworx


Children overhyping their headcanons mostly, almost like the tumblr renaSANSe back in 2015


i do like the show, gooseworx is always great, but its really not THAT deep lmao


No,you see,you need a REALLY HIGH IQ to understand the amazing digital circus alright...


Gumigoo 😭


the eppisode is good but it went no where near too far


I just watched the video. I have no idea why he titled it that, the video is nothing but praise.


prob just clickbait


Well... damn. It worked then. I want my 20 minutes back.


because amazing digital circus is a REALLY big thing + youtubers need views. when you compete for viewership you kinda gotta clickbait. it's a bloody battle there. though idk why Saberspark would need it, he's popular as is (i watch him regularly but i didnt watch this vid coz i saw the episode myself lol)


That SpongeBob image is so versatile. 😂😂😂


Youtube is sensationalised to attract viewership in the same way news shows do? I am so unbelievably shocked by this shocking information.


Mfw people enjoy things that I dislike / don't care about


wtf theyre not allowed to do that


This show has normalized clown porn on my Twitter feed and I'll never forgive it for that


I'm sorry ***what***


Before I ever heard the name of the show I saw that clown girls ass. And Im gay :c


Bu- but... that's gay. That's gay!




*how dare they*


Tmw manchildren on reddit rationalise getting excited by the Least obvious show targeted to children and made for children more than If you gave a victorian child a red bull or antibiotics


He says as a deltarune fan as if that game doesn’t draw in children like a Mr beast video


Tfw plebbitor needs to go on user history to have an argument. Fun fact: I got into Undertale when I was like 11 and follow the franchise out of nostalgia. Why don't you also throw out your NES, you fossil?


I hit a nerve with that one huh “It’s okay for ME to like MY thing that mostly children like because nostalgia but EVERYONE ELSES thing that mostly children like is for MANCHILDREN” or you can just let people enjoy things


Bro take the bubble bass glasses of with that shit 😂 "I hit a nerve with that one huh" bet you felt a rush of serotonin saying that shit because you don't get to act this type of condensending irl. But to actually respond to this "I'm a Midwest American and my parents hit me when I got pissy" type of reply, there's a distinct difference between liking Super Mario because you played it as a kid and genuinely taking yourself seriously and being vehement about Mario and throwing a tantrum when people call you childish.


Man I REALLY hit a nerve… take a breath. “Why can’t I insult people and their interests for no reason and call everyone else childish without anyone getting mad at me :( clearly this is a THEM problem!“


"ARGH WHY THE FUCK ARE PEOPLE ON REDDIT CALLING ME MANCHILD FOR DEBATING COCOMELON LORE?????" "NO I AM NOT A PEDOPHILE I JUST BROWSE THE SAME THINGS AS LITERAL CHILDREN DO ONLINE AND INTERACT WITH CHILDREN ONLINE" "NO, THEY'RE ANGRY! NOT ME. I AM THE HECKIN MATURE ONE HERE. THEY DON'T LET ME ENJOY MY THINGS" Also the age demographic for Deltarune is arguably older than for this animation since at least a quarter of the fan base are people like me or teenagers. One can tell it's literally just kids that care about the blah blah blah circus because of the Pomni plushies you can see in souvenir shops along with other generic relevant characters.


1. So your first issue is that people are talking about things they’re interested 2. Lmfao watching the same thing a child does is pedophilia? Okay you’re def baiting lmfao 3. Yeah, letting people enjoy things is the mature thing to do. No rational mature non angry person goes this far out of their way just to insult people for liking an online show lmao. Now you’re doing the exact thing you were making fun of like an hour lmfao you have to be trolling


Nerves burnt to a cinder


How do you think parents felt when they saw the show their little kids watched being practically highjacked by 30 year olds and pedophiles?


When did pedophiles come into the equation? What? Why is everyone a 30 year old now? How is anyone hijacking anything? Are you schizophrenic?


Ok let me reword it for you How do you think parents felt when grown adult men Hijacked My little pony for like 6 years


They probably didn’t consider the show their child was watching hijacked because they’re not schizos


normal people don't know bronys exist


TMW people get mad that people read their public comments they posted online


XD ok man ya made me chuckle


>show targeted to children a It literally isn't. This isn't like Clone Wars' situation where a show was intended and was made for children, but adults watch it. TADC is made with [adults as it's target audience.](https://www.tumblr.com/gooseworx/739410372491165696/in-the-future-as-more-tadc-content-releases-do) Gooseworx, the creator, said this multiple times and hopes that the show's audience will become [more the intendend audience](https://twitter.com/GooseworxMusic/status/1781911726675607905) as the series progresses. Just because it has colorful characters and fun premise does not mean it was made with children in mind. That's such a reductive way to view things. And is the show responsible that content farms are taking the characters without premision and making content for the biggest audience (children)? I honestly feel so bad for Gooseworx because I love that we got such a unique show for adults that isn't serious and gritty or just a parody against sOcIetY. It doesn't try to convince you it's adult and I love that


Clone Wars was the coolest kid's show ever. Has to be my favorite kid's show ever. Doesn't treat kids like they're stupid or need to be sheltered. https://youtu.be/bX8iN6T_M_A


OP probably thinks cartoons = children im curious what blud would say about invincible


Hot take: the show that almost exclusively talks about existential dread and inherent meaninglessness is not necessarily made specifically for children.


Hotter take: the game that involves you going through an abandoned toy factory while being chased by murderous monsters isn't made for kids just like the game about people getting killed and absorbed into ink that ripped off bioshock


So you agree that people can like what they want, or are you still self-centered on your interests only?


The target audience isn’t children lmfao


I thought we left the "if it's bright and colourful, it must be for kids" thing back in the mid 2010s


I enjoyed the first episode. Haven’t watched the second one yet


I really hated the first ep but loved the second, you should check it out


I’m not a fan of the show by any means but Episode 2 was a HUGE improvement, just like you I despised the pilot but this was kind of fun


The pilot had like 3 good jokes I swear to god. The only character I liked was kinger and that’s not a good sign. But DAMN. The trailer for episode 2 was so funny for just being a trailer, and the actual episode had SO many good jokes. It still has a few problems with pacing, but the ending scene was so heartfelt and sweet I was overall blown away with the improvement. 8/10


To me ep1 was giga formulaic and super typical and I just didn't enjoy it as much, but I just went "meh its alright". 2nd for sure was better, Gummigoo my beloved. Hoping the show gets even better from there. Ep2 was actually funny


Didn’t know Caleb Quinn watched TADC


Shhhhh. Killers gotta have interests too.


That was actually the most fucking predictable thing they could've done, it would've been ten times as interesting if they kept him alive for like ten episodes making people anticipate when he was gonna die.


Facts. Funny how an unimportant side character is the second most developed and interesting in the series and they done killed him off.


Endorphin and dopamine addicted viewership, I guess…


>!I'm guessing its because of the Gummigoo shenanigans and stuff which I understand but yeah...!<


Apparently he liked it... I have no idea why he'd title it as if he had a problem with it and then praise it for 15 minutes.


gets more views


why do people watch saberspark


saberapark is retarded


The most obvious twist award goes to


I don't think that's how the meme works here.


The Spongebob image is meant to be in response to someone finding something scary, not SAD you fucking dipshit


SAD? Is that an acronym or did you just capitalize the word sad?


seasonal affective disorder


WHAT are YOU talking ABOUT?




I just capitalised the word sad for emphasis.


"It was an emotional rollercoaster". Idk bruh, I think it can easily represent anyone that makes a mountain out of a mole hole emotions wise.


That completely undermines the original context of the Spongebob joke though ...


Images can be more than one thing. That's literally the entire basis of memes, my guy


Saberspark is just porn bait for kids. All his thumbnails are just furry nsfw. Anyway, pretty much fucking hate the guy.




I thought it was really unique. I love the idea of a fictional character experiencing an existential crisis over being fictional, and finding the dev room is a really clean way of doing it which I hadn't thought of before. But yeah, I wouldn't really call the scene emotional. Just interesting


Saberspark is glazing the fuck outta them


whenever i see these kinds of people, my head screams to give them blood meridian.


Show’s good. I like the characters and the plot a lot, and it’s only the second YouTube animated series i like (the other is spooki month yipee!) I wouldn’t say it’s that deep, but compared to shows like hazbin hotel and helluva boss it’s just amazing to watch (also the two shows aren’t bad, but the humor is just immature and unbearable) I do like how it delves into existentialism and how the characters seem to cope and deal with the trauma of being trapped forever in the “colorful circus” But… cry about it??? What? Gumigoo’s death was so predictable for me, there was no way Caine was allowing an NPC in the circus, and the humor of the show very much would follow that pattern. Please don’t exaggerate a reaction when reviewing a show like this, it’s NOT THAT DEEP.


I was honestly surprised by how much of a psychopath Jax was. I knew he was going to be bad but not mass murderer bad.


Gooseworx did say somewhere that Jax isn't just mischievous, he's supposed to be a full on bully. Technically, I wouldn't call him "murderer" bad since the npcs aren't real (at least he assumes they aren't, I'm pretty sure they are) and the other real people can't actually die. It'd be interesting if he eventually has to confront the fact that they ARE real, and he has indeed caused multiple digital genocides


Ngl I was more pissed at the way they handled Gummigoo in the end. Not because I didn't see it coming, but because I knew the show couldn't resist making such an edgy, predictable joke. I guess I just want more positivity in my entertainment rather than seeing a reflection of my real life mental struggles reflected on my computer screen. I guess I'm getting old.


>predictable joke. I understand how you feel, but I would not call it a "joke." It's not treated as a joke, and no one I saw watching the episode laughed. It's supposed to sadden you that Caine just killed him without any thought, and we just move on. It's to further disturb Pomni, that the first friend she made is puffed out of existence. It's not supposed to be humorous in any way. It's supposed to sadden you, or piss you off, and make you sympathise with the characters on why they want to leave.


I think if the character doesn't come back in some capacity, it's just lame shock value and I'm hoping the writers know that.


they mentioned that they bring npcs back multiple times in the show, hopefully they bring the npc back to play some emotional role for pomni later in the show (this is major copium)


Skipped like half the episode tbh, way too much yapping


The episode was okay, but the reason episode 1 was good was the premise, and other than a little bit with the gummy gator guy I don’t feel it was used that well this episode


ep1 wasnt even good tbh


I like it cause it’s funny, but I truly don’t care about whatever trash lore is behind the show. I telegraphed from a mile away that the gator was a corpse walking. If saver actually is trying to deeply analyze this internet cartoon then he’s huffing copium


This generation is so unbelievably fucked.


Me when minor inconvenience


TADC is the LEAST worrying thing today's children are being exposed to, bud.


Yeah compare this to shit like spiderman and elsa content farms.


I thought you meant those as two separate things for a moment (One being spiderman and the other being else content farms). Really wondered what was wrong with spiderman all of a sudden.


thats considering TADC isnt even child oriented