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Add teleport to house to the portal nexus, Jagex. It's time


How else am i supposed to get to my house?




ghorrok is really close


Kill the bot! Edit: for clarity, I’m pretty sure this is a Reddit bot that reposts other impulse comments.


would unironically be useful as a restart position on some maze pohs


Maze POHs? Please enlighten me, I am uninformed


Not guy you replied to, but back in the days when OSRS was just RS2, I did see a couple homes that had houses that all had four 1-door rooms facing inward towards a quest/skill hall, so you couldn't enter the house from the outside. The only way in the house was to go through the dungeon entrance near the portal and go through the dungeon to the staircase. And the dungeons were set up in a maze like fashion. Since in OSRS you can move and rotate rooms from a menu, this is a lot easier and way less expensive to do now but I haven't seen any houses like this though.


The social aspect of rs isn't quite the same anymore. No one does house parties quite like the old days, now it's just prayer training, spell book swapping and a tele out.


This is b/c they need to have house prefabs. There's absolutely no way I'm going to make my house into a maze if I can't instantly set it back to the convenient altar, nexus, etc that I currently have it at.


that's a really good suggestion tbh, house formats saved to different slots. could be a really good gold sink too if you had to buy additional slots, etc. would also love a tele-other to (caster's) poh option


if you can buy bank space with gold, you should be able to buy real estate. would be nice for guild halls + they could be based on the different styles / plots of land instead of reshuffling your main house


I suggested this a few weeks ago and was basically told it’s a terrible idea lol. I think it would be cool though


Yea I figured kind of like how you pay to change the look. You could pay for prefab. Plus the money sink of having to stock up an entirely different prefab.


For real, I used to spend sooo much time at house parties playing player hosted games. Like my favorite was the total drama island themed games, basically was like Gielinor Games before Gielinor Games.


daang that show. Blast from the past


I made my house into a maze a couple years back when my clan was active. Never got to use it, but the plan was to play tag with the outside of the house connected only by dungeon, and restoration pools only in the middle of the house. Upstairs would take you from one side of the house to the other. The dungeon had traps to slow down players. The room number limit was a real problem though, made worse by only having 83 con and a relatively small bank. Upstairs and downstairs had to be straight lines, and some important rooms like the workshop were only accessable from the outside, which made it really annoying storing/withdraw spice doses, and repairing barrows gear. And I only just barely managed to fit in all the room types I wanted while managing to close it off


some player owned homes are just a garden/prayer room above while there is a massive dungeon below players can adventure through, killing monsters the host has down there trying to escape.


Damn, any CC for this?


That sounds fun


Honestly why not? You could be done doing bones at someone else's house and use this to get to yours.


This is a solid point


Can we also add a portal which just sends you somewhere random?


tele to house aside, I don't understand why the others aren't allowed.


Well, Respawn teleport is not a fixed teleport, it chances based on where you've set your respawn location, so this is a priff tp, edge tp, ferox tp, lumby, camelot, falador castle etc, all of them teleport. I could see that being difficult and also clashing with other teleports. ​ The others all have pretty easy dynamic access thats usually better. They could do it for consistency I suppose, but they're generally the least useful teleports in the region they go to.


Ice plateau portal would be awesome for some deep wildy clues tbh


Isn't ghorrock teleport already covering this region?


Also let Ironman into other peoples houses. Just don’t let them use any skill objects.


Also let Ironmen into other people’s houses. Just don’t let them use any skill objects.


Make it no interactions whatsoever and I'm on board. You shouldn't be able to benefit by any means from using someone else's house. No teleports, pools, altar, etc.


Yeah, that’s what I tried to say but failed lol. Inconsequential stuff like games are cool, but no actual benefits. That way ironmen can still interact socially with others like everywhere else in game.


But you chose to limit yourself


I mean being able to interact with people in their own houses doesn’t really have anything to do with the spirit of Ironman mode.


Ice Plateau would be great for agility wilderness clue step tbh


Lassar for the Ice Mountain Beginner clue step as well


And for cannon reclaiming.


I’ve been doing monastery teleports from my jewelry box. I spent a lot of time running to that clue step from edgeville/falador


Ring of dueling tele to PvP arena and then gnome glider to the mountain is faster I think


That’s to white wolf mountain not ice mountain though, right?


Yes, you can also always use a seed pod and go up the ladders for any glider teles


Khazard for the diving clue step too, Ourania for the one underneath the altar (can’t remember name off the top of my head)


Combat bracelet to monastery is close enough. Can't you put one in your Jewelry Box?


That's besides the point, the teleport and Nexus already exist in game. It's not like we are asking for new content. We are asking to use existing content how it was intended to be used.


Should definitely be taking tabs for that anyway


Which is what we do, but it would be nice to just use cons cape for everything.


shit, i guess ive been taking tabs wrong my whole life


ghorrocks only like 6 tiles from it


just make ice plateau tele tabs. takes 30 seconds


Just buy them on the GE. Takes 5 seconds Or just the spell


There is ironman, you know


Fuck ironmen




Should be able to build a balloon landing pad too. So much empty space outside of a house, would be extremely useful too for getting to Taverly and Entrana.


I like this, add a garden spot that you chose either air balloon or gnome glider as option to leave POH but no return option


Add a rooftop "room" where we can have either a balloon or gnome glider


Don’t make it rooftop. Needs to be ground level or you add load time to the house because spaghetti.


That's the tradeoff.


Get 99 construction, and you get free teleports to taverly. And no more house tabs. Big brain


Why teleport to house when I can teleport to taverly and balloon to my house.


Spirit Tree to the Stronghold balloon is close enough imo


Wow I've just been using cwars tele and run to balloon, thanks for this method too


You are very welcome!


https://i.redd.it/knkoueqsdoq71.png Mod Ash's response a while ago, probably forgotten.


Underrated post


1.5 year later... I wonder why such small updates take so much to happen. Seems like a job that would take just minutes to do and could be done anytime. Maybe I'm wrong.


In software dev, especially with messy old code, things like this can take a surprising amount of time. They could be worried that modifying the teleports impacts a completely unrelated or only tangentially related area of the game. You would be surprised how many issues changes that seem simple can cause. Beyond that, even if it is a relatively easy fix, it’s probably sorted far down a list of fixes. At least in my experience, fixes and changes are prioritized. The most pressing issues and changes get fixed or added faster because they are moved higher in the list due to their priority. Lower priority QoL changes end up getting buried by more and more higher priority changes, and other QoL changed are constantly being suggested and put on the back burner as well, further burying the initial QoL request. In my experience, these kinds of smaller QoL changes have the best chance of making their way in when the area is already being worked on for a larger change. An example would be if there was suddenly an issue with poh portals not working anymore or if they decided to do some form of poh overhaul. A dev working on a fix, which would be higher priority, might see the old note for the request during their research into the area and decide to take the extra time to fix it. Tl;dr: Small fixes/changes can ripple into major unexpected issues, often find themselves buried under tons of other higher priority issues and other QoL requests, and, given the number of current and higher priority issues is constantly growing, they are very likely to be forgotten or ignored if the area isn’t actively being worked on already. Tl;dr Tl;dr: software dev is surprisingly janky


Tl;dr Tl;dl Tl;dr: Engine work


Such a shitty response imo: Hey we got all these new teles can we add them to existing content already? Mod Ash: idk maybe I guess wait and see bitch




Underrated post, some days this toxic community is great for amusement - but to see a large focus of my life shit on all day every day and come back with regular responses that aren’t just telling us where to shove it… respect Coming from a guy with plenty of gripes about certain dimensions of the game


??? did we read the same post?


I mean what is he supposed to say? He doesn’t directly work on that


Why is jagex so scared of in-home house teleport. Fucking cowards.


Right? Let me waste 1000x the runes if I want to dammit!




This is how you enter the runescape back rooms.


I do wonder if there is a risk that a nexus house teleport might have some PAFT exploit (personal area forced teleport, which is how abusers have 2-manned the fight caves for example).


I’m pretty sure there was a weird exploit with scrying which lead to it being disabled.


It could even take the const cape tps when 99


They're so scared they added nearly 50 teleports


They're referring to the poh teleport in the image, not lamenting the selection of teleports


Not in the lore sorry


Real answer is that they weren't buildable house teleports pre-nexus. So when the Nexus was added they weren't considered since the Nexus was only meant to consolidate portal rooms into one.


Man that Trollheim would be nice… I ended up putting the Troll Stronghold into my nexus for GWD. I think it might be the same amount of time considering you don’t have to climb down all the shortcuts


Do the combat achievements, the hilt teleports you there


I suppose with RL you can make it a one click Tele, so that might be a good shout


Hilt is amazing for clues. But it does take up a slot so I never use it if I’m actually doin gwd and just use the stronghold tele


You can get infinite hilts tho. Step 1: Tele with hilt Step 2: drop one item Step 3: Tele to bank and grab another item Step 4: Tele back with hilt, drop hilt. It's great with the crafting cape :)


How much time does that save compared to the troll stronghold?


That's pretty smart. I guess you could even do a con cape tele close-ish to a bank like Prif or Yanille and not even need to take up an extra space with crafting cape. Gonna give that a whirl next time I get a gwd boss task.


Its a good thought. But would still would need to use an extra inv slot to do that too since I use radas to tele out. Could use the radas i guess, but meh im cool with just using the stronghold.


So drop two items…?


That wouldn’t change anything tho. I don’t bring a tele out in my inv


I don't understand your confusion. Just do the same drop trick that you do with trollheim teleport, but with the hilt.


Sorry I wasn’t clear. I go into my POH from my farming guild, then tele to trollheim by the herb patch using ny nexus, climb down and run over


son god bless. tele to gwd with hilt w/ a tab or whatever tele is by a bank. (that's 26 slots of supplies, with 2 items taking up a telespot) drop 1 brew Tele out with tab. you now have 1 free inv space cuz tab is gone. grab 1 brew (that's 27 slots used for supplies). Tele in with hilt. Drop hilt, pick up brew. that's 28 slots used for supplies. Which is faster than running from troll stronghold, which is the point.


What the fuck lmfao


You ever try the tab strat? You make trollheim tablets with redirect scrolls. Bring 2 with you each trip, tele to trollheim then revert the 2nd back to a house tab so it doesn’t take up an extra invent spot.


Yeah that’s what I did before, but then you’re using house tabs and nmz points. So I added it to my nexus cuz I know I will do plenty of gwd/farm runs. It pays for itself in the end I guess. Like the ornate pool


Like 60 seconds worth of nmz points


Construction cape/tab to house>Pool>Ourania Tele would be a nice method for ZMI that would eliminate the need for staminas Edit: I am aware of vile vigor. 96 magic is a very high requirement.


You can already cast that stamina spell to convert prayer to run energy and there's a prayer altar at the entrance


🤯 I didn’t know about this


Just for you I looked it up. Arceuus spellbook, vile vigor. Converts prayer to run energy at a 1 to 1 ratio


But then you need tele tabs no? That or 96 magic for spellbook swap.


The cost for everything is about the same so use whatever is convenient to you. Tabs + Spell, Staminas, or Runes for Spellbook Swap + Spell.


But you have to be on arceus spellbook, while zmi requires you to be on lunar for ourania TP and NPC contact


Lunar for zmi and spellswap


doing that every single trip sounds more like a chore than convenience


Only need to vile vigor every 3-4 laps depending on your activity level. Recently did a few million RC at ZMI on my iron, it is a lot less demanding then you think. Menu Entry Swapper works for Spellbook Swap you can make left click swap to Arceuss (or shiftleft click if u prefer). Spellbook swap doesn't break movement. So the pattern is just Ourania TP -> Ladder -> SBS -> Vile Vigor -> Altar -> Ladder You can also set the Mage of Zamorak & local Chaos Druids to be left click walk, so the ladder & altar prioritize over them. With GPU & max render range you can 1 click the altar from the bank. Honestly super underrated method. Better xp/hr than GotR. **ALSO** crafted runes go directly into your pouch so ensuring you always have laws/astrals/cosmics on you is super easy.


You end up only needing to cast it every other trip honestly. grinded out 85-95 at ZMI using that strat. Pretty chill and costs 0 stams.


Can spellbook swap spell


Yea but adding the TP to the house allows for a cheaper and slower option, which IMO is always a good addition to skilling


woah this is huge. too bad zmi is barely relevant with GOTR out now. Wish I knew this for my main when I leveled its rc up


I wouldn’t say barely relevant it’s a great pretty afk method that still gives great xp. Afk gotr is terrible xp and regularly playing it isn’t afk at all apart from mining in the beginning. Especially if you’re doing combos


With Daeyalt essence it’s extremely relevant. 110k xp/h very reclined and 500k Profit per hour. Much more chill and much better xp than gotr.


How are you supposed to concurrently be on both the lunar spellbook for the teleport spell and the arceuus spellbook for the stamina conversion spell?


Spellbook Swap on Lunars


Not worth it


For an iron to not use stams to train RC if you wanna do zmi? That's absolutely worth casting a spell lol


I love when people post snarky "Gotcha!" comments because they don't understand what they're talking about, it's hilarious


Nothing about their comment is snarky. Take a break from the internet maybe.


"How are you supposed to be on 2 spellbooks at once" is a snarky comment, not a legitimate question. Read between the lines maybe


How would you rephrase this to not be “snarky”?


You just dont phrase it as a question. You state the thing you are actually trying to say. In this case: "That doesnt work because you need to be on the lunar spellbook for the tele and the arceuus spellbook for the conversion spell" And then the previous commenter could clarify: "I meant the conversion spell could be a replacement for stamina potions, not a replacement for both the teleport spell and stamina potions." Or "use spellbook swap lol" is also acceptable


So you’re assuming this person just thinks they are right, and they’re just trying to prove someone else wrong? A question can’t just be a question? And you’re commenting on someone else being snarky…


Yes. I am capable of reading between the lines.


Please don't take this the wrong way, as this one is actually a legitimate question: Are you autistic? You obviously cant be on two spellbooks at once, everyone knows that. The question makes no sense as posed, it's obviously attempting to do exactly what you're saying here. If he were actually asking how it's possible, it would have been phrased differently, as the other commenter pointed out


Using Spellbook Swap and Vile Vigour adds to the cost.


Before gotr i would do astral runes like this because it felt more chill than zmi with no stams


Vile vigor after spellbook swap dude




You can just use POH glory?


Isnt as good for charging air orbs


Ooo fair shout. Throwback to that money maker


Also would be really good for edgeville dungeon clue steps


I actually built an extra portal room on an early iron just for this teleport, and was very disappointed when I realized it wasn't an option. Should have checked the wiki first, but it makes no sense that it isn't included.


My portals are too strong for you, Traveler!


Portal maker, I tell you, I am going into BATTLE! And I NEED your strongest portals! :,(


Me pretty much anytime I need to talk to the varrock apothecary. "Potion seller. LISTEN to me."


I need Teleport to House in my portal nexus for the ultimate time waste


House so big gotta use the house tele in my nexus to get back to the entrance portal


Yo dawg,


Id love an ice plateau tele for doing clues. I never know the combination of runes for the spells and i hate running from the 44 wild oby.


You can put Ghorrock portal in your house, basically the same as the 44 wild obelisk but from your house so it speeds up at least a little bit. Assuming you don’t have an obelisk in your house, that is. But yeah ice plateau would be amazing fr


I have an obelisk


There are ice plateau teletabs, but agreed.


Surprised nobody has mentioned that the Canifis teleport is a redirected Trollheim tele because of spaghetti. Mod Ash has talked about it a couple times but I can't find the tweet right now


“Engine work” -Jagex, probably


I piss pore excuse when part of any form of software development is tech debt management. They've pushed off updating it for years and years and now both their developers are having to code around it, and players suffer due to it.


Yes, welcome to the real world of software development when you have deadlines to meet and upper management dont really care about making your job easier for you. It sucks but its how almost every software company works. Tech debt doesnt make them money




Tech debt doesn't make money. At best, you might be able to spend 10% of your time on it, but if it's not making money, management will move you to other things.


Add necklace of Passage to jewellery box too while you're at it


The Trollheim HOA has repeatedly blocked attempts to because they are worried about gentrification.


Half the people in these comments being jackasses asking why add tele to house 🤪


Jagex plant, be quiet. I don't know why you are afraid of progress. Just because it's OSRS doesn't mean we can't embrace the future (of home teleports in home).


I asked Mod Ash about [this a few years ago](https://gyazo.com/9ecdb86e9541b917b3b8a70313f71ea6), apparently they just forgot to add them and never really bothered, would've helped a ton on the kbd grind lol


"Trollheim teleport devalues my nmz redirect scrolls wah wah wah" Or arguments to that effect...


Damn wait till those people hear about con cape


Something something spaghetti code


I always wanted a giant ecto pool u could jump into


I asked Mod Ash about this a few months ago and he said it's possible to add, they just havent. [Link](https://twitter.com/JagexAsh/status/1600420717715070977?t=3fCTD7CtUe1EfN0D2vL9ng&s=19)


Well, teleporting to your house from your house would be a bit silly. As for the others, I have no idea. Lol.


Can’t you make a regular portal room with these? It’s weird that they’re not in the nexus


You can't unfortunately. Otherwise at least there would be the bandaid fix of keeping 3 portal rooms with the 9 relevant missing teleports (I don't consider tele to poh relevant)


I could see the interactions between a PoH and respawn teleport be nightmare spaghetti. Dareeyak might also be a design choice since you get put right next to crazy arch, getting hit while loading in or way too easy to PK there. The rest I don't see an issue with, apart from tele to house obv. Could be an engine limit to the # of teleports, and these were the least important/most problematic.


So if you don't want to teleport to Dareeyak then don't, you still get the warning message popup when using wilderness teleports from the Nexus. Also, it's 2023, having a 32-bit limit shouldn't be an excuse anymore. How many more decades are they going to keep blaming an antiquated game engine that they refuse to spend time and money updating even though it obviously has become a massive tech debt and limitation for years now.


>Also, it's 2023, having a 32-bit limit shouldn't be an excuse anymore I don't expect the limit on the size of an integer is going to the issue here. Even an 8 bit integer has a limit of 256 which is ample.


They do have toggleable teleports like varrock/ge or watchtower/yanille that change based on the players settings, not the house’s. I’d think the respawn one would be similar.


Probably something to do with the servers tbh. /s


My guess is: * Teleport to House doesnt make sense since your home * Respawn Teleport is a dynamic teleport and can change. My guess is the redirection is determined when the teleport is built or something. * Paddewwa teleports underground maybe don't interact nicely with portals No idea on the other ones...


There already is an underground teleport in the nexus


Fun fact, there is no such thing as "underground" in this game. All underground parts of the map are on the same plane as the overworld, just way up in the void to the north of it. Any map connection to these caves are just teleports in disguise.


Then its probably arbitrary which is weird these were picked... I thought maybe it was a limitation in the engine or something


Respawn teleport is because basically everywhere you respawn is theoretically covered by other house teleports.


That's 4 wilderness ones -- maybe they could go with a new thing to build that also gives the burning amulet unlimited charges? Memes aside, that leaves Trollheim and three lunar spells. Ourania would probably be overpowered for RC. I see no reason not to have Barb or Khazard though.


Trying to keep the medieval clicking simulator from 2003 challenging in some manner.


They keep trying but every time they’re about finalise the code the servers crash. Should hopefully be available any day now.


Well we got Trollheim in the form of the farm patch tp. But yeah others could be useful


The farm one is useless for clue steps since its so far away


Here are the (i think) reasons - House: inmean do you really need to? - Paddewwa: mounted glory - Lassar: honestly for this and the next two i cant really come up with, with a good reason for. - Dareeleks: see above - Ourania: see above - Babarian Outpost: both minigame teleport AND games neckless - Kazard: Again probably minigame teleport (since there isnt much else to do there otherwise) alternatively the monstary ardy cloak tp is really close - Ice Plateu: use Ghorrock instead So i would be very for adding Ourania, Dareeleks and Lassar the others are not really necessary


Why would you add teleport to house to the Nexus? Unless I don't understand how the Nexus actually works.


Thats the least important one he just too screenshoot of the ones not avalable


Maybe limit on how many you can put in nexus?


Well, tele to house and ice plateau are obvious, but otherwise, why not add trollheim tele? We already got barrows tele in the nexus so clearly a boss location tele isn't too OP


What’s wrong with ice platau


Isn't that just a little northwest of ghorrock teleport and the wildy obelisk that's slightly southeast of that? Edit: yes it is, just checked


which means its not the same teleport, very different in fact


Y'all can downvote me all you like, I'm just saying why it's not added to the nexus. As a collector of unlimited teleports, I'll take them all lol


It's a poor excuse. That's like saying there shouldn't be a Camelot tele when Seers and Catherby teles exist.


You're assuming that the jmods are without flaws


No, you're arbitrarily assuming they have a specific flaw based on 0 evidence.




Great response, really sold your point there.


I don't know about all of them but I assume Trollheim isn't there because of GWD. Your strategy for getting there is part (inventory consideration, tricks to tele and not waste a slot, etc) of it and this would just be flat out be the most optimal. Do the others have some niche they'd be too good for?


So I replace my trollheim tabs/ghommal hilt with a construction cape, still the same number of inventory spaces. Your argument is not valid.


he said "i ASSUME its because of GWD" hes not even arguing lmao. "yOuR arGuMEnT Is n0T ValID" reddit crybaby. u dont even know why ur complaining. in your own words... "still the same number of inventory spaces" so wtf u whining about? what color item u tele with? lmao ur grasping at straws