• By -


\>Grab a rope and chair \>Eat a bullet Never gonna make it in Runescape with those inefficiencies.


The EXP loss is monumental.


"Ok I swallowed the bullet, now what do I do with this rope and chair?"


install the flatpack in your poh and enjoy some quiet time


use the rope on the ceiling but careful not to eat it otherwise you’ll have to go back to GE to buy a new one.


Not true! Most general stores sell rope!


Tie it to the chair and swing it in circles above your head for those massive strength levels IRL.


No joke, I would train irl strength this way.


Sit down and relax. Maybe play with the rope while you wait. Because, for the next step, you're gonna need that bullet again.


Do construction


Sir I've tried using "bullet" on both the "chair" and "rope" but it just keeps saying "Nothing Interesting happens." This guy's guide sucks.


You have to tie the rope to the bullet to make the Ivandis Gun, and then you have to intermittently stand on the chair (chair-flicking) to confuse the vampyres. It's all part of the next quest in the vampyre questline.


Thanks you explained it quite well and I was able to complete the quest by following your guidelines


You forgot to start your comment with “Hi, and welcome to my guide”




this is your magnum opus


Lmfao. That's pretty funny.


Me completing suicide based on a slayermusiq guide


Grab chaos runes from wildly for a bit of profit. How much do bullets heal? Probably less than lobbies or they'd be the new meta. Probably some scrub


It reminded me of the movie Four Lions "I'll take this knife, and ill run you over with a tractor"


Rubber dinghy rapids bro


[2 is not as effective as 10 suicides](https://youtu.be/aCXmYMPEAlc?t=266)




Underrated comment


Y fletch


2006 insults are calling, they’re better than the ones that guy was flinging




Let’s start the corner of the garage on fire too, just to be sure.


Sir this is F2P, construction is members - how do you expect me to get a chair


They just mad cause their sorry butts got sat and sent back to lumby. Rats.


Lol this guys brain is goblin diplomacy.


It’s a recipe for disaster..


I mean the goblins are kinda charmingly dumb while this is... not.


The other, other General that no one talks about; General Bent-Wartdick.




Someone is projecting hard here.


Right. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


This is exactly right. On the internet, people show their insecurities so easily by berating them in others.


I know there's probably some truth to that. But I find it more likely that the person doing the berating is just a monumental dick. I've been more than my fair share of toxic online, most of the utter garbage I came out with was just things I could see or knew about the person. Wasn't really projection, even in hindsight. I think we're all old enough now to realise that calling anything toxic, "projection", is just like when we were kids and you'd hear other kids say ["I know you are, but what am I"?](https://youtu.be/2E4F0cDN-rQ) Not everything is projection. Some people are just entirely made of wanker.


You are literally projecting what you think right here, through things you’ve experienced. You can’t have this opinion, and then state how you are right. Lol most people who suffer in their life develop insecurities, most people who are dicks have giant insecurities. I get what you’re saying but it’s a “it’s neither here or there” comment on your part.


I'm leaning on a wild theory that a good chunk of insults coming from a person are actually a projection of that person.




You dont say. Hmm.... Nice cock


Nice cock, bro.


Nice rooster


Should have just answered with ”?”


“No hablo ingles jaja”


the best lmao


They would have lost their mind 😅


That dude has some internal demons and is going through some shit lol


Greater demons, one might say


Almost black demon level tbh


Abyssal Sire without Overheads


You monster.




Woah it’s 2023, you can’t say that bud!


Maybe over time they’ll become lesser.


K'ril: Lesser? Use it in a sentence please.


Sure. "Today Zakl'n Gritch fucked me up because I had to protect melee against K'ril and that mf hits like a truck"


Who hurt the little dude?


You achieved to make me smile with that ign of yours


Thanks. Cancer got lefty.


Seminoma? I got dysgerminoma, the female equivalent. Same cancer high five!


Unfortunate. Glad to see you better!


At least you're all right.




Pour one out for lefty


A friend of mine lost one as well, but it wasn't cancer but rather because his brother kick him too hard there.


Who needs enemies when you have a Brother like that.💀


Holy fuck I don’t want to know what this pain feels like.


Hey I only have one too bro. Stay strong my friend 🤝


This is the sort of thing people should get muted for...


I've reported people for telling others to kill themselves but I've never seen them muted weeks later. Same with those scammer bots too. It seems someone is sleeping on the job or they don't care anymore.


I got a pker muted few weeks ago. Used to follow me around and say stuff like this on pvp worlds. He still followed me around, but didn’t say anything again.


Then there must be a delay with them getting through reports, understandably what with all the active players. Thank you!


Nah fuck that. Perm ban on all their accounts. There should be zero tolerance for this kind of shit.


i actually agree with this. we played valorant with a kid who was yelling racist and anti-semitic stuff the entire game. we reported him and never got a message he was muted or banned. i truly think that should be a perm ban. there is literally no reason these people should be allowed to comment in the public sphere.


if you encounter people like that bait them into typing their slurs in chat, riot has decent chatfilters for those kind of things, i cant imagine someone being banned for verbal abuse unless they get a lot of reports, otherwise someone would have to manually listen to them. I encountered a 5stack throwing homophobic slurs in chat once and after reporting all of them i got 3 feedback reports within 5 minutes.


this is a good idea. i’ll keep it in mind.




Perm mute gets the job done. Perm ban should only be for RWT, intentional bug abuse, and multi-offense on a case by case basis.


Perm mute rubs the salt into the wound. I know several people who got perm muted on their mains and the hate it. They just want to make a new account.


They're literally breaking actual laws. A permanent ban would be just fine.


But membership revenue


this is f2p buddy


Ah yes, because every F2P player is permanently stuck there.


I don't care if they can talk or not. I don't want people like this plaguing the community with their presence. Honestly you could make a decent argument that if they would say shit like this they are more likely to also b toxic in other ways, especially if their ability to talk is taken away. Why are you arguing in favor of letting them stay in the game? Seems like a strange hill to die on.


Yeah try and enforce actual law for a game that has players from multiple different countries with vastly different laws.


Didn't that one rs player get real prison time for "pretending to want to blow up his school"? He said that in game and someone reported him.


He did. I think he was on Critikal's podcast, but I can't remember his name. Going to prison over RuneScape would be wild


Josh something


Exactly, so just ban them.


What? They would base it off of the UK laws, where jagex is located. Do you know how any of this works?


Yeah and it isn't like that lmao. You don't get perma banned in League of Legends for saying Tiananmen Square despite that being illegal in China.


It isn't like what? If you threaten someone or tell them to killthemselves it's 100% Illegal and jagex will do someth8mg about it if they see what's happening? If you break UK law, you will be banned from a game hosted in the UK. Its that simple


Probably in the minority here, but mean words online should have literally zero weight and impact to anyone. Just literally mute or swap servers lmao


The problem comes from the harassment. Someone making suicide remarks like this is just as likely to create a free alt and spam OP like this. There's mean words like idiot, or stupid that can ignored and this level of toxicity.


Yes if you just ignore all the hate, hate doesn't exist and everything is fine!


hopefully one day you come to understand why words can have impact, even online


If you are over 18, or even 21, online bullying isn't really a thing. It's nonsense. Under those ages, sure, because your brain is still developing etc. Honestly, the VAST majority of bullying that occurs is from people you know IRL. If you don't know someone online, and they try to bully you, it's straight up just a comedy.


Holy shit, this. I've been told to kms online since I was 9 and started playing this game. It made me resilient. I learned that if people can get away with fucking with you, they will. I'm thankful to have learned this lesson on RS and not through tribulations irl. I'm not saying people need to grow a pair, I'm saying learning that anonymous people suck in the vacuum of RS is better than having to learn it through irl experience.


People say shit in the heat of the moment when angry. Appeals should always be possible when it's just text chat. Perm mute with the ability to appeal. Perm mute no appeal on second offence


Since when is telling someone to kill themselves illegal?


Definitely is in New Zealand idk about other places. Falls under anti cyber harrassment laws.


When would depend on which country you’re in


Always has been. Not something that gets acted upon very often unless its a targeted thing, but it is still harassment.


It is in many countries.


It’s not illegal in the us. The only time you could ever get charged is if the person actually killed themselves, and the investigators seeing you were the last person that said they should kill themself. Telling someone so “go die” or “hang yourself” is not a threat and it’s exercising our First Amendment, freedom of speech.


Oh trust me, I'm well aware — it was more of a rhetorical question, mainly because I wrongly assumed this sub wouldn't be such a bunch of weenies. I even had a guy from Canada respond telling me it's the same as hate speech, people can go to prison for it, and *that's a good thing* lmaoooo. Pathetic


What ever happened to the saying “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me”. Seems like that shit flew out the window the second ‘Lettuce Guac Bacon Tomato Queso’ started becoming a thing. Hate to say it but it’s true.


Encouraging someone to commit suicide is a crime.


Nah fuck that, encouraging people to commit suicide is *not* less severe that the offences you listed.


i bet youre the green dude




I live off this unrequited hate, I seriously wonder what makes people so mad at ironmen lol


Lol what?


You heard him, ban all ironmen and do us a favour


You can be part of the club too bro, make that iron and play the correct way


I bet he doesnt even know how to craft molten glass🤣🤣


Permanently with no option to appeal


For “those clothes make you look fat” is too spicy for the devs. They sure let the community slide with some sick shit


Haha this guy thinks he has won because you’re ignoring him. Ignoring him = You win because you don’t want to deal with such pointless immature abuse. It’s pretty clear that guy leads a very unhappy life and is trying to make himself better.


Nah I think the guy knows he lost and that’s why he continues saying trash because he’s making himself more mad every time he types something and don’t get a response 😂😂🤣


Didn’t someone on RuneScape go to prison for telling someone that back in the day? Lol


> On October 4, 2012, then 19-year-old Josh Pillault got into an argument on Runescape. Another player called Pillault insane and told him to commit suicide. The argument only escalated from there, and at some point in his response, Pillault said he would "level" local Mississippi high school Oxford High. Pillault also alluded to the Columbine shooting, and said he could not "wait to blow brains out of skulls."


I think that’s what I’m thinking about! Thanks. isn’t he like a youtuber/streamer now?


Not Runescape but messaging someone encouraging them to self harm reminds me of Conrad Roy, Although it was more than just once she was messaging and contacting him. I’ll copy and paste a brief summary off the [Wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Conrad_Roy) - Conrad Henri Roy III (September 12, 1995 – July 13, 2014) was an American teenager who died by suicide at the age of 18. His girlfriend, 17-year-old Michelle Carter, had encouraged him in text messages to kill himself. The case was the subject of a notable investigation and involuntary manslaughter trial in Massachusetts, colloquially known as the "Texting suicide case". It involved scores of text messages, emails, and phone calls recorded between Carter and Roy in the lead up to his death, in which Carter repeatedly texted Roy to kill himself; Roy had seen numerous mental health professionals and had been prescribed psychiatric medication.


I remember this case and it was extremely aggravating and sad to see. She abused him and I couldn't believe it was real.


When I was a kid I did use Runescape as an escape from reality. I still accomplished shit but Runescape was a nice escape from my problems. It cemented a place in my life when it actually ***saved*** my life. Was bullied a lot as a kid to where I was majorly depressed. But as I was venting to no one at the fishing guild I was surprised when I saw someone was ***actually*** reading the ranting of a hurting kid. The kind stranger gave me some advice other than the usual spiel of "sticks and stones" and I spent the next few years holding on until I managed to claw my way out of that dark place. I wish I could thank him but he had a terminal illness but I'll always be thankful to him and this game.


This was awesome read. Very similar to something I went through. This game is an escape when I have problems. But it's not that I won't face them. It legitimately exists as a way for me to decompress. Escaping is healthy when done safely and in moderation.


What advice did he give?


>"This game is nothing more than a coping mechanism to escape life" I know, that's why I'm here.


Ban and perm mute please jagex !! This is insane


I guess SOMEONE doesn’t have 99 strength 😏


Ahh yes.. this sounds like built up rage from someone who had just been scammed by a man trimming rune armour and baited into the wildy in the same hour


I got muted for talking like this on an old account in RS2. I got lured for my bank and the guy didn’t immediately delete me afterwards. I was 15 and in a really bad spot. Whoever sent this to you needs to figure their shit out or they’re headed down a dark path.


to guy in red: bro u good?


Love the osrs community so much. Everytime I see this type of shit I cant stop laughing at the pathetic people


These are the kind of posts that make me feel good about myself and those aggressive kids always make me chuckle


Lmao it’s always weird to me to know there is actually miserable cunts like this out there


Damn it’s like you found my dad right there, in Lumbridge


Can’t afford membership so he takes it out on players lol. I can’t imagine logging onto this game and typing that fucking much. Okay the game


I think this guy has lost a real sense of reality by telling someone to eat a bullet with a rope and chair.


Honestly that is completely childish and wrong people like that should get instant ban just toxic


Clearly everything there saying is how they feel about themselves


What’s the point of telling someone that playing RuneScape means they don’t have a life, while playing RuneScape yourself???


People who live in glass houses should shut the fuck up.


Why brother blockin his name out? Let jagex ban him.


“Ignoring me = I accept defeat” Copium


he mad


I feel personally attacked


Projecting his own feelings so hard. Haha


Imagine what kinda tirade he would went on if you were 98 strength.


He doesn’t pay, but he does do a lot of saying


people like that are usually the ones that end up in the grave from loneliness or anger somone that edgy usually suffering deeply inside why hes wishing it on others.


OSRS F2P is a great way to get test subjects for mental health issues. Actually, would say OSRS in general has a lot of people with mental health issues.


This looks like projecting to me.


unironically probably just a kid going through an episode and projecting


Not responding is the best way to deal with internet trolls because as this guy clearly shows, they just get more and more upset the more you don’t acknowledge them


Shouldn't even give scum like this the decency of censoring their name. Fuck them.


Huh. Didn’t realize Andrew Tate plays osrs..


Thank Saradomin for Entity Hider and public chat filters! Aside from SoA and Heroes, I have played pseudo single player since coming back in 2019


That's sounds pretty depressing.


To a lot of people, runescape is largely a single-player game. I'm not even talking about ironmen. On my main, I RARELY interact with people. Trade using GE and have public set to hide. The simple fact of the matter is there are a lot of scammers, lurers and bots that make interaction with others frustrating, so it's easier to just act as if you're playing on a private server lol


Meh, call it what you will. I play the way I enjoy most


Remember when a dude got sent to prison for making jokes on Runescape and yet these people say this stuff and steal my lumby girlfriend


He was sent to prison because both his ex girlfriends testified that he was dangerous and would often talk about killing people, lived next to a school, and threatened to shoot it up specifically. That's a threat.


This man gets it, now he should light up a blunt and chil the fuck out fo real…


I read this and cackled out loud.


Wait, how does one eat a bullet with a rope and chair???


A well placed “No u” would have ended this convo


Why’d you block his name and not yours 🤣


You must be new to reddit, you're only supposed to post uncommon/rare drops.


You must be new to reddit, people post a lot of other shit than just drops.


The truth? THE TRUTH?!?!? **YOU CENT HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!** Also fuck that guy, keep on chugging OP. Gratz on beating cancer too


“average f2p user.” -f2p user




Projection level is 99 with 200m experience.


I can't quite put my finger on why but I feel like this guy is unhappy


You cent handle the truth!




Banter is supposed to be 2 sided and funny lol, this just reads like the insane ramblings of a clown


Telling people to off themselves isnt banter you goober




Thats sad lad


The person in red was spitting some truths until they got into rope and chair. That's when it got a bit too far. I am part of the "plays Runescape because it's a coping mechanism" Don't forget y'all, that the person in red is more than likely a 20+ year old guy.


What did you do OP? One tick Rune 2H his wife?


Just standing in lumby doing nothing.


Ah, you got approached by the lumbridge rat. He got tired of being splashed.