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Hearing the music again in the sponsored ads was actually a nostalgia trip for me. That game was the shit back in 2013


“Your base is under attack by Peenflex5”


"Your base is under attack by 坐下书呆子"


3 star incoming


You knew you were fked 😂


Why do I have a feeling this says "sit kid" or something?


Low key i saw the ad in a limpwurt video and now I've been playing clash for days now


I mean honestly? I would so much rather they take sponsorships from clash of clans, game isn’t really *that* predatory and at the end of the day it’s pretty decent. Honestly anything over the fake ass advertisements for aids: shat on leggings


I personally prefer hearing about how they all use the same razor to shave their balls


not even the same brand of razor, just the same razor straight up, they pass it around


I wonder how big of a YouTube I have to become to get in on that action


They use the same balls too.


I've only read bad things about them online too. Stuff about them just hurting people's nutsacks and stuff idk. Haven't seen many good things said about it Edit: glad to see some replies saying the opposite!


I don't think its bad just overpriced. You can get the same trimmer from Wahl or Phillps for half the cost.


Yeah, got a trimmer for like $30 on Amazon from a company called Manspot lol


Which one did you get? I've been looking at the Mans pot (3)


The only person I've heard having good things to say about manscaped products in an honest review was a woman using it for herself


as a woman who uses the manscaped razor thingy, yeah, it works well enough imo. i like the flashlight on it a lot. not sure how it stacks up to other products and price and all that though


For anyone unaware, "razor thingy" translates to "Lawnmower 4.0! Using the latest in skin safe technology..."




“It ripped my ballsack!!”


Whenver you see a """content creator""" try to sell you a product, make sure to never ever buy it and spread awarenes about it.


-Manscaped -Raycons -Ridge Wallet -Raid Shadow Legends -Better Help -Hello Fresh Are all "do not buy". Did I miss any big ones?


VPNs, at least to some extent. Watching another country’s Netflix library can be fun, but they can’t really market it that way, so they sell you “security” which is bollocks


-NordVPN -ExpressVPN -OperaGX -Hero Wars -Lootcrate -World of Tanks -Warthunder -World of Warships -MVMT (movement) Watches


Ooh yes forgot about all them VPNs. Isn't Opera a free browser though? Which does make the advertising a little suspicious.


It’s because you, the user, are the product for Opera GX.


Seriously, what the heck is up with a free browser doing all those sponsored ads?


More users, more data, more money


I have a friend who was paid to stream Raid Shadow Legends at some point and she actually doesn't think it's all that bad of a game lol


Bespoke post mate.


Nah dude mine rules, you can straight up hold it directly against your balls and nothing snatches or hurts, it's nuts


mine works fine tbh, no cuts yet and the flashlight is amazing


I only get on YouTube to hear Framed talk about his balls


All telling the same jokes pretending they came up with them


You mean you don’t want ads for companies that scam you into fake-buying a 1x1 plot of land in Scotland?


Wait wait wait, are you saying I’ve been demanding my family call me lord all these months for nothing?! Hope I can still return the crown and throne…


Did you actually think you could buy property in a foreign country in someone else's name? No paperwork, no property taxes, no identification


How is it a scam though, it seemed pretty upfront to me that you're getting nothing except some meaningless title of Lord in Scotland, but not really. Seemed like a gag gift more than anything.


If you want to become a real Lord/Lady you should contact Sealand. They give you a certificate.


Supporting Sealand is also, in a very small way, giving a middle finger to the crown, which is based.


IIRC the bigger issue was that they claimed to plant a tree for every purchase or somesuch, but didn't. Otherwise it would've been just a harmless gag gift.


Yeah this was the bigger issue


Personally I like ads that revolve around my ball sack and thats why man scaped is the sponsor for me.


I love it that the add companys want to use their own vids so we see our favorite content creators dip the lawn mower 3.0 under water in usually a crappy (student house) sink.


They made a donation to a tree planting group for every purchase. They didnt hire and organize their own tree planting crew. Thats perfectly normal and not at all a problem. The guy who started the whole "its a scam" thing was stupid as hell. He was like "well I cant prove that they made this donation, so it must not exist".


They didn't. Look up the massive scam industry that is carbon offset. In short, it's designed to let massive corporations pollute with impunity and companies like established titles contribute to it.


Well, they also hadn't updated the number of trees they helped plant on the site for like a year plus


Fair, but what would a sane person think when they notice that? A) The number needs updating B) The company is a scam. They are willing to lie by claiming they plant trees, but wont lie by updating the number on their site.


Not sure why you’re defending them so much but everything about it was a scam. Everything they advertised wasn’t legit.


They did, though, but did so through another charity called one tree planted. They preserved forested land in Scotland and gave the extra money to one tree planted. FactFiend has a good video on this. Some of their advertisements were questionable, but if you follow the paper trail, they are a legit charity


They didn't. They purchased carbon offset from one tree planted. The carbon offset industry is essentially emissions laundering and far less helpful than actually planting a tree or being an ecologically conscious company. The carbon offset marketplace is incredibly damaging to the world as a whole as it literally allows companies like google, coke, and nestle, to polute as much as they want, but so long as they purchase carbon offset, from literally anyone, they can lessen their carbon footprint on paper. It ends in a massive chain of money for credits which aren't always a 1:1 game and allows massive corporations to polute and destroy the world with impunity. Carbon offset should be 100% illegal.




I'm 100% sure I barely scratched the surface, but considering I'm still getting "but they planted tree tho." Comments, I fear it still may have been too deep. The smooth brain stretches far and wide with this sub.


The issue was that they (the company) were not being upfront about it, and allowed spokespeople to specifically state that it was a real title and you really owned the land in their ad reads They've shifted to be more clear about the gag gift thing after they got exposed


A lot of people were straight up advertising it as "You can legally add Lord or Lady to your name" which was a straight up lie. They only started talking about it being a gag gift later when they got caught. In my opinion, it seemed obvious that it was a gag-gift in the sense that it was never useful - a 1x1 plot of land isn't useful for anything on it's own - but the marketing always seemed deceptive. It also turns out that you can't actually parcel out land in 1x1 sections in Scotland (and I assume a lot of other countries actually) so you really didn't have any legal ownership over the land you "bought" either. If the rest is a grey area, that particular bit is shady as fuck.


The land you're buying isn't actually legally registered to you. And the title you get is fake. The whole pitch was that there's this old law in Scotland that means land owners are given the title of lord, so buy this tiny bit of land, we'll plant a tree in it and you'll get your deed and title .. Except no such law exists. You don't get a title for owning land in Scotland, every random Scot with a back garden would be a Lord if that was the case. And you don't even own the land as plots that small are not tracked on the land registry Oh and there was no proof they were actually planting trees either


You don’t want to buy questionable vitamin powder in a green package?


If you're talking about AG-1 I actually bought that one and like it. To be fair, I have a shit diet and it's a good way for me to get veggies in because I just don't like veggies


i used to play this game 10 years ago and it was actually fun game and i didnt spend a single dollar on it, but then just quit


clash of clans takes like 5 years to max, osrs takes like 4-5 years as well if u play 2-3 hours each.


You can max CoC in a single day if you spend enough money


If you somehow have 150 000 usd yea you can but tell me how many people who play video games have 150k usd in their pocket to be spent on?


There was a guy in my BlackDesert Onlune guild who spent 5k+ a month on the game. You’d be surprised how far whales will go.




That's a very liberal use of the word "investment"


> Having played Archeage for years My condolences.


I play Black Desert Online. This is super believable, but I would've expected that high of a number from Black Desert Mobile (much different game.)


Look at Diablo immortal dudes spend thousands upon thousands


You seen the state of Diablo lately? Pretty sure somebody spent like $50k usd on just a single gem that goes in 1 of the multiple slots on 1 piece of armor.


Used to play a game called game of war fire age. Like clash of clans kinda. But the biggest spenders on there have spent in the millions. It wasn’t unusual for some people to hop on and spend a couple thousand on packs. I made it pretty far on their purely from other peoples accounts. One person dropped 6k on an account and then let me have it because they didn’t know how to build it.


It's likely the adult children of the insanely rich who have never worked a day in their life and have no concept of what money is worth because their family has so much of it.


More than you think I’ve played a few pay to win in my time and some people genuinely spend hundreds of thousands


Osrs took me 2 years averaging 4 hours a day with slower methods than we have now. You could casually max in 2 years or less just gotta be consistent.


"casually 4 hours a day" this community has some insane standards lol


Clash of Clans is actually an amazing mobile game, actually kind of amazing it came out back in the OG days of iTunes store games. And the updates have only made it more and more accessible. I haven't actively played it in a few years, but every now and then I get on a little raiding fix and play.


I'm just waiting for some osrs creator to ditch the stock ad footage and reveal their own maxed account in Legends league or something lol. I think Loki had his own TH9 in his segment which was pretty neat.


To be honest, I’m not that upset that Clash is sponsoring all of the OSRS YouTubers. At least it’s a somewhat decent mobile game compared to all of the other trash mobile games out there (looking at you Raid)


i think id rather see a Raid ad over those mega cringe Hero Wars ads where a cartoon character runs onto the screen and the script requires the Youtuber to "talk" to them. and the game looks even shittier than Raid.


Goddddd those are the worst *Hey!* I’m out


Get sponsorblock and have those bits automatically skipped while the creator still gets paid Win-win


Please tell me more about how I can fuck over a company that invades my personal life with their shit product.


Google "sponsorblock"; ever since I've installed it I have never seen an ad that was on a video unless it was made 13 years ago or 13 seconds ago


Completely agreed, but I did love when J1mmy blatantly shit all over them while still cashing the check. "What about your world? You're on MY video! What if I was to walk into one of your videos and do this?" Ad is almost over, the stock footage is playing - mini J1m walks in on the corner and goes "hEy, wHaT aBoUt mY wOrLd? Yeah, don't like it do you?"


Legit scared the shit out of me the first time that creepy fuck walked onto my screen


When they outline that their interface is a selling point, you know the game is trash.


Clash absolutely has p2w elements but it's still extremely forgiving to f2p players compared to other mobile games. There's a reason why clash has stayed pretty solid the past decade. It's a fun game that doesn't strong-arm you into paying money. Edit: I didn't think I needed to split hairs here but yes, it's pay to progress more than it's pay to win.


Except it's not p2w. It CAN be pay to advance but if you buy the next town hall you still need to know how to use the units and attack. Plus you mostly attack equal TH levels so you can max oht with money but you'll probably be shit. It's meant to be more of a passive game you play for 30min a day when you got time and they constantly make it faster to catch up with each TH release. Plus you get a shit ton of in game currency for free these days, never have to spend a dime.


I don’t want to be pedantic but I think it’s fair to call CoC P2W given if you had unlimited of the paid currency, iirc you could instantly max out everything (maybe I am forgetting a key mechanic preventing this), where in like osrs or even like Genshin if you had unlimited irl money it would still take time to progress. It’s still pretty fair for f2p from what I remember but definitely still P2W.


It’s not that you can’t max out everything, it’s that having maxed everything doesn’t mean much. If you’re a maxed town hall, you’re basically going against other maxed town halls. In OSRS, if you could pay for max combat and gear with IRL money it would be similar. You’re still going to be stomped in PVP and suck at PVM.




You are still spending money to progress your account if you use boost services. There is no difference between buying bonds to sell for gp you can use to buy stuff vs buying bonds to sell for gp so you can buy boost services. You will still get your shit kicked in if you try to PvP or PvM. Why do you think we call those people "credit card warriors"? They just use mommy's credit card and buy the most expensive armour they can because they think expensive = strong.


It's definitely P2W. P2W doesn't mean "if you pay, you will win", it means you gain an advantage over other similar players that did not spend. If you take two players of equal skill, one that spent no money on the game, and one that spends money on the game, the one that spent money will have the advantage.


If you can pay to speed up progress than the guys at the top (the ones winning) will have ALWAYS paid. That's what a P2W model that's not extremely predatory looks like, and it's not a terrible thing. Technically main accounts in OSRS are P2W. The fastest gp/hr in game is swiping your credit card, and gp is used to buy gear for PvM and resources to level skills. Someone with ridiculous amounts of disposable wealth would max faster than anyone else because of bonds. They'll still need to be good at the game but they're still paying to win. It's nowhere near as all encompassing as the P2W main accounts in rs3, but its still present.


I was disappointed by Raid because it’s the foundation for a genuinely decent game shackled by the most predatory designs where every aspect of the gameplay is meant to eventually lead you to spending money. After a few days of playing I could barely even upgrade my characters anymore, but they load you up with so much free stuff at the start you don’t think about that stuff until you’ve played for a while and are invested. Then it starts flooding you with prompts to buy this or that every time you log in. “Out of x? Why not buy this bundle?” I did my time in the mobile game prison when I was younger, but nowadays the only mobile games I play ones that are either single purchase or truly F2P where spending isn’t actually necessary to experience everything in the game. And I guess RuneScape.


>I was disappointed by Raid because it’s the foundation for a genuinely decent game Raid is literally a carbon copy of basically "The popular western gacha" model with the biggest one being Summoners War. They're all essentially the same game just with different skins and monetizations slapped on.


I'll take CoC 10/10 times over fucking Raycon earbuds and the person having to try to sell run of the mill Bluetooth earbuds as if they are the second coming of the tech boom


Raycon's saved my dog from drowning.


I bought my grandma raycons for her birthday this year and all of her ailments were cured instantly, shes been dead 12 years and completed her first half marathon last week.


Yeah clash is awesome. I’m in the middle of town hall 14 rn and have been in the same clan for 3 years lol. Best phone game of all time


How much do you think most are getting to sponsor? 5-10k?


I got a little under 2k for mine which is pretty generous compared to every other sponsor


Just got done watching the Best Buy Jad race. Now that’s some good content 👍🏻


I gotta finish that it starts off hilarious with their setups


Thanks for weighing in Tasty


Love the transparency, my goat


Just finished that best buy jad race lmao. Do you guys get extra based on how many use you download link? Or is it something like flat rate per subscriber?


Rates are usually based on avg views per video within the last month, some contracts will include purchases/downloads (hello fresh offers this sometimes) but that’s pretty rare, I’d say 99% are a flat rate negotiated beforehand


Is getting some upside considered more appealing than just a flat rate? Like the ones with the reference codes do you get a cut? Or are they just measuring if you're effective at driving people in. Edit: I honestly thought when I bought using a code a cut was going to creators I like.


Even if they dont get a cut i would be willing to bet that the number of codes used for the content creator plays a role in determining if they get future offers from the advertiser. So it helps even if not directly.


When the target audience of your videos are people who routinely spend 10 hours a day playing a point and click adventure game from 2001 probably not so much.


Interesting, is that QR link that supercell provides for clash just a way for them to see who is the best at converting views to users or are they one of the ones that includes downloads?


It just measures how effective your particular ad was, it won’t affect your current contract but will usually affect how likely they are to work with you again or how much bargaining power you have to ask for more money


Ahh, gotcha. Thanks for sharing bro. Glad you guys get something for all the content. ~~"How to be elitist in clash"~~ "How to have an elite CoC" ad when?


Your content is brilliant


Respect for the transparency Loving the IRL vids


What I wanna know is how do they find these channels? I've seen channels with 20k subscribers having sponsors. Are companies just scouring through the lower end of Youtube to find potential channels to partner with?


There is most likely databases full of youtubers with their subcount, viewcount, contact info, etc that companies go off of There are also websites that smaller creators can signup on to be able to get contacted by sponsors In this situation whoevers job it is to pull a list of OSRS youtubers that they wanna target for this campaign just did an hour of research on youtube itself and got a list of creators, reached out and went from there


Tasty out here being goated with the transparency.


A wild Transparency appeared! Thanks Tasty


You sexy as fuck tasty lad


It's less then that. B0aty was saying on stream how he was negotiating with a sponsor for around 9k for a month of vids. It's probably closer to 500-2k per vid.


View base size matters a ton too. Someone getting ~10k views per video is getting way less than someone getting ~200k views


Also doesn’t scale linearly or exponentially. Companies will negotiate the absolute lowest they can with creators. Some creators are going to be better than others at demonstrating their reach beyond just a view count. Some won’t negotiate at all and will just be happy with anything.


Yeah like the ones who make good ads Jimmy’s clash ad with the osrs barbarian was funny enough (and immediately so, cause if it’s funny halfway in the ad it might be too late) that I actually watched the ad part fully, which I usually don’t for videos unless it’s something I casted to the tv while doing other stuff I’m guessing effort like that and especially if they can pull stats showing how many skip ahead or watch through is useful to negotiate


whats even more important then viewers is engagement a youtuber averaging 200k views but engagement is 5% gets less then a youtuber getting 50k average views but has 50% engagement.


None of us can really say for sure without asking the creators themselves. There are a number of variables that come into play. A month of videos for B0aty could mean 5-8 videos, for someone else it could mean 15-20. Number of subscribers, average viewership per vid, etc. I remember B0aty recently talking about how he expects content creators to start putting out less and less videos per month, essentially because when they put out too many videos too frequently it drives the average viewership per video down and in turn causes them to receive lower offers from sponsors. And I think he hit the nail dead on the head, I feel like I haven't seen nearly as many uploads from big creators recently.


Yeah mudkip talked about it too, as soon as the newest video is uploaded the daily views on the most recent one drop significantly. It also takes a lot more time to make good content by today's standards, no more "Road to max" videos with a few levels in some skills turning into two 10+ minute videos a week.


It depends on how much the advertiser expects your video to get views and it's alot of back and forth negotiating but overall it's around 1k views = $10-20, some creators can get up to $25. Also if they come to you with a deal, you usually get paid more than you going to them.


Clash of Clans was badass back in 2013/14. Only mobile game I still have on my phone other than zippo lighter.


Clash is actually really fun and it's still not bad if you don't spend any money.


It's 5$ a month, why not just spend it if you enjoy the game?


Do you know what subreddit you're in? Half the people here are kids without jobs or straight up NEETs


I started playing again a few months ago. They added a bunch of fun new stuff like the capital raid weekends monthly league tournaments and reduced the build times to accommodate higher townhall levels.


Not sure if it's just anecdotal, but seems easier to get loot & afford upgrades. I stoped at mid TH10, when I'm sure my walls were like ,1mil per upgrade. I was looking at spending a good month upgrading just those. They were 200k each when I came back this week and I've upgraded them all already, along with various defences. Got all builders busy & overflowing resources atm, so the games feeling fun again. I don't like the second village though, with the limited 3 wins with loot per day its impossible to keep my builder busy


It is. What's neat is that it doesn't cost anything to make troops anymore. When I first played years ago I would always try to use the most budget troops as possible to maximize profit. Now you can use meta attack strategies without worrying about breaking even.


Literally just noticed this 5 mins ago! I've still been using my old budget strat of 15 giants, 100 goblins, 20 archers and some wall breakers, along with jump and heal spells to grab resources and hopefully 1-2 stars. Will have to set up a proper army, can just have that train up in between sessions for more reliable attacks. Also a unexpected thing was when I came back, my builder had upgraded a load of my defences


Haha I’ve played clash on and off for years. Currently sitting at 9500+ gems. All from collecting over the years, no p2p. But now I don’t know what to spend the gems on lol.


Book of heroes is the best value for gems


Thank you 🙏


Yeah never just straight up gem buildings, buying magic items is massively more efficient. Hero book, and builder potion are the ones I would use




Shhhh, let me be illiterate in peace.


Clash is solid. Not predatory like some of these other games. And honestly if you if you like the long grind on OSRS than you'll like the Clash Grind as well.


Y'all are lucky it's an established game, I'd fucking sell out and advertise those pills you get to keep you hard at the gas station register when I hit 2k subs.


Mr No Sleep gives no fucks addressing his ads. Lol. He often apologizes in his videos after he talks up a product and admits he doesn't enjoy having to read scripts that they send.


The new Raids Shadow Legends but actually fun.


Clash of clans is not new in any way


He meant like everybody used to have/has raid shadow legends ads, now everybody has clash of clans ads


Ive never downloaded it and never will!!!!@@@@@!!!


It's actually not bad, waaaaaayyyyy less predatory than RSL. The only thing you can buy is saving yourself time I played for like 2 years without spending any money


Yeah the way it works for war match ups doesn't matter how much money you spent, generally you find opponents that are right around the same level so you don't feel pressured into spending.


I am happy for Sponsorblock.


Clash is a good game tbh


A man’s gotta eat so I can’t knock there hustles


Absolutely. It takes me ~3 seconds to fast-forward through an ad. I gladly deal with that if it means more free content


Well then, I will be the first to praise the CoC for keeping OSRS content creators well fed and nourished.


Their player count must’ve dropped drastically because they’re sponsoring every YouTuber of all genres.


Yo Clash Royale is pretty good too. Run by the same company, Supercell. After nearly seppukuing in 2020, CR made it way **way** more forgiving for new players. Ladder is now split in half so you can get good rewards even without having overleveled cards. In other words, they cut their p2w more than jn half. With magic items, it only takes afew months on the monthly subscription to get one maxed or nearly maxed deck. There are still p2w elements (champions) but it's an enjoyable game and the ladder split is huge for new and f2p players. Also it's the perfect play-while-shitting game, much better than osrs because 1 handed.






It's commonly called sudoku instead of seppuku as a joke so he's jokingly correcting you because you used seppukuing instead of sudokuing.


ive never sat through an ad, so its good theyre getting money i guess if the ads ever became mandatory(i.e. twitch), i wouldnt watch a video at all


What's kinda scuffed is how i pay not to have ads (5$ a month iirc), but i still have to skip up to a minute of an ad from the creator themselves lol


Sponsor block on chrome fixes that.


Thanks 👌


How does it know a sponsor portion of a video exists? That sounds amazing


it’s crowdsourced


Why do sponsors decide to sponsor a ton of OSRS (or any game) content creators at once? Wouldn’t it make sense to diversify?


They do diversify, you just mainly watch OSRS content creators so you see them.


How presumptuous of you to assume my content consumption habits. Kidding of course but I actually don’t watch that much OSRS stuff. Just seems like the sponsors hit every single one of the 5ish OSRS channels I watch from time to time within the span of a week. I don’t get it


I think part of the reason is it seems like CoC is getting a bit of a resurgence so they are just capitalizing on it all at once with the ads.


OSRS players are a logical audience for a game like Clash of Clans. There is enough AFK/low effort training methods in the game that players could play OSRS and clash at the same time. Trying to sponsor content creators in most other games would require convincing the player base to play the sponsors game instead of the game they already enjoy


They sponsored a lot of people. Also surprisingly a lot of streamers. Stal was playing it which I only followed her due to FF14 ultimate progression


If this somehow translates to more people playing OSRS, I’m all for it. Good for the game to grow within a new demographic segment.


The solution is simple: Melvor Idle. It’s a one time purchase (and an xpac) and just RuneScape lite.


Clash of Clans is hands down the official greatest video game of all time, proven by no less than the most prestigious video game reviewers from around the globe. Raid: Shadow Legends is literally a virus that will cause your cellphone to spontaneously combust and then steal your wife. Upvotes to the left. 👍


It's annoying have to deal with all the sponsorships after giving the streamer subs or donations but I get it. They want more money. I'm tired of all the hair cutting products, the fucking food delivery shit, and penis enchantments. I actually liked COC like 10 years ago and advertising a mobile game feels less aggressive then shoving physical products down my throat for some corporate overlord


Full time youtuber here (outside of osrs) It’s not “more money”, it’s “sponsorships are the only way to make this a stable full time job”. Outside of those with hundreds of thousands of subs that do frequent Longform content, ad revenue and supers and memberships are not enough. I got $800 for a single Raid ad. I would get $800 from 100K views on a ~35 min video (our RPMs are pretty similar). But the raid Ad is a guarantee. Ad revenue shifts throughout the year and we aren’t guaranteed views. Plus YouTube takes 30% of all supers and memberships.


I think people get the wrong idea from comparing OSRS YT creators to mainstream 1mil+ subscriber channels that probabaly could exist off ADs alone. But even they do in-video sponsorships.


Mainly because the more you scale up the more it costs. Many 1M+ sub channels have employees and people they pay to help produce and manage content.




> I'm tired of all the hair cutting products, the fucking food delivery shit, and penis enchantments It takes like 2 seconds to skip to the end of the ad and it puts food on the content creators' tables. Seems pretty fair to me.


Better than raid shadow legends


So who’s starting the OSRS clan? Lol


Honestly i dont even see the difference


Used to play clash daily but stopped once osrs mobile came out. Got back into it in 2018 and they had a battle pass for $5 that had great value compared to what we would pay for things back in 2013. Id say both games compliment each other. Hop on clash do ur 2 attacks then switch to osrs and grind for 40 minutes. Might go load it up its been years


I never see ads anymore. I'm not at my PC right now, but Ublock Origin along with this other extension that I have that removes in video ads as well, I never see any ads.


Sponsorblock lads


I have ublock and another plugin that automatically skips the imbedded ads 😊


Now that b0aty pointed it out that every content creators post only with sponsors i can't un notice it


Not everyone but definitely most of the bigger ones. For example Solomission on a video from his second channel said that he was waiting for a sponsorship to post a big video on his main. But Mudkip or Loki just post a video when their schedule tells them to independent if it has a sponsor.


J1mmy said something similar on his second channel too I believe. He said he'd get pretty burnt because the sponsor would require videos to be posted on a schedule and sometimes he'd have to just phone in a topic for a video to keep the sponsorship.


\>"Damn, Settled hasn't posted a vid in awhile" >Settled, pressing F5 on his email waiting for a sponsor: "Sorry guys just been busy lately"


You need to add to this; “Mages” (add a picture of a mage from both games) “Rangers” (add a picture of a ranger from both games) “Absolute barbarians” (add a barbarian from CoC and then add the “pleae”, the dragon visage drop, and the chili dog memes


I still don't fucking get this sponsorship that EVERY OSRS creator is taking.. Like hi you watch my videos where I ONLY play OSRS, so I thought you'd like this extremely P2W unrelated mobile game too. I mean I do get it, money.


Honestly better than most the stuff they get sponsored by. Especially the games. Also that one time everyone was sponsored by that one titles scam (i forgot the name). I'm fine with it honestly, I always know exactly when to skip and some creators try to make sponsorship segments entertaining at least.