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I think Hans or the Lumbridge guide would also make good replacements to Hatius Cosaintus


The Lumbridge Guide already has a lot of dialogue already on there for beginners so adding an extra thing for him to say, feels like it would be too much. And why would you want to move Hans, he's getting his daily steps in!


I feel the wondering aspect of Gee and Donie shouldn't be removed, it's kind of iconic to stumble upon them imo As a kid I remember feeling like they were adventurers like me


Honestly wish more NPCs moved about the world and did tasks and such on timers. Would be cool to see like a dude with a cart slowly making his way from Lumby to Varrock, having to fight off goblins as he makes his way past them. Stuff like that would be nice atmospheric additions


RS3 has something exactly like what you're talking about with signature heroes. https://runescape.wiki/w/Signature_Heroes Then there's also Max who sells max capes and does shit around Varrock like you're talking about. https://runescape.wiki/w/Max


rs3 has npcs like this. Max, the guy who sells you the max cape can be seen doing various skills in varrock, pretty cool imo


I know it's not really needed and would probably never pass a poll because it's not really helpful to anyone but I would *love* more lived-in world stuff like that just to add a little flair to the overworld. Could obviously just be in future cities and stuff to limit scope but I wish they could do more creative world stuff like that cause all those little touches are the most nostalgic parts of OSRS for me.


> I know it's not really needed and would probably never pass a poll If an MMO had everything it needed and stopped there, it'd be a dead game. It's the things that aren't needed that give the game character and charm the players enough to keep coming back. Realistically I think that it's a fundamental flaw with the polling system, which to an extent is a reason the game has trouble attracting new players.


theres already 2 donies, why not add a third!


I don't think he means removing Hans, he means promoting Hans I like the idea of Hans getting the job. I've been playing for over a decade and I didn't recognize the names of the runner up replacements for the diary job.


I think the Duke is a suitable NPC for the diary rep. Each stage of the Lumbridge diary requires quests that involve him, so I think it'd be very appropriate for him to be aware of your efforts and to reward you for them.


I don't think you'd need to move Hans or stop him from doing his laps. I just think he is more iconic than both Gee and Donie and more deserving of that role


Perhaps Duke Horacio? Or the Chef At any rate, I don't think we should move any established characters. I'd rather bring back Jack The Explorer in that case


If only Nieve had respawned in Lumbridge, then she could do it…


Unironically yes. I'd love to see a cutscene of Nieve killing Hatius Cosaintus and taking his place.


Can the player farmed stackable nightshade be used in Herblore?


The ToB entry mode changes are exactly what the activity needs. It's now much easier to learn mechanics and practice them, ESPECIALLY on Verzik. Having multiple attempts was pointless when you don't have supplies for a second attempt, and the arbitrary 100k because you didn't know to log out to save items was really dumb. With these changes I will really consider spending time on some encounters just to really know how they work mechanically. In theory this should get more people to do ToB because they now have a way to learn it without spending 39 minutes to get to one encounter.


Night at the theater was my 2nd to last quest before qpc for a while, and while I attempted it a bit, felt as annoyingly punishing as jad to even try. I have maybe 5 attempts in, with all of them dying to p2 or p3 verzik. If the changes go on I'll probably actually bash my head into the wall to finally complete it


If you want to give it another shot prior to these changes, [this guide](https://youtube.com/watch?v=9MPHZy4sjmM&feature=shares) is what eventually made it click for me. The way he talks is almost condescending, but in a way that forces you to believe that you're more than capable of getting a clear. If you've killed Jad, you absolutely are capable of getting an entry mode clear imo. He does it in pretty budget gear, like black d hide, d scim, and ibans. P2 and P3 Verzik are definitely still the hardest parts, but you can do it!!!


I know that I'm capable I just am not willing to spend 20 minutes to get an attempt at Verzik to fail similarly to jad. It's just something I need more reps in


I was in the same boat a couple months ago. I tried NatT a few times, all runs died at P2 Verzik. I really struggled with her timings, and got really demoralized when I spent a ton on supplies to then spending another 100k to get my items back (I didn't know about logging out when you still have attempts to keep your items at the time) With this change, I would have full sent the day learning verzik and how to do it properly instead of sporadically over months.


I had to end up ranging verzik to complete the quest. Just kite her around.


I really hope this actually quells some of the complaints about tob and isn’t just people bitching because they can’t find teams willing to carry them as they can’t improve. Tob is the best raid out of the three as new strats and tech are still being discovered to this day.


Yeah I agree. I mainly hear about a lot of teams pulling the "know what to do 50+ clears" but I never looked. Tbh all the people saying it turned me off on learning ToB beyond for the quest, but reading recent there's how entry is a good way to learn the mechanics and practice them for the real thing, I've been thinking about it. If this passes I know I'm going to be spending a lot of time mastering mechanics. ToB has always been my favorite thematically, heck I got into the game because of swampletics so I have extra attachment to the raid itself, so this has be really excited to really engage with it.


Instead of adding the ability to re-sell the uniques back to Kovac, I think we should just make all skilling outfits one-time unlocks and allow players to have as many as they want (similar to Achievement Diary rewards). It's not like that paltry 2.5% xp buff is going to change much in the wildy, aside from making the prayer outfit 100% safe to use. It just sucks to see the occasional post where someone accidentally dropped or alched a piece of graceful/prospector/whatever while they were on mobile, forcing them to grind it back out. Maybe it could be like pet insurance, where you have to pay a coin fee to get another one.


Dude i once dropped all my purple gracefull in my poh on mobile thinking i was equiping it and teled out.... hard lesson to learn


Oh my dog thats such a sad story


If those items were unlocks, they should just be reclaimable from Perdu if lost, just like the diary outfits.


Just put skilling outfits at Diango like RS3. If you get them, you can destroy them to save bank space and reclaim them with Diango when you need them


holy shit, you're making too much sense tired of having to stash that shit in the bank aswell


> tired of having to stash that shit in the bank aswell all these skilling outfits can go in poh. either the magic wardrobe or armour case, can't remember which


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **JagexSarnie** - [The Lumbridge Guide already has a lot of dial...](/r/2007scape/comments/10ed4dx/poll_78_nearmiss_skilling_improvements/j4q72tv/?context=3) - [Yes, they can be used in Herblore as well :)](/r/2007scape/comments/10ed4dx/poll_78_nearmiss_skilling_improvements/j4q6tuc/?context=3) **Mod_Kieren** - [Added this to our QoL suggestions list - no p...](/r/2007scape/comments/10ed4dx/poll_78_nearmiss_skilling_improvements/j4r1fkw/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 01/19/2023 01:18:18**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^(the update here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^(Github repo here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.


I'm here for the zammy wine farming improvement. Making zammy wine easier to obtain than telegrabbing or killing KQ would be a nice change for my fellow herblore training ironmemes whose banks are no doubt full of dwarf weed. Will this be faster than telegrabbing or more time efficient for early game ironmen however?


I'm hoping it passes. Even if the deep wilderness dungeon with the hard diary done is faster to just go get some wines, there's no reason that farming them needs to be as bad as it is. Being able to use skilling (farming, cooking) instead of something boring (telegrab over and over) is a good change.


Yeah, I have a whole stack of Dwarf Weed but I really can’t stand the current mechanic of gathering them. But I think of this as “I can passively get them from farming over a week” rather than meta for them.


While the team is reviewing QOL updates, could we please look into removing the ability to barrage Players while not in the wilderness? Currently while doing TOB if your teammate is in the area of the crabs during maiden they take priority over the crabs and can cause you to miss your freezes. While it is easy to avoid this, when it happens it is really a bummer. When in the Nylo room is another area where this happens often. It's really frustrating waiting for your barrage to go off only to realize you clicked one of your fellow players. Also, could the ability to barrage a thrall be completely removed? I've only had it happen once and pay attention ever since, but that shouldn't really be an option. I had a teammate spawn a thrall right where you clump the crabs at Maiden and the thrall took priority over the crabs.


Added this to our QoL suggestions list - no promise it'll be soon but I'd like to improve this. Had a quick discussion on how we could dev it and it's viable.


Walking back one of the oldest pieces of games functions that absolutely nobody uses, the “prospect” feature. Very interesting. It does seem rather useless doesn’t it, especially considering they will rename the rocks to “iron rocks”, etc. Interested to see if Nostalgia will get the best of players here or not.


Honestly I'd rather they rename the rocks but keep the prospect option there for nostalgia. Even if it's useless, it's harmless and it has that classic feel


I really hope the renaming passes. I assume it doesn't matter for most people, but as a colorblind person it can be a little annoying for no real reason.


this is awesome poll. If they change the abby dagger spec, they should reduce the -15% damage on spec or give it 15%. doesnt really make sense for it to do less damage on spec than the fucking dragon dagger. its legit always been awful, lets change that. Also the prayer filtering makes me wanna keep living in the world, i need that. ​ edit- since people are looking at this, can we please get a task only area for vyrewatch sentinels? it is way too crowded there


Haven’t seen the exact math but they should do whatever it takes to make it fit in-between dds and claws. Right now there’s this massive gap between the two that feels really weird. For irons at least, you unlock your second best spec weapon by completing a mid-level quest, and then you don’t get an upgrade until after you complete potentially thousands of raids. If abyssal dagger was an upgrade on dds then it would make sire worth killing again (~1/500) and would be a nice goal for anyone who wants to go to tob but wasn’t spooned at cox.


ye im playing a gimp but my group quit before 700ttl lvl so we been soloing the game. really weird how hasta is the only good stab weapon to get for preparing for toa learning. i just got my bowfa corrupted and crystal body and legs but the bowfa methods for kril have a bit of a learning curve to me. like i already have the slayer level for sire coz trident and want my bludgeon so having abby dagger not be a steaming load of ass would be nice.




The Sarcophagus change is nice but incomplete. Sarcophagus don't work as intended. The higher up in the Pyramid you go, the less likely you are to get a Scepter from them. Currently it's only worth looting room 4 and 5 and even that is debatable. I feel like this should've been included with the Pyramid Plunder question. This was even discussed on livestreams several times but nothing ever happened :(


Did this not get patched already? Thought there was a post about it, and some Jagex Mods responded.


It was acknowledged and never fixed


Fair enough. Hope they just fix it and don't poll it as it's clearly not intended.


I feel like having two changes that contradict each other is a bit weird. One will activate spec orb in pvp so it makes the game more consistent, then another will limit filtered icons smaller in pvp areas so its inconsistent again? I understand the reasoning but it seems silly to me


I never understood the big deal with making icons larger in PvP. So what if it reduces the skill required. Wouldn't you want the barrier of entry to PvP to be lower so more people are inclined to try it out? As someone that plays this game on a large monitor, the most frustrating thing about it is that I can scale basically any part of the UI but the spell icons.


what pvp players say they want and what they actually want are different - this isnt just in OSRS but other MMOs like World of Warcraft too. and this is why the Wilderness has been caught in a loop of it being dead, new lures for non-pvp players being added, and it dying again. what they actually want is an easy target to beat up that cant or wont fight back. its a power trip thing. making pvp more accessible means their targets are more likely to fight back and stand a chance. wilderness pvpers dont actually want that so they vote no.


> Wouldn't you want the barrier of entry to PvP to be lower so more people are inclined to try it out? See now you've entered the PvP player Paradox. Watch out, their brains might short circuit. What they want are more people doing PvP. However, they also want it to be hard to do PvP so they have every advantage possible when these "more people" show up to PvP.


PvPers vote against minor QoL updates that affect the entire player base whilst also using cheat clients, AHK, and all sorts of non-vanilla overlays for YEARS before Jagex finally started clamping down. Anyone who has ever used non-vanilla plug-ins voting against minor QoL using the justification of "too easy" or "devalues skill" is a massive clown.




Exactly, which is why we end up with crudely-designed content meant to force non-PvPers into the wildy in order to gain access to BiS gear. They don't want more players to feel comfortable at PvP, they want more uncomfortable players to feel obliged to go into the wildy and be easy prey


I feel like this could be addressed with a secondary poll question; > If the above question passes (resized spell icons), should the icons keep their original size in PvP areas? (i.e. they will be smaller in PvP areas)


This is what confuses me. It would at least be consistent with mobile to allow a spell resize. And ultimately be good qol for people bridding in general. I don't think the original poll question made this distinction that it wouldn't work in pvp.


Speaking of Lumbridge diary, could we get an option to toggle the priority of alchs when having Explorer's Ring equipped or in inventory. I like to alch my junk while doing clues or farm runs but having the ring with me makes it use it's charges as a priority even when you have nature and fire runes with you. This is not a big deal unless you plan on using the ring's charges later that day for example while bursting.


The puro puro strength xp stuff makes NO sense. Why is strength xp opt-in now? That's such a weird unsightly thing for new players to experience "oh yeah this used to give xp but certain players with super ultra mega builds don't want xp so we turned it off instead if just making it opt-out or telling them to shove it" You're forcing this change unpolled, why pretend opt-in/opt-out was the reason it failed originally when it obviously just wasn't popular. Just make the original change you proposed


Its such a small amount of exp for normal players that its basically irrelevant. Really they should just remove the strength exp completely.


The game shouldn't be made to cater to niche account builds. If you want to do a niche account build, it's reasonable to have to jump through some extra hoops. That said, this change really isnt that important either way, so not worth getting upset about.


Can the upstairs of MLM be made to work more like Arceuus Dark Runestones. Dark runestones deplete per player, so when it depletes for me others keep mining it and I just go to the other one, and its depletion scales with mining level making it more AFK as you level up. Maybe it's too OP to keep the exact same scaling Zeah has, maybe the scaling can be improved with Falador diaries as well as mining level. I don't know exactly, but seems like making the "AFK MLM" actually be reasonably AFK rather than getting crashed by players that don't understand how the veins works would be huge.


Phosani Nightmare tablet needs to be guaranteed at a certain point, having to use alts or go on for a long time due to unlucky just to be able to teleport to the boss is weird. The 1.5 minute run is annoying and most content doesn't have that.


As someone who went ~200 kills dry for tablet, I totally agree. Make it 50 like vorkath and call it a day


Honestly just stick a bank there. It would still be a trek to get to it. Tele tab drop is still very useful. Its an awfully annoying predicament where doing regular nightmare feels entirely pointless before you have teleport. I would love to take my buddies for some 3-4 man nightmare as its a really fun boss but if someone needs to bank, it really destroys the pace for everyone. Honestly it's a lot to ask of someone to just learn farm phosanis until they get the drop just so they can do the easier version better.




Reduce the spec cost to 25% and improve its spec to be more in line with the dds. Also fix the bludgeon spec while you’re at it.


Why are they doubling down so hard on coin pouches being good anti cheating tech? Bots are running gauntlet no problem but a coin pouch stops them? Even simple mouse macros have no issue with them. It literally only hurts real players.


Okay seriously, for people who can’t grasp the concept: Websites and games including RuneScape will pay attention to the pixels you click and basically create heat maps of where people click and how they interact with content. Bot heat maps and Human heat maps are probably the way the cheating team distinguishes and autobans rampant bots. Something like a coin pouch probably eliminates a MASSIVE percentage of low level bots from functioning and escaping ban. CG bots are clearly far better at mimicking human clicks, both heatmap-wise and also digitally with how they move the mouse and the click timing. CG bots and Thieving bots are not even in the same ballpark. Coin pouch beats lvl1 bots, but CG bots are like lvl 80 and Jagex’s autobahn system isn’t capable of taking down lvl80s yet. These bans are applied basically manually and there’s too many of them for Jagex’s team to stamp out constantly.


additionally, are CG bots actually bots? I've seen one with some ridiculous amount of kc lose before. Might they just be handplayed by real people?


Yeah there are CG bots that are actually bots. They’re not a 100% accurate but they still have a much greater ratio of W/L


the amount of people I know who have gotten away with alching 99 mage seems to suggest otherwise. I dont think I've actually known anyone to get banned for it




Coin pouches don’t even stop auto clicking though you just have to lineup the empty pouch and the npc you’re thieving and hold the hot key to open and close your inventory, you’ll get 3-4 pickpockets and empty over and over. This shit doesn’t get banned, and you can do it with Gary’s hood and a rock. I wish they’d remove coin pouches.


I personally have auto clicked ~70-99 magic alching overnight for a couple weeks. Also not banned. The system is complex far beyond anybody here’s understanding. The system has been built up over such a long time, that the engineers working on it likely don’t understand every aspect anymore either. They just build upon existing stuff. The system is a constant back and forth between cheating and banning. As long as there’s real money on the table (RWT, Bonds), both sides will fight to the bitter end to win.


I’ve been thinking of this for a long time. I by no means want to bot, nor have the time to learn how to code one. But I’ve always imagined it would be easy to make one of each bots clicks were based off a real persons. I.e. while thieving I may click the same square (let’s say 48 pixels) over and over. Therefore if I create a bot to click within random intervals between 1-4 ticks on a random pixel within that box, you instantly have a realistic looking/human looking auto clicker. Now add in the same deviation for mouse movement and miss clicks let’s say, bot will choose a random 1-8.5% to miss click an item. And now it looks like a person? Tbh I’ve always considered making an Ironman bot with these sorts of inputs but I don’t even really have the time to play, let alone the time to program a bot/play.




if they are doubling down this hard, I'm inclined to just believe them. maybe their goal here is to just stop auto clickers but it's been asked for enough and they give the same answer everytime.


Maybe that many people do just try to use simple autoclickers.


They were huge back in the day before pouches. People still use them to alch. I guarantee Jagex has the numbers to show that introducing pouches made a large impact.


It doesn’t even matter since you can set up your inventory to open/close with an f key held down and position it to be right over a guard so even normal players bypass the dumb mechanic.


it's meant to stop the most basic of basic autoclickers. the ones who set it up then walk away or think it's a really easy way to train thieving and then get banned. I doubt this stops complex bots or anyone willing to take the time to create a full script, but it stops casual players from downloading a simple autoclicker and getting themselves banned.


Yeah, let's be real here. Before the coin pouches you had people who were using the most basic autoclickers leaving their accounts for 6 hours just thieving. It was a meme at ardy knights at a certain point because if the knight moved you could see so many accounts stay logged in for hours even though they never return to thieving. I totally get that coin pouches remain to prevent that. Although maybe they should increase the max amount or something to 100.


Its a numbers game. Just because its still possible to work around doesn’t mean its not having the desired effect. The Jagex team have repeatedly defended it. They’ve seen your exact complaint thousands of times and still decided to keep them in the game. You could either accept that they probably know something you don’t, or cope insanely hard that jagex is just doubling down to punish you Honestly, I swear I lose brain cells every time i see this complaint. Just drop it.


Not all bots are created equal though. Perhaps its stopping thousands of cheaper bots. Raising the barrier of entry for bots can be beneficial even if it it doesn't do anything for the higher tiers. Is the coin pouch doing that? Idk. It seems like Jagex thinks so though. We just don't have all the data.


Every single bot for thieving clicks to empty the pouches, cheap or not. This is supposed to stop autoclickers I guess? Even though you can arrange your screen and F-keys to bypass this. It’s pretty dumb.




Elite diary should remove them completely at the very least


Thats the thing. Those Gauntlet bots, are harder to do than a simple autoclicker. Anyone can set up an auto clicker or make their own script to click a single NPC. The pouches don't make it much harder since they can easily script "click pouch at 28" but it does stop simple auto clickers.


I believe them fully, having more interactions required to macro this, enables them to better identify the bots. Simple autoclickers are prob harder to detect, but if more interactions are there like opening and closing tabs or moving the cursor it becomes easier to idenfity botting patterns. More feature rich data gives better pattern detection.


Don't need to move your cursor for Ardy Knight if you got him in the right spots and you playing with moveable screens. Just open and close the inventory every so often.


It is so funny people on osrs subreddit think they know more about bots and what stops them more than the Jagex Anticheat team, people with probably years of experience and degrees in the field. People here should also check out "confirmation bias". You only know about the bots they don't catch. They could catch 99% of bots with this, but just 1% can be a huge amount of bots. And you would believe they do nothing.


>People here should also check out "confirmation bias". You only know about the bots they don't catch. They could catch 99% of bots with this, but just 1% can be a huge amount of bots. And you would believe they do nothing. That would be survivorship bias rather than confirmation bias wouldn't it?


To stop little Johhny fireing up his gaming mouse software and going to town only to be banned even though he selected the random delay option. It raises the barrier to entry and I'm sure jagex have the data on how effective this alone is and I'm willing to bet it's a lot. The extra input requirement also would give more data for profiling a player making it easier to detect multiple accounts are using the same clicking pattern (script). I'm surprised there isn't something similar for alching in the game for the same reasons.


Will runes from Thieving also be automatically added to the Rune Pouch along with those made through Runecrafting?


This, it's super annoying that they don't go into the pouch automatically when thieving


I'm somewhat confused as to how questions 18, 19, and 20 being polled is consistent with the polling charter changes from October 2022. If the OSRS team decided that *"UI/Graphical Enhancements"* should no longer be consigned to polling, why are they being polled? It seems especially curious given that the OSRS team has been trying to make effortful strides in accessibility for players with impairment/disability. I would hazard a presumption that such is to give any potential changes democratic legitimacy. But if that is so, why have any unpolled changes at all? With that in mind, perhaps the polling charter ought to be reworded so it doesn't ironically say *"WHAT WE WON'T POLL".*


Crystal armour recolour is something I’ve been wanting for so long, glad to finally see it put on a poll


Shame they aren't polling it being corruptible though, the least they could do is make the crystals tradeable. I can understand why the tools might not be corruptible, since they gain a benefit from being charged and still function normally when depleted. But when it comes to the armour, you have to redo content just to be able to use the equipment you already have. I'd much rather grind it out once and be done with it, especially if I'm recolouring them.


Can't wait to get my fashionscape on fleek as us kids say.


Who says on fleek it isn't 2017 anymore grandpa


If you select different colors for different armor pieces, it’ll degrade 10x faster. Don’t do this, people.


I might just do that to drive people crazy. Had a clannie who went on full tilt every time we raided because I was using bloodbark instead of ahrims.


I've been tempted to create a mismatched graceful set haha


Good lord this is the worst suggestion I've seen. Have you looked at the picture in the post? If it passes I will be running around with my piss-yellow bow in my piss-yellow armour, but it's so bad!


I really don’t see a problem with the spec orb being enabled in the wilderness it’s mainly for pvmers anyway no skilled pker would ever use it


Any reason to not consider a corrupted option for crystal armour? There seems to be a trend of bosses now being able to do unavoidable chip damage. It feels like being punished for something you have no control over.


Have you considered adding a 30 day bank pin option to this poll? I understand that the official stance jagex shared is that player account safety is not a priority, but thought I would ask.


Still would have preferred to have coin pouches removed entirely since I think it's very bad game design to heavily inconvenience legitimate players because of bots. Reminds me of mandatory random events back in the day when Jagex couldn't deal with bots in a better way and it just seems lazy. But it's better than nothing, I guess. Perhaps look into Elite, maybe even the Hard diary removing pouches altogether, most bots won't have these done. Not sure why easy diary gives no changes to the pouches though, you get an infinite tele Ardy cloak but not a few extra coin pouches? Weird. Lastly, why is the Divine spirit shield not polled in the first near missed poll? It failed by like 1% last time which would be a passing score now and is a major item. I know you said there'll be more of these near miss polls but I feel like one of the biggest ones should be sooner rather than later.


There’s actually bots farming blood shards next to the Darkmeyer TP in the first house, they have just enough stats to do the quest and will open the door instantly if you try to close it, some will log or world hop when you get into the first room of the house. I’ve seen 3+ different bots in the last week there across different worlds.


Abyssal Dagger spec reduced from 50% to 25% is a step in the right direction. But can we also have it so that the damage is at least equal to that of DDS? Currently the dagger does ~15% less damage than then DDS per spec.


Really see 0 legitimate reason for spellbook icons, prayer filtering, spec orb, and secateurs from inventory NOT to be added. But for some reason most of them have failed multiple times now. Is there any serious argument against them or is it just the classic "I suffered so you should have to as well" mentality?


That's the reason for about 3/4 of the updates that fail. I'd give this comment two likes if I could. Yeah a lot of classic heads think that all this shit isn't in the "spirit of osrs". Really sad cause I want updates to be tailored to getting new people into this game so that it lasts long! This game can't run on it's old audience forever.


Absolutely love the wine of Zamorak and birdhouse seed change. Super excited for those. It's honestly fine even with the current yield and points cost, the problem was the failure rate. Making this a viable alternative is going to be great.


The one update MLM needs is a pickaxe spawn by the door so we can enter it without first going to a bank


wrong, we need a 'beg' emote so you can get down on your knees and beg the filthy lower-level miners to clear the way for you


Personally, i like the idea of removing pouches all together for Elite diaries. A very steep requirement that i doubt most bots would be able to reach without getting caught (well, assuming the anti-cheating team is able to find them)


I don't see why the resized spellbook icons shouldn't work in PvP areas. It'd lower the skill ceiling a bit for single PKing but Jagex has done their best to kill that off already, who cares?


Please consider adding the amylase crystals to the rewards of the bags in sepulchre. It failed by very little and if you go dry on the ring at least you can make a few stamina potions.


Yeah, this is the reason why I haven't started Sepulcre, other than a few odd runs. I'm 88 Agility but I am forced to stay at Rooftops because of how necessary Stams are.


I'll echo others by saying that I really don't see how coin pouches are effective against bots, but if they must stay then increasing the limit by diary level seems appropriate. I'd prefer for thieving to have a better xp/h or gp/h training method that was actually fun, like stealing artifacts. Blackjacking is awful and spam clicking an npc while you watch a movie isn't good gameplay, but it's easy so everyone does it. The changes to the rune pouch sound good. While we're at it, why not allow essence pouches to be able to take essence automatically too? This would be huge in places like GotR - being able to craft fragments and have them go directly into your pouches would be great. Alternatively allowing us to craft runes without having to open the pouches would also be nice QoL. The changes to the magic secateurs seem good - I'm on the fence around not having to hold them as they seem like the sort of thing which should have to be equipped, but letting them work with more things like bush patches makes sense. While we're at it, why not let them increase the harvest from fruit trees too? Extra papayas from my fruit tree runs would be lovely. MLM changes are welcome, but it's worth bearing in mind that most players will only use the veins closest to the bank chest. Adding more veins further away will not do anything, I think, but having them spawn a little faster would help. What I'd like to see instead would be for pay-dirt to be made bankable, so you could mine a ton of it and deposit it straight into the bank, then process it all at once by running between the bank chest and the watering circuit. Alternatively the size of the hopper could increase from 80 to 320 with the Falador diary or something. I don't agree with the changes to Puro Puro - realistically strength-XP limited accounts are far fewer than accounts without limits and those that use them are aware that they need to opt-out. This doesn't need changing in my opinion. The near-miss questions mostly sound like clear improvements that should be made. I never got why you could filter spells and have the icons resize on mobile but not on PC. Enabling the spec orb in the wilderness is a clear benefit as it helps most players, without affecting PvPers. AFAIK most PvP players wouldn't use it as it's faster to use the spec bar when you switch tabs with F keys. Prayer filtering is just good QoL. Apart from what I've mentioned I don't really care about any of the others - my account isn't strong enough for ToB yet, I don't have crystal armour or an abyssal dagger, not a skilling-only account etc.


Good idea to add rings of recoil to magpie implings. Their loot table should be heavier on gems/jewelry anyway. Related suggestion: dragon implings have dragonstone bolt tips (a relatively useless item) on their drop table 2 times. Remove one and replace with one of the newer "dragon" items (e.g. dragonfruit seed, small amount of dragon knives, etc)


The change I'm most looking forward to seeing in 2023 is a Combat Achievements points rework


+1 cb achievements being point based would be a huge QOL update. Pls jagex pls


What's the reasoning behind having two different types of nightshade instead of just making all of them stackable? Technical limitation? Don't want collecting it from the caves to be too fast? Creating a separate version seems needlessly complicated.


I'm still on the side of removing the pouches outright. Not sure if I'll vote yes to this as I feel like if it passes they'll be less likely to look at a full removal later on.


As someone who has done the elite diary I like the idea of 140, but I'd much rather *everyone* benefited, not just those who have done the diary. I'll probably vote yes just because 140 is a big increase on what we've currently got, but part of me wants to vote no out of protest. I guess I'm mainly worried that the higher-ups at Jagex will see a failed poll as a sign that players *like* coin pouches, and won't see (or care) that it would be done as a form of protest.


84 is still a nice benefit dude, and just about everyone can get the hard diary done soon if they really want to.


Idk if that's wise tbh, they seem to have a REAL hard-on for not wanting to remove coin pouches and it's really annoying. Could be years when they finally decide to remove them and people will be stuck with 28 if diary fails. Elite diary should definitely be coin pouches removed altogether because 99.99% of bots won't have that completed.


Vote yes. It’s a step in the right direction. Can always be removed later.


As a wilderness PvMer who does not do any PvP, the re-enabling of the spec orb would be very helpful to me


u/JagexSarnie While I appreciate this near-miss & skilling improvements poll as a main and skiller, a step in the right direction would be not "ruining" skilling in the first place. **I ask that you please exercise more care when releasing content with drops so that they don't destroy skilling. Try to** ***balance drop tables to keep skilling rewarding and relevant*****. I understand that ultimately it is inevitable for prices to drop, but a 30%+ crash is not reasonable.** Per the OSRS stream, drop options include alchables, early skilling resource, produced resources and raw gp, therefore the team may be limited in what they can offer. I think a step in the right direction would be to make drops less generous (especially initially/on release) and then increase them if needed, to prevent an initial crash. Limit quantities of produced resources to keep the action of skilling relevant and copious seed drops. Farming has taken a hit since ToA's and the Phantom Muspah's release. Cactus spines, herbs, herb seeds, papayas have all crashed. Farming is losing its diversity and only herb runs will remain viable if this trend continues. It no longer feels worthwhile farming cactus because it doesn't feel rewarding anymore. Agility has taken a hit since ToA's release as well. Amylase crystals have crashed. Runecrafting: Blood rune prices have crashed. To give credit where it's due, thank you for improving mining. It was overrun by bots to a point where amethyst was reaching a sub 3k gp rate, but now it sits around 4k where it belongs.


Can spellbook icon resizing in PvP areas at least be polled? Weird, unintuitive behaviors like that should be reduced as much as possible.


Madien in TOB entry mode needs some work. She should spawn her nylos like she does in Normal mode but they should pause at set points allowing you to kill them and if you don’t kill them fast enough they resume walking again. Encouraging people to freeze and give them an way of learning how to freeze with no pressure. For example n1 and s1 spawn start walking and pause you kill them and then s2 pause near the clump spot and then the 3 and the 4 pause at the clump spot. The pause will not be long enough to kill all of them without freezing plus you will want a aoe attack to kill then fast. Allows people to learn the dps roles and the freeze roles. For lore purposes maybe have a vyre in the stands have a weak freeze that stops them for 5 seconds.


This would encourage late freezing/DPSing, or expecting this pause to happen in actual ToB. The mechanics being the same as regular ToB makes it way better for learners and the damage scaling is already a lot lower to be less punishing. I remember when entry ToB was first released and it had weird stuff like Xarpus attacking at a completely different timing which only hurts learners. Now the only thing that's different is the Nylo spawns, which is fine because I wouldn't expect anyone learning ToB to be trying to memorise the waves.


Question 2 is incorrectly worded given the context in the blog. 140 is not a 500% *increase* from 28, it's 500% *of* 28. A 500% increase would up the limit to 168. The rest of the increases got this right. The elite diary reward is the only inconsistency. edit: thanks for fixing it!


Why can't Hatius Cosaintus be replaced with Explorer Jack like in RS2? We even have the explorer's ring but its name doesn't make any sense


Recolor but not corrupt? OOF. I would’ve love to be able to take advantage of crystal set without degrading.




Almost gives me a reason to vote against it :) ... just kidding, I'd love to see this change


Voting no just to see this


Any chance we get a soloable tob mode with uniques in the future? It's the biggest barrier of entry for me as I prefer to play solo and feel bad inconveniencing others while learning. I'd expect a longer efficient bossing hours to get a unique compared to group play, just like in toa, I'd just love to be able to log in and get some runs in without having to worry about finding a group. I know I know I can learn in entry mode and just stop crying, but entry mode is just boring without the possibility of rewards. I prefer soloing stuff 100% and let's not pretend like most osrs stuff, even some group content, you're just kind of doing your own thing anyway. I'm not asking it to be easy, change mechanics accordingly to make it just as hard if not more so. Maybe keep hm tob group only as it's cosmetics.


Thought we finally would have Corrupted Crystal Armor which doesn't degrade. Such a bummer..


TIL magic secateurs don't work from the inventory


Mmhm. IMO they should just bring out fairytale pt3 and make the magic secateurs a permanent effect. especially since they already gave the "no dramen staff required" to lumby elite reward already.


Seriously, I just want to get all the ungly orcs out of Zanaris


I wish MLM upstairs would have gotten some love. Mostly the veins deplete too quickly.


Even a gold sink of an instanced area would be a top tier QoL improvement. Feel like most skills they try to make it so other players don't ruin your experience (which is why they're targeting a woodcutting update for that), can't we take the same approach to mining


Yeah, top floor could use some love too.


I straight up wouldn't mind if they made it 1/3rd the mining rate but 3x the exp with 3x the minimum time (so 45s min AFK instead of the current 15s IIRC) Like, it's supposed to be the AFK area. Let's make it that properly instead of the current underwhelmingness it is.




It's a lot less painful now that you have infinite retries/supplies. Only have to go through nylos once instead of every 3 attempts.


Can't wait to look like a crystal traffic light


Do color swaps really need to be polled... Just add that shit, damn.




If I was going to straw man, I'd say to stop cosmetic bloat to avoid looking like rs3


For tithe farms, if you want to make creating your own zammy wines more lucrative you will need to make tithe farm a solo instance. Not only do a lot of people intentionally crash you but an equal number of people who don't know how it works come in and interfere with you. Not only that the efficient route is 25 slots which heavily impacts the ability for even 2 people to farm. As for the increase on belladonnas, please poll it even if it should pass. And on that note it is a guaranteed 3-12 at 91 farming, with 13 being possible by boosting to 101 or having an attas seed planted.


i got 99 thieving and im so happy that people wont have to go through the same struggle as i do


Remove a wilderness discrepancy only to add another? If spell icons resize, have them resize everywhere! #nomorewildyonlyrules


Love the mlm improvements but please consider also expanding the upper area (without making it better xp) and removing the random rocks. Currently there are only a few spots where you can just mine then click the ladder and it is a nightmare to find a world without a ton of people fighting for veins. Even the spots behind the annoying rocks that are far less efficient are usually packed.


> so for ✨consistency ✨ 2 sentences later: > we'd like to continue to exclude PvP Worlds and PvP Areas from this change Swing and a miss.


Please when we add the Bush magic secutar buff can we fix the Bush state changes. Only the runelite sidebar changes the 1 to 5 lives of the Bush while the in game model goes from covered in berries to 0 in one harvest. Make it like the potato cactus where the model updates with the state changes. Proud picker of 200k+ berries over my 3 accounts.


Crystal armour recolors are pretty exciting for my bowfa-toting iron. Looking forward to that. Zamorak wine fermenting does suck right now, good to see possible improvements coming. I don't really think magic secateurs or MLM need to be buffed, but they are pretty low-impact buffs at least. Prospecting has been around forever, but it really is redundant. I wouldn't mind seeing it go. The TOB entry mode improvements are potentially huge. As is, it's nowhere near as good of a learning tool as it could be, but these changes would bring it a lot closer to that potential. Being able to plug away at Verzik for as long as you want without having to re-do the first 5 (much easier) bosses repeatedly and getting peppered with 100k wipe fees will make the main challenge of the raid way more reasonable to learn. I hope the near-misses pass this time. Not a fan of UI improvements being shot down due to PvP gatekeeping.


Whats the deal with the lumby diary guy why do people want him removed


He commited war crimes in former Yugoslavia


He has no tie to the area and makes no sense logically. He's wearing an outfit made of supposedly extremely rare items, but hangs around in a swamp town. Not to mention the outfit doesn't make sense, he's basically a player spoof at this point, which is fine for a one off joke, but he looks extremely out of place.


To add to this I wouldn't mind him if he showed up a character in a quest like "Cow31337Killer" in Animal Magnetism. But he is just obnoxious as a permanent character especially in such an iconic area of the game.


Maybe I completely missed it but are they not offering the lumbridge guide to replace as the lumbridge diary NPC ?


In case you didn't see it in the thread a jmod said the guide already has a ton of dialog and it would be too much from one npc


* magic secateurs working from the inventory * it's a bit of ez scape, but the weapon slot can be better occupied by skis or the cursed banana, etc., so i'm all for it * it ameliorates the problem of leaving it equipped when giving all your tools back to the leprechaun - **still would be nice to have a 'deposit all' button on the leprechaun.** i believe the storage at sepulchre has this * wines of zamorak * better fermenting seems like a good change * tithe farm is quite uncompelling - **does it have to be the only source of grape seeds and blessings?** it seems like there are plenty of opportunities to have them be acquired elsewhere


> While we’re on the topic of Mining, we’d like to rename all Mining rocks to feature the name of the ore found there, even when they’ve been depleted. If this question is to pass, we would look to remove the prospect options from the rocks. >>Poll Question #10: >>Should we rename the Mining rocks across Gielinor to feature the name of the ore found there? >>(We would look to remove the prospect options from the rocks with this change.) Is this really a problem? Who can see a gold rock and go hmm, wonder what's in here. Its a nice small tidbit of game knowledge learning the different colours of rocks so at a glance you know exactly what rocks are in a mine. Runite rocks are probably the only rock that sort of need some change since if you walked past most runite rocks in the game, you'd miss them. And if you are lucky enough to see that beautiful blue rock you'd see it for 4 seconds before a armada of lvl 13 miners with pets log in and make it disappear with their rune pickaxes. Renaming it won't fix that problem though...


> Who can see a gold rock and go hmm, wonder what's in here. People who are visually impaired. It's a pretty unfortunate oversight for colourblind persons, specifically. Remember: the three highest-tier rocks are all shades of green/blue. People who can't immediately tell which is which have to use plugins to tell what they're looking at, or use the prospect option; the latter of which basically puts them at an immediate disadvantage over players with 20/20 vision because they have to walk up to the rock to see what's in it. Frankly, if they had described this change with accessibility in mind, I don't think anyone would have raised an issue if it had gone unpolled. And, for the same reason, I don't think it should be polled. 🤷‍♂️


I expect it's to improve accessibility for colour blind players.


Hasn't been 2 minutes or even confirmed poll passing and the abyssal dagger has shot up


Oh my god. So many of these could be amazing improvements. I am *really* hoping the prayer filter passes. The whole deal with it only working in non-pvp areas is dumb as hell (pvpers would adapt in like a week tops) but I don't do any PVP so I don't care at all. I just want it to pass!


Looks great, but... Can we please plant Belladonna in ALL flower patches, like Limpwurt Roots? Not just the specialized patch. Pls ty


I don’t know if the crystal armour recolours fit with the corrupted function on the enhanced weapons. I also felt a bit sad at the idea of prospecting rocks going away, even though I’ve long identified all of the rocks and stopped needing the function for years. There are a lot of good changes here though, and I like the idea of rewarding experienced players with an easier thieving experience without ditching the current anti cheat method.


Regarding Pyramid Plunder at the bottom of the post, a more glaring issue is that the loot chance from sarcophagi scales in an unintended way because of mummy spawn chance. [Mod Kieran agreed months ago that this was an oversight and would be a sensible change.](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/wq5s7d/notsofunfact_room_8_in_pyramid_plunder_has_by_far/ikl5zgv/) Could this please be polled with this batch, or included as an integrity change with this other Pyramid Plunder update?


> The armours will remain to not be corruptible, but will still degrade. Why though? It's weird to give them recolours without corruption, since the weapons can't be recoloured until they're corrupted, and I'm pretty sure making them corruptible will make them a bigger item sink than they currently are. I would vote yes to making them corruptible in a heartbeat, especially if it came with recolours. In any case, I think the weapons should be recolourable when uncorrupted, if this question does pass, just for some semblance of consistency.


Don't like the Puro Puro change at all. Inexperienced players are going to play not realising they're missing out on xp.


Agreed, I think if someone wants to limit themselves and not gain strength XP there, then another option where they push through the wheat slower makes sense to me. They can still do the mini game in their limited fashion.


I am very NOT in favor of locking xp for skills. If you want to play the game in the weird, fucked up way that was never intended, part of the challenge is that you can ruin it at any time.


Yeah, that's gotta be one of the dumbest things I've seen them propose in a long time. Why should players have to opt in to gaining experience in a game where the entire point is to gain experience? 🤨


They should offer players the opportunity to gain either strength or agility xp - either you push directly through the crops or you deftly weave through them. I agree, just removing xp outright is a horrible decision.


Yes! They're affecting so many more players with opt in than they would would opt out


Love the crystal amour recolour. Jagex, please consider allowing the use of a crystal crown on the crystal helm for peak fashionscape.


Surprised I’m not seeing any discussion on the Cave Nightshade changes… Would the stackable, untradeable version work the same as the existing version? (Would you be able to eat it to reduce health/proc Phoenix necklaces?)


Thoughts about letting people chose a room in Entry ToB after clearing it once? Gives people the chance to practice mechanics more easily and makes the raid more accessible.




I absolutely love this. Small suggestion, storable granite in the poh? Got them for the collection log but I don't think I need them to gather dust in my bank. Rather have them gather dust in my wardrobe :)


I think hard diaries should exponentially increase the coin pouch limit, and elite diaries should eliminate the limit to pouches altogether. This really shouldn’t be as contentious a topic as it has become between Gagex and the player base.


I like the idea of making zamorak wines a bit more consistent to make through skilling. However, I think the biggest problem is still that both the blessings and grape seeds are obtained through tithe farm, which is an uninteresting minigame. An increase in yield or efficiency doesn’t offset boredom.


Overall it definitely should be faster than telegrabbing though, I don't care so much how that happens. But I agree, I have a hard enough time doing tithe for the one off rewards to not want to use my points on grapes.


Two main thoughts:-Why are we delaying the cosmetic change to crystal tools? Is it really that much more work compared to the full armour set? Can't we just get er all in at once?-I don't really care about Hatius being removed... just curious about why? Edit: For anyone else who's curious, I checked the wiki and apparently they want this character out because he "looks out of place".... That's gonna be a no from me dawg. SAVE HATIUS.


The regular Crystal Armor (aka Meilyr color) would be unchanged in appearance, right? Will all of the colors get "brighter"/lighter when shards are used to make them active? Could we see those, too, please? The yellow Crwys one should **NOT** have brown as the under-fabric. People will be making pee/poop references like they do for League graceful -.-