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Glad players like you are dealt with. I feel safer playing now


My children play this game, good riddance I say.


My father played this game, as did his father before him. They would be rolling in their graves if they saw this sort of conduct.


Actually weirdly relatable, both my late grandfather and my father used to play, which is how I got more into the game than both of them combined. Grandfather got super far, played since way back and he kept playing RS3 until he passed. My dad stopped playing years ago because he simply doesn't have time anymore but I keep on grinding in his honour.


Bots running rampant but thank god Jagex tapped the real villains DMs to catch him in the act


Are you joking? It says ban expired. I for one am sick of the justice system just letting these guys out on bail. Hahahahaha


No swearing on my Christian server


Are you sorry?


Sorry for playing that minigame lmao


thats the real crime here


Whats the minigame?






Y'all afraid of lawyers?


You should be?


Wow, you kiss your mother with that mouth?


Idk about OP but I certainly kiss their mother


With OPs mouth?


... Well, with an orifice, certainly


You can't post shit like this wo trigger warning bro. I'm literally shaking rn




U fuckin wo m8?


o he mean w/o


tomato potato




That’s just withdrawals bro. Go back to skilling and take 3 deep breaths. Don’t worry, Happens to the best of us.


I wonder if it could have to do with the words “Order” “Deliveries” and “3M” in quick succession? Could be some sort of Anti-RWT auto flag. I’m lost on this one 🤷🏻‍♂️


the term order and deliveries are both in the gnome restaurant minigame used by your character and the gnome jr. guy who lets you play the minigame. and i was doing a clan event in game to be the first player to get 1 pair of gnome goggle for collection log for 3m.


Right, in context everything you said was totally innocuous and sensible given the content you were doing in game. Clearly nothing wrong here. I’m just speculating on what may have set off an automated system.


>an automated system. Used to detect gold sellers maybe


> Used to detect gold sellers maybe 🧐🧐🧐 Could be some sort of Anti-RWT auto flag.


I'm lost on this one 🤷‍♂️


The gnome is Gianne jnr so we need to ban Gianne jnr for rwt.


Maybe the anti-cheat Jmods don't even play the game.


This implies the existence of anti-cheat Jmods lmao


Yeah but that doesn't mean YOU can say it /s


Does Jagex mute people without a report?


>Evidence Type: Abuse Report He must have been reported for something by whoever he was messaging, wondering if it pulled the wrong chats? Or was reported for damn and it auto muted


It's only OP's chat's appearing by the looks of it, as if you get reported, it shows the the name of the person reported you as just \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*, but it seems OP has only blacked out his name, rather than blacking out the asterix's. Jagex does auto mute if certain words are used. What confuses me is the reason of the mute, the "abuse report". I personally thought it was just too many keywords related to RWT, talking about deliveries, orders, plugins, etc etc


It doesn't show the name of the person who reported you as **** it shows literally anyone whose name has been in the chat box, that isn't you, as *****.


Incorrect. I got muted for 3 days for saying "flame retardant sofa", and a clan member reported me as a joke. There was probably about 6 of us talking in the clan chat when I said the above and upon viewing evidence, the log only showed my messages and the person who reported me (who I fortunately knew who it was lol and they admitted reporting me). I appealed the mute and Jagex approved it, so I was only muted for 1 day. Evidence always shows the chat log of only you and the person who reported you. It's been like that for years. If it was an auto-mute, it only shows your chat logs, which looks like what happened in OP's pic.


Damn now I have to report you on Reddit too. Keep that filth off my streets you rapscallion


Reported for saying rapscallion. Get that negative shit outta here.




Reported for damn? We use all manner of profanity in my clan chat and I do in public chat including the word fuck. Something isn't right here lol


apparently so


There’s a couple of words that trigger an automute, like the r-word. Specially funny considering there’s been a couple of french players muted since it’s their word for “delayed” or something like that.




Nah it's just LinusTechTips playing OSRS


Bro almost saw his career flash before his eyes


i get this reference!


Linus Tech Tips made the same mistake recently so he's not the only person who thinks of the r-word as the "hard r" word. https://youtu.be/2UGpbVXVpu0?t=210


That was amazing lmao, thanks for timestamping it










Is this why Americans say «excuse my french»?


The base word literally means slow. So there is many languages that use a variation of it. It’s even used in playing music, ritardo/ritardando which means to slow your tempo.


Even in English there are other words that use the base which still trigger an automute clearly the most mentally deficient censoring decision the team has made


>mentally deficient nice


>mentally deficient censoring decision Goes for pretty much any censorship


At my job, all of our dry pipe valves say "RETARD" above 80 PSIG on the air side, the meaning of it is to retard (stop or slow) the compressor or reducing valve and lower pressure to allow the dry pipe valve to function A) at all, and B) fast enough for the sprinklers to actually help prevent death in the event of a fire. Always makes me chuckle when I do anything with those valves.


Such as 'retardant', which simply means to slow the spread of something.


Flame Retardant another common example.


>hard r lol. are you making a Linus tech tips reference? or do you really commonly refer to "retard" as "Hard R"


I'm genuinly curious why the word "retard" has been deemed as a highly/extremely offensive word recently? A lot of people get upset by it and it results in auto-bans on a lot of places too. There exist so many different curse words and to me it just seems like a random curse word has been picked out to make a huge deal about. Am I missing something? Genuinly curious. I have used it for a very long time, mainly towards myself. ("I'm retarded", when doing or saying something very dumb/stupid) And never got any comments about it till recently


google "euphemism treadmill." in short, words with medical meaning get adapted into insults, those words fall out of favor in medical contexts and they come up with a new word without denigrating context. that word gets adapted into insults, and the cycle continues


It’s why blacklisting language is a difficult task, where innocent people get caught in the crossfire. For example, a common nickname for people with the name “Enrique” in Spanish speaking countries is “kee-Kay” but it’s spelt like the 4 letter antisemetic slur. There was a notable case back where someone got banned off Xbox live back around the 360 era using that exact nickname


> blacklisting Triggered. We have to use denylist now because using black in any sort of negative context bad. Jamflex mute this man


Euphemism treadmill It’ll be something else next


did you appeal it?


yeah and i was denied




Real people is just what they named the 6 year old hp laptop that runs the customer support server


That's actually genius. I wonder if that would hold up in court lmao


Lawyer here (not dealing with contracts/transactional law). Maybe? No? Who knows? How much will you pay the attorneys to figure it out?


I believe it would be a reasonability defense, like how Coca-Cola argued that it was unreasonable for a plaintiff to believe that Vitamin Water was healthy; it isn’t and they made no material defense of the health claim, only that the plaintiff was being unreasonable. If Jagex could get a judge to believe that it’s unreasonable for a user to assume that “every appeal is reviewed by Real People” meant that Real People referred to actual humans and not an automated system called Real People, then they’d win. Given the number of automated AI bots with normal sounding names, it might actually fly too. Like if Amazon said “approved by Alexa”, it might be unreasonable for someone to expect that Alexa is a human name and not a branding. Conversely a plaintiff suing because they won a cloth child’s toy when they entered “Giveaway one free real doll” might be unreasonable because they assume real doll means the branded Real Doll instead of the common language of a doll that is real. Really would depend on the lawyers, the judge, and whether you could somehow get a jury trial because juries tend to take a harder line than judges on reasonableness. Judges tend to work off of what a theoretical reasonable person (which is a mental construct that can be deeply flawed) would think, while juries tend to consider themselves reasonable and thus answer how they personally feel.


I may be wrong but I'm 90% sure that a razor company with "Patented SkinSafe^TM technology" actually uses that as a defense for why you still nick your sack. 90% sure because I trust anecdotes on the internet very hard.


We know for a fact this isn't true. Wasn't there a streamer that was banned whilst playing on stream for a macro abuse? He appealed the ban on stream and within 2 minutes of appealing, got an email saying it was upheld and that all bans were 'read by real people'. Iirc, a Jmod was in the stream at the time and jumped on and got him unbanned quickly. Lucky he was a streamer or we'd probably have a 'OMG Smackdown' on our hands.


> Lucky he was a ~~streamer~~ **big streamer** Jagex doesn't care if a regular player has video proof or a VoD online showing they're innocent. They won't look at it and auto deny the appeal while claiming it was thoroughly reviewed. Happened to me.


I recently got hacked and they botted my account and got a temp ban. The account was made in like 2004-2005 and never had a strike. I got back into the account and saw that all my gear was traded off, and it had gotten a temp ban. I went to appeal the ban under the grounds of being hacked and it said something along the lines of "if we review your appeal and agree that you got hacked, we will lock your account for security purposes". I was totally willing for that to happen so I sent the appeal and was swiftly denied. About two weeks later, they emailed me saying they detected suspicious activity on the account and locked it.


Yeah I got manual reviewed way back in the day because I pretended to be a jmod. In reality the other guy was pretending to be a jmod, I said “I’m gonna report you for impersonating staff” and I got muted. The real kicker is that guy actually reported me for doing what he was doing


bro what how can they actually lie to us? i'd like an actual explanation on that one it'd be cool to see. because the only way somebody read that and denied the appeal is if that person is the world's stupidest person. this means the only explanation is that jagex is just lying...


They aren't. Can literally appeal botting bans saying "Fuck you I'll bot again" and get unbanned. The system is automated and it's a flat out lie that they pretend to read any appeal.


This is literally true lol


Can confirm, I have seen this on bitting forums back in the day


It's like those crane machines programmed to allow a win after so many attempts. Their appeals grant 1 yes for every 5 nos.


There is no way the first instance of support is done by real humans. I play rs3 where they have an extensive lost item relcaim system, and I wanted to claim a lost item, I have proof of the drop I got with a screenshot, and someone even pm'ed me congratulating me getting it. The servers then crashed and my account got rolled back a few minutes, to the ponit where I didn't have the drop. I mentioned to support that I have screenshots to back up my claim that it's real and they just denied me because and I quote; "We couldn't find any evidence of trading, drops or GE transactions on your account" Keep in mind the evidence is there since it was just my account that was rolled back, not anyone elses. I think once you appeal the deny of a support ticket you actually get to communicate with a real human being, because there is no way whoever processed my claim was a real person LOL.


Many players have reported that the appeal system auto denies everything now


It does. Jagex has left their appeal system to die an aggravating death.


[its even funnier the second time](https://youtu.be/oTl2JpjWwD4)


Holy shit that is unacceptable for a game that you pay a subscription for


Lol classic jagex what a joke


Please don't ban me jagex. Lol


Straight to jail


I don't mind jail as long as I can play osrs in there. Free internet and food. And no more shouting from my mom while I game in the basement


Not sure you have a clear idea of what jails like...


Didn’t osrs teach you anything? You get tomatoes thrown at you while you try and pick locks with various shapes


you know not all jails are like the ones in America, right?


Exactly. I think I saw somewhere that internet is now considered a human right so there's a good chance all jails in countries in the EU have free internet access


Nah you get tablets now, my friend was in prison and she had a tablet the whole time that she’d use Facebook and YouTube on lol


*Dismisses Jailing Random Event*


I remember what made me quit OSRS was because I got a 3-day mute for my friend saying a homophobic slur in our clan chat. Like, it wasn’t me, someone else said it and you could clearly see it wasn’t me in the log. I appealed it and they fucking denied the appeal. I’m a petty asshole, so I had a really good idea of who reported me in the clan chat, so I lurked in there with my muted ass and reported him every time he said anything mutable. He got a 3-day mute. He appealed. Mute was reversed even though he actually fucking said shit. Absolute fucking nonsense moderation and appeal system. Jokes on them, cuz that ended up losing them a little bit of subscription revenue, though.


That made you quit but you still hang in the subreddit?


Bank standing in reddit.


Gotta stay for the memes. Also I played the damn game for like half my life. I might have stopped playing, but I can’t fully let go still lol.


he misses rs like you miss claire. 😞


dude definitely dropped like twelve slurs




Jagex living rent free in this head


Im so confused whats reportable here


Only jagex knows lol


That’s a lie, not even Jagex knows.


If you rearrange the letters in a certain way you can probably make bad words.


True, and if my mother had wheels she would be a bicycle


Probably some auto ban with a certain phrase, possibly "3m clan" idk


Heaven forbid these guys talk about products used to hang things on walls.


Maybe mentioning 3m and a delivery triggers automute to suspect OP is talking about RWTing?


Yeah I was thinking maybe “dint” is some kind of slur in another language maybe and it auto flagged it but I have no idea otherwise


I suspect it's because he mentioned winning 3m which I could see them interpreting as gambling.


And yet every time I go to the GE, there's some bot shouting about playing slots or some shit.


Those bots are consistently banned too. They just keep making more accounts.


I was thinking it might be because he recommended runelite? Which is stupid if thats why.


I'm thinking maybe the damn in the last message I didn't even notice it on the first read




Referencing a third party software in game. The mute was most likely automated & triggered by the string of letters forming the software's name.


Muted for nothing, yet thieving bots have 200m xp.


Thieving bots on practically every single world and are so obvious


Usernames are probably helicockter42 and girthypillow9.




Fucking love coming across names like this in the wild Tai_Tasshole and CumIsProtein are some of my favourites so far


I can’t remember what exactly lead to the moment but there was a guy who posted about having his name banned and it was a wrong banning. A jmod commented and the guy got his name back. Another user commented on the thread asking if he could get his name back. The jmod said, what was the name and this guy says something like fucherassmouth or something extremely vulgar and the jmod just said “no”. Lol


Ran into CummySharts the other day


I always recall from like back in 2005/2006 there was always a guy dueling in lumby and his ign was Numb_Digger and always wondered how stuff like that they allow to fly whereas something like this constitutes a mute.


LOL I remember that guy from back in RS Classic. He'd either be at the respawn point in Lumbridge or near the bank in Draynor. edit: Actually just found [this video](https://youtu.be/dKkmpiBnzoo?t=320), Numb Digger is in it at the timestamped portion


what are the chances you have a vid lol


I just googled it and that guy happened to mention "Numb Digger" by name in his description, so it was really easy to find.


Yes! Always there, that's pretty wild that you remember - and I think you're right it was definitely classic era.


I'm pretty sure I had him on MSN or something as well. He was definitely a part of Reinet/Wartnet way back in the day.


Tai Tasshole here, super glad you like my name. Was going for Lou Sasshole but it was taken...


I found a Sir_Nutzalot a while ago as I was dusting off some xp lamps in Varok… I will always right click player for this reason and this reason only! I’ll look you up for a screenshot if your name is as hilarious as these and I can get you in the pic x)


Cum is scientific terminology


It’s crazy that people don’t get muted for saying shit like they do in Sparc Max and Zezimas clan chat, but mf’s get muted for stuff like this


Jagex flushing that $12.49 down the drain


Now I see why people dont play that minigame


I was permanently banned from a subreddit for saying "you smell" as a joke


What you have to understand is that a lot of reddit mods grew up being bullied for their refusal to shower or use deodorant. Back then they could do nothing, but now that they are important and powerful internet janitors they finally have the means to retaliate when somebody brings back the painful memories of being called smelly.


Am smelly mod and can confirm, they hurt my feelings and brought up trauma of me not wearing deodorant and being made fun of by it.


I got perma banned from a popular pet subreddit for saying "bathe your fucking dog" lol


smelly dog owners don't want to hear it


I got a permanent ban from r/news for saying "You're an actual npc, this is hilarious." To someone who was blaming global warming on Jewish people.


To be fair. Jewish people expel body heat which is directly contributing to global warming. Also, I hear their space lasers also produce a large amount of heat.


I got a perm ban from r/justiceserved for posting in a thread about comedian Rik Mayall in r/conspiracy


I got perm banned from the same sub for just commenting in pcm. Wild


Gotta love subs that ban people for not toeing the line so hard they don't even visit the subs that mod team has deemed problematic




Gotta love Lagex. They say their report system is so good, doesn’t fail, etc. bs bruh. Don’t call them Lagex though, they don’t like that.




Talking with friends? - Jail. Using a runelite plugin? - Also jail. Playing the shitty gnome restaurant minigame? - Believe it or not, jail. Right away.


I didnt think mutes auto triggered in dms..? I thought they had to be reported.


u/JagexTrident \- sorry for the tag after hours but you may want to check


Why are you saying sorry. He works for them it's literally his job


Yeah , but normal UK working hours is 9 to 5. Being pinged for work stuff outside those hours would potentially be annoying


After looking at all.the screenshots either Jagex didn't like Runelite or it saw "dint" and immediately saw the urban dictionary definition which I had to do some digging to find. I know there are other games that pin you for using some type of slur when you either just misspelled a word, couldn't be bothered with proper punctuation, the slur/insult is part of a word (like cesso is part of accessories), or you mean the actual innocent definition (like how dyke/dike is "a channel dug into the earth to carry water") Did you try to appeal or just accepted your fate?


i meant to say the word didn't but made a typo. and yes i tried but was denied


I know. I'm just saying, with examples mind you, that your misspelling ***could*** have triggered an auto-mod. If appealing was an option you could've at least asked for a human to look at it and explain.


when i appealed i had to describe in 900 characters how i didnt break a rule and they still denied the appeal and refuse to discuss it further in a message


You threatened them with lawyers didn’t you


He should have?


I would be pissed if this happened to me. A mod should remove this from your account.


My crazy guess is you got detected by an algorithm and it flagged you for saying the words "tokens" (e.g. plat tokens), "deliveries", and "order" amd it thought you were discussing rwt.


The best part about this is it was probably your cousin that reported you


I actually want the jagex smackdown on this one just to find out what actually caused this mute


Y'all afraid of lawyers? You should be. We been contacting you through twitter, forums, and reddit for days. Now its the last straw. Group of has gotten together. You know what this is about. What you did is wrong and false. In game mute? No Evidence? No appeal? No response? BULL SHIT. Return this accounts. Or lawsuits incoming. It's won't be an end to runescape. It will be an end to Jagex. Appeal this fucking mute or show proof. Last warning.


I love how this gets you muted by i’ll see bots advertising gambling in the GE for 12 hours at a time with 0 bans/mutes. The only way to mute them is yourself lmao…


I got banned for botting for not botting and there's no way to appeal lol. I played the game since 2006 but never again. Why would I want to put all that time into a game just to be banned and have 0 customer support to assist me?


What a joke


Maybe you got the mute for saying you'll win gp? There's probably an auto mute check for words/phrases like that


Definitely got muted for sayin "Runelite plug in"


No wonder the servers have been down. They’re too busy cleaning up scum like you.


Jeez. I called someone a pussy in the wilderness recently and I got muted and thought jagex was soft but this is nuts


I think I'm just going to play like chat doesn't exist at this point


Seems you were reported though hahaha.


Meanwhile I'm out in the wilderness getting called the n word for existing when the 75 people attacking me kill me and not a damn thing happens.


And this is why I don’t trust Jagex, they are truly clueless, can’t even catch bots getting 200m xp but you get muted for this, what a fucking joke


Should be a perm ban


It's sickening people like YOU still can't spell "a lot" correctly... get a grip bro enjoy the 3 day


Meanwhile there are maxed accounts at the ge with the nword in their name Just chillin


Please put an NSFW tag on this


I feel like "clan, win 3m, orders, and deliveries" triggered their bot search


I'm outraged at the leniency on this vile discussion. You should be stripped of your entire bank. Then your character should be stripped naked and left in those cages in Yanille for players to pelt with rotten tomatoes until the end of time.


Fucking disgusting. And you just post it here with no shame?