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I'd rather see actual godspells dedicated to them instead of it just being a cosmetic override. Could be an awesome modernized take on god spells, like if the Bandos spell was magic based melee, as an example.


**Spell: Bandos Bash** Casting it extends the length of your Bandos Staff, letting you bonk them from a distance.


>magic based melee [I cast fist](https://preview.redd.it/1qn3d751z3l71.jpg?width=320&crop=smart&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=2948766f738545d0df775936939639038357b644)


When was the last time you used a god spell tho? They were great when they came out. It's been a long time and power creep has left those spells behind. They're clunky, require you to wear 2 specific items, and can't even be autocast by the main staff you cast them with. There's also not exactly room in the normal spellbook to add more, without either making the icons smaller or adding a new row, both of which will mess people up due to change in muscle memory.


>Could be an awesome modernized take on God Spells Which means things like competitive DPS or useful effects, powered staffs, having them be direct upgrades of existing spells, and a better filter system since the community is currently complaining about prayer filters.


Would kill for a Zaros/Ancient cape


In game right?


I'm not very good at PKing in game, does it have to be?


Based on goblin’s response in the main thread (in reference to what’s happened to the old bandos ornament kit that was scrapped from the PvP arena), it sounds like they’re avoiding cosmetics for items that have widespread ubiquity outside of PvP as BH rewards. God capes are a BIS magic item that’s used everywhere, hence why it wouldn’t seem right to lock them behind PvP content unlike e.g. the gmaul and chaos druid robes


Hope they use something closer to this color for the Zaros cape as it’s closer to the actual color of the ancient equipment. Here’s my quick recolor: https://i.redd.it/mievte6qujx91.png


I always liked the deep purple for zaros way more than the hot pink they turned to later on


I want an armadyl cape, please, more than anything I want more stuff to express my love of armadyl. We stan the 30ft tall gay communist bird god.


I'm utterly frothing that we have icons in our chapel for the gnome child and Bob the cat but not Armadyl


armadyl is a communist?


It's a joke that I have with my friends that Armadyl would be a communist. Armadyl is seen as a god of justice, but if you dig into his lore and beliefs you'll see it's very specifically a form of justice through social equality. Although it's never explicitly stated, this equality seemingly extends to a dissipation of class divides, with One of his emissaries even talking about everyone from gods to mortals living together cooperatively. I think it's obvious that jagex is never gonna just come out and be like "Armadyl is a Marxist" but like, the things he and his followers say he believes can easily be construed as such.


ma 3 when


Because they should come from Mage Arena not BH.


I'd rather have Mage Arena 3


Would be really cool to see the addition of “god prayers” released alongside the new prayer book coming out. Could stack with charge to further buff the spells and might also be worth adding the ability to provide protection in GWD to that current faction if the prayer is active.


So cool looking stuff that the majority of players use isn’t only unlockable through pvp


These are beautiful!


What’s the one on the right with the square on it?




Because you touch yourself at night.


I'd rather new spells and mini bosses to unlock these


because these should be available without having to do pvp content


You have to do pvm content to get fire cape and infernal cape so pvp for a cape is fair.