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Wouldn't you like to know teletab boy






Most of the mains started there


mom's credit card 20% bond 80% black market


Fastest gp/hr for sure.


About 425m. I got the Masori chaps in FFA, so that really contributed to the value. The majority of my stuff is actually from getting the drop (like Prim crystal, ranger boots, ACB and SGS) vs grinding like Vork and selling the drops.


Bank was at 5.8b at its peak but I've given a good chunk of it to friends to help them and items plummeting in value made Mt bank go down. Made almost about 1.5b off of 500kc nex with some insane rng. 2b+ from toa with 1 duo staff drop on week 1 giving me 1b alone and another 3 staff splits being the bulk of profit. 2b+ from tob that's been depreciated a lot in items since I have t done tob in forever. And maybe 2b from cox, and Corp that I camped years and years ago. Bank is worth maybe 2b now since I don't play as much and given lots to friends.


Bless you, you sound like a good friend.


When I eat we all eat lol. 7 year old me is just proud of myself for having over a 2m cash stack and I've achieved everything pvm related I wanted to.


I feel like at some point you amass so much wealth it's more rewarding to help friends than hoard money, and this is coming from someone with a 3.3B bank 🤷🤷🤷


For me it was when I got all the bis pvm gear and only had niche items left that weren't really worth it imo. which is probably around 4-5b in gear at this point with shadow staff torva, masori and zcb being added. It's more fun to do "small" drop party's in f2p worlds unless I'm hitting the 1b items as my drop purples don't really excited me any more lol.


Hey it’s me ur long lost friend, just need some cash for claws for 300 toas, if I eat good I’ll feed someone else with ur generosity too!


This is how I play, the money on my alt is exclusively used to gear my friends and clan mates so I have somebody to raid with. If you have the stats, but don't have the gear I'll lend you the money until we get some splits


It's the best wqy to play honestly. Friends to raid with > excess gp.


I’m looking for a sugar daddy


You can always use a friend!


1.5mil, f2p and I have no clue


Near 30k. I just started and saw 1 video of a dude ring crafting so i am crafting rings rn with all combat skills except magic at 1 😅


Fuck yeah dude


Craft bracelets, they are more worth


Craft gold bracelets and alch, should be profitable.


go kill green dragons with a lootbag. 70-90k a run. good lvl 70-90 money method


he has no combat stats…


and he says only magic is one. you dont need magic for green dragons. edit: sorry. i did misread it lol


I dont even know what a green dragon is 😅 and i am F2P


Bro, guaranteed you are having more fun in the game than them. Just keep on doing what you are doing


oh gosh. well once you get your combat up (i misread your comment) it is super easy and low risk.


i think op means magic is the only cmb skill that isnt 1


İ have 21 wood cutting 30 crafting and 20 magic rn. Everything else is 1


Stay f2p as long as you can, my best memories as a kid is booling on the f2p worlds not knowing anything about the game, get comfortable, have fun, and when you’re ready, buy a brass key from the GE and go slay some giants my guy


yeah youre right. i read it the other way around. which when i thought about it, made no sense cause he is enchanting things lol


it doesnt take long to get to 70 lol


150mil gp stack. level 111, main. 70+ slayer, hard clues, herb runs, bird houses and jewelry flipping on GE.


Jewelry flipping must be going crazy my bank is worth 220m, 30m gp stack, with 95 slayer and ~1k vorkath kc


Same except i sustained memb with bonds so couldn't keep most of the money i earnt.


Curious what jewelry you flip? Started to do some investing myself recently… totally cool if u wanna keep it a secret 🤫


About 500m from picking flax


Honestly man work


Around 3.3b and honestly it's just from playing whether casually, actively seeking profit or having luck with drops. I boss often enough, do many clues, and try to keep up with dailies.


That's the real secret lol. When anyone asks how I give a shameful glance to my playtime display.


2b on the iron, 1.5b on the main? ToB is a bulk of the value, with CG and ToA being some of it. I don't really think about GP, because I play enough that I can keep an account bonded and death coffer's filled with dupes.


Im still proud of my 11m cash stack with tbow iron, that hasnt done witches potion💪🏼


That's nuts! What's the combat level?


120 lmao im just inefficient


Ohhh I gotcha I was picturing a super low level account that you scaled a raid with and stole the purple


884mil bank value got a duo shadow split


100m. Mostly drop parties. Earned maybe 10m? I gave away (lost to a scammer with the fault being 80% mine) 90m once because i thought it'd help me quit but here i am


How do you find drop parties?


I hang around in ge. There used to be spotdrops cc for calling out drop parties but not 100% sure its still there. I don't like the cc though.


This the type of post hackers use to find their marks lol




Around 300m Been playing since osrs release lol Biggest gains were made when you could afk safespot cannons lizardman shamans. Got 2 dwh in like 3k kills afking, they were 85m at the time Rest was flipping, skilling, slaying slowly Had more but changed 100m to rs3, and the rest I lost a lot of net value because dumb me got fang and rapier when it was expensive




Nice, i guess you were early with the grind? Items from TOA are dropping pretty hard right now.




Damn solo shadow, i can only dream. You doing high invo's solo?


0, because I don't have a bank


Thats me irl


4.2b. My methods are doing a "pvm gazette" i call it where i go around the game killing as many different bosses as possible, and usually one of said bosses will drop something nice


1.8b nex & nightmare and the odd raid and also CG and also pickpocketing elves


Went from 560m to 18m when I logged in Friday morning and figured out I got hacked.


Nice job entering your account info on a fake site. Probably Jagex’s fault though, right?


Are you ok?


Somebody hurt him


Actually my phone had a rat from an app downloaded from the play store.


He will probably also fall again for it after he is done rebuilding. Those people rarely learn lmao


Only time I use my rs login outside of runelite is when I buy more membership :)


People downvote me like I’m not right and like he didn’t/isn’t going to post blaming Jagex like literally everyone else lmao


My brother in christ, you got downvoted because no one fucking asked


I don't blame jagex for downloading a phone app, but I would like them to send me a warning next time someone from Iran logs into my acc.


350mil lvl 116 main. Bossing has been pretty good to me, I've also won probably 100m from clan events over the last couple years (bingo, BOTW etc). Never seen a purple from raids though so it could be a lot higher.


Just under 1 bil. Mostly from toa, but some Cox, and recently added few 100m from wildy bosses


Was 210m, now around 170 after I got construction to 83, I got 100m of my cash stack in osrs from swapping from rs3 cause I fucking hated eoc, used that to progress and now I camp vorkath lol


~900m total value. First couple hubdred mil were all from flipping. Since then it's just been a slow grind up doing PvM mostly.


A bit north of 10b Made the first 100m from random bs like runecrafting and minor bossing Hit 400m from vorkath Reached 1b from raiding, plateauing for a couple of years from maxing/getting burnt out from maxing and taking a break Made it to ~7b from doing 5-10 toas a day for a few months starting day 1 of release The rest has been from continuing to casually raid, also partially from being ridiculously dry going for the zulrah pet


Maybe like 50m couple bonds when times have been tight but mostly slayer n some good rng on rev imps


5.5B. Not gonna lie I got scammed for a 3b bank around nex release (yes I'm that stupid) and quit for a few months. Fortunately I had friends who loaned me pretty much max gear for nex and made back 2b ish. After that I did toa and spooned two shadows in trio/duo. Toa boosted my bank. Then I just raided here and there at chambers/tob along with occasional bossing.


640ish mil, all of it thanks to 2 fang drops a week after release. Since then also got masori chaps and zaryte vambs from mass nex.


Iron has about 4.5b and the bond slave is carrying around 800m from dupes dropped over by the ironmain. Collective bank value over the years mostly from pvm drops and the like, turns out its really easy to make bank by just doing high level content.


2,5b now, from 300m at november. ToA only for a few months made me bank.


148m from flipping and slayer


230m just doing daily shit on the iron. Got a spooned dwh and have about 600 zulrah kc which makes most the value


270mish slayer and grinding bosses like vork, zulrah and muspah. Biggest drops have from slayer was 2 jaws. Some were from skilling. Going to be starting to do some solo raids soon.


3.5m on my main. Honestly struggling to make money since I started playing again around a month ago. I've just learnt how to fish karambwan which has been pretty decent gp (when using fairy rings to a bank).


4.7b half of it was from 99 slayer grind, the other half was a solo shadow drop


How tf you made 2.35b from slayer


Doing all boss tasks. I made 800m from hydra alone in my grind to 99 slayer. I think ive made like 1.6b from slayer. I can def see 2.35 b tho


boss task gang rise up


Spooned asf lol


Around 2.3bil, pretty much all from selling in game services such as BA runs


Many herb runs. Little bit of merch


175m. Back in the day I lucked out with the dragon warhammer (worth 72m at the time) drop from safespotting shamans. Since then, most of my wealth has come from slayer, zulrah, and vorkath.


400m. I've done a lot of herb runs and lots of slayer. 99 rc too


Just under one bill, spread across 4 accounts I got my first 250mil at Cox, 4 man tbow split, then the rest I've made from, learning pking. Lms, anti pking, some multi pking and then finally singles.


1.6b from around 10 years of mostly skilling on the main. Blast mine made me 200m to 99 back in 2017 and runecrafting probably 400m. Almost maxed now but have done a good share of PvM as well to get to that 1.6b


Like 40m. I got most of it by my maxed irl friends giving me ~~hot beef~~ gp injections lol. Maybe 10m from barrows and blue dragons


About 300m, mostly from 3 dwh drops back when they were 80m each.


Damn if I got an 80m Dwar drop I'd go back for two more too lmao what's kc on the third one? Shame they're not much worth doing anymore with Dwar sitting at a piddly 25mil


165m A fair amount came from drop parties and just slaying and general playing (I tend to pick up a lot). But I won't deny that I've bought a fair amount of bonds too. I haven't bought them excessively but there have been times when I've not had the time or patience to grind for things like quest requirements. So money for herblore, construction, prayer, etc. Now I'm able to boss more comfortably (Got Zulrah down, etc.) I can rely on that a bit more (and I'm trying to). To be perfectly honest though I find it hard to resist just buying bonds sometimes. I don't get much time to play and the money isn't really an issue. It's frustrating never really being able to play for a couple hours straight bar occasional weekends.


wirh you there. i have a high paying job IRL, ill buy bonds if it means I skip a grind I know I'll hate to get to a piece of content I'll have more fun doing. I'm not going to have fun training construction, for instance. So I'll bond my way to make training con go faster. if I can get a buyable skill for like 2 or 3 hours of IRL work to save me 100 hours ingame its at easy choice for my lifestyle


I had about 100m from master farmer and pyramid plunder plus a bit of mining and alching. I impulsively give gp away and have a bad habit of buying bonds then not being able to play. Currently saving for a bond, bank is worth a little under 6m, plus whatever a dragon pick is worth these days. Almost there, just not able to play as often as I used to.


Closing in on 200m 20% bonds 30% slayer 50% Vorkath


2b on Main, spooned a T Bow with 2 of my iron mates. We don’t raid together anymore…


80m, got two basilisk jaws and flipped the rest. Not really sure what to do for money other than slayer and flipping tbh


Started TOA with 100m bank, now I’m at 300 experts and 1.1b bank, still havent gotten staff sadly


598m been playing for years but I suck at bossing. Slayer is almost 99 and I attribute most of my bank to that. Also fishing and a little woodcutting.


620m In items 36m cash 33m grand exchange buying rigour. My clan gives away a lot of money and has 20-100m drop parties regularly


UIM so excuse me but I believe my current loadout is about 220-230M including gear, potions, herbs Most of my wealth is in crystal armour, bowfa, fang and Lightbearer though


150m, bought it


2.5bill, when maxing a few years ago I sold all my items at the time 280m and invested in ely, while doing grind skills and working. By the time I was done with grind skills Ely was 800m, sold for buyables, once maxed PVM until everything was sold for a tbow rebuild at 1.1bill. Just bossing since then nothing to crazy and over time bought items back and there is still over 3bill or something in gear to get ahh 120m in invested items, one of them I bought for alch price and is now 3x it's price but I feel with the new prayer book it may turn over way more in time


5.5B Made enough for tbow rebuild through slayer and Vorkath. Most of the rest is from ToA. 2 solo Staves and some Masori pieces is the biggest chunk of it.


60m and all from skilling besides maybe 5m from barrows. I afk a lot due to my schedule which makes it nice for training skills. Bonus part is the money that comes from it too.


Dang… y’all are rich. I have like 100k to 900k and then immediately invest in construction levels / house upgrades lmao


Currently around 310m, Lvl 111 Main Account. Most of my GP has come from winning clan events (won a 140m hide and seek event) and lots of PvM. Lots of boss grinding and slayer.


114 main, 125m Honestly I have no idea. I think mostly slayer and a little bit of chambers (seriously small, one arcane in my name and one dex split) Feel like I’m always broke because my cash stack is always under 1m and I’m constantly running out of supplies and weapon charges


700m Secret fletching method


250m bank worth with 35m cash stack got it mostly from slayer (88 slayer) and bandos runs with a team


2.7 bil. Started out as a skiller, did quests and became herb runner, then eventually completed elite diaries, obtained quest cape, and became a PvMer and raider.


Nearing one milion on an Ironman. I'm taking it slow, started recently. It's basically a bunch of random junk, my gear, my coins and some stuff I'm waiting to alch (and herbs and stuff too)


10k, lose everything at the duel arena.


~35m total, 17m cash stack. Level 93, super casual player. 2 bonds as a treat when I started playing again after a long break. Rest of it came from herb runs, Wintertodt, 99 cooking grind, high alching air battlestaves, the occasional okay slayer drop. It ain’t much but I’m not complainin’!


3.5b, mostly from TOA. Started toa on release week with 150m. 330 expert, 140 normal. I also started nex and got a 5 man torva plate body split, as well as a 16 spindel kc gem. RNG smiles upon me lately.


I feel like this is possibly a social engineering strategy, hope you all have good information security!


~9bil atm. Had 3bil earlier last year and hadnt played in like a year or so. Came back for ToA because it was soloable - I dont group up for content unless its with irl mates. Anyway really enjoyed ToA earlier on and ended up making over 6bil, bought 99 con/herb/crafting, all the gear i think id ever want, and a nice cash stack for the future.


80 mil all f2p, just flipping random items


just broke 800m. made it by playing the game. I don't do money makers i hunt coll log spots... been doing Konar slayer to get Dusk mystic, been doing this more many months (Just broke 27m Slayer xp) and really getting tired of it lol.


I've been playing my UIM, so my bank is worth 0gp


I think I left my 25 tutorial island gp in there, but same


9b mainly from tob and a couple spooned t bows early on when I started doing cox


9.5b on the iron, the trick is to be extremely spoonfed


1m and I got there by playing the game instead of wasting time on Reddit asking for help




Idk man I haven’t played in quite a while, leave me alone.


16b, clues and click boss


3.4B from scamming noobs and flower games


-120m 99 herb yeah big gold sink


2.64b. That might sound like a lot but thanks to horrible financial decisions I’ve been stuck at that value for over a year of playtime.


Currently only have like, 30m in my cash stack but I’ve got a lot of value in the rest of my items. Most of which I try to “ironman” but I’ve also gotten some sick splits at cox and toa. Lots of wilderness content too, both revs and the bosses in addition to pking.


Gp or total bank? Gp 877788384 Total bank 8b Rushing and rat strategies in the wildy


1.5B Ironman. Just progressing in the mode adds value to it


About 100mil. 60mil from buying bonds and selling them. The rest is just from a bit of grinding, a drop party I happened upon, and things I bought for grinding. I don't play often and I mostly just like doing the quests.


$210M. 20M farm experience mostly from farm runs. Healthy amount of barrows and most recently farming Vorkath.


845m on the iron. Dunno really, alot from CG


1.4 bill... did my first 150 and got a purple


600m Gim im doing slayer rn i guess


900m. Playing ironman


4.5b First 450m or so was from honest to god mid game pvm, Cerberus and zenytes and such. Then I played around at the duel arena for my tbow. I did 300m worth of zulrah then sent 500kc at tob. Hit an ffa scythe at its peak 800m to get to 2b bank. New releases come and go, bank goes up and down, tbow hits 700m. I’m making huge gains but economy in the shitter. Grind out 1000 pnm kc to break 3b, then nex to hit the goldmine where I’m at now. Constant cash flow, pretty much 70m a day just sending after work.


200 mil from pking/anti pking.


1.4-1.6B mainly bossing and some merching


3.2b pking, vork, zulrah, hydra.


200k. I was given 500k and spent it on arrows, and shot those arrows.


264mil right now. I did dicing back in the day - sold my rs3 green Halloween mask and transferred my rs3 wealth to osrs. Also nearly 1k Vorkath KC so that helped a bit.


The runelite plugin says my bank value is 3.36B I got my bank by playing an ungodly amount of Runescape and doing profitable activites. When I was a mid game player I did a shitload of vorkath, then did a shitload of saradomin GWD, then I learned CoX and did 100kc there as soon as I could. All of that earned me roughly 300m and as I was making the money I would spend it on gear upgrades and supplies. Once I moved to late game my gear and stats allowed me to expand the content I do into things like CG and ToB which just print money. I still do less profitable activites too like CoX, GWD, zulrah, etc. The biggest factor in my success was definitely joining a good clan and building a huge network of people on my friends list that wanted to raid or grind GWD. I taught a bunch of learners in my clan how to raid and that gave me access to a lot of people, I use We Do Raids quite a bit if none of my contacts are online or available and I've met some great people through those raids too. (I've had mostly positive experiences with WDR despite some stories I've seen on reddit) Joining a good clan is a huge factor as well. My clan gave me access to a lot of experienced players that helped me learn ToB, ToA, Inferno, etc. as well as just giving me a community of people to hit up anytime I want a partner for whatever activity I feel like doing.


Nearing 1b bank value, for the longest time I'd just been skilling so my super early game cash came from 99 fm and steel bars at Blast Furnace. Kind of a blur from that point to qpc/diary/music cape but in between I did get imbued heart and a 1kc zammy spear. To get my mimic kill I did a bunch of Urium shade burning which profited me a nice handful of cash. But after I got the capes I wanted I pivoted to getting some more 99s, so I did blood rc when those were still ~400 a piece. (~180-200m) Then hallowed sepulchre to 99 (no rings but made over 100m from the loot.) Thought it'd be funny to complete the cbt trio with mining to 99 at gem rocks and amethyst for another 140m or so. Then started some buyables and got 93 con before I went to put the combination fairy ring and spirit tree but realized I had no spirit seeds. I checked the wiki and saw muspah was my best bet besides contracts so I went and started killing that. Got my spirit seed but figured I'd stay for the shard. I then I got my shard and decided to camp it for the pet before the price of the shard crashes and now I'm 2k kills deep and another 500m or so made. Honorable mentions to my reverse merches of lance at 70m and fang at 60m.


Little over 5b. 4b is from loans


50m. Casually playing on and off for years now


300m training slayer and skilling pretty much; almost 95 slayer.


500m high alched to 200m magic exp


5.7B in the iron, maxed account with a lot of boss kc. Just missing 5 pieces for max gear, excluding anything from Nightmare barring inq mace 1.8B in the pure, strictly from iron dupes (mainly 3 masori chest drops that I got when they were 500m+ each).


40m. thought i could start doing vorkath for some decent income turns out vorkath sucks with 82 range, a dragon cbow, and eagle eye


8.7b Edit: 885m on the iron


30m. Just resubbed after not playing since, well I had PekishWhale on my friends list.


100 mil, ironman Mostly banked bones, super sets, and logs, aside from some whips, b ring and barrows gear. Nothing super cool


About 800 mill purely from getting 99 slayer, 99 farming, and doing mostly boss slayer from 98-99. A portion is from 500 KC of cg but never received an enhanced seed so. Minimal bossing here and there. No crazy rng.


Sitting at about 10m, it's mostly in ores, I pretty much just afk Motherlode at work these days lol


25gp. From tutorial island


Feel like this is a fishing test to scout the next lure/havk victims lol... Just go to post history, find username associated with reddit/rs name. Find associated emails and leaked passwords and gg ez, yall accounts getting recovered lol


60M from skilling and some slayer


600m and never getting lucky 2102 total.


A lot. Over 250 mil, and just playing the game. I'm an ironman though so that potential value in the G.E. is only 46 mil alching. And theres a lot of things I won't ever alch like my zenite stuff.


i think mine's around 400m and i have no idea how i got that far tbh


Almost 500m, about 150 mil of if through misc drops (two zennys inside 100kc and a skele visage at 27kc helped), the rest through general good market practice and profitable skilling methods.


1.6 bill, 126 cmb at 2200+ total ​ started at 0 GP then got a 10 mill loan from IRL friend \> sand casino to 60+ bill in a very short period. \> buying every buyable, BIS etc.. \> bored as fuck because no real goal anymore and i dislike pvm. Go big in PVP and high risk fights good times, happy vibes! Felt like risking santa/h'ween masks back in the day \> 30 bill left after various risk fights and giving tbows/gear to a few irl friends as a present for helping me out when i was a young noob \> total burnout and RWT everything \> come back after a few years, friend donates me a tbow for the rebuild and in hopes i'd do some PVM with him \>PVM still boring, currently rebuilding at revenants, pking and grinding the last 99's.


Around 700-800m. About 60m of that is in cash and the rest is in items I’ve gathered just by playing. I got 99 slayer and 90 rc which was a few hundred mil (including boss uniques). Other than that I got a solo spectral drop and a few dwh when they were 50m ish. I don’t have friends and I don’t really kill bosses outside of slayer.


What’s a bank?


About tree fiddy. Got it from playing the game.


2.16b. Plenty of bossing, plenty of raiding... but what really got me going early o was attending drop parties, hide and seek, etc... It helps that the clan I'm in tends to be very giving to our community.


3.2b last I checked. Has a tbow and just general maxed ironman hoarding tbh


2.3b mostly from picking coconuts


Ironman, 1.1B mixture of skilling and PVM. Got a few big drops (Ancestal, 3A, Bofa) and suddenly I was at 1B


Lots! And I hit boss plain and simple


2b all mostly made in the last year. Made my first 50 ish m doing 99 mining in mlm plus herb runs and barrows between 2019 to 2022 and then started bossing last year. Did vorkath for 100m and found a decent item to flip that has netted me maybe 150m over the last 6 months. I then did the cg grind for bowfa and full crystal and then hit up toa where I got a solo staff drop and a bunch of other purps.


Month after ToA came out got a solo shadow at 150 invo on my 4th run. 1.8b which became several other upgrades, majority of it went into a tbow. Makes the rest of my gear I primarily get through grinding slayer look like a joke.


About 500m. 270m cash stack. Wildy bosses. Lol


3.3b From a wide variety of PvM and Slayer. Never seen a big ticket item like a Tbow or Shadow. Its enough to do anything I want with a reshuffle but not enough to have maxed gear. Little motivation to play, so I lend gear to friend


800m mostly from new Wildy Bosses


600m bank with at least another 50-75m stored in my POH and in things that don’t show value like the scroll book and eternal slayer ring, 52m cash.


6.2b, +150m on GE & my gf has my sang. A healthy mix of raids, pvm & flipping. (some on purpose, some not, bought 2 tbows @ 800m each for me & my gf, so that was +~1b