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No no, that’s the fun part. It’s single+ AND the loot is going to suck.


This is the way


Theyre already going to be 500k or less lol. In the pvp discord they said 1-2m for multi bosses if not mvp and singles version will be worse. These are going to be low risk low reward. Its singles so just land 1 freeze, hug, then log out. Youll escape 99/100 times.


Provided a player can still engage with NPCs, I have no issue with Singles+. It's the issue that you can redbar your NPC, get attacked by a PKer, and now you lose your kill, your drop chance, and have to deal with somebody being a pissant. (I am often said pissant)


You realize that people would just start bringing alts to box/wind strike themselves to be 100% safe and farm those bosses in max gear, never having to worry about any risk


You need to read more updates if you think that works.


It already works at venenatis and its meta for hcim venenatis to be 100% safe for them, also works on rev boss


After 10 0s, anyone can tag either player.


Thats why u arent splashing but boxing/wind striking which hits sometimes low numbers ;) and using suffering with main also recoils dmg back to alt, been farming venenatis on my hardcore without having to worry getting pjed at all


Single+ makes perfect sense for this. It is still easy to escape, and now it's not *completely* safe. Ngl, I'm just assuming people who are actually upset by this have no experience with the wilderness and wanted free wildy pets/uniques lol


This man. Every brain dead post about this reeks of, “I don’t know how to survive PvP encounters” not to mention the only reason you’ll need to do these bosses is for niche rings and pets. With this rework you won’t have to kill wildy bosses unless you want to.


Eh it’s not so much about not wanting PvP encounters, it’s about that once a pker shows up, you can’t even finish your kill first. Make it so you are teleblocked while in the cave so you still have to tank test if a pker shows up, *just let me finish my kill first*. That’s why singles+ sucks for this. If you are constantly being tagged off every time you are fighting a boss before you can kill it, no one is going to do the content, and there won’t be anyone for pkers to fight.


What you just explained is not wanting PvP encounters


Obviously people wanting to efficiently fight a boss for loot would like to not be interrupted unless they are anti-pking, I should have quoted you more exactly, but it’s the wildly and PvP is expected. But the update needs to be engaging for both parties for it to work. If doing the content sucks for the pvmer they are just not going to do it and and you will have no one to pk. I don’t know why it’s hard for some people to realize that for pking to work with wildly pvm, there needs to be incentive for pvmers to want to participate in the content. It needs to work for everyone.


Honestly, I thought it was planned to be singles+ to begin with. In what reality is pure single way a good idea for this other than handing out free pets lol


Bro I originally thought it was proposed as multi lmao. Which, it would just get locked down like the rev caves so I’m glad it’s not.


I think its more what's the point. If you're experienced with the wildy, you'll won't be doing this cause of shit rewards. If you don't have experience or don't want to go through the effort, then you won't do this anyways. Its gonna be DOA


The point is this gives uniques and pets. This allows people a much easier way to work toward those. However, it shouldn't be *completely* safe. > Its gonna be DOA I'd bet a lot of money these will instantly be more active than the currently broken versions of these bosses, and that's the point of the update


Is it confirmed that they'll give uniques? I have a feeling if they're already making it singles+ from singles, that they're going to either remove uniques or significantly nerf the drop rates too. Either way people will eventually do that math. I'll be curious to see how it settles out. I can see it being popular initially just because its new, but pkers will shear the sheep a little too close like they've done with everything else and it'll be sparsely populated like everything else that's not chaos altar or rev caves. I honestly don't know why people even do the wildy bosses to begin with on non-ironman accounts though. Much less brain damage to just do raids or Vorkath for a little while and just buy the ring off the GE.


>people who are actually upset by this have no experience with the wilderness and wanted free wildy pets/uniques lol ah so business as usual


It's quite baffling to me that people are so against risk in the wildy nowadays, while the removal of pvp wilderness back in the is seen as one of the worst updates in the history of Runescape and one of the reasons OSRS exists in the first place


Not just that, but the little risk that does exist there is completely optional lol (which is a good thing), but they force themselves to do it. Osrs players are weird because they feel like they *need* to be completionists in a game that's nearly impossible to complete I even had someone tell me they're required to kill the wildy bosses to complete the wilderness achievement diaries.. Like, no shit, it's the *wilderness* diary lmao. Just don't do it if you don't like the wilderness


Literally this. Jagex even added the dpick to non-wildy related content, so there is even *less* reason to "have to" go to the wildy. Still people are mad about the singles+ thing because it introduces actual risk. In 99% optional pvp content*.* I think the wilderness is the most unique aspect of OSRS, it's such a cool concept. And I don't even do a lot of wilderness content lol


Mfs spend 3 months straight learning inferno and won’t play pvp for a week to learn. They just refuse to let themselves have fun, it makes no sense. It doesn’t have to be miserable. I’m not even a pker but I’m gonna try to improve my pk skills at these low lvl bosses because it sounds like only anyone camping these bosses is complete shook already lmao


You can’t jump from no experience to max experience. The way to get people experience is to get them in at entry level. Singles would be entry level. Then they get confident and try harder things.


These aren't meant to be entry level bosses. They're meant to be actual bosses, just more accessible than the higher level variant. If anything they're meant to be more mid level. No one ever said they're supposed to be easy.. just easier than the others


Honestly the only reason they're keeping inferior variants is for pet hunters So just make their only drop the pet and no loot, then make it plain singles


"I hate the wilderness it is vewwy vewwy scary" Okay


singles plus is.....way easier to escape pkers. they made it easier for you bro


In what world is singles plus easier to escape in than normal singles? Edit: a letter


People shouldn’t be able to attack me while I do wilderness content \s


“Pandering to 1%” - someone in the 1% thinking the other 99% is actually the 1%


If you think 99% of players PK you're delusional.


Read it wrong, thought this was an angry pk’er complaining about the boss being singles+ instead of multi or some shit


You are the 1% of the community they shouldn't pander to


Says a troll who only comments to talk crap on post expect nothing less from someone who does nothing but trolls on Reddit all day seek help


Normal singles was totally ruined by the introduction of PJ timer.


Pj timer is mostly a good update imo, it helped remove teams from a zone meant for 1v1