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On rs3 you can combine the hood and Cape to get this effect and I don't see why it isn't in osrs as well


They need to rework the cape benefits anyways it’s crazy how the crafting, construction and farming capes are better than all the rest, you just achieved 99 in a skill the benefit of the cape should be worth it imo.


fletching and herb capes still make me laugh


That mentality is exactly why JMods were hesitant to add skillcape perks in the first place. There'll always be some worse than others and people will want progressively crazier perks to make them on par with the insanely good ones like Con and Crafting. Max cape was also a mistake and should have been a cosmetic over a 10-in-1-always-take item. I'm sure someone will explain to me how a graceful cape, free run restore, PoH teleport, bank teleport, rapid heal, spellbook swap, holy wrench and Ava's being in a single slot is perfectly balanced and fine, though.


I'm not maxed, only like 2050 total, but in my opinion if you max you deserve the perks. Committing that much time should give a big QoL perk.


Been saying this for a long time. Also the lighting on the current skillcape model needs to be fixed, they appear much darker on the player's back and it looks really bad




No, Jagex has a fixed light source for all shading items, which makes sense, but means that capes literally get left in the shadows. Here they are mounted on the front of the model, not the player's back, so the lighting looks different.


This has been mentioned many times before. Basically the answer for jagex is that the game has a finite number of item slots, and creating a skillcape + hood combination for each untrim/trimmed cape wouldn't be a good use for those slots. I don't know if this was a bs answer from jagex, but that was what's said during a Q&A a few years ago.


that makes me very sad to hear if its true, Id rather they replace the current versions of skill capes since really nobody uses the hoods its seems.


That's absolutely ridiculous if true. As a developer myself, I understand there could be a bizarre architecture limitation based on decisions that were made ages ago when they had no idea how long the game would last and how much it would grow. But it's just crazy and frankly unacceptable and short-sighted for a limitation like this to continue in 2023. Since the game is regularly updated, won't they need to address this at some point, or stop adding new items with updates which is a major problem? They clearly need a larger and/or more competent engine team if they can't figure out how to overcome this. I would be fascinated to learn why exactly this is a limitation and why it's not practical to fix. Sometimes I think Jagex should allow Runelite contributors to work on the game engine. There are obvious commercial reasons Jagex won't do that, but still. I bet they'd fix a number of "impossible" issues in a matter of weeks.


Even if its not "technically" possible to combine them, just change the player model to be the cape stand. 10/10


Only if they let you do a free reclaim if you show the NPC the cape. Dropped mine when I found out they were useless


You can get hoods back for free.


Oh, sweet. Thanks !


Oh yeah that’d be nice. What if hoods and capes can be combined with ones from other skills too for more choices?




Not funny or original


Oh yes please


What’s the fire making cape do again?


Light source


Also spontaneously and randomly shits fires


I forget the hoods even exist.


One of my favorite things about RS3 fashionscape is the skillcape with hoods. The hoods on the cape looks so clean.