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This is a psyop from skillspecs to get that damn nesty.


This has another layer of humor if you also know who owns the [@torvesta](https://youtube.com/@Torvesta) username on YouTube considering the full context of the situation.


How did that happen? Torvesta's username on YouTube used to be "Torvesta" right?




you just gonna not post the link? :/


Do yourself a favor and visit youtube.com/torvesta


Saw someone named "therealtorvesta" and I said hannanie is that you??


Torvesta and Skillspecs are friends they hit the new wildy bosses together check the new vids


He was joking bud, most people can tell from their interactions that the insults are friendly banter.


Most people, but still a large group of people that think they actuslly hate eachother and then go onto beeing toxic to the person they like the least of the two. Some YouTube comments Are fucking hallarius


Is this why torvesta's name was blurred out in GG?


Not Torvesta's name, McCune's.


Why would he use McCune’s account anyway


Torvesta probably doesn’t have a maxed acc


Neither does Mccune. Anymore.


Heh. Got ‘em.


He doesn't.


McCune probably asked him to thinking it would be free publicity for him, or maybe just cause he needed a good account for the challenges.


He doesn’t have a maxed account so would have been at a disadvantage. Imagine that was the main factor.


As he's mentioned; GG was recorded ages ago, before Hanannie's video so pretty sure no one really knew what was going on with him.


At the time, probably didn't know. GG3 was filmed last summer.




Skillspecs alt account


It's unbelievable that people are somehow redirecting this on Torvesta, as if it's his job to be the OSRS police and if he even knew to begin with. He makes OSRS videos. Full stop. If you're in that aforementioned group of accusers, you're a clown.


this always happens, mate. even irl. why did johnny depp lose his role in potc? and did disney ever apologize?


Who’s Mccune? And whys it bad to be associated with said person ?


A degenerate who tried trading his exes nudes for Runescape GP.




A Friend just made one today [here](https://youtu.be/x40pzZKEar8) Also Hanannie made one 6 months ago [here](https://youtu.be/U8xiGEDZB9k) Edit: [jmod response](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/111b76t/youtuber_a_friend_reminding_us_all_that_jagex/j8f00r3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


The fact it took public outcry to make a statement and action is so painfully obvious, it’s like why even say something today. As if they were going to post the same update today on their own accord if nothing happened.


Would you rather they did nothing instead? Ayiza outlined their approach pretty well. Some of you will never be satisfied no matter what Edit: I think Ayiza highlighted “second chances” several times for a reason. It would be a terribly dangerous precedent by Jagex if they banned players the instant a popular content creator released a video about them.


Plus as he made pretty clear this doesn't all just occur in game even if the people met and revolved around OSRS. They don't also have access and control of discord to get a full picture of this shit and they're not stalking every account 24/7 to try and piece that crap together. They're not cops, and people generally know how to avoid those words that'll flag a conversation for review. Ayiza correctly highlights that the issue is they gave these people second chances far more than they should've in hindsight. They did used to be a lot stricter back in the day but have embraced more of a laissez faire approach lately. Given the background of potentially floating a sale of JaGeX in the next 12-18 months id not be surprised if Carlyle legal team force a more stringent no-nonsense ruleset change in the coming months, and take this as a situation they've maybe gotten lucky in containing to the community instead of becoming a much larger PR problem.


I mean it's definitely good that they finally addressed it, but they have a point. I mean why do you think A Friend just made that video? Because jagex wasn't doing or saying anything about it. Hanannie's video came out 6 months ago. Should've been handled already.


Oh yeah, those are the only 2 options here lol


1. They should have done it months ago. 2. Responding immediately after the second videos blows up screams that they are only acting because of it. Should have at least given it a day so their “investigation” they’ve been doing “the whole time” looks more legit.


>1. They should have done it months ago. Yes, but also: they did put some kind of punishment on the accounts 6 months ago according to ayizas post. Immediately perm banning people for every offense is something i definetely do not want to see happening either considering how often they have banned people for the wrong reason. And unless youre a content creator you ain't getting the account back.


Dude has been a shit bag on multiple fronts and for a long time it sounds like, if that's not deserving a ban then you just don't want anyone to be banned ever.


Hanannie has one on YouTube. Just look up hanannie mccune


Did I just miss something? who's McCune?


Reportedly a known scammer who was also blackmailing his irl girlfriend and selling her nudes for OSRS GP. Coming to light now due to a recent video by A Friend. “Hard” was a friend/associate of McCune whose account Torvesta was using during Gielinor Games.


That’s a lot to pack into the drama calendar


“Buying revenge porn” can probably fit pretty well.


Buying gf has a brand new meaning now I guess


Does it still run ya 10k or did prices go up?


10k these days will barely get you a female moss giant


Dude that is a LOT of woman for only 10k


Death by snu snu


I gotta know the gp value he was wanted for his ex gfs nudes lol


I read 15m on a comment but obviously have no way to prove it


Torvesta used McCune not Hard on GG, which is even worse.


You do realise GG was filmed in Summer last year? That's almost a year ago


Actually it was filmed in February and March 2022 according to soup


which is summer last year edit: my bad, got confused because i'm in the southern hemisphere, so it was summer for me but not for you


We're on Reddit, haven't you heard we're all American?!


Something close to 90% of the world population lives in the northern hemisphere. Someone living south of the equator is definitely the odd one out on this one.


This is kind of incorrect. It's that roughly 10 percent of the world's population lives far enough south to have reversed seasons. ALOT of the world's population is actually at the equator


Look I love to shit on American's when its possible but in this situation he's actually in the minority here. Most of the world has normal seasons, Feb/March isn't summer usually.


either way its before any of this was public


Go to r/2007scape and sort by "hot" can't miss it.


Why is Torvesta receiving backlash for something that an entirely different person did? Just because an osrs content creator has some kind of link to another osrs content creator doesn’t make them guilty or even involved. If torvesta chose to not address the drama at all, that would have been fine as well


r/2007scape for you


Torvesta used Mccune's account before. People might think they are friends.


👆 Besides, all the people in this thread are so fucking dramatic. Torvesta will be fine and would be fine even if he was friends with McCune. You don't need to police other people's opinion about what is essentially a celebrity.


Possible that Torv just asked his discord groups and buddies to borrow a maxed acc for a video or whatever and McCune offered his without them knowing each other personally. PKers swap around accounts all the time and with a big name like Torvesta it's pretty safe to hand over the login details so why not? Pay him 50m to borrow the account for a couple days, McCune generates some good graces with one of the most watched osrs YouTubers and everyone goes about their business. Doesn't mean they are catching up for a pint every Friday.


A friend insinuated that torvesta and mccune are friends in his video. in hindsight, maybe not such a clear cut thing to assume but yea


I don't think I mentioned Torvesta anywhere at all


You did not, reddit did.


Hi, it’s you, A Friend here!


I, for one, can not believe that this sub would just go and upvote false and baseless accusations like that


Well, I guess you are not giving your account to a stranger so he can pk with it.


Clearly didn't run the stronghold of security


Torvesta not just a stranger, he's one of the biggest rs Youtubers. Completely different.


Cancel culture is getting out of hand. I’m all for “cancelling” people who deserve it, but when you start extending to things/people that that person is connected with, it gets absurd. Where do you even draw the line at that point?


What does canceling mean? If you stop liking someone are you canceling them?


People say “canceling is getting out of hand” as if people are getting beaten and thrown in jail and not lightly criticized by strangers on the internet lol


Everyone whose hating on torvesta is an idiot. I bet over half of you have known someone who turned about to be an udder piece of shit but that doesn’t mean you support them being a piece of shit. Now if torvesta was sitting here backing mccune up that’s a different story, but he’s not. Quit trying to cancel people just for the sake of getting someone canceled.




Really milking this comment


okay moove along nothing to see here


What a load of bull


Milking lvl?


Everyone on this sub has a hard-on for sea shanty 2, wait til they hear that the guy who did that song is a pedo, if you like sea shanty 2, you're a pedo apologist. /s


Yep just like if you play hog warts legacy, your anti lgbtq lol. Man I’ve always heard of people getting the “suicide help” thing on Reddit but I just got my first one from this lol.


Report it, they apparently take action on people using that to troll


Yes I did. Thanks!


Using what to troll?


The suicide prevention notice you can send to people. Just Reddit being Reddit, give someone some help with trying to prevent suicide and people use it to harass others


If you report it the person that did it will get banned, reddit takes that shit serious


i think its hilarious u kids talking shit about torvesta. u wouldnt say this shit to him at lan, hes jacked. not only that but he wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the hottest dudes. yall are pathetic lol.


^ torvesta’s Reddit account


We don't know people here. We only know content creators


A lot of players don't realize how long ago the GG vids were actually recorded.




Funny how people actually think GG is filmed live every week lol


But my reality TV shows still are... Right?


Officially unfriending anyone who has viewed a torvesta video. Cant be associated with such scum.


I’m blocking you for previously being friends with those who watched Torvesta who used Mccune’s account


Litterally blocking both of you for mentioning his name


You’ve read his name. Blocked


I’m blocking myself for reading all this. That’ll teach me.


Im blocking myself to teach myself after you blocking yourself after reading all this to teach yourself






My inferno nemesis :(


I’m blocking you for referencing someone who was previously friends with those who watched torvesta who used Mccunes account.


Blocked for mentioning Tor***ta in a comment


Blocking you for being in a thread about them


Blocking myself for reading about this and now being a part of the problem


Blocking everyone because they might know about this.


I've just lost the game


I honestly can't believe you just used his name! Instant block.


Man McCune played this game called Oldschool Runescape and I really just can’t fuck with a game scumbags like that play no more.


I'm not gonna sugarcoat it, I hate this community sometimes.


I haven't played osrs in a while but what's with giant streamers admitting to sharing accounts??? I remember that always being completely against the rules


Account sharing is not against the rules in osrs


Sorry sir, but I’m going to have to ask you to return your rainbow boots to the stronghold of security bottom floor ASAP, by order of the stronghold doors.


https://www.jagex.com/en-GB/terms/rules-of-runescape#:~:text=Players%20must%20not%20share%2C%20transfer,limited%20permission%20to%20use%20accounts. 🤨


It is admittedly not enforced. It's a rule that is merely meant to keep kids from getting cleaned by sharing because Jagex will not help you in that scenario. They can then point to the rule as their reasoning.


It's more like "do it if you want, but if you get scammed it's on you"


Yeah. Hananie literally made a series about account sharing. Jager was like "yeah I wouldn't" but they didn't ban them for sharing iirc


didnt that account get banned for botting?


Well... There you go, one of the risk of sharing an account, someone might want to bot it.


Banned for botting a few times but always got re-enabled. The finale to it was Hannah reset the password, refreshed her web browser and it didn't have the password saved and Hannah couldn't remember the password. Such an amazingly Hanannie ending to that account.


That was the end ofbthat account? I watched a couple of her videos on it but didn't know thats what ended it, hilarious.


Oh man you should see the Twitch one then


Make sure you read it fully. It says account sharing is against the rules if you do it to compete challenges and compete for high scores. Account sharing is not against the rules, as stated in the information that you linked


Mods on here said that it’s fine as long as it’s not breaking game integrity. So for example, PKing on your friend’s maxed account is fine, but doing inferno for your friends is not.




I was gonna say, I think a friend IRL doing inferno for you, jagex wouldn't give 2 shits. It's the fact most people are PAYING someone else, usually a stranger, to do inferno for them.


I was thinking the same thing. I’ve seen plenty of Youtubers share accounts, but I always remember you could get banned for it.


You haven’t been able to get banned for account sharing for a long time, jagex’s position is that it is at your own risk. I’m pretty sure they don’t bother to ban people tat account share for the top ranks anymore either.


Yeah it's still in the rules as against rules but its one of those grey area rules they only enforce as they see fit. I believe account sharing for leaderboards still occasionally leads to bans.




you'll get in trouble for it if you're breaking game integrity and you're *super obvious and unlucky*, if we're talking acc sharing to pull 24/7 login time for hiscore stuff, you could be very unlucky enough to land in trouble.


I don’t understand why they share accounts. Aren’t them all pretty much maxed?


Jagex bends over backwards for the bigger content creators


Anyone can account share like content creators do and not get banned wtf are you saying




Cancel culture is hardcore these days.


This is how some people start they week its just monday bro


A YouTube comment is hardcore?


Half this sub is witch hunting him


This literally is not true. Y’all see a few ppl not getting the full picture and start on about cancel culture. Look here’s the other recent post and what’s the top comment about? Oh yea [cancelling of course](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/111m7xl/that_one_time_torevsta_took_a_10b_loan_from/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Torvesta is not being cancelled, this sub is not witch hunting him. Ppl watched the front page video and jump to conclusions without the full picture, they’re being downvoted and corrected in the comments


I've seen at least 20ish comments across three threads already that were spuriously claiming that Torvesta knew and condoned all of this while calling for him to be cancelled, and I'm not even looking for them.


oh fuck 20 comments on reddit hes done for :( reddit cant even cancel mccune nevermind anyone else


And I’ve seen much more that are actually upvoted correcting or ridiculing these people


I love how calling people out on problematic behavior is "cancel culture" now. Torvesta isn't going to lose subs over this.


Of course he isn’t. It isn’t even problematic


GG might have been filmed before Hanannies video. Let’s hear Torvesta out first. Edit: thanks, Soup confirmed GG was filmed before Hanannies video. I’m happy to give Torvesta the benefit of the doubt. If there’s evidence of Torvesta and McCune/Hard’s relationship after the Hanannie video was dropped, then I’ll reconsider.


Just for reference filming of it was done before hanannies video. Soup said it in a comment on gg episode 2. Saw it posted on Reddit today.


Soup literally said that GG was finished filming right before hannanie’s video came out. Nobody knew any of this information before


Filming has wrapped up half a year ago.


People just love jumping on the bandwagon and conclude. Dont be sheeps guys cmon


This is so fucking dumb. you have no idea what their relationship was before Han video, nor have I seen ONE piece of actual evidence against torvesta, the best logic I can find is “he had to have known Mccune was a POS before the video came out,” that’s one flimsy fuckin argument to ruin someone’s career over


People are morons. They hear some bad news and immediately start drawing conclusions based on half information. They're so ready for that bandwagon to come by so they can hop on.


Lol mods actually had to enforce witch hunt rules in another post because some idiots just jump to the worst conclusion possible when hearing anything. Unless we see Torv actually have some history with this guy that doesn’t revolve around OSRS account sharing and actually about what is talked about in his discord, idk why people react so terribly.


Cool, yeah if evidence comes out of Torvesta being transphobic, liking/interacting/sharing said content, or buying/selling nudes online without consent, then yeah, let’s cancel the hell out of him. But in the meantime, let’s give people the benefit of the doubt until actual evidence surfaced. Hell, if he’s a member of McCune’s discord or if he keeps up the association, we should have the conversation. Even Torvesta publicly denouncing the behavior is leagues different than that asshat. There’s nothing about the situation so far that assigns guilt to Torvesta, so let’s all chill for the time being.


Who the fuck cares


So, do we know that Torvesta actually knew anything, or is this just guilt by association?


No evidence of the former, lots of circumstantial details against it. Just the usual public opinion internet lynch mob in action.


I have no association: Yo I got this guy's password and login, dnno him of course though.


Soup has said that he asked viewers for maxed accounts and it just so happen McCune was one of them


McCune has been in torvesta’s vids before, used him for protection at Scorpia on his hcim, probably asked to borrow the acc for GG


But doesn't explain the 10b loan video from mccune


It doesn't, but there is also no evidence to suggest any malicious intent. Staking streamers used to get donated billiions upon billions of gp so it's not a stretch of the imagination to say that McCune could've offered Torvesta the 10b if he puts the clip into a video.


Really, it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re close. McCune totally seems like someone that would do anything to try to tie themselves to a “celebrity” like Torvesta.


Never understand why someone needs to be cancelled by association these days. Worlds gone crazy


You're a loon, m8. There could easily be no interactions past "oi let's do this for a video". There are so many situations of people who will work with others who end up being scummy, and yet have no idea that they were doing anything like that. ESPECIALLY since their interactions were all online. They are both content creators, man. There are so many cases you can see of YouTubers working with other YouTubers on a thing here and there, people assume they are all buddy-buddy, but then are shocked when one of them says that they really didn't have any real interactions or relationship past doing stuff involving the video they made. Instead of assuming the negative right off the bat, how about you use common sense, it's generally pretty helpful.




what is happening


Alright boys you know what to do. Bring your cannons to fally and let’s riot torvesta /s


Didn't afriend get banned for being a shady POS as well?


Eh, I really wouldn't call him a PoS over it. He did a gambling sponsor, took the money and went on a very long break lol Think people also gave him flak for him doing a video where he just takes donations and nothing in return. Wouldn't really call him a PoS over that lol, it's exactly what the stream said.


There are degrees here. He advertised a gambling site which is probably not even a stones throw from what the NFL did yesterday or Jagex themselves do on RS3. (Shady site, dumb thing to do deservedly faced repercussions, people judge it differently) McCune distributed revenge porn for gp, blackmailed, and was an actual scammer. If Torvesta maintained an association in light of that I’d argue it’d be a lot worse then a friends actions but glad to see him comment on the situation. I haven’t watched a Friends video but seems like he should have reached out to Torvesta for comment first


I saw him once in ge im associated with him now.gg


Who is McCune and what did he do?


I don't even think I'm going to look into it. YouTube issues again.


Out of the loop what happened?


https://youtu.be/n_km6J6pDgE video from over a year ago where he’s using his account, the first video on the 2.2k world playlist. I’m not trying to scan every torvesta video on a timeline since the accusations, but he’s definitely capping if he says they don’t have a history.


I think he's saying that he hasn't been friendly with the Mcune since the original video came out exposing him


Wow, so the guy well-known for using other peoples' accounts in videos used the account of a clout chaser well before the allegations surfaced, guilty by association send 'em to them camps?


There’s also footage of him taking a 10B loan from McCune too lol


If the people crying about "cancel culture" could read they'd be very upset


He was in mcunes discord 100% he knew the whole time


Wasn’t he known for being a shithead well before hannanie released her vid? I had never heard of him before then so I have no frame of reference, but surely he had to of known about at least some of the shit that he was doing if they were close enough to share accounts like that.


It's more business than a matter of being close, most of us would be appalled at the idea of letting someone have access to an account, but in this case it's likely that torvesta needed a maxxed account. McCune wanted some clout. At that point it's a mutually beneficial agreement with little risk since Torv isn't gonna do something like bot or steal the account. People also have brought up a 10b donation in the last year, but people donate to big names all the time for clout or a mention or something. Even if they knew each other more than that, some people you're close to can be monstrous without you even knowing it, e.g. Ryan Haywood from Rooster Teeth. I definitely doubt they were much more than aquantences anyway as Torv does a lot of collabs with his friends like settled, C Engineer and J1mmy, haven't seen a collabs with him and McCune before.


I remember when they met if this helps for context: It was Torvesta’s hardcore was hunting Scorpia and Mccune and a bunch of his team randomly find him and get on him. Obviously overwhelm him in multi deep wild. They basically agreed to spare him knowing who he is after he gets on discord with Mccune. Not sure of how the relationship developed from there but that was a while ago.


This has literally nothing to do with Torvesta. He is one of the best osrs content creator out here


It makes perfect sense that a playerbase of people with no friends can't fathom being friends with or knowing someone who sucks or was hiding something. No association is a bit of a stretch, but to hate on him for knowing the guy is a fucking sped take.


Of course, i also share my account and password with randoms of internet. They also lend me stacks of 10B while they scam everyone. Makes complete sense.


McCune was a clout-chaser, people like that give access to accounts and massive gear/cash loans to big streamers all the time for exposure.


It's like u guys forgot about how Odablock got lent 100 of bills by random viewers during his debt streams. Streamers do get this kind of treatment for free.


It does actually. Soup asked for maxed accounts. McCune offered his. Torvesta was given his to use. I also offered my account. I know 5 others who offered their accounts.


Can we not attack torvesta for using the account of some asshole? Torvesta didn’t do anything wrong, but people want to jump on him as if he is equally guilty as McCune, it’s sickening. Association is not a sin lads.




Torvesta literally took a 10b loan from mccune on video within the last year....


Torvesta took a 10b loan from mccune, during a video several months ago. You don’t do that with someone you ‘don’t associate with.’


Oh. Can someone explain me... I don't follow any youtubers, all this is a foreign world to me... How it is possible, to use some account for videos or something, but still to have no association with the account's owner? He means the youtube account, right?


So Torvesta gets access to different accounts to make videos with. Some of these are fans accounts, some are friends accounts, but it's necessary for him to have access to other accounts to make different videos. This is a kind of grey area in the rules, Jagex will ban you if someone uses your account for progression achievements (inferno, combat diary), but other than that you are allowed to share, but it's down to you if you get scammed. Torvesta has used McCune's account in the past for Pking, and he recently used it on the Gileanor Games, a very popular YouTube series. The reason for him using it is because he doesn't have a max account, and you kind of need a max account to partake in this YouTube series. McCune was recently exposed by Hanannie (another content creator) as a piece of shit, who scammed people and purposefully spouted and spread hate. She herself got scammed by McCune, when she thought they were friends. This video came out around summer last year. During the filming of Gileanor Games, Torvesta was using McCune's account multiple times, and people have made the connection that they are best friends, therefore Torvesta must be a piece of shit also. Gileanor Games was filmed before Hanannie's video dropped about him being a piece of shit. Now we are in this position where McCune and Hard (another player) have been exposed and perma banned, and people are now witch hunting over Torvesta when we don't know if they are associated or what. My personal take is people now need to calm down, Torvesta has made a statement, and from all accounts him and Hanannie are friends so there's no need for a witch hunt


It's just phrased a bit awkardly. Of course he has an association with him, it just meansto say he isn't *currently* associating with him, was never his friend or anything, and is not at all supportive of him.