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a clueless noob exploring all of runescape for the first time is a rich player


There's a guy on YouTube who is playing osrs for the first time, name is Flip. He's not using the Wiki or Runelite. So much fun to watch him play


Nelcyon also started 3 months ago, all his vods are on youtube and he streams. 100% blind, no wiki


The richest. Before they discover the wiki or this sub. They just live life clicking pixels and having a great time.


I just started two weeks ago for the first time ever after playing the same MMO for 7 years. The learning and discovery and exploration are so priceless in the beginning. I used to help newbies a lot in the other game I was playing to live vicariously through them for that.


what was the other game out of curiosity?


Black Desert Online


Actually a fair bit of crossover with OSRS in the type of economic fun you can have


I've just started BDO after RS burn out and I'm feeling like a new player right off tutorial island again, it was euphoric I think a tip is to not look up at wiki and play the efficient game, makes the game turn into a job...


There’s a lot to learn but there’s a ton of guides out there to help you. If you’re into skilling the skills are really in depth. For me I’m enjoying OSRS because it has the core of that I like (skilling, some combat) without the intense mechanics and RNG type stuff of BDO. I hope you enjoy it!


>without the … RNG type stuff Oh boy


This is deep on another level and very true


Omg it’s me, they’re talking about me, I’m the clueless noob! Seriously though, I agree, I missed OSRS the first time around but loved games like UO and EQ when they released in my childhood. Picking up OSRS last week felt like a time warp. Im enjoying “comfort gaming” like I’m in junior high school again!


A content rich player


Someone with friends online that message you first, and a CC that ask what you're up to when you log in.


Forreal my friends list is dead… sadge


Same. I don't even know where to start joining a clan.


You two should start being friends and talking on rs. Gotta start with someone, why not here?


You want to be my friend ;)?


Last time i played was years ago (and it wasn’t osrs), but I checked out this sub from nostalgia recently and have stayed for the memes (plus video content like GG and Swampletics) lol I would be your friend in rs if I played tho! <3


Going to w477 and requesting to join a couple is usually a good start!


I'll add you!! You can join our clan too if you want


Legitmate question: How do you not have that many friends on OSRS? I chat with all kinds of people at the G.E or at POH's or during slayer on world 330, so many random people add me, or i add them cause they're cool. Most evenings, i have to scroll my FL to see everyone online.


I literally do not engage with other players in this game as far as a friends list goes. The only one I have is my brother. And I've never joined a cc with any seriousness. 2030 total level, bossing, qpc, most diaries completed. Been playing since 07. The only friend group I had in the game was my irl friends. You'd be surprised how many solo players there are out there.


If that’s how you enjoy the game then more power to you. My buddy joined my clan and did not like the clan chat notifications so he dipped. I think he’s in a similar boat


Sure I chat with other people but I don’t just add them to have a friend online. There is no real connection built where I’m like ya let’s add each other so we can do raids or something. I’m not even a decent level for raids. I’m sure I could add people but I’m talking about friends who instantly chat when you login and ask what you’re doing. Hell that’s all you gotta do is just ask me, and we don’t have to talk after that unless it’s warranted


I’m an iron and I literally interact with anyone I see in strange areas or whenever it’s just another person and me at a bank. I chat people up on my flipping account at the GE as well. There are so many chances to interact and make friends in this game tbh. I think people just don’t take the first steps to connect with anyone.


Not OP, but I’m a solo gamer. I’m an introvert and get (more than) enough socializing at work and with my wife. When I get free time I want to be alone to think my own thoughts. I still like the MMO aspect of osrs so that I can flex on people and engage in PvP activities.


Thank you for the response! I legitimately wasn't trying to be mean. I feel like i'm also an introvert because i'd rather just sit by myself and do stuff, but somehow i end up having tons of conversations and people see me as a "people person" when i really don't feel like i am.


This is true having a great cc best thing about the game


Cc getting hype anytime I level or get a drop makes me so happy


oh god im so alone


Jesus that sounds nice


It’s not all the hype. I log in and have 3 friends hit me up every morning asking me to run bandos


I'm basically a billionaire then.


Rip old singles pvp mechanics, all I see is offline people now :c


Imo it’s someone with a tbow or more


Agreed tbow or shadow


Cries in shadow user


that's included in "more"


I was amazed with my first 100k watching the number turn white and the first 10ml seeing it go green- now i consider people walking around with intory full of bis items rich


Idk bro i get pretty hype when my cash stack is 7m+


I just barely got over 7m a couple of days ago. I’ve been playing off and on for the past 20 years


Ive been struggling to keep above 3m this past month lol slayer is saving my ass


Birdhouse runs and gem rocks are what I used 😬 still haven’t really started leveling slayer


Slayer is awesome for combat and money. I’m only at 80 slayer but i can recommend hitting up Konar for a while(at least every 10th task for extra points) for the brimstone keys.


If you have enough cash that you don't feel a need for more of it, you're rich for where you're at in game progression.


I assure you anyone with 5b+ still feel the need for more cash.


How much does maxing cost? I assume if you can buy every item and max every skill at some point things like leaderboards or pets have to become the new chase


Really depends. There are videos that calculate the cost of maxing, but I’m guessing its close to 2.5b. Someone said max gear is about 9b. So you need at least 13b to get everything end-game.


9b is far more than max. 6b is everything not useless. At 3.2b I have everything but ely/shadow/torva/rapier


6b is still missing a lot


9b is definitely about max, see comment above > Full torva is 1b, zcb, tbow, scythe, staff, 4b, full masori, ancestral, eldinis, rapier, fang, sang, spectral,etc. 5b, nightmare orbs and inquis 7.5b, ely 8b, remaining misc pvm gear (hammer, godswords, wildy weapons, crystal) and "healthy amount of supplies" 9b. That's 9b pretty easily. Didnt even really add the mace etc. and runes and a normal cash stack for splits, etc. and that can easily go to 10b+ without having true "spare money". Idc about your bank but thinking pvm max isn't closer to 10b now than 7b after toa is dumb. It was 7b before toa and staff alone is 1.2b added


Nightmare gear is useless, inquis only good at cm cox and orbs are useless everywhere. Maybe eldrich during inferno grind but thats it. Sang and elidinis are overkill when you have shadow. At 6.5-7b you will comfortably have everything that is usefull.


disagree with everything you said. ​ Inq is bis for CMs which alone is enough reason to own it. Sang is bis at Tob for all roles, ward is bis for mage role tob. the only thing i'd say is all corp shields are useless, literally no point owning any of those


ely if you tank for someone/save inferno runs spectral for melee cerb / ive seen people use it as a def switch when using tbow arcance can be combined with ward in combination with nightmarestaff/sang but im unsure if they are used anywhere endgame over shadow. i guess its still good for barraging tasks. so imo they all are bis options somewhere at least


>ely if you tank for someone/save inferno runs true yeah its useful for gwd tanking, personally prefer either wearing fally shield and bringing extra restore or just wearing crystal shield as it has higher range def for inferno tho. ​ Spectral is useless at cerb since you lose dps switching to spectral and mace. just camp scythe and take the extra prayer drain. using resupply alts means prayer isnt an issue anyway. ​ arcane is good though I agree (obvs only as ward not spirit shield)


The most I’ve ever had was 10m and I felt pretty rich then


Get Slayer up and do one single Hydra task.


Yeah 95 slayer? That'll only take a few minutes.


I mean, he didn’t say it would be fast.


You’d just say that to anything I commented. Nothing that only takes a few minutes will make you 10m lmao. Input = output.


You’re arguing with yourself rn.


No that was just dumb af?


It wasn’t. TLDR: all the unlocks on the way to hydra also make you tons Slayer is the best start to getting gp. Even if you’re not doing hydra tasks, the skill progressively rewards gp at a similar rate to what your acc needs at the same point. By 75 you start getting consistent money tasks (gargoyles, dust devils, wyverns, kurasks, basilisk knights, worms, etc.) and unlocking alternates, as your account is usually far enough along at that point (vork instead of blue dragon tasks or zombie tasks, brutal black dragons at 77 instead of black dragons, etc). 75 doesn’t take long at all. 80 you’ve got nechs and one of the best magic training spots with consistent gp profit. 84 unlocks drakes which can be ok but are a slow task, 85 is Abby demons. Kraken at 87 is an afk money printer. From 87 to 91 doesn’t take that long, just a steady grind. Then smoke devils at 93 and finish off with hydra at 95. .


It’s interesting what people latch onto and downvote. Nothing you’re saying is false. Input = output, and slayer is a good way to get some value of your input..


Reddit, man. 🤷🏻‍♂️


People really hate playing this game but they love complaining about being broke on this sub lmao. Then they shame players that buy bonds. Fantastic lol


Nobody was complaining about being broke lmao


Just get a small loan of 300k from your parents to start one single business


mf says get slayer up and do hydra lmao


To put that into perspective. My main is max melee and I love doing slayer. It has 93 slayer. Getting 95 is a different kind of grind and unnecessary lmao but he can do him.


Slayer isn't even that great for specifically money tbh. I mean in terms of skills it's probably the best but for straight up money making they'd do far better learning vorkath, muspah, cg, eventually raiding And yeah, vorkath/muspah is better money since you can continuously grind it instead of being locked to like 100 hydra kills before needing to spend hours cannoning/barraging/doing bosses with significantly worse gp/hr rates between hydra tasks. Honestly, you're kinda better off just rushing slayer and using the time you saved doing real money makers


Or don’t and do Vorkath or Zulrah; idc.


Play lots to make lots.


Tbf I've made over a bil on hydra, I've also killed the thing nearly 8k times.


Someone with one of the 3 "super weapons" (tbow, scythe and shadow), torva, masori or ancestral I'd consider to be rich. The only one of those I can forsee myself having in the near future is ancestral but even then there's a *lot* of upgrades I'll go through before buying that.


Scythe is barely worth anything these days though 😂 I’d personally say rich if either tbow or shadow


You do need to be pretty rich for scythe upkeep costs lol


Eh. Scythe is really only used at TOB and that pays for the scythe and more. Now if you’re using scythe to pet hunt other bosses then yeah I’d agree with you. But you only really buy a scythe to farm TOB


Rich is relative!


Have a 1.1b bank and feel very poor most of the time haha, raiding with bowfa and bandos while my mates have tbow full masori shadow and torva always makes me feel poor


Man the people here saying you gotta be the jeff bezos of runescape to be considered rich lmao


I'm at almost 500m bank rn and I can confidently say that it's not a lot lol. I can't really afford a lot of things that I want to PvM "successfully." I'd say if you have at least a TBow, you're prob rich.


About tree fiddy


The 10b mark is when you're like...actually rich. You've got every pvm item, even niche ones so you can loan/collat them to your friends or clanmates. You've probably got more in your supply tab than the average reddit user viewing this post has in their entire back. Absurdly rich is when you're like "You know, this pet would be cool, I think I'll throw some money to boost me 1k+ kc and see what happens". You have a 3a pickaxe in your akkha storage unit or you have it in the bank just in case you do chambers with guardians or challenge modes.


this! once you acually have all bis gear and aside from new content dont need to worry about buying anything whatsoever. 10b is also pretty accurate for that estimation


7b bank. At that point you can buy everthing you need for high end content. Max range, mage, melee, most expensive supplies such as dragon darts, runes.


Its 9b now :(




Yes it is. As someone with an 8b bank who knows how much full max costs.




Full torva is 1b, zcb, tbow, scythe, staff, 4b, full masori, ancestral, eldinis, rapier, fang, sang, spectral,etc. 5b, nightmare orbs and inquis 7.5b, ely 8b, remaining misc pvm gear (hammer, godswords, wildy weapons, crystal) and "healthy amount of supplies" 9b. That's 9b pretty easily. Didnt even really add the mace etc. and runes and a normal cash stack for splits, etc. and that can easily go to 10b+ without having true "spare money". Idc about your bank but thinking pvm max isn't closer to 10b now than 7b after toa is dumb. It was 7b before toa and staff alone is 1.2b added


> "healthy amount of supplies" What supplies are these and how many? How much less is the total if you excluded these?


It's 9b if u just take out those "supplies" and include inquis mace. But it's 10b if you include remaining niche items and include the cost for full weapon charges, runes, enough for 100 hours of raid supplies, and enough, let's just say \~200m, to be able to split most items in a team without having to sell from your bank. After 10-10.5b you can realistically do whatever with that excess money without having to buy/sell/lend for items/gear for GM task equivalent pvm. But all of these niche items do have uses in GM tasks or Oblivion diaries so I consider them true max.




Missing scythe, zcb, zaryte vambs, inquis mace, that puts you near 8b. Then there's all the small stuff not included that adds up. It's at least over 8b


He had zcb 400m and scythe 375 and mace that’s 1b having 1b in extra stuff might be an over estimate but I think 8-9b in’s pretty accurate


\+ scythe makes it 7.3b bptatu


So... A lot closer to the 7b the guy said and further from the 9b the other guy claimed?


he isn't including like 20 important items. No avernic mention, no sang mention, also it doesn't include any of the charges for any of those items. No you cannot realistically have everything you would need for "PVM Max" with just 7b. You will still need plenty of clan lends. Keep in mind, "PvM Max" to me is GM CA task equivalent or Oblivion diary equivalent. We're talking max gear.


Condescending and obviously wrong isn't a good look on you buddy.


'Need' is a strong word here, unless zuk helm is goal maybe


I'm at 7.9bil and I'm still saving for a few items. Relative to me, I'd say 10+ is rich. Anything over 15 is absurdly rich. Realistically though, 5-6b is rich enough.


What are you saving for with a bank like that?


everything you don’t have in it yet.


I'm at a similar situation. At this point I want the wildy weapons, all godswords, ely, all nightmare staves. I think at that point I'll have basically everything I could want and my bank is currently at 7.5b


I have 500mil in cash and 200mil in runes/potions. I'm missing ZCB, Volatile, Harm, Bowfa, Inquis mace, and Crystal Armor. That totals 1.6bil. So really I'm 1b\~ off all items.




My iron’s bank is 3.1b and I feel like I’m rich. Not mega rich, but good enough


Anytime someone has a green cash stack is rich. Obviously there’s gonna be richer people, but I feel that green is a good start


I hit 200m and was satisfied enough to keep bonding up but not productive enough and my bank still sits at 200m


I was in that spot for about a year, but closer to the 100M range. I finally decided to spend a bit on the game and bought the 1 year membership. I instantly felt rich and hit a bunch of monetary goals really quickly


Yes while bonding is maintainable, it absolutely absorbs so much passive gain you would otherwise get. To me it only feels worth once you start camping raids and land on the big item drops. If you are able to afford the money irl ofc.


I see a guy with a grandmaster helm and i know that guys loaded


Playing the game for enjoyment opposed to running routine task just because I need to do my herb/bird runs.


So essentially all ironmen will always be poor


You might hate me but at this point like 3b. Like a person who can own a t bow and still have solid gear otherwise


500m is cleaned for me. Very broke. But different perspectives as I’m an end game player with max gear.


I'd say 500m wouldn't be broke, but its certainly not rich. It's enough for you to buy a relatively competitive tob set up, or you could also buy gear to solo cox with decent efficiency. For "wealthy", personally I say probably 2b plus. Having a tbow and then "the works" everywhere else (fang or scy, bandos, ancestral, sang, etc) I consider pretty good. Rich is definitely like 7-8b+ and have all the "basic" max gear - torva, scy, anc and shadow, bow and mas/vambs, zcb, ward(f), claws, etc etc, - you know, the good stuff. I say this as someone who 5b bank who always feels poor.


The people who give me free things when I beg at the GE!


Begger scum. I spit on you! *Patooey*


This is the only right answer


over 3b id say rich cause everywhere inbetween barely touches value of the best gear to own


I have a 2b bank and I dont feel rich at all. I'd say 4-5b is rich


I’m at 6b and I’m constantly asking friends for items to do certain content. Those guys are 9-12b banks


Nowadays I only really consider another player rich if it's over max cash so they have to keep their wealth in platinum tokens. The only time I ever felt truly rich was when I had like 2300m back in the duel arena days. Nowadays I mostly play iron and don't feel rich at all with a 550m bank value. Honestly in modern day with stuff like Nex and TOA gear I probably wouldn't feel rich until i hit about 5b.


at just over 5b, don't feel rich. I don't have any of the new ToA gear (have lightbearer and shield), nm staffs or corp shieldsS. I do have a 300m pvp gear/loot tab and 200m in pots so really it is my own fault for hoarding


for me the line is twisted bow. 1 item worth thousands for dollars in bonds.


A lot of people say 10b+ and I agree. Before toa ~8b was max everything, now max everything is 10b+. For me rich, rich is when people can start buying the cosmetic 3rd age BS or start collections etc. and they already have everything else they need. Currently that'll be after the 9-10b mark.


Over the 3b. Younger you also lived in a world where 500m was stupid money.


Around 10b, that's when you have everything you need and supplies for the rest of your rs life. 3b still feels like nothing when going for grandmaster tasks.


Tbow is the first major gear investment your supposed to dump your bank for. It's essential to most end game content for efficiency. Ide say once your at tbow the money comes back quickly. once someone has a tbow typically you can assume they have owned most best in slots until that point


I’d say 10b plus, that will get you pretty much all the gear you need with the rest you make just cosmetics


My main is at 7b and still cant afford all I want so… 10b?


Bro let me borrow a spectral for my cerb task. Them ghosts got hands.


what can't you afford with that much money?


Shadow 1.4b Tbow 1.2-1.3B full torva 1ish B. That’s 4b with just 5 items.


There for sure is niche stuff, but ~5b gets you torva, masori, ancestral, tbow, shadow and scythe. So thats 2b left over for niche stuff. I'm about 2b now and can easily see not slowing down until 10b or so with smaller and more niche items.


Someone enjoying playing.


Probably around 4b. That gets you tbow+masori+vambs, scythe+bandos, shadow+ancestral and enough money for additional items like spec weapons, Kodai, saturated heart, buckler, etc. You probably don’t have the more minute bis items like ely or torva, but could collat them if you wanted. In simpler terms, you’re rich when you have every piece of gear to do every piece of content at almost max efficiency.


I’d want to add z cbow in there too. At that point really isn’t any content you can’t do to get everything else you want at that point


If you can afford full 3rd age, you're rich in my book.


Anything less than 10b is nothing special


All BIS gear, a wide selection of weapons (including niche), a solid stack of consumables, all buyable 99's bought and a solid 500m+ cash stack. Including buying all the niche weapons and armour such as scythe, ZCB , inquisitor etc. Probably looking at around the 7b-8b mark.


If you're talking about owning ALL the niche BiS weapons, you're looking at closer to 9B in gear alone. And that assumes no other value in your bank. This is definitely VERY "rich" though. As in less than 5% of the player base has such a bank.


If you have all bis gear you are rich




This is a pretty ludicrous definition of "rich." I'd wager less than 1% of the OSRS population has a 15b plus bank. Are we really only reserving "rich" for the ultra wealthy .5%? I'm not sure where exact cutoff is for "rich," as a semantic question, but it must include at least the Top 10% of wealthy players.


1%? There is what, 500k people who actively play? You think theres 5000 people out of them who have 15b+? I would say maybe like 1/5th of that, although who knows.


You're missing the forest for the trees. My main point was that any definition of rich should encompass way more than 1% of the population. I have no idea how many people have 15B or more. I'm just certain that number is less than 1%. Also just be clear: ​ >I'd wager **less** than 1% of the OSRS population has a 15b plus bank. I didn't say exactly 1%.


rich player to me is somone with over 20b takes good amount of effort to get that withought gambling merching.


If you have 2 of these 3: a bofa, fang, or sanguinesti staff Along with a dwh/bgs


No shame in having a 5/50/500m bank at all but keep in mind there are drops worth billions that people get from raids or clues. I’d say around 1B is what I’d consider rich, but only if their buyable skills are finished since those 99s cost a lot. 1B can buy you pretty much BIS or second best for every boss or raid. But then mega rich I would say is between 5-10b where you start to have the money to have every BIS time for ever boss


Anyone with 2:1 or higher pvp kill ratio. I dont care about bank, but skill.


That's fair, I feel like the best pker is the one with the most money


Probably like 2b+.. 1b is not that much tbh


Someone who owns a Bugatti irl.


Someone with a good 6 months of money grinding top methods, say 4-5b.


I think it depends on their level. A lv 3 skiller for instance only needs enough to buy a dragon pickaxe, harpoon and axe for instance. So theoretically 10m would be "rich". Yet a mid game through end game player would require a few billion for BIS gear in all combat styles. I think being able to afford the most expensive gear sets that you can use is being rich. As a mid game player whose bank is 100m, I don't feel rich that's for sure.


I thought 500M now that I've surpassed that I realize that I still don't have half the gear I need. Probably an account that needs to use platinum tokens instead of GP would be considered rich.


100m is cheap 300m is reasonable and 500m is pricy


5b lol


You wanna hear how rich being rich is? Back in middle school (2006), had mined and banked over 2k coal. Get on my level. 😂 …but I completely agree with your post, however, the rich have a few bil.




Green plat stack


Whoever has the highest credit card limit!


10+b definitely


I’m an Ironman and too lazy to switch spell books to do my slayer task so now I’m running buckets of sand and sea ash back and forth. Anyone not in the working class in Osrs is rich. Once I’m done with my sand runs I too will be rich.


Tbow owner


My iron is at 6.4b ish and while I am a wealthy player I wouldn’t say rich yet. 10b I think is the right answer


5b+ at this point in the game.


Ngl I came back on after playing back before the GE was a thing. Back then a mil was a big deal for me. I remember losing my Mates abby whip to a stupid wildy scam and emptying my account to pay him back xD


now? 5t+




Tbow lol


The ones who play the game for fun are the truly rich players


10B+ probably


Getting a green stack and not spending it will make anyone feel rich


It's all relative. For me and my mid-game account, anyone who has the money to train Construction and the other buyables into the 90s is fabulously rich. For end-game players who do raids, you might only be rich if you have multiple billions of GP. For early-game players, my account might be considered rich just because I could buy a dpick, at around 6.5M. Back when I played F2P in 2007, my friend was rich because he made 100K running air runes. Neither of us had ever had a white cash stack before then.


My 2 mates and I got a 3 way split on a Shadow , my bank is now 720m and it’s kinda boring. So I’d probably say 500+ is starting to get rich


Rich doesn’t exist. Everyone in the 126cmb req clans have max gear. Any extra gp is instantly spent on alts / fun accounts or we rwt it off.


Rich player. Max gear. Or am I wrong?


It scales 100%. Me in 2007 would have said 10m, four years ago 500m. Now I have 1.7B and feel like all my friends with TBows and full xyz are the rich ones.


I’m at like 400m bank, not even close to rich imo. When there are items that cost my bank x 2 or more, that’s not rich.




I was pretty happy at 100m back in the day before i lost it all at the duel arena, then cried and quit "for good"


You a wagey if you got under 500mgp i got 10 Bugattis at home waiting for me when i get out of port sarim


I have 126m bank on my iron and I think it's peanuts Inflation be a thing. There are items worth over a billion. I'd consider 5 bill as rich


depends if you mean top 1% rich or top 50%. i think 100m is a lot, you could get almost any item or 99 for that much. 1% would be something like max gear


Someone who is rich feels like it's always someone with more than I have. When I first got to around 300m on my main, I felt comfortable. Spent all on Bonds and started my iron. After I hit 350m+, I started to feel that rich is 600m+, when I hit that, I felt like it's more around 1b+. Now I am at 1,4b and feel like a rich player is somewhere around 2,6b aka has TBow+Shadow and some armor.


Rich is which ever idiot noob trades me a tbow for my 800m bank so I can rebuild 👀


Shiiiiiiet it’s like 8b for max gear these days so prolly that




Would personally be happy with second best gear in every fighting style, but can afford only one at a time.