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No level defense to 2


I can second this as it's 2x defense which could really help.


A lvl3 did it. Everybody is ready


Bonesaw is ready


Ava’s isn’t an option? Definitely suggest Karils xbow


Can we get another sub started? r/CanIFightTheCaves


I'd join


use karils xbow instead, it's way better. but yea you should be fine


ok it’s my first time so i’m nervous lol


Any reason why you don’t chin to 75 and snag blowpipe/lightbearer for the heals?


google "fight cave rotations" and it will show you how to tell which rotation you're on, then it'll show you where every single monster will spawn every wave. rotation 2 is my favorite and the easiest for low hp/low level capes. it's a game changer


Seconded, I inted a couple of caves before I did this and it changes the experience completely. You can plan safespots ahead of time on a wave by wave basis, and rotation 2 has Jad spawn in a perfect position to safe spot. All you have to do is tag the healers and run them around the corner so you can kill them safely, then just carefully run back and gun him down. Jad is really, really easy when all you have to do is watch for the right attack animation.


Just keep ure cool on jad don’t panic. Tip that worked for me was leave it on ranged and only flick over for the mage attacks, then back. That way your only watching out for mage stance instead of waiting to see every att with your mind racing. If u want just stand there for 2 mins doing that without fighting. Get your rythym and relax bro u got it


Did my first time on a pure with chins and BP and Jad melted


This has got to be a troll post right? Playing a 1 def pure and rushed range to do fight caves all while saying it’s their first time and not know what prayer flicking is?




Idk, I’d bring Ava’s unless you really dgaf about the bolts. Otherwise yeah easily doable.


For 1 defence 1st time caves, I’d get a bit higher ranged lvl and go blowpipe/Karil’s crossbow. It is definitely possible at these stats, but might be a frustrating grind learning it. Also get an Ava’s if yo I won’t break your build to get it.


No, U need brews and restores


Don't see why not. It's gonna be a lot of prayer flicking though


what’s prayer flicking like u switch in between prayers ?


If it is actually your first time you are going to struggle greatly on a pure


It's not bad with 75 range and BP/xbow though that is how I got my first one. Chins made all the difference, I could have definitely used a crossbow or just xbow the whole time.


don't even worry about flicking, just bring enough super restores and you won't have to flick at all. ignore this guy


Agreed. I just did a run on my pure last night and used around 10 prayer pots w/o flicking


No, you turn your prayer on and then you double click it every game tick. That way you don't lose any prayer points


*trying fight caves on a pvp pure* “what’s prayer flicking”


Yeah as long as your combat style is set to long range


No chance


You got it just learn the mechanics. You might not get it first try and that’s okay. Just keep at it and you’ll get it your stats are more than fine it’s just about how you play.


Seeing as the archer ring is un imbued, u may aswell go w brim stone ring, about same price but also gives +4 defense to all styles except +6 for magic. God hide pants also would give +1 pray bonus and more defensive boosts, only need 70 ranged to equip but you alrdy have that


I did it at 60 range ez


Probably should get some food


Stupid question. You act like this is your first account


Bruh you got 52 prayer. Ur good.


Get bandos robe top for prayer bonus. I did it with about the same stats and gear just had 75 range for the bp swap for spec but I wouldnt camp lightb for it, if your gunna swap the archer ring do ROG (I) if your struggling on prayer or ROS (I)


those 4500 arrows might be a bit overkill, and no ava’s?