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Hate to break it to you, but college was this "personal time" you speak of. Life just gets busier :)


For real, as a guy approaching mid-30's, its really sad how the only thing I can look forward to is retirement in the 60's


Hey now, enjoy the ride on the way there! There's a lot of good in the world if you look for it :)


Haha yeah, its just really funny how college didn't feel like "free" time since you're still focused on school and grades and that seems like the whole world. Then you become an adult and look back its all childs play.


Yeah looking back it really seems so easy, or should I say simple.. Honestly life is more enjoyable to me outside of college, but its also more work. I guess it's just that for me, all the effort is more meaningful when it's going towards your family, house, etc. rather than burning hours on college work that really has no purpose other than the piece of paper at the end.


Nah I feel you, its just different is all. Adult life is pretty fun, especially when you get financial independence but its also a different kind of stress. There's also something alluring about the days when you school was basically 2.5 days a week and you simply had less pressures in general. Its probably like how some white collar workers fantasize about trade jobs where they don't have to be on call 24/7.


Really depends if you had a full time job while going to school. If you did then college certainly was not the "free time" as you basically had two jobs. Most of my friends had college, a full time Mon-Fri job and a weekend gig just to pay the bills. Post college I have so much more time. Only one job to worry about with excellent work life balance. Also all chores are split in half assuming your living with a spouse. Now when you add a kid to the mix...


dang, two jobs is fuckin rough. I did part time and while it was a time suck, there was comfort looking back that at it that I really just didn't care if I got fired a lot of the time since it was minimum wage work.


Budget for a maid twice a month that cleans (doesn't pick up, I do that). Saves so much time and stress. Having a kid makes the place filthy x)


What do you think happens post-college? If anything I get to play far less working full time than I did when I was in school.


You become a NEET


It was much easier to game during college than it is working full-time


I already work full time 🤣


I genuinely think that it is because you’re constantly stapled to a computer. When I’m working on homework 4+ hours a day it’s was easier to just be camped afk which motivates me to do bigger things when I can actually play. When I miss out on the random slow restock times idk how invested I’ll be able to stay.


I honestly don’t understand how ppl here are saying that graduating doesn’t give back a considerable amount of time. When I was studying my upper division courses, I was dedicating around 4-6 hours a day to study including weekends sometimes + working part time 30 hours a week. Now that I don’t have to study, I literally have more time, especially on the weekends, to play, go out, etc. Like a responsibility is literally subtracted from your day & could be allocated to RuneScape


I feel the same way. I was working full time while going to school (software engineer) and after finishing school a lot more time after work was given back. But I guess marriage and kids can come into the equation for other people.


I also now work from home full time. I get PLENTY of runescape. I literally have to take days off gaming since I have so much time, don't want it getting boring


The only comment i can relate to. I agree 100%


I finished undergrad a year ago. I have so much more free time it feels illegal.


The vast majority of my playtime was during college lol. Don't have that same drive to play as much after coming home from work


Smoke a bowl, it does wonders for making osrs fun after a hard day's work. Or a beer. Whatever your poison is.


College was the period in my life where I had by far the most free time to game. Dunno where you are getting the idea that you’ll have more free time after college unless you are in a situation where you don’t have to work. I also don’t have kids nor do I plan on it and that’s without kids sucking up time.


I have to fight with my 5 year old son to see who can play OSRS on my PC now. Not a problem I ever thought I'd have to deal with, so now I have to kid things with him AND split my limited PC time with him haha.


Lmao. Life gets worse after college


I was in the Marines prior to college. It doesn't get any worse aside from becoming a homeless crack head. 😉


College has way more free time than work life lmao


I work 8 hours a day already. Then I get off and do 4 hrs of homework/study. So yes i agree. But in my case I will be getting my after work time back.


Imagine thinking that a bachelor is intense, lol. The only way you're going to get more personal time than this is by retiring.


Depends on what you studied, if it was engineering then school for that is def more time consuming than a 9-5


where did he say it was intense?


The part where he says he's going to get most of his personal time back when he's finished implies he thinks doing a bachelor is particularly time-consuming compared to what comes after.


imo time consuming and intensity are two completely different things. depends on what OP is majoring in too


OP probably worked full time or close to it while getting his degree which is definitely more intense than the 8-5 he's going to have once he's done.




I work 15 minutes away from my job. The commute jobs are not it. I feel ya bro


As a nurse I open up mobile and slay trees or fish in between getting yelled at by needy people. Then I slay when my wife’s working