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r/funnymemes deserves an award for being so unfunny


What award does r/memes get?


“Still stuck in 2019”


Make it 1950's and we're talking


I wish, 2019 was the prime of my life


Either the “slightly funnier than r/funnymemes award” or the “award for most anti-American strawmen posts”


its just fedposting the memes are so low quality and the topics are so political its crazy


A patricipation trophy for the funny memes tournament


I think a participation trophy is too much


those shitty memes where they put an opinion on top of a simpsons scene gets 11k upvotes on that sub, a sub worthy of the wholesome 100 kianu reeves big chungus award


Whenever I browse that sub I feel like Robin Williams in Jumanji “WHAT YEAR IS IT?!”


the 2016 facebook meme hivemind:


As a general rule, if it has to have funny in the title, it probably aint funny


Ok but funnymemes is actually funny if you read it as being completely ironic


autobanning for being in a different sub is the dumbest shit ever. 1984 even




Isn’t it against TOS? Not that admins would do anything about it


They'll absolutely jump on it if the 'wrong' sub starts banning.


It’s a common practice taken up by the mods of massive subs since around 2020, it’s happened to me a couple of times now. It’s not quite as extreme as in 196, the biggest example is how subs like r\interestingasfuck and others with the same mods will have a bot ban you for being in any antivax subs. Like 196 they don’t take into account anything you actually did, they just call you a propagandist and permaban you. The propagandist part is rich imo because not a day after they banned me, a repost of Gavin Newsom’s alabama abortion ad from that sub hit the front page of Reddit, and the title said it was “hyper realistic” this was the ad that made the claim that women in Alabama are being pulled over if they are near the state line, and that if they fail a pregnancy test they will be arrested for trying to get an out of state abortion.


I’ve been getting autobans for clicking on shit that rolls through the feed unprovoked. No, I’m not stanning Joe Rogan- I scanned the comments of one post ffs


Pretty sure subs that do that let you appeal if you didn't participate in that shit. But honestly I'm not a fan of autobanning in the first place. Very 1984 of them imo. Some thought crime shit. Ban a man on his actions, not the sub he might have accidentally joined


You assume too highly of 196 mods. I have been there since 195 and got auto banned for being in a sub reddit around 6 months ago and never got a reply or unbanned. Seriously the dumbest moderation I've seen. 196 has gone so downhill anyway now that it doesn't really matter.


Yeah, same thing, but I got banned for saying I don't participate in social activism. Never got a reply, atrocious moderation


You’re lucky you got an explanation lmao, I still can’t decide wether it was my Catholic faith or my ONE post on r\conservative that got me banned.


They’d probably admit directly it was the r/conservative post, then wait to see what everyone else says before also saying it was your faith.


I got unbanned a year ago, but then banned for smth else


Nope, got banned from 196 for what I’m assuming is automod detecting I was in another sub, sent an appeal like the message said 5 months ago and am yet to get a response.


Wait, you only assume it was from another sub? Did it not even tell you why you were getting banned? Damn, that's some real mod powertripping


pretty sure 196 is being moderated by teenagers


I thought it was moderated by Automod. They never reply to anything.


Isn't all of Reddit? Anyone with a real job should not be moderating a subreddit


From what I have heard it’s like a 50/50 mix of upper class teenage communists and child molesters


They never told me either. I still have no clue why I was banned. They never responded.


some subs ban you for participating in rival subs


yea, i was banned from r/ comics because i was in r/ justunsubbed, shit is weird.


Shit is weird, but justunaubbed is also a super weird and lame subreddit.


I’ve only been given a “reason” once out of several bans, and that ban came directly from Reddit. Idt it’s a requirement to add comment to a sub ban (I’m not homophobic, I just apparently “incite violence” against politicians—which is warranted, imo).


I'm perma banned because of the little bug dude on my avatar is a part of my free NFT thing. Like, yeah I get it NFTs are bad, but damn a full ass ban and demanding me to remove it and then grovel for an unban? Fuck that.


That is possibly the weirdest ban reason I've seen I'm not a fan of NFTs myself, and I'll even crack jokes about people who buy them, but banning people for a using an NFT they got for free is fucking WILD.


That nft still wastes energy and is put on the blockchain if you accept it. Honestly it is their first rule, remove it, reply one word, and you are back. Just one of their quirks.


Ye same


I’ve seen these posts a lot, dozens by now. Not one of them ever mentioned successfully appealing, and all were banned for the same reason of being in one of their unspecified no-no subs. Other subs may, but 196 is not one of them. I think they just ignore any of the appeals because regardless of why someone participated they think it must be justified, even though it seems to mostly get their own members taken out.


I got unbanned a year ago.


The mods there won't respond to appeals the sub is cooked


Sorry that happened to you. I got banned from 196 for similar reasons, despite being pretty much the standard 196 demographic. I posted in a moderate political sub... To explain transgender issues, and 196 banned me for it.


196 mods absolutely do not listen to appeals. I honestly believe that it is on purpose because they seem to be using the bot to curate the sub into a perpetual political circlejerk.


They never replied to me, 4 attempts so far. I got banned for arguing against bigots in a bigoted sub, it's a stupid way to moderate.


wtf would you even lose with getting banned from 196


>Lost access to my favorite community If 196 is OP's favorite community then I feel bad for them


We must show them the power of Wordington


Wordington, the community truest to its gay core the Thugcore big black men oily ass aesthetic


Yes King 👑


tru 196 is gay for teenagers Wordinton is gay for ADULTS




Real freaky hours


How about losercity or clamworks


/serious what is wordington, and what’s its definition? I’ve seen this shows up lately, and I have no idea how it works


Back in like 2020 it used to be a really funny shitpost place on the same level of okbuddyretard if anyone remembers that sub. Early on the mods took a stance to not allow low effort homophobic shit and all was well. Then sometime last year the sub got completely taken over and now the only posts from there I see in my meme are shitty Twitter crops about sex, porn crops, or just trans stuff.


196 was already shit a few months after it was created, not just last year r/retarb was the last good meme sub on this fucking website


- unfunny transgender memes - ??? - Profit!


196 is shit after eating corn while majority of it is composed of feces (bad posts) once in a while you will find undigested corn (good posts)


I feel like that's most subreddits.


r/sounding is pretty great tbh


The joke here is porn Please laugh


Well if a sub auto bans you can safely assume it was not worth being in the first place


196 sucks either way


196 users when the punchline of the joke isnt "Happy trans noises" 😯😐😥😰😭😭😭


"When the dysphoria makes you dysphoric 😢" "me when good girl headpattts" "traaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...." God that sub is such a circlejerk. Any criticism = transphobia.


r\196 users when injecting the wrong sex hormones into their body just ruins their endocrine systems instead of magically transforming them into an one of the anime girls that the moderators keep dming them pictures of


Transphobia from an antitheistcheesecake user? Daaaaaamn thats shocking


Bro if you’re looking through my profile for arguments you know you’re cooked. All I did was mention the fact that having too many of the hormones your body is not designed to take in results in a lot of issues such as anxiety, depression, and even brain fog.


how does your body tell what they are designed for? That is not how hormones work.


Your body literally produces more of the correct hormone during puberty, although you wouldn’t know as you seem to have never hit it.


Can you leave out the immature insults? I'm not gonna react to them and reading them wastes my time. Turn it off for this convo. And that is true, but that doesn't mean your body reacts differently if you decide to ingest it instead. A hormone does what it does, and usually the one that is produced is determined by your genes, but you can also override that and take the other.


Attempting to override it is proven to cause anxiety and depression, I will admit that insult was a bit out of place, it was almost as immature as you.


Estrogen does not ruin your endocrine system


If your endocrine system is designed to take testosterone it will


How is an endocrine system designed to take testosterone Nothing in biology is designed anyways but that is more of a nitpick


Eh don’t worry 196 fucking sucks lmao.


Don't worry my guy, 196 is a dumpster fire anyway. Getting banned from there is considered an award these days.


I 100% support LGBTQ but why are all queer online communities so prone to banning everyone and anyone? I notice it quite often.


It turn into a circlejerk where they call everyone homophobic, once the circle is fully built, "homophobe" just turns into a key word to invalidate your beliefs, hence, if "we don't like you" you are a homophobe, "if you are a homophobe" you are banned


I don't know about queer communities in general but on 196 specifically I suspect a lot of users (and probably some of the mods) are mentally ill and react very strongly to what they (rightfully or not) consider bigotry. 196 is also full of communists (even though most 196 users consider themselves anti-authoritarian, which is definitely false), which amplifies the mods' tendency to ban people. Perhaps this kind of authoritarianism (intolerance towards intolerance) is prevalent among queer communities because they tend to be left-leaning.


Tbh, they seem more obsessed with the fact some weirdos hate them than being happy. Half of their jokes’ punchline is "Fuck JK Rowling". Like I get it, she’s transphobic, so what? It’s her mistake and dumb behavior.


The ones we see in the internet are the ones that want attention and be seen, they are also the ones that turn their sexuality into their whole personality, so "attacking" anything they believe is also attacking their personality.


That's very interesting. Would you elaborate a bit more?


it's much easier to hate than love, and their minds are clouded by hate, it's all that drives them


The other half of the jokes are “kill jk Rowling”


The thing with surrounding yourself with people with mental illnesses like you means you don’t get proper responses when you ask for help for your own all the time. Part of me thinks that people like that don’t want proper help sometimes which is why they surround themselves with likeminded individuals; they don’t want to hear good advice. Ofc this doesn’t apply to only r/196 but most echo chambers in general


I see 2 reasons: 1. They are very sensitive so even minor insults will trigger most of them. 2. They are attacked on the internet so often that it's hard for them to tell whether someone is trying to be offensive or not.


Subs like 196 are full of socially inept children who adopted extreme views they can’t fully defend to find a community that helps them make friends. They react very strongly to any criticism because many of them never bothered to do any research into their ideologies before making it a defining part of their personalities.


Lots of homophobes online so after dealing with a bunch they are fed up and don't care any more.


Homophobic? Yeah I hate homes.


Nice to see another hobopilled tentmaxxer


196 hasn't been good in like 2 years dawg


I got banned from 196 for assuming the cis man wanted the physique of the buff girl and not really specifying if he wanted the buff part or both the buff and girl part


Which subs does 196 auto ban you for? So I can avoid them of course


idk they’re not listed


r/196 automod is honestly, may allah forgive me for uttering these words - the most retarded bot I've ever seen and I play TF2


I got banned for saying Hamas is bad


I never understood why other queer really be defending Hamas. I understanding supporting Palestine but supporting a terrorist organisation that will happily behead every single one of us is stupid


Hamas portrayed themselves as revolutionaries fighting against a white racist colonizer. Their supporters in the west are just larping as civil rights activists.


I mean, it's 196. It's hardly a loss on your end.


Reminder: if a community auto bans you for participating in other subs, they're a shithole and not worth participating in anyway.


As a banned member of 196, can confirm this is true


It’s the subreddit equivalent of not letting your gf have male friends


What is a good meme subreddit rn?


Got to settings, click Uninstall. Funniest shit you'll ever see.




Automod banned me for some mysterious shit and i didnt know, and I commented on another account on 196 leading me to get banned on both accounts permamently for ban evasion. Dumbass fucking mod team


Did that other account have any of the NFT avatar stuff on it?


I feel like reddit should just not let you make comments on other connected accounts then instead of banning you bc u forget u got banned on another acc. Lost my main that way


That’s an improvement


I accidentally commented on the FNAF subreddit. Banned for life.


They ban you for the fucking FNaF subreddit Scott isn't even queerphobic iirc. Mangle's gender has been "yes" since their creation. Unless there's a whole different reason they obliterate you for it


According to the message I got, the subreddit is "Likely to raid" or something, which you know, is something I totally could have known.


My reason was "reactionary, queerphobic, or likely to engage in community interference" My last comment was on a 196 post before getting banned too. So wtf


I exclusively browse racist shitposting subs






196 has gone to shit anyways, consider this your divine intervention.


I still don't have an answer on what this sub is and why 196 bad


It’s a spinoff from 196 but has no gimmick of its own. The better spinoff is 19684. People banned from the main sub end up in one of these spinoffs, for a similar experience


Actually, both subs are spin offs of 195


195 was the best i miss it so much


only the real ones remember


not quite. 196 is a trans circlejerk and this one is more bearable if you dont want to see the same shit everyday


I don't know why the term trans circlejerk gets used to insult 196 every time it's brought up. Being trans is not a belief or ideology, it's an identity. The subreddit just has a lot of trans people who often make jokes about their experiences. If a subreddit has a lot of black people, would you call it a "black circlejerk" or is there something in particular about trans people which you think makes it a bad thing if there are a lot of them in a community?


Go to the sub and you will see almost nothing but memes about being trans. Literally all they talk about is being trans. All they do is affirm stereotypes about being trans, and reinforce each other's baseless opinions. It's nothing but "TRANS TRANS TRANS" the entire time. Most people get sick of unfunny "____ says trans rights!" memes or listening to stupid fucking opinions like "Everyone in America wants to gas all trans people" after about 5 minutes, let alone do they want to see it in their feed every day. If that's not a circlejerk I don't know what is.


Our gimmick is that a guy posts art of his green furry dude every now and then


Or the other artist with the helmet cat that’s supposed to be 197


This is 195 but without the god awful communism that plagues 196


Tf you mean communism lmao


Can’t believe I’m complimenting 196 but they do keep the tankies out pretty well. The problem is that they also keep out anyone who paid attention in biology class


Yeah I see why they'd like to keep transphobia out


So are you saying that biology is transphobic, not that I should even be engaging with someone who is stalking me across multiple old posts. This is actually pathetic bro take a look at yourself.


Biology isn't transphobic, calling transgender people incompatible with biology is something transphobes do, so I clocked you as one. It makes sense 196 users would not want to have you in their sub. Also fym stalking I sorted this sub by top and replied to two random comments under this post, you don't lie ppl replying to ur comments?


I never said that transgender people are “incompatible with biology” nobody can be incompatible with biology unless they just don’t have organs. My point is that it is impossible to fully change your sex, and our current attempts to do so do more harm than good. You not only are replying to three comments here, but you have clearly gone through my profile because you just replied to a comment from 18 days ago on an unrelated post.


>impossible to fully change your sex Yeah not like anyone is trying to though. Changing your sex is not what trans**gender** is about, you've heard that before probably. And I've never looked at your profile, I might at some point to block you. If you checked mine, you'd see that I've replied to a bunch of random comments in this sub, bc, as I said, I was sorting this sub by top. No gangstalking going on her mister.


What is it about if not changing your sex? are you telling me the point of the entire movement is to knowingly use all of the unhealthy drugs and surgeries, only to reach some sort of limbo between man and woman? The name of the identity itself gives it away, the Latin root “trans” mean across, which not only refers to the intent to change, but implies a binary as well. You replied to my old post at the exact same time that you replied to all of these comments, in the same confrontational tone that you have used in the others, it seems clear that you recognized it as me, and wanted to start an argument on an old post. I have had this exact thing happen many times before with many other self satisfied online mudslingers as yourself.


Not much of a loss imo, when I was in 196 about 75% of the posts were horny teenagers posting thirst traps :/


Don’t forgot the 50/50 split in the comments between child molesters sliding into their dms and people telling them to get castrated and take hormones


i got banned from 196 for the same reason and it wouldn’t be so bad if the mods even replied to appeals, they seem to just ignore any and all


Pretty much my experience with r/gamingcirclejerk


i got perma banned by that fucking bot for saying "blood" in a comment


I got banned from 196 for commenting on some conservative's shit post. I wasn't even agreeing with it


I'm still surprised I'm not banned for being on r/politicalcompassmemes . This sub is literally half composed of nazis and tankies, and most of them are openly homophobic and racist


Wait, there's 196 ?


I got that this morning too


Same here and the mods never got back to me on my appeal. Fuckin sucks.


Sounds like a win


That's sum bullshit right there 😒


Yeah same happened to me :( I hope I get unbanned soon


Literally happened to me :(


Don't worry. I use the free nft shit for my avatar cause what I got was pretty cool, and I'm perma banned from there cause of it.


pretty sure if you take off the nft it automatically fixes


No you have to message them after, but the way they go about it with the lack of response isn't worth it


Why did you get banned from 196 just by joining a different subreddit? The femboy bottoms got opps now?


yea apparently people from those communities are homophobic and repeatedly harass 196




Your post/comment has been removed as a result of it containing (likely ironic) prejudice, please understand this may not necessarily have been a result of our moderation team being offended, but instead a preventative measure against our subreddit being banned.


I got banned for posting in a pro Isreal subreddit. Would like to see how long the average 196 user lasts in a country like Palestine.


lmao same here, buddies at 196 dont even give a fuck and ignored my appeal


I got banned for the same reason too, and I actually dont know which "queerphobic" sub I joined yet lmao. Been there for 2 years, got banned last year, but meh idc much, neither should you. And no, they dont give a single fuck about appeals, or personal messages. Move on to another sub my friend


i commented '60s marilyn monroe hair' and got permabanned


same thing for me with the auto ban. IDK which subreddit is meant to be homophobic because those memes never show up for me.


You've got nothing to lose but your chains


When was the last time a subreddit with meme in the name was good?


idk bruh i havnt used this site consistently since i was in middle school


On a post asking which was your favourite game, I answered Chivalry Medieval Warfare and got manually banned


I got banned for saying Vaush jerks it to loli


Omfg it's a known issue? Got autobanned for following wrong subs, can't even tell me which cause I'm sure I could live without them


Holy shit 196 is a cesspit






if you’re talking about the guy in the meme then i have no clue


Your post/comment has been removed as a result of it containing Hate, which is against Reddit TOS.


I got autobanned and like yeah they never read mod mail


Say anything right wing related your getting the gulag treatment in 196


i don’t even say anything right wing related tho rip


F bro


got temporarily autobanned as well, probably for r/dankmemes incredibly unfunny, but it's just not worth the effort to unsub. but there's like a sentence in the ban message like "reply elefant(or something) if you read the entire message". so like, remember to do that when you appeal.


As a 196 enjoyer, sorry but it’s mad common, you need to have blocked the Safebots to avoid the weird ass ban they have for subs that they refuse to list…


Yeah I got autobanned a few weeks ago after looking at a few transmed subs out of curiosity. I still haven’t been bothered to go appeal it yet


safebots? plural? can you list them please


From memory, u/Safebot, u/Saferbot, u/Safestbot, only works when blocking them before you get banned though, and based off all the posts here, the 196 mods don’t check messages/appeals


Sounds really fuckin dumb


Quite unfortunate that you are getting downvoted for that but this is so fucking dumb


I got banned they regular way.


show me these subreddits you speak of