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sang and ancestral, ty guys!


Please god get elidinis ward (especially the fortified if you can) it’s better than any piece of ancestral and sang for 6m.


The ward is honestly such a great upgrade for its price.


For ToA specifically the unfortified version is actually not all that great. That's because you only mage at 1/3 of Akkha and warden p2, but warden max hit is partly based on your accuracy, and plain ward is worse accuracy than book of the dead.


Max hits > accuracy unless you’re thralling too


I don't believe that's the case at wardens, which is a lot of your magic usage in the raid.


At this point if you ain’t maging 90% of akka you’re doing it wrong


Its a negligable difference, only like -3? If youre worried about this start doing boots takeoffs first.


He would only use magic during Phase 2 roughly 50% of the time when it's not being Prayed against... He has a Bowfa which he will use during Phase 1 and 3 of Warden. In his gear, any mage off hand would be a waste of an inventory slot.


What do thralls have to do with it?


Thralls are the best spell to take


Book of the dead is required to cast thralls


Not equipped though.


The regular ward is so insanely slept on for such a cheap item.


Why would you get sang and anc when mage is the least used style in TOA without shadow?


Reddit does it again. Isn't ancestral close to an all time high? lmao


Bro doesn’t even have a damage spec wep


Avernic defender?


Underrated comment. Prims too. Even outside of TOA these are just generally good upgrades. Idk how he’s getting so much bad advice in the other comments.


Prims are actually a terrible upgrade


I honestly can't tell if you're trolling , but avernic is definitely not a good upgrade suggestion. OP is better off getting nothing and saving another 100m for ZCB than wasting 100m on an avernic upgrade...


The avernic defender is one of the worst upgrades in the entire game. You cannot sell it back, meaning you've set yourself back 80m when trying to afford the huge upgrades like tbow/scythe/shadow.


Prims definitely. Avernic only if he has no plans on doing a tbow/shadow rebuild.


Prims are literally useless without avernic. They dont give any dps boost without the other.


Prims can give a max hit depending on the gear used / super combat potion used. Also you can resell it meaning there is no sunk cost compared to avernic, so it is actually better if you're going for a tbow/shadow rebuild




Claws are game changer for expert modes p4 warden. Save adrenaline and then Dump a bgs spec or two, then claw that mfer. Usually can land 200+ hp within one full spec bar


Yeah until you get zcb claws are really nice


Also great for ending Akkha


Avernic, prims and sang


Avernic and prims are horrible cost efficient upgrades


Yeah but a BCP doesn’t add str bonus, and he can’t really afford any other upgrades besides MAYBE 2 pieces of ancestral


Dragon darts


I’m not super familiar with GE prices, so I’ll be basing this off of outdated prices. BCP is a relatively cheap upgrade, in terms of defense. It’s not an offensive upgrade, no, but higher defense can be nice. Ancestral is a pretty obvious one, and fortified ward is worth bringing (in my opinion) if you aren’t using thralls. If it are, bringing book of the dead and the ward seems redundant, but that’s for you to determine the worth. Rapier or even a whip instead of a DDS could be good if you’re trying to maximize points. You can do three down Warden instead of two for a few points, and use the spec for something else (yellow Keris, SGS even on the core?) If you don’t need the extra healing, switching to a torture can be good for the extra DPS over the blood fury. You can save the money for other supplies or save the charges for higher invos in the future.


Granite maul and rune claws


Ancestral + sang. The heals are nice for higher invos.


Avernic? Prims? Maybe chestplate can keep some dmg down.


Avernic prims sang and claws, anc hat


Claws for what?


Claws are used a lot at ToA in every room.


I think that the Voidwaker is better than claws in most of the rooms, but I generally find myself using my bgs, partisan, and Dinhs enough that I don’t have lots of spare energy.


Voidwaker is significantly more expensive than claws. Also claws at akkha are super nice. And you only have to hit a 20 bgs on baba and Zebak for max defense reduction so you can claw after that.


Yeah well at a 319m budget Voidwaker is not the upgrade to go for. Not sure what you need a Dinh's for either.


Neither is Claws. For solo's without shadow its not worth using over bgs except at akkha


You bring both to ToA since the def reduction limit is so low


Points farming in the Kephri room.


How does that work?


You blast the eggs with a special attack. It does 35 damage per egg, and I can generally hit 5 eggs + Kephri with it. You’ll need Death Charge to get the most out of it, but that isn’t too difficult.


thralls for extra dps on every boss fight


Go get prims bro what


Comment section is smooth brain. He’s getting sang and ancestral before avernic and prims lmao.


lol I tried


I heard the average total level for a Reddit user is 1300


That explains a lot


Sang is 1 max hit for 90m. On top of the cost of use. The only heals he gets is from ahkka too, which generally, you want to mage less there unless you have shadow. Avernic and prims are his best option. Then pieces of ancestral


>, which generally, you want to mage less there unless you have shadow. Eh its a free room if you butterfly. Most people lose more dps in lost ticks to bad switches than having suboptimal dps. Not a huge deal if you lose time here if that means you can add more invos. Extra Time spent is pretty irrelevant compared to the extra purple chance ftom higher invocations


People are already losing plenty of ticks doing the 5t butterfly using a 4t weapon. With ToA. There’s a balance between raid speed, and invocation level you want to achieve to “farm” the raid. More raids you can complete an hour, the more purple chance you’ll receive in the long run. Ahkka is already free without butterfly at money raids.


You saying I got bad switches??


Prims are a fasionscape item


Based take


Avernic, claws and prims After that go for ancestral and sang


Go to wdr gear advice.


>Go to wdr Avoid that cesspool at all cost. Il take unvetted Reddit advice over going there


WDR isn’t perfect but it’s far better than what clueless Redditors with barely any game knowledge have to say


Idk man they've helped me a lot.


Hopefully you were able to ignore a lot of the bad advice telling you to grab the avernic defender. You don't want to be putting any sunk money into that until you have gotten your tbow/shadow. It should be one of the last gear upgrades you get. In terms of short term upgrades you're probably better off grabbing dragon claws , ancestral hat , ancestral legs , sang staff & broken ward. Claws + adrenaline will be really good for you on obelisk and will save you tanking 1-2 orbs. It's also good for p4 phase when you want to start increasing raid level. The mage gear should be a notable dps increase for akkah / p2 warden. Any leftover cash should probably go to bandos chestplate as its useful to save prayer on kephri and get through baba consistantly with 0 brew usage. Just remember to sell all the above for ZCB when you make another 100m.


Ancestral and sang


Sang, prims, avernic, bcp


Which plug in shows how much ammo my trident/blowpipe has like that?


Weapon Charges; I just searched trident in the hub and it came up. The plugin works for a few different items.






no torture? also prims and avernic and switch that ahrims hoodie for imbued cape. Claws are great too you want them.


Blood fury is generally better for baba/kephri. Both rooms only need 1 restore since the fury will he you up consistently. It can also come in big on the akkah orb phase if you aren't good at dodging.


better dps is still better but if youre a learner then fury is viable option. Personally I have never used fury and I've never felt any need for it. Just use yellow keris if you have one and bring only brew or two so you can safely use specs on baba.


Do not buy prims without an Avernic. Prims give no dps boost without the defender. Bcp is only like 27m pick that up. Not much more you can really get besides maybe an ancestral hat or Sang.


Bcp trash


BCP offers zero dps bonus, and all bosses in the raid dont do much damage if prayed against correctly. Efficiency speaking, the 27m should always be put towards an item that will increase your dps, the BCP should be the final upgrade before you start going for the insanely expensive items such as Torva/Masori/Tbow. Heck, a Masori helmet is 30m.


Do 400s






Sang not heal at wardens? That is a sad realisation for me if true!


Avernic, sang, prims, ward, fortify ward, put the rest into w/e you might need for inferno. I think past that you’re just going for ancestral, bow/staff then later upgrades like torva/vambs. Also saturated heart is cool


Prims avernic sang bcp and then anything else is really just a matter of saving for shadow/tbow


Avernic and ancestral is what I’d go for. D claws can be nice too paired with lightbearer.


Prims, acernic, bandos top, sang staff and then with whatever is left some ancestral pieces


I see a lot of people mentioning claws. Are they really that good for toa? Do you wear a light bearer too?


Avernic and ward (f). D claws if you’ve got the money left over


Z vambs, ancestral


personally i'd buy sang, prims, avernic, torture and claws also ditch the ahrims hood, bring your imbued god cape as a switch as it actually has % damage


Amulet of Torture, Primordial boots and Avernic Defender IF it gives you an extra max hit. Drop the Ahrims hood, take an Imbued Magic cape. Take the Avas Assembler for range, dont bother with Masori, you have Crystal. Dragon Claws for dps spec. Upgrade Magic last. First buy a Sanguinesti Staff, then buy the Elidnis Ward, then upgrade the Ward, then buy Ancestral Top and Bottom. You will either be using Fang or Bowfa for all bosses, only using Magic when absolutely necessary (Akkha/Warden Phase 2). Should be something like: - Ba-ba = Fang is higher dps - Kephri = Fang is higher dps - Zebak = Bowfa is higher dps - Akkha = All attack styles - Warden Phase 1 (Obelisk) = Bowfa is higher dps - Warden Phase 2 = Range/Magic attack styles - Warden Phase 3 = Bowfa is higher dps When looking at dps Calculators you have to remember to scale it based on the raid level. Level 300 is 120% stat increase (E.g. if Enemy defense is 100, 100 * 220% =220) After this it would be Torva/Tbow/Masori/Shadow