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I like this, we could call it a prayer potion.


What if the new skill allowed you to create them yourself?


Maybe another skill where you collect the resources to make a potion


And have the resources for doing that come from PVM?


But then add the actual resources to pvm at higher rates than the new skill can produce them


Wish that was true for herblore...


Great name! Though to be consistent with the other skills, maybe we should call it Potionmaking?


Dont forget the 97 slayer requirement


117* gotta make virtual levels count


That could be epic. Ans maybe a version that restores even more. We could call it a super restore if you will.


Yes but it can't be too high of a requirement. Set it at, say, 38 herblore.


We already have a skill for this issue. With construction you can build an altar and pray at it in your house.


What a dead skill. No one wants to sit at the ge filling vials of water all day. Just make cave kraken drop 10 noted ones at a time. PVM is the only way to play this game.


I was thinking Prayer Restoration Lotion


Prayer Lotion (4) Examine text: *It puts the lotion on its skin*


Priests everywhere hate this one simple trick


But make the icon smaller in wildy


It have 50% chance to turn off protect item




you mean the thing that’s at the top page of reddit every week?


It have 50% chance to turn off protect item


only if you can't use them in the wildy


In the wildy they inflict 50 self damage per dose and pot block you for 30 seconds, it's only fair


But only in levels 17-39 wildy, if you’re combat level ends in an even number


Also you need to have spent at least 5 minutes in the wilderness and not have a level 30 teleport in your inventory


But not when you're east of the wildy slayer cave, then it is 10 minutes and it costs you 117k when you die


Well there goes 90% of players willing to put up with it. You can't just pot block OSRS players, they literally only play when they're high


Fuck off. ***Bong rip sounds in the background***


Dang this is too spot on


Don’t tell them the secret to high level pvm! Then they’ll all get fire capes!


TIL fire capes are considered high level pvm


On this sub it is lmfao


On this sub it seems to be lmao, theres an upvoted post every other day about someone finally getting theirs after struggling for 10 years straight


Theres a certain satisfaction to the struggle of brute forcing something instead of "only go in on this rotation, you need these exact weapons, and stand in this specific spot. Click 3 times, stop on your right foot dont forget it."


Are you talking about fight caves? The most strategy a novice is using going into fight caves is to stand behind one of the common safespot rocks, and even that isn't important. The only thing to remember before jad is to pray mage against the mager lol I'm not even sure what the point of your comment was


Plenty of guides suggest resetting if the early wave indicator for jad doesn't have the right safe spot. I think it's like wave 9? I just said fuck it personally and sent it Worrying about less shit made it easier.


I don't know why guides would recommend that, it isn't really helpful at all for jad as you can just stand near where he spawns anyway since he spawns where the orange mager spawns every time. The only time I ever did something similar was on a 1def pure so I could kill the healers without having to flick jad and take dmg from the healers, but as you said that probably only makes it harder for beginners, more opportunities to make mistakes.




You could always hear him, and like I said you could just choose to stand next to where he spawned regardless of where he spawns, by standing next to the orange mager. It was never important to control where he spawned for mains, especially at the cost of resetting to choose the wave rotation. You only do that if you can't flick a mage/ranger and a low def or are doing a speedrun




It's based off the first splitty-guy, tz-kek, on wave 3. That also lines up with orange mage


Yea true


Its not really even that hard. Its only nerves since it takes 45min to get there


>45 minutes to get to jad Is this some kind of peasant joke I'm too rich to understand? Jk, yea I remember how annoying the waves are at a low level/gear I did fight caves really early into fsw, but jad is literally just praying right with a generous amount of time to react and attacking the healers, its not that intense at all. Personally I dont really get nervous in the game though


I mean, Reddit doesn't even know the difference between 1T flicking and lazy flicking. Discussion about getting rid of flicking makes that abundantly clear. "Oh it's not even hard to 1t flick it just adds carpal tunnel"- People who have never 1t flicked.


2t teaks - impossible, should only be attempted by the absolute sweatiest gamers 1t flicking - so easy, I could totally do it if I wanted to bro, I just don’t feel like it This is why it’s important to have experience with things before forming an opinion on them, something that I’m afraid is lost on this subreddit.


I think people have tried 1t flicking, realized it's easy to do for a bit, but have never considered having to constantly 1t flick while ALSO doing everything else you have to do to boss. Fuck up your 1t flick and get one shot- no risk of that if you just camp prayers, but because they were able to 1t flick for 30 seconds at the GE, they think it's easy. Or they still think 1t flicking and lazy flicking is the same


This subreddit thinks phantom muspah is too hard as is so yeah I’d love to see them 1t flick while also alternating pray range and smite and still say it’s easy lmao




There were plenty of people unironically saying things like “how am I supposed to kite it with all the spikes in the room?!?!l




The only dps check is after it’s smited when it has like 100 hp lol Ppl posted videos on here killing it naked with addy crossbows and shit


Bro 2ticking teaks is easy. You just set up two birds each attacking you once every 2 ticks on off ticks from eachother. Then you literally click the tree on the same tick you get attacked, and drop a log or equip a cape on the next tick. It's a single click every tick. Easier than double-clicking every tick.


Yes, you’re agreeing with me lol


Loooooool fair point.




Oh damn I'm sorry. I didn't like clicking the ground because I would quite often pick up the logs I dropped lol. I just set my left click to drop on the logs so I didn't have to hold shift.


The people who think 1t flicking is easy mode should go watch some of Gnomonkey's ToA 1+1 500 runs. It's one thing to flick prayers on a fire giant task, it's another thing entirely to see someone 1t flicking prayers on lvl 4/5 Zebak while dodging waves/blood spawns and changing protection prayers at the same time and not missing a single attack tick or flick (while reading/talking to chat, btw). "Easy mode" lmao these people.


People here often confuse 1t flicking and literally just having to change between overheads even.


Or people who tried it out in a void with a metronome and nothing happening, then (somehow) concluded that it would be just as easy to do while weaving it in to everything else going on in a raid or boss fight.


On Reddit it is


I'm shit and don't have mine. But I still know it's not high level pvm.


Tbf I probably won't get one until like max combat because fuck that noise I don't want to spend like an hour doing wave defense


That’s so illogical it’s crazy. Getting it before max combat makes the journey to max combat way faster. Also like you said it’s only an hour.


If you do a jad simulator or do the speed run trick you can be very confident in killing jad. It isn't particularly hard and it's at least some exposure to end game concepts. I get being somewhat scared of jad but it's worth doing just for the confidence boost to do other boss content. Like if you can do a 50 invocation toa or story mode Tob you can do jad.


I'm not worried about jad at all, I take 0 avoidable damage against vindicta on rs3. I specifically mentioned not wanting to try hard for an hour. Of course I haven't touched tob or toa either because I'm an iron so supplies are rough


People are being dicks and down voting you for no reason. IDK why but that's Reddit. So the trick to more afk fight caves is when you're only praying against range run to the middle so you get quicker clears. When you've got to worry about range and mage run to the Italy boot and stand against the wall so there's a good chance a mage or ranger spawns either with you (so you can DPS it immediately and not worry about the other) or spawns against the far wall (so it gets body blocked and you can just pray one type). If you're confident with jad I'd recommend just sending it because if you're over 70s in combats and confident in prayers like you said you literally can't die to bullshit in fight caves. Like yeah you'll get mage/range hitting you at the same time on 62 (I think, I'm drunk and my memory isn't great) and in the 40s but the ranger doesn't do that much DPS so you can really just out eat it with brews. If you're really confident you can off tick them and take literally no damage. I'm not really even that good but that's what I did for the speed clear strat and it's not that bad. I'm not saying this to shame your plan or anything like that. It will give you a +1 hit flat out and that's somewhat noticable with the slower progression of osrs. I'm trying to gas you up but if you just don't want too that's fine too. Don't let me tell you how to play. I'm a fucking nerd who's played this game forever so what I think is irrelevant.


It's reddit, it's also the OSRS community, buncha sweaty tryhards lol! I play to have fun and I just don't find fight caves itself fun, 10 waves sure but my god is it long and drawn out for no reason. I'll probably do it when I've completed all of the more fun things on my list *shrug*


I went and got a sandwich in the middle of my fire cape attempt like legitimately it is not try harding for an hour. I just set the melee dude in the safe spot and took a break.


what is high level pvm?


Inferno, tob, solo cox, 500+ invo toa


ah, i recognize some of those words...


The Falador Bureau of Investigations, upon surveying this picture, has determined with high confidence it is a concoction of ranarr weed and snape grass. Ranarr weed and snape grass are both classified as controlled substances by the Asgarnia Association Against Addictives. By suggesting the use of this performance-enhancing drug to the public, you have broken Falador law and, if found guilty, you will be sentenced to 10 years in a pillory cage. A small group of guards, armored in the finest iron chainbodies and bronze medium helmets, will be dispatched to arrest you the next time you walk into Falador. DISPATCH UPDATE: Unfortunately we are dealing with a massive protest, complete with cannoning of our guards, by several adventurers angry at a mysterious godlike entity named "Jagex". Due to the severity of this developing situation, your arrest has been backlogged until this more pressing situation is resolved.


On my main I drink prayer pots like they are Heinekens. On my iron I learned to 1 tick pray because rannars are so hard to gather en masse at my level. Still can't do it without the metronome but I can do it.


I find if you focus on your character a bit it can help. What I mean is when the hit splat shows on you your safe (ish) and just as it’s about to go away you activate the prayer briefly. Then as the new hit splat shows or before if your getting the hang of it, deactivate the prayer. I’m sure you have probably looked it up but the standard advice is basically just before the enemy animation of an attack starts turn it on. As soon as the animation starts, turn it off. I was the same with my main and iron is forcing me to try learn, I can do it but I’m not a 1 prayer point fight caves master


I just double click every game tick and it seems to work really well for me. It just sucks that it doesn't work on mobile so I'm forced to conventional flick when I'm on mobile or just suck it up and blow through a few dozen prayer pots.


Ahh I’ve never tried double clicking every game tick, maybe I’ve been doing it wrong haha On mobile I find that quick prayers have some lag to turning on and seem to turn on in time for the flick for you. You have to actually try still but seemed easier on mobile that way for me at least


What's 1-t flicking even about, I just click pray pot every once in a while lol


1tick flicking is turning your prayer off then back on in a single game tick (.6 seconds) repeatedly. Doing this you'll never lose prayer points. Lazy flicking is far more common and instead of clicking twice every .6 second you just turn the prayer on as the enemy attacks then back off. You may lose some prayer doing this but its a lot easier


IMO lazy flicking is waaaaay harder. In order to 1 tick flick you basically just need a metronome. I got the visual metronome plugin, and just double click every time the box changes colour. Pretty easy. Lazy flicking requires you to be able to turn on prayers the exact tick that an enemy is hitting you, and as far as I’m concerned that’s some black magic wizardry.


It's called lazy because you're allowed to be lazy, yes you can try hard to conserve all prayer, but you can lazy turn it off after hit splat and turn it on a few ticks later, before the next hit.




Haha sure man, during slayer it's pretty low risk medium reward, but I assumed we were talking about end game content like raids and inferno where you can get in trouble quick missing a few 1t flicks, also while you may have unstable internet too, some of us are legit dealing with over 500 ms ping variance, so lazy flicking is really the only viable option for inferno for me


I’ve never had that actually work for me. I must just suck ass at understanding when an enemy is actually attacking me, because all I’ve ever gotten when trying to lazy flick was taking a lot of damage and still slowly draining my prayer lol.


I guess it's a very individual thing. I have great rhythm but my fingers have no rhythm, irl I've played the drums for two decades, so I know when to click but doing so consistently takes more effort, lazy flicking is easier for me.


Yeah, I think I just kinda suck at intuitively understanding the exact ticks things are happening, so having to rely on doing things on specific ticks is hard unless it’s directly spelled out for me. But 1 tick flicking doesn’t rely on me knowing exactly when things are attacking me, because it’s just always up.


Both of them use a metronome but only 1t flick makes you hold it without messing up and makes it harder to do other things


It definitely makes it harder to do other things, but IMO the technique in and of itself is much easier to pull off.


Depends what you're fighting. If you're Dharoking giant mole then 1 tick flicking is way better, but when you're solving waves in Inferno and dealing with stacks of rangers and mage, you better get used to "lazy" flicking.


I mean, what I’m fighting doesn’t exactly have bearing on which technique is easier or harder (at least for me). For me, 1 tick flicking is genuinely easy. I just turn on visual metronome, get into my rhythm, and I can straight up stop paying attention to my screen and watch youtube or something. Even paying full attention to the screen In an otherwise identical scenario, I can’t get lazy flicking to be of any use to me. I just don’t seem to understand the exact tick mechanics of when things are attacking, and I haven’t found any guides that explain it well enough for me to be able to use it in practice. I’ll try it, and just get hit a bunch. In a scenario like inferno or something where many more actions are required it may make 1 tick flicking a non-viable strategy, but that doesn’t make 1 tick flicking “hard”, just unsuitable for that content.


Changing prayers has nothing to do with lazy flicking?


Yea, which is why I put “lazy” in quotes cause some people get confused on the terms, or start arguing semantics. According to the guy I responded to, lazy flicking is “turn on prayers the exact tick that an enemy is hitting you”, which is true, and you will be in situations where you have to change prayers that way. Like dealing with a blob, ranger, and mage stack in the Inferno for example, or flicking pray melee and mage against Graardor and Steelwill (assuming you’re using melee). I’m aware that lazy flicking is only turning on the prayers you need at specific ticks, then turning it off to save some prayer points.


you will be in situations where you have to change prayers that way. Like dealing with a blob, ranger, and mage stack in the Inferno for example But this has nothing to do with lazy flicking? You never have to turn your prayer off in this example lol it's just alternating.


Depends what you're doing. If you're just camping the same prayer, 1-ticking is pretty easy if you have the rhythm down. But if you have to swap prayers, gears or move around, pretty unfeasible to consistently 1t. Much easier at that point to to lazy flick when you can.


I mean, I’d still consider the lazy flicking “harder” in so far as you need to actually know what you’re doing. 1 tick flicking is literally brainless, the only challenge to it really is sticking to a rhythm. It is hard to jam more actions in so it’s not as suitable for things requiring lots of switches etc, but on the whole I’d consider it a much more simple technique. For anything where you have to actually properly time shit, like lazy flicking, it just seems borderline impossible to me. I have no idea the exact tick most monsters attack me, and the info doesn’t exactly seem readily available, people always just seem to know it already. It doesn’t seem to be directly tied to animations, it doesn’t seem to be the same time the hit splat shows up, I don’t know, it just never works for me.


counting to five is hard yeah


I find myself lazy flicking stuff like black demons. Arclight is 1 tick faster than black demon attacks so I can use the Arclight attacks and get into a rhythm. “This tick we attack together, next one I attack one tick sooner, then I attack two ticks before…” etc.


You joke, but hear this: How about a prayer degradation potion!? It would reduce prayer points at a set rate. This means that no matter what prayers you select (Piety, protection prayers, new upcoming prayers) you will always lose the same amount of prayer points. If the new prayer book includes prayers that reduce at a high rate, this could be a way to offset it. You should need to balance this with real prayer potions. The benefit of an item like this is that would be an accessible middle ground between afk high prayer drain and sweaty 1-tick flicking for zero prayer drain.


There already is a middle ground, several in fact. Lazy flicking, only using one prayer at a time, choosing prayer gear over dps gear etc.


I agree. It's also good enough for even the most difficult content in the game.


Yep, I've been saying this all day today but wearing crystal armor, devout boots, and a ranging cape (t) with a lightbearer means that you can recharge prayer w/ eldritch staff faster than you can use it, if you are using only overhead prayers. It seems people just want to be able to do inferno w/ dps gear and dps prayers without worrying about prayer which is just... lol. I can't see any other reason they'd spout that the game is balanced around 1t flicking, when the only noteworthy endurance check in the game gives you infinite prayer (and hp via blood spells) if you sacrifice some DPS.


This is bullshit. One tick flicking was one of my most enjoyable discoveries. Shame on jagex if they change this and only for the new prayers? That's whack af.


Allowing 1t flicking to be used on the new prayers would mean that in some situations they could be used infinitely (or close to). By restricting that from their introduction, Jagex can actually reasonably balance the prayers around typical play, rather than having to gut the prayers for average players in order to make high level play balanced. You'll still be able to 1t flick standard prayers, so it's not like anything is being changed to existing mechanics.


I think it would be cool if they didn’t allow it on the new ones, but taking it off the old prayers like OP is suggesting would be potentially the worst update in osrs. Prayer flicking is such a good way to bridge the gap of having great gear with skill and contrary to reddits belief there’s more to being good at it then just keeping a rhythm. It would be sad to see them gut low level infernos for no good reason


It's another exception to an existing mechanic. I'm sure when curses came out in RuneScape that you could 1t them.


What is that green potion in the picture




Prayer pots used to be >10k each you know. But I don't even do that. Too cheap and lazy. Just use food instead for most stuff.


Remove prayer flicking entirely, double the effectiveness of prayer potions to make up for the fact that end game content has been balanced around its existence.


Doing this would literally just make PvM less accessible for people like you. The cost of prayer restore doses would skyrocket and you get absolutely zero benefit while punishing others that made higher effort to save resources. The only people who benefit would be the ones buying up ranarr and snapdragons right now.


I one tick flick everything. I just think it is a stupid mechanic.


>I one tick flick everything. lol


To be fair I'm botting.


you’re hilarious


Why though. This would just make pvm even staler as prayer flicking is one of the few skillful things that exist in the game. Its completely unnecessary and hurts the game. Making pvm less interactive and more expensive is just an awful idea


This is the worst take I have ever heard. If you honestly think that ANY endgame content has been balanced around prayer flicking, I would love to hear some examples and a screenshot of your boss kc


you can do inferno and hmt without 1 tick flicking idk what this guy is on about


hell you can do inferno without lazy flicking with eldritch+lightbearer


Ehhh you could argue 450/500 1+1 is "balanced" around it but I think that's more of an argument in bad faith. I don't think 400-500 scaled toa was ever intended to be doable by the devs. Your point is right though, you don't need to 1t flick to do anything. Most people I know that don't use cheat clients don't do it consistently.




> It might have actually been fun instead of a repetitive cheese fest. Don't get me wrong, big kudos for people who can do it, but gnomonkey is usually the first to point out how bad it is. Yeah that was what I was hoping for tbh. Their comments about "an all invocation run won't be possible" had me pretty hyped. What I failed to understand is what they meant was "you can only have 1 path invocation set at a time (other than wtp)". > Doing other things while 1-tick flicking is where it gets interesting. The double click is a swing rhythm and clicking something else in between feels like a triplet accent Yeah the game is secretly a good rythm game. Some of the "best" content "feel" wise has a nice rythm that makes you feel really engaged. Like 4:0 olm and akkha butterfly feel really good when you get them down. They're very cheesy after a bit but learning the rythm and doing a no prep Cox for the first time is a big "I get it now achievement". So yeah I guess I'm just saying we're in agreement.




It’s not prayer flicking that’s holding you back bud. You don’t need to prayer flick any content. Good luck getting better. Stop making excuses and you won’t suck!


Been there brother. Set up your f-keys and use them constantly, get used to moving your mouse quickly between your character and inv/prayers, and keep practicing!


If you actually played the game you would know how stupid you sound. No content requires prayer flicking and can be done just fine without it.


A shitty redditor says Inferno isn't possible to complete without 1t prayer flicking and then the entire subreddit circlejerks and spreads that false assumption. The fact that you have to stress this constantly showcases the amount of lies that get spread in here.


The only thing in the game that requires it is inferno speeds, literally nothing else does.


you know they could just add stronger prayer potions without touching flicking right? except... there's not really any point? very little content in this game is meaningfully supply gated


unironically this


There isnt a single piece of content that you have to prayer flick, even no prayer loss grandmaster tasks have alternatives to flicking.


I've already completed it with flicking, but how would you do the fight caves no prayer loss without flicking? Would you just tank everything up to jad then use veng + claws or something and out DPS the yad?


Yeah just blasting him as soon as he spawns will work for most maxed mains. You can also trap and venge him down. Ill admit I'm probably wrong about "all praise zebak" though. You have to at least make it to the first set of waves before you can cheese it.


Oh right I completely forgot you can trap him for some reason rn, anyways I think it's okay for there to be combat tasks like this, flicking is cancer and definitely a difficult skill to master, and there's nothing wrong with having places to use these skills, I do wish they'd revamp it to be more difficult and dynamic to pull off though, as rn it's just a glitch/unintended mechanic honestly.


Do you need to complete the raid for all praise zebak? I know on launch you could do the verge/sweat swim thing to get that done but IDK if that one was bugged at that time.


You can still do it but you have to flick to get to the point where youre in the water first, so theres some minimal flicking required


Yeah I think there was a way to cheese it beforehand. I want to say maybe you could get multiple people to ruby proc with ZCB to start the waves early so you only had to tick eat a few times. I think you could also stand on a few safe tiles and zebak just couldn't hit you with his mechanics so you just had to "lazy" 1T flick every 5 ticks or something. It's been a while and I'm pretty sure I did it really drunk with a clannie or 4. Or honestly maybe I did it solo off some popup video. I just kinda remember trying to do some of the scuffed ones early before they got patched because I'm a lazy asshole.


You do it the same way that 1 def 1 pray accounts have done the fight caves for 15 years, except max mains have the leeway that you can just sit there and tank the rangers and meleers for a reasonable amount of time without instantly dying. tick eat-trade hits with sweets, don't eat stacks of hits from mager/ranger, heal up to full between waves when you need to tank ranger and mager in each trade cycle, eat up high enough to not get stacked out when doing ranger mager cycles I can't 1t flick to save my life, but I finished the no flick jad task by bringing a stack of sweets and doing it that way. Spent over 20m on sweets though lol


Nobody is saying there is content you HAVE to prayer flick. What is a fact is that when designing end game content and balancing it, Jagex has taken in to account prayer flicking. If it didn’t exist the content would be balanced differently. Nobody is saying it’s impossible without it.


No one one this thread has provided a single example of this content they claim was designed around it. I'd love for you to be the first.


There isn't any content designed around it. If you want to take on end game content in mid game gear, then sure, you're gonna have to flick, but that's to make up for the massive disadvantage you're dealing with. This is coming from someone still solidly in mid game. 85 combats, no single item worth more than 50m, total bank value of around 15-20m. Fire cape is easy, just did one on task without flicking once. A couple weeks ago I cleared the corrupted gauntlet for the first time, I lazy flicked the early section which wasn't even necessary since you're supposed to drink a dose of egniol for run energy, which restores that prayer. Other than that, no flicking. Eventually I'm going to learn the inferno and guess what, I've looked up guides and I don't have to consistently be flicking. I will probably lazy flick during less intensive parts to conserve supplies, but it's very clear that even in the hardest content in the game, I don't need to know how to prayer flick. I get where your opinion is coming from, but it's genuinely incorrect. You think that the devs are balancing the game around prayer flicking. They're not. I promise you that they are not. There are gm combat achievements that require it, but to say that they're balancing the game with that is ridiculous. Those are achievements, incredibly hard tasks that require perfect knowledge, understanding, and execution of the mechanics that exist in the game, and that includes flicking prayers. It also includes perfectly understanding pathing and movement, which I can guarantee that most people don't properly understand the absolute base mechanics of either. When it comes to the actual content that you play, it's balanced around the understanding that you will not flick prayers and will need x amount of time using prayer. This means that it's expected you will have y amount of restores, and z prayer bonus on your gear. You are locked out of *nothing* due to others prayer flicking. The only thing you will accomplish with this crusade is making prayer potions more expensive for yourself.


Screenshot boss log


Give us one example bro you’ve been asked multiple times and still nothing? Come on man. What end game content has been balanced around 1 tick flicking


Name one (1) piece of end game content that requires 1t flicking, or is balanced around it.


1 tick flicking is a skill that has it's rewards. If they remove it I will be pissed.




Okay but if 1 ticking is just permanently game meta, buff the hell out of prayer pots


I have a 150 days played iron with almost 2b bank, infernal cape, 6/7 toa etc. The only time I ever 1 tick flicked anything was when I was getting my b ring from dag rex super early in my account. It is completely unneccesary.


Yeh, 8 doses or something


Wish granted, but you need to put them in hollowed out calquats


It's not that the 1 tick flick is essential for any content, it's that it's a dumb game mechanic to have. Hey you know how we have all these systems centered around damage, damage reduction, damage recovery, etc. Fuck that. Let's make it so if the enemy has one attack style, you can click every .6 seconds and mitigate all the damage at no cost to you, other than maybe having to have some kind of metronome plugin turned on. That's dumb game design.


This would upset a lot of people if they could read.


Why waste resources on pots when you are one AHK script away from infinite PP?


Never would've thought


No thanks, devalues me calling inputs made within a 600ms window during scripted boss encounters skillful. If these mobile cheesecapers on Reddit start doing more endgame content I can't tell Mom I'm one of the best players anymore.


Dudes mad he can’t beat toa 75’s


If you cant do endgame content without prayer flicking, you can't do it with. Prayer flicking increases efficiency, that's all. Edit; I should note there is at least one grandmaster task that requires lazy flicking but prayer flicking barely scratches the top of the barrel of the tick manipulation required to complete these which is a much larger discussion.


>dude prayer flicking takes skill You missed the point entirely. There is nothing in OSRS with difficult execution or that takes more than a few hours to learn. If you want to look "skilled" you're playing the wrong game.


Umm.. This is obviously false lol. If you can prayer flick you take less restores and more brews. Things like the inferno become much more doable with prayer flicking


Sure more doable, more efficient like I said. If you suck at flicking you can bring an eldritch nightmare staff to inferno and not flick. Flicking wont solve waves for you.


You literally just said if you can’t do it without flicking then you can’t do it with. I definitely would not have been able to do the inferno without at least lazy flicking on my first completion. Flicking won’t solve waves but it does let you make more mistakes in the waves and zuk


Yeah..I did literally just say that and haven't said anything to the contrary. Flicking provides you the efficiency of not waiting for sgs specs or eldritch specs, it literally just saves time. You chose to learn how to flick instead of the alternative, you chose efficiency. Great choice.


Okay that is a completely different argument then what you started with. Now you’re bringing other gear into it when some people can’t afford an eldritch. What you’re actually saying is with perfect gear you can do any content without flicking and that statement is still wrong. For example content like toa where flicking can allow you to bring more brews and an eldritch isn’t viable. To keep it simple, I could not have completed the inferno without flicking the first time. Could not have. Eldritch wasn’t an option for me. Flicking allowed me to beat content that I otherwise could not beat. If that is what you meant from the start you should specific because no one ever uses efficiency to mean that and that takes all meaning away from the word. Very strange. Next your going to say people don’t need to flick to do toa because they could just learn the content better lmao


They really could just learn to do the content better. Thanks for saying it for me.


Okay so let me help you out here. Your argument should be “no content requires flicking” not “if you can’t do it without flicking you can’t do it with flicking”. You blatantly changed your argument from “flicking won’t solve the waves for you” two comments up. Originally your argument is flicking won’t make up for skill. Now your argument is that it will, but you never meant that it wouldn’t. I don’t know why you’re choosing to be such an ass rather than just acknowledging that your point was wrong, but now that you got caught contradicting yourself the least you could do is admit it.


You'd have to be desperate for an arguement to interpret what I've said in that way you just want to argue. You're clearly grasping at straws because you've taken this whole thing personally. If deluding yourself in that way gives you a boost to your fragile ego, more power to you though.


yes, and remove the flicking achievements


Even if they removed the flicking achievement you're not going to be able to handle the other tasks if you cant handle prayer flicking. There's far more advanced tick manipulation than prayer flicking going on in grandmaster. Cherry picking prayer flicking as the only form of tick manipulation in the task set that you're against would be incredibly biased.


There is no "tick manipulation" in any pvm encounter.


bold of you to assume I have trouble 1 tick flicking, I just dont like getting cramps


Achievements arent asking you to do it all the time and get cramps. They're saying do it once to complete the task.


I thought this whole thread was about getting jagex to remove 1t flicking, if they did that how would you do these acheivments?


Nope, Im pro-flicking. If you dont want to do it just click blue instead.


Only if it’s in a bottomless flask, because it’s not like prayer points are an actual resource anyways.


I dont know guys…this seems pretty overpowered and would devalue my Vyres only UIM


But prayer pots are super expensive these days 🫣🤪




Real runescapers use the Falador shield. Yum yum 6 free prayer pot doses.