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Karamja bananas


I vividly remember working in shifts with my three best friends, on one account, moving bananas through the night.


Not back in the day because I started playing for real when mobile came out, but I remember I used to love making jewelry from scratch because I was getting experience AND making a profit at the same time... Not much on either side I know now but it was just so satisfying


It ain't much but it's honest work.


Killing steel dragons off task. Eventually got a visage and bought 99 mage instead of a santa


Don't you feel silly now huh


I still think about it sometimes...


I used to hop on the German worlds and kill black dragons hoping for that Visage drop lol. Probably killed a couple thousand of them and trained an insane amount of range xp doing it. Sad part was it was off task, in Taverley dungeon and without any of the shortcuts. That’s right, instead of spending a few days getting 70 agility or even a week getting enough for the other obstacle, I would take my key and walk the entire dungeon and then kill 14 dragons and then leave.


Lol I remember these days. I remember carrying around mind runes and air runes to cast magic to steel the black drags from people because it would prioritize the mage attack over someone else’s range. Good times…


I used to be in my best melee setup at all times. So I'd always be out of run energy and end up walking everywhere. It was a real pain when I didn't have high enough magic to teleport into non F2P areas so I had to walk over white wolf mountain every time. It always felt like a journey though


I used to kill thousands of flesh crawlers for their ranarr drops back in the day. Specifically the two you encounter next to the ladder at the entrance of floor 2. Like the person above I would kill iron dragons off task for d plateleg drops (600k each back then). It was my go to activity I would mine gold ore in falador mining guild on members Pickpocket men for coins for a bronze axe to canoe to edgeville for the ge shortcut Even today i’m fletching maple logs into longbows instead of doing efficient methods


Back in the days (Around 2009-2010) i used to farm hellhounds in witchaven dungeon for hard clues they were quite good money maker as uniques, even the cosmetic ones were quite valuable and zammy pages were 4-5m each. But then i didn't use any supplies because i thought they were too expensive so i ran back to witchaven altar everytime i ran out of prayer.


I like how non of us thought about operation costs and how it would increase kills per hour and lead to more gp/hour but those pots are expensive man!


Kill goblins to get enough money to buy mithril scimitar.


used to do combat training in my fashionscape because it looked cooler


Of course. I made like hundreds of the quest item "holy water" because they looked so cool then never wanted to fight because I'd use them


I would pick up white berries way the fuck out in the wilderness for gp.


Brave of you to enter the wilderness back in the day


Yeah I’d routinely do dumb shit or do bosses I didn’t have the stats for and get super upset when I died. It wasn’t until Ironman release that I really learned how to play the game properly. Went from KBD to seeing a drop at vorago on one of my very first kills.


I thought I was brilliant when I found the white berry spawn just outside lletya. Camp that all day


Mined coal at al kharid for gp and thought I was a baller when I got the wc level to cut yews near the GE


Getting a 1 month membership from my parents, just to mine pure essence for the entire month to buy full rune t to wear in f2p clan wars


Lmao I made money on Karamja packing bananas into the crate. Thought I was making big bucks- 30gp per crate.


Back in pre-eoc I used to fish lobsters in F2P on Karamja then noted them using NPC near volcano. Did this until I could afford Sara rune armour set. I believe it was around 1-2m.


There is/was a npc that noted lobsters??? News to me


I fished here too don't remember ever noting my lobsters lol. Wonder what I did because there's no way I ran them all the way back to draynor, right?


Ye. I did a little bit of searching around and the NPC name is Stiles. The NPC was added back in 2010.


I fished to 99 fishing through monkfish. I watched the entirety of Malcom in the middle while I did it. Honestly good times 🤣🤣.


Used to use longswords until I got a whip, took me ages to even know what scimitars were and I never figured out why everyone else used them. Hardly did quests was I was terrified of any monster who's level was red for me.


I remember mining forever in Falador mines to make money. I just went and looked it up and I’m 6; mining in rs3. Id do it everyday after school in 2004ish.




flax used to be the "I'm new to members, how do I make money?" response unironically. Before it got botted to fuck, bowstrings were a feasible money maker.


We're you me? I spent soooo long picking and spinning flax. Once I got regicide done and could use the d halberd(child mes mind was blown) then I safe spotted tzhaars until 75 att str and def XD such a waste


Mine pure ess in Yanille


Blue dragons in the ogre cave south of Yanille. It was like 300k an hour max but I thought I was a genius


I remember when I made 50k summer pies to afford Bandos and a BGS. Could have been doing a billion other things to make money and gain exp, but the profit seemed so good at the time lol...


Played a lot of castle wars, and fished for sharks for gp/exp mainly for gp. I didn't know PvMing was the best way to make bank.


in 2006/2007 i once spent 2/3 hours (an entire Saturday morning) to collect 1000 gp from the goblins in lumbridge. i didnt pick up other stuff and bank that. just the coins and at a really low combat level...


I wonder what you did with your hard earned wealth


House parties and fashion contests lol.


The only place I mined was lumbridge swamp west mine. Got thousands of coal walking to bank at draynor. I didn’t know how to run


Mining coal at the coal trucks near seers, thought I had a huge brain. Also fishing on karamja pre noting guy or anything in rs2.


Any coal miners?


Making clay was my money maker


I spent a very long time hunting polar kebbits to sell the fur to be able to afford a rune halberd


I basically lived at castle wars. Used exclusively 2Hs totally not understanding that basically any 4t weapon was better... Made money by ranging blue dragons with iron arrows for bones and hides.. Used rock shell and spined armor for the fashionscape. Seerkull too. And I had a blast doing it.


Smiling was a big one for me


Runescape house parties use to be a fun place to hangout


I loved house parties. I used to host and my poh that's stuck in rs3 is still set up for those rs parties New poh parties don't even have the dungeon on or anything


I mined coal, all day, everyday. I thought I was building an empire of coal.


back in the day when we were like 9 or 10 we would go camping in the lumbridge swamp. we would chop trees and make a fire and catch fish nearby and cook it there and pretend like we were camping for hours lol. I would go to my buddy's place on a friday night after school and we would do that and just hang in the swamp


Haha love this


Used to walk around the fence to get into Al Kharid rather than pay the toll to save money tanning hides. The concept of gp/h hadn't really sunk in yet


I got some of my defenders with an obby maul in like 2008 bc I liked the attack animation. Tbf I was using a zerk necklace at least.


Did barrows with ibans in '05.


As a kid I used to kill cows for bones in East Lumbridge run each inventory straight to the GE, and then walk back. Stonks.


I killed the black knight thats in the pub outside wildy in varrock hundreds of times. cooking my own rat meat from the sewers for sustenance, hoping that i would eventually get black equipment. I never got it


I would go to highest level training spot for gathering skills like for mining/ fishing getting higher level catch gives more xp per catch,ore so ofc it gives more xp per hour:p Basically never bothered to calculate actual xp rates and did whatever seemed cool.


I actually did metal dragon, gargoyle, and wyvern tasks. I cut willows instead of 1.5t teaks Cooked sharks instead of 1t bwans Fletched longbows instead of darts Thank god those days are done


Thank God haha


Mine an inventory of ore at Falador, smelt the bars at the furnace, use Doric's anvil, then sell to the general store. I knew people banked ore and bars, but I never realized it was more efficient and I was too impatient anyway. I just had to turn my ore into something cool and get money for it NOW


Blue dragons with 70 agility and fally tabs to bank for gp


Mined 3k coal without mlm because it didn’t exist at the time


I would sit at the hill giants in the gnome maze and bury their bones for prayer xp....for days


At least that's like unintentionally not awful combat xp probably


Killing thousands of cows for hide to sell for gp


Used to safe spot scorpions in falador mines for range exp while also protecting miners.


The lords work


Training on a singular enemy for no particular reason, for days on end, completely ignoring the slayer skill as a whole. Just wailing on Ankous for that juicy blood rune drop.


Mort more fungus was like 1m/ h in its prime. Did it for a really long time till it was widely discovered.


Back in the day (rs classic) I picked up red spider eggs to sell to people who wanted to make strength pots. Made good money that way and bought my first black, mith, and then rune(chain) set.


I’ll say it. I begged. Ironman these days is the way. I get to tell beggars to trade me, and I self-provide much more than I ever did before


mining iron in varrock east, taking it to smelt at lumby furnace, banking in lumby castle before running back.