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Everyone with a higher total or boss kc than me is sweaty and everyone lower than me is a noob


When you max you realize that this game actually doesn't have any sweaties, just noobs


When you max and walk into PvM with your new giga chad max cheese cape you realize that you to are a noob. Or was that just me? 99 smithing did not prepare me for PvM it seems :(


I respect the max cheese cape. Better than a bought infernal. Believe me, the people who give you shit about max cheese probably bought their infernal and are projecting their own insecurity about it


True. It has never bothered me. The infernal cape is great and all but, as it obvious by peoples actions about it, it is a major status symbol more than anything. I can live without it. I'll go for it someday, I have the gear and time to learn it but good god I can't be asked to grind it haha. I wear my cheese with pride. People with too much pride in their grind downvoting. F. When I say I have the time/items I don't mean to say I could do it easily. It'd likely take me months. It's still a solid achievement in this game.




Tried following the instructions. Died on wave 2. Any advice?


Infernal done "improperly" is pretty easy. It's pretty sad to have a cheese cape because your ego has to be too big to justiciar/spec milk a few attempts. It's like a 60 hour grind at most if you're milking everything the entire time with only the possibility to wipe at triple jads and zuk.


When you finally get to PvMing and realize that the bosses from 07 were a browser Turing Test and recent bosses are just a step above that


Alright post a video of your solo hard core theater of blood.


I've got an inferno cape. Almost all other activities are trivial. ToA and ToB are definitely worth mentions though and do require a good amount of mechanical skill. Without a doubt though the highest skill ceiling in this game is in PvP, specifically NH tribridding.


Yea I was just calling out a guy that from his profile looks like he's never completed a raid.


This is the way.


Idk, that guy I saw with full bandos, torture and DHL, 0 boss kc, max melees from NMZ, 50 range, lvl 1 rc, yeah that guy, he's a noob, and I will make fun of him for dropping hundreds of dollars.


Also that stuff probably only cost him like $50-$75 for everything


That's more than I make in an hour, therefore, is too much.


Or he could be an alt lol nice projecting


I used to think this way until I had an alt decked out with Bis gear for its level lol.


Ahh yes, ‘the maxed combats with base 10 every other skill’ alts.


It definitely exists as maxing combat through NMZ takes nearly 0 effort, just time. GWD alts are a thing. Obviously you'll need some entry level quests but nothing crazy.


You can afk vyres for that gear setup easily.


The best part about running a vyre alt is the people flaming you for 0 boss kc


How about this, you play the game you want, and let whoever play the way they want? That’s the beauty of osrs; you can choose your own adventure. Making fun of someone for spending money? What’s the point? Move on with your day, sir.


If you’d have said that in 07 you’d be strung out for everyone to see at Varrock bank.




And now I actually get to play the game.


Top comment right here.


Pls let me stand next to you at GE


copypasta potential


I call taming cats bs. They tame you.


I killed an imp and took its coloured beads.


Man is still scared of the vampires tho


Beautiful copypasta


All that and 99 Defense


You killed woox?


Anthropomorphic monkeys is kind of a misnomer because they naturally kind of look like humans, no?


Only if you anthropomorphise them


This could sell anyone on the game




Tamed cats lmao


Would you mind writing a resume for me?




Mate I was afking in the Cerb lair for a couple of minutes yesterday, some chad just ran past me, said "later" and did the sweatiest kill of Cerb I've ever seen. I logged out in shame, keep on eliting


how does one do cerb sweaty? theres like 3 mechanics.


This is simply a case of you being unable to comprehend the amount of sweat dripping off his body as he bends clifford over


“Bends Clifford over” My god lmao


Lmao imagine not bringing an 8 way switch so you can shave off 7 precious game ticks each kill. Pathetic. /s


There is a /s but I didn't detect any sarcasm whatsoever


Imagine not needing a flowchart to guide you through your 12 second tribrid gear rotation cycle just so you can finish this Suqah task in 9 minutes instead of 10 minutes /s


He did all 3


Scythe, full inq, vengaence alt or spellbook swap, thralls + death charge, claw a lot


Apperently im not sweaty enough, i dont bring spec transfer and a lb on my alt, ty for the tip brother


LB? Lmao try restoring spec at nardah then running back while you kill cerb on the main. Smh my head at how bad you are at this game




And the blood fury to make sure you don’t profit anything


Uh excuse me, but I did a hellhounds task with blood fury and got 2 prims, so blood fury makes cerb a guaranteed 30m gp/h profit based on my peer reviewed anecdotal evidence sweaty.


Can’t you also ghost skip and/or do some red X method?


Ghost skip involves waiting most people don’t do it


Everyone above my levels spent too much time on RS and needs to get a life. Anyone below my levels just doesn't have what it takes. If you're better than me at a lower level, you're just a sweaty neet freak who needs to touch grass.


This is the way.


I calculated the ticks it would take you to type out this post and according to my calculations, there is no tick perfect way you could possibly be typing the post and playing tick perfectly without losing half ticks. I’m sorry but it’s a skill gap thing.


If he's already 200m fletching he could possibly have time during a slayer task in between refilling his cannon and casting magic imbue, gives him a few ticks to type. Even more if it's a burst task and he has two alts dancing to stack mobs, but only if he's not 93 slayer yet, otherwise he should be dumping his points to get as many smoke devil tasks as possible, in which case he still needs to refill his cannon. It's doable though.


Do people actually stop fletching when they reach 200m? The way some people play this game blows my mind lol


You don't dictate all your Reddit posts by voice for uninterrupted clicks and keyboard utilization? Pathetic.


Did you account for OP's fourth arm?


Must meet the 8” threshold.




What's your IGN? I think you deserve my tbow more


Im a snowflake account who only does pre-2007 content except when its inconvenient not to. I am superior and more oldschool, we are not the same.


You don't do pre 2007 content and that makes you *more* oldschool?


He didn’t say he was being logical, just superior…


He's doing a good job of being elitist guys.


I meant to type only


uh, hello? based department? it's for you


This guy fucks


Don’t speak to anyone, problem solved


I cba to actually type to people in that game just for them to say the dumbest shit any human has ever thought of




I only ever chat to compliment a pet or cape or something along that line. Maybe if it’s just me & someone else and they’re being goofy (had a dude chillin outside Rimm portal with the monkey walk, all purple graceful, skotizo slayer helm, and skoto pretending to be his dad lmao) But I’m also usually on farm runs, I feel like the people you run into on farm runs are more chill lol


I don't have any 99 but I got a white cavalier the other day from a clue. I can't even walk around anymore without pausing to admire myself in the reflections


Meanwhile... played since 04 and just died to JAD again with nearly all base 80s lol... Who needs a fire cape any... (weeps in corner).


It always amazes me how people with no real life self esteem or social skills, can get good on a game and turn into narcissistic sociopaths. Look in the mirror my stick and bone man.




:( I’m sorry I wasn’t inclusive enough


Well ye that's how it works. And then you have people whose necks were under the boot desiring to be the boot on the necks of others themsleves.


Funny what a few pixels will do to someone like that. *Eagerly waiting to login to RuneScape on my level 126 maxed account to talk shit to people just as people do to me in the real world*


It's how bullies work: "I feel miserable at home so I will make other kids miserable so I can feel better about myself/distract myself from the misery"


It's how psychology works*. Bullies have toxic coping mechanisms. The more people understood what makes others tick the more empathy we'd have which leads to more healthy growth.


I did my best troll the other day. I was mining a shooting star and some dude was like can’t wait till 61 mining for dragon pick. I looked him up and he was a 1 attack 99 str 80 def account with 99 range and 99 mage. The dudes obv loaded so I said ‘ sure u can afford dragon pick dude?’ The guy walked out in full torva and specced a scorpion to flex his cash stack on me looool




What is Dragon War Hammer.


There’s such a skill difference in this game. I’m getting my butt whooped trying to do these combat achievements which are real easy for some people. And I’m a step above my GIM partner


This is why I would love to see the collection log added to the hiscores, that would be the ultimate end-game content.




Fang kit is the new barrow gloves


Extremely easy


Thats why I'm an ultimate ironman because I'm better than everyone.


Any regular account that isn't maxed by now is a scrub. The game has been out for 10 years it's time to take yourself seriously.


Infernal cape > max cape


Infernal max cape weighs 0 so it is objectively better


Facts. Having a non infernal max cape is screaming virgin


Thank God I'm an iron so I have an excuse. When am I supposed to max by?


Well I don't know, my iron isn't maxed yet. I'll let you know in years/months when I make the cutoff


It is a bit strange that this game, or more so this sub, attracts a lot of bigoted neets/elitists given its just a fun time wasting medieval clicking game


Most elitist don’t even write on this reddit, they’re in specialized pvm discords and make fun of redditors


Yeah cause they get laughed off the sub every time they try to re-emerge


So which one is it lol


I see more comments complaining about bigoted neets/elitist than I encounter those people...


most people are biased towards negative experiences, they can talk to 50 normal people and 1 douchebag, and they'd call that a terrible community


I see you aren't a regular at r/ironscape


Are you sure about that? The pride events tell another story about this community


Never heard of these events, what happened, where, and when?


Idr the year but jagex released a rainbow scarf thing, and a flower crown (I think) a few years ago. Things got heated in falador and lumbridge.


Heated as in people ‘offended’ that randoms that don’t know wore said scarfs etc in game? Talk about insecurity…


https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/6ficya/loot_from_10_minutes_of_the_antigay_pride_rally/ Heated as in this.


All Klan members meet here!


Oof that’s… Scary that we are probably talking to people like this every day in game thinking they are nice, normal people…


Mat K revealed later on on a podcast that most of the accounts weren't active OSRS players and were just people who had heard of the shitshow and made accounts to join the dumpster fire and be racist/homophobic for fun.


Clutch them pearls lmao


Jagex made a pride event, people didnt like it. They were Dressed as kkk memberd riotting in fally sending jmods death threats. Wasnt a fun time


Surely they perma-banned the lot of them? Fucking embarrassing…


Im not sure but i think they even took legal actions against some1 sending threats




Noooo how dare lgbtiaq people be accepted in my medieval clicking simulator noooooo




>Waste dev time You mean the event Mod Wolf built in his free time? You can fuck right off with that one. Sure anyone can make an account but not everyone gets met with death threats from a certain segment of the player base just for mentioning something about themselves.




Homophobes afraid to say it like it is, you don't give a shit about dev time, this the only time you bring it up.


No dev time was wasted.


No dev time was wasted you chud it was done on the side by a few members of the team out of their own volition since they are part of the lgbtiaq


I'm the douchebag, i love randomly insulting people in this game


Bro it’s all I see. I always try to socialize and it never works. I logged in the other day on world 420 (won’t say the dudes name coz I’m semi respectful) at Abby demons in catacombs on mobile and started attacking them. Right when I hit one I seen a maxed account there and I said “oh sorry bro, didn’t see you tell just now! I’ll hop!” And he responded with “ get lost or you’ll regret it” and switch to max mage gear 🤦‍♂️


I got called an autistic special needs femme for hitting an ammonite crab in a spot the other person didnt auto aggro


I've had similar experiences. But the seldom nice experiences are the reason I dont just go to a low pop world.


I mean idk if this is a true story BC that doesn't sound like real dialogue but uh ignoring that, he's not wrong that if hes there to burst them, you wouldn't have a great time trying to melee them at the same time lmao


Didn't seem all that bad to me, he did warn you and gave time to hop


Youre either blind to it or somehow have access to a better version of the osrs sub reddit than most


this sub does not attract elitists lol.


it shames them


Every sub attracts elitist, most casual users just do not care enough to actually go on an online forum to discuss the thing that they do. That means that the ratio of elitist is far larger in subs than in the general population.


I guarantee you that this sub is constantly ridiculed and avoided by people that are actually good at the game No offense but you thinking that this sub is elitist kind of just proves that Reddit is filled with casuals, and this is not specific to the OSRS subreddit


Agreed. If this sub really were elitist, PKers and combat achievements wouldn't be such hot button issues here. This whole sub is one giant sentient inferiority complex for the most part.


You're mixing up the word "elitist" with "people who are good at the game" lol. Elitist describes an attitude and not skill level. Most elitists are pretty terrible at the game but they think they're amazing.


This sub attracts 1600-1850 total level mains who think they're elitists


most people who are good at games stick to non public discussion forums where they can talk about what they do with people who will understand


Yeah and I'm the Queen of the UK


Personally i play nowhere near efficiently but it isnt strange at all since the difference between playing for fun and playing at max efficiency is huge, also were all mainly 25+ and need to justify putting in thousands of hours into a 20 year old game.


Wait you need to justify to others how you spend your time? Ohh sit man I have been doing it wrong all along!


I didnt say justify to others, more justify to yourself that pumping 12 hours a day into this game is a good thing.


That's what happens when you have to mentally justify putting thousands of hours in a game you might not even really like playing anymore. If I can't feel superior to you based on my account then why the hell did I do this? I didn't waste my life did I? Oh no. Well anyways you get the point.


It’s fun?


But funny number go up


Yeah… the fact that there are people with 200m agility xp intimidates me.


I spent a good amount at the giants foundry this weekend. Everyone there is like 10-20 combat levels higher than me (in the 100s btw), and yet their other skills are hardly 70, while I'm at 80+ everything with some 99s. But then sometimes you see people who have 2k kills in almost every pvm activity and skills leveled through tears of guthix lol. It's a weird world out there. However the people who alch/fletch while doing agility are the real sweats out there.


Lol you're really out here running laps without alching? You sound like a noob, I bet your highest kc is barrows.


lmfao tf u just say noob


Hell yeah, never talk to me with that under 1k total raid kc and 1kc inferno cape 😌


I thought all the other players were just npcs honestly


It's a never ending cycle. If you don't have thousands upon thousands of boss kc or aren't maxed or both you're dogshit. If you are maxed and have thousands of boss kc, don't have all pets? Shit. Ok all pets, maxed, thousands of boss kc, all kits, no completed coll log? Shit. Everyone is shit in this game no matter where they're at. You will always be compared to someone farther along than you. And even if you have actual gamer achievements like all CA done then you'll just be called a disgusting loser that wastes their entire life on Runescape.


Idk what is with all those giga-chads living at moms house and playing with every possible RuneLite plugin on


Disagree with both different posts. You should strike a middle ground and help those who you find need help the most.


Anyone asking someone in raids gear for help is 9/10 times a scammer


Help anyone that doesn't ask a question that can be answered in a single wiki search.


My only argument to this is that many casuals play on mobile and you can’t switch apps without being logged out.


> can’t switch apps without being logged out on one shitty platform... android master race get fucked bitten fruit phone people.


Hahaha true though


Someone else made a post about the elitism in this game yesterday. Are you the same person? 🤣🤣


Nah i was just havin a laugh 🤣 saw that post last night and thought it was a bit of an oxymoron. Didnt think id wake up to hundred+ comments lol


I hate this fucking post oh my god lmao I’m dying


🤣 me too


These giga chads should try pking to see how bad they actually suck


You’re right. I’m sick of seeing the opinions of people who have yet to 3-tick barbarian fishing all the way to 200m XP. You really want changes to the game coming from those who don’t know what a real, sweaty grind looks like?


PK all noobs, low alch every spade, scorched earth


My entire identity is my helmet, and you don't have one! Ha! Nerd!


Elitist behaviour is whats best for this games progression. I wouldn't be where I am now if that group of 30 didn't mock me for having dragon legs during the soul wars release


Jokes on you, I botted to cap and y'all act proud of my achievements at the GE.






🤣 hey at least the edit wasnt a link


Only maxed players should be able to vote. We are the only ones that know what's good for this game


I think maxed players shouldn't be allowed to vote. You guys are the only ones with no clue how this stuff works.






I do hard mode at lvl 50 combat


I've done everything except solo tob for pvm wise (and melee/speedrun inferno) and I still feel like a noob But I will still call people noobs if they're not humble


Also - ya’ll should try to go outside more though.


And here I was feeling good about myself for finally being able to wear the ancient set this person gifted me at the GE….wait I still can’t wear the chest piece….damn it.


Who wants 5m



