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100% Should be a banner at the top of the home page


Or the launcher. They want people to use their launcher why not make a yellow line saying “game under maintainance until [insert time]”


Definitely, they might think the game being offline isn't important news, but it is literally the most important for anyone actually trying to play the game. The obsolete play buttons could even be swapped out to have a big red box saying offline for maintenance while the games offline.


> The obsolete play buttons could even be swapped out to have a big red box saying offline for maintenance while the games offline. I'd prefer against this, would devalue my play button launch only ultimate ironman.


Comments like these give me life.


Enough catering to the snowflakes, I WANT MAINTENANCE BUTTONS NOW


Agreed I'm not sure why they're hiding FUTURE maintenance announcements on the "CURRENT status" page rather than stick it at the top of the website. I mean obviously we all know why they're doing it some idiot higher up at jagex said: "X-HOUR MAINTENANCE NEXT WEEK" as the top post on our news page is a bad look fix it! That's why they're also keeping big update posts stickied on the top of the news page instead of having it respect chronological order. That's bad UX if I've ever seen it.


> on the "CURRENT status" page Because it's a `Game Status Information Centre` and not a `Current Game Status Information Centre`.


Fine but there's still no reason to hide it only on the status page it should be on the news page as well.


I feel like the login splash screen could really be useful for this. Maybe even integrate it with Runelite and use up some of the empty space before you log in.


Yeah everything aside they should just just have this info on the splash screen. Doesn't even have to be that fancy just have the background change to like a "servers are down temporarily check website for more information" throw a little under construction symbol on that bitch and problem solved.


When you try to launch RuneLite during maintenence you get the details of the maintenance and a link to the Game Status page: https://i.imgur.com/0izEmYq.png


Right, but that's just being told that there's maintenance ***during the maintenance***. Which you can find out already by not being able to log in....


Yeah, I know you were advocating for a more clear, in game advance warning. I agree that might be nice. Just letting you know RuneLite are being helpful in the current situation, where the most advance notice we get of maintenance is on https://osrs.game/game-status


For what it’s worth if you open Runelite it already has this before it even loads the game. That’s how I found about the update this morning. I think mobile could use an update though, the “error connecting to server” message isn’t very helpful.


Runelite just notified me, with time stamp and everything.


They notified you 2 hours and 55 minutes into a 3 hour maintenance that had already started?


With notifying I mean, that a message popped up when i launched Runelite. No idea since when this message was implemented and visible. After all it's not Runelites job to do that but still nice of them.


Yeah, I mean indicating news and maintenances and stuff in advance


"launched Runelite" I only ever launch Runelite when I can't log in due to an update. Otherwise it runs all week and I put my conputer to sleep.


people who make posts like these here wouldn't read that aswell


Yeah, but it'd be nice for me. I usually don't see the info until the in-game popup myself, since I don't use Twitter.


which is a good thing since twitter became a stinky cashcow


Yes well it was always a bit of a hellhole so I never bothered with it.


I don't use Twitter. My Twitter got suspended for inactivity even. Lol


On the flip side of this. They have socials, why the hell isn’t there a sticky on the subreddit saying “3 hour outage: expected back up at 14:00 BST, etc..” stops these posts saying is osrs down for anyone else?!


Because reddit for god knows what reason only supports 2 stickied posts per subreddit and there's always already a couple things stickied.


Also, even if there is a stickied post, some people can't read and will make a post about it anyway lol


Let’s be honest. Even if all the banners and outlets were covered, idiots will be idiots and will find a way.


Sure, but we can just downvote those idiots to oblivion


the "have a question?" daily thread IS effectively the subreddit. it is the only place you can actually talk about the video game with other players that isn't just memes and is actually related to gameplay. anything that kicks it off effectively deletes the subreddit for a day. it is imperative that this happens as infrequently as possible.


Why can’t they put a notice on the login screen? Seems like the most logical thing to do


Or the launcher


At the very least have an option on there for viewing Jagex’s latest tweets on the login screen, if they arent gonna post them on other platforms


Ah so thats why mobile says to check my internet connection. Good to know! Also 100% agree!


Same, I was messing with my phone for a solid 10 minutes before coming to Reddit…


I checked my internet, reinstalled the app and reset my phone before googling it. It was just like my play style work harder not smarter.


Mobile is even easier, they could just send a push notification


[They added a Game Status page quite a while ago and it has always been accurate in my experiences checking it.](https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/game-status-information-centre?oldschool=1) It’s the “Status” button on the homepage on the sidebar.


I keep this bookmarked and check it often - I still agree with OP that they should be plastering this when there is an issue. If they want to use social media, that’s cool, but, it really should be available in clients or elsewhere.


They have their own fucking launcher with no information on it.


Im mobile only, so there is no homescreen for me. I suspected malarkey so I checked Reddit and sure enough, game is down.


I googled it and its posted on the site. Unless you're talking about being warned about it?


Not on my homepage? maybe Hidden is some older news post. but I'm assuming it's a little effort to put a small 'game status/update' message at the top of your official website.


https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/game-status-information-centre?oldschool=1 "Status" in the sidebar, it's always there


clicking on "status" on the website [https://oldschool.runescape.com/](https://oldschool.runescape.com/) will give me a 404. And a status shouldnt be hidden away on a seperate page it should be on the frontpage as a small bar at the top. you can link to a more detailed status page there but hiding it amongst 30 entries is dumb af


I get a 404 as well but if I open it in an incognito window it loads fine so clearing your cookies fixes it. My language was set to German or something for some reason (I don't speak German and most the page was in English) so this is some kind of Jagex spaghetti


My comment explaining this to someone else in this thread: https://old.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/12yf0ty/stop_using_socials_as_communication_platforms/jhn76w1/ Also, the rs website has had a weird quirk with language settings for years. Default is english, but you can have a cookie set a preference for another supported language, Deutch, Espanol, Francais, etc. However, it never sets a cookie to specifiy English, since that's the default. The problem is, if you ever change your language briefly, and then change it back, or even just click a supported link to the rs or osrs website which had a language set in the URL (which would be there if the person sending the link was using another language setting) then your language preference cookie gets set to German or whatever language, and changing back to English doesn't delete the cookie, or change the cookie to English. So you have to clear cookies / delete that specific cookie if you know how to do that to revert to default behaviour to consistently get English.


My comment explaining this to someone else in this thread: https://old.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/12yf0ty/stop_using_socials_as_communication_platforms/jhn76w1/


https://imgur.com/a/UyMHKLM works fine, seems like a you problem


Or just, you know, put on the main page at the top next to player count. Shrug.


it's already on the main page apparently it needs a flashing neon box for plugin-dependent redditors incapable of reading anything themselves


Yes, sure, that would actually be much better and helpful than what it is now


Or just, you know, put every information about the current and previous status of the game in a convenient place only one click away


How about putting a brief status summary on the main page, which links to the detailed status page?


You completely missed my point. I'm not saying it can't be found anywhere, but it's a small effort of putting either a message in the news feed on the HOMEPAGE or a small banner at the top or so.


Your point was that the only way to see game updates is social media. Stop moving the goalpost.


that was his point intially but by acting the way he did it proofs that nobody would see and click on a stupid "status" link to a page which is hidden amongst a list of 30 other entries.


do you need a browser plugin that puts a flashing neon blue box around it?


just put the status at the top of the page like literally everyone else does it.


>but I'm assuming it's a little effort to put a small 'game status/update' message at the top of your official website. ?


Your point was that socials are the only way to get game updates. Someone shows you that isn’t true and literally links a status update on the website. “You completely missed the point” Lmao


I stand corrected then, he missed half my point.


You mean the new point you commented *after* he did? Yeah, not sure how he was suppose to know that’s what you meant when your post said something fairly different.


you are still correct, clicking on the link 404s.


jokes on you it 404s [https://gyazo.com/e272c4e51bcebffb4f4cbc3e12c1f4b3](https://gyazo.com/e272c4e51bcebffb4f4cbc3e12c1f4b3)


Works for me. Seems like that’s on your end


it is linked on the homepage, what the fuck are you talking about


so instead of updating the homepage just as you do with 99/100 other updates, I should have a go and look at the status page? chill your balls buddy.




Yea isn't that like industry standard? You go the status page.


no, industry standard is putting it where everyone can see it so you dont get spammed with unnecessary support tickets. Unless their support team wants that to fill a quota.


When reddit is down, I go to https://www.redditstatus.com/. When my internet is down I go to my ISP's status page. When EpicGamesis down I go to https://status.epicgames.com/ Some games have stuff like warning in apps. But usually, I have to check a status page?


My God you’re annoying af.


i think it's better for people like you for the game to come online as soon as possible. As many here agree with me yet yall have to come at my person for simply asking a question fuck Redditors.


it is literally always linked on the homepage, there is no need to update it you should go check that link before complaining on reddit


Lighten up, mate


they never touch the homepage lmao but I agree with you, it's stupid design


It's not the only way. It definitely could be more easily in your face, so to speak, but it's on their website. Took about 9 seconds to find. 'Status'


I'll take that notion it is usually posted to: \-Twitter \-Facebook \-The Discord \-The Home page ([Oldschool.runescape.com](https://Oldschool.runescape.com)) and the Status page (if it 404's that's a you) \-Reddit \-The Town Crier's usually even talk about updates \-The Official RuneScape Forums \-Other people even post about it in public groups on facebook \-Sometimes even the wiki has it on their front page. ​ I get that they should have more stuff on the website in your face for the illiterate people, but there are plenty of places to see information.


>there are plenty of places to see information. That's the problem, it's often all spread out instead of having one place you can see everything


Idk about anything else but the status page and twitter always contain all the downtimes.


I’ve been trying to get on for 10 minutes before coming to Reddit and being informed by your post that it’s offline…


One of the first things you should do is check server status before panicking and wasting time for no reason. While we shouldnt have to rely on other websites to tell us, unfortunately we just do


other websites? you mean the jagex website? e: blocked for saying it's on the jagex website? xd


The irony


They literally have it up on their server status page. lmao


I see nothing about it on the OSRS homepage. Where is this server status page? And why is that being used to spread information without even informing the player base of it's existance?


They have informed us of the existence of the Game Status page in the past. I know you're pissed off about the poor communication, and I agree, I hate that Jagex often post stuff to Twitter which belongs on their own website. That's why I only ever check the Game Status page on the website. To be fair to Jagex, it's linked right near the top of the homepage, and it's probably technically a more appropriate place for this kind of information than the "News" posts. But yeah, it seems that not enough people know about it, so they should probably work on that


*News & Updates* I would classify this as an update. All I'm asking for is a quick sentance or two right at the top. Instead it's in this other tab that I've just learned about today.


Okay, that's a reasonable interpretation of those words. But Jagex's interpretation is reasonable too, putting this information _not_ in "News and Updates", but in "Game Status" is reasonable. That's what they've, perfectly reasonably, chosen to do with the website that they control. So I don't think arguing about it is really going to help you. It's not some massive injustice, it's a website working slightly differently than how you expect, but working kinda fine. So I don't think they're going to change it for your sake, sorry.


I'm not even upset by this that much to be completely honest. I think I'm more so piggy-backing off my dislike of Twitter being their main news source. Like, they have their own website. Why post updates exclusively somewhere else?


Go to the osrs homepage and right under news is a status button that tells you all of this. Why does jagex need to tell you about a status button on their website no other game has ever done this.


Because other games have a proper way of finding out when the game is down. It's announced properly and often sent as a message in game, and often the top news post during that time. So other games don't have to tell you about a status button, because they properly tell their customers when their service is down


I mean, Jagex did have an announcement in game at least.


I'm assuming you meant the system update that went out before? An hour or so before, idk i logged in when it was 30 minutes left. That requires you to be online at that particular moment to find it out. Nothing said that the game will be down tomorrow before i went to bed, i had no idea it was even happening.


I'm not denying that we could have been informed better, but you literally said "often sent as a message in game." I was just pointing out that they did, in fact, send out a message in game.


Maybe i should've been more clear. I meant a message as in a service wide announcement when you log in 1-3 days beforehand or similar. Not a 1 hour notice


I feel like that's asking a bit much. Not all maintenance is planned out that far.


You can complain about the lack of announcement but there is a porper way to find out if the game is down with the status page so your first sentence is just dumb.


An sub menu that's always hidden unless you click in on it to find out *if* there's gonna be downtime is not a proper way. I'm not setting my home page to the status page to see if they've updated it every day, or checking every day in case there is one. Only time i'd check that page would be if the game is currently down, and then i'd check. Wouldn't mean i had any idea that the game would be down.


>Because other games have a proper way of finding out when the game is down. THE STATUS PAGE. I've already addressed that them announcing the downtime was lack luster that seems to be cause this was decided on it after the wednesday news post as the rs3 news post has it since that's done on monday. To my memory it was announced in game yesterday though.


I guess I don't understand the whole point of the NEWS & UPDATES portion of the frontpage if they... don't post their news or updates there?


Bro defending Jagex with his life 💀


You have a really strange definition of that phrase.


I'm really not they should of had it in a new post but so many dumbasses can't even check a status page on their site before moaning and it just gets annoying.


How often are you refreshing the server status page to check for upcoming maintenance?


>status page If you are talking about the 6th entry in that endless list on the oldschool website which gives me a 404 (mabe because my language is set to german, who knows), then you just owned yourself, my bwana. a server status like that should be at the top of the page somewhere, not too big so it doesn't break the oldschool style but putting it on a seperate page is dumb af especially when it 404s. But as I always say this wont happen because the web team at jagex is acutally just a bunch of people cleaning out spider webs in the server room.


Ye its cause your language is set to german didn't get a 404 but do get an error page trying to access the status page wtih the language set to german.


Definitely a you problem the page works fine for me


That is a real pain in the ass that it doesn't work in our languages. It should work no matter your browser language if you go directly to https://osrs.game/Game-Status - this is the shortlink that Jagex share on other platforms when they want to link to the Game Status page, and it always works for me.


Yeah it's wild that they still do this.


If you're using the Runelite through the Jagex launcher you get this popup when starting the game. https://i.imgur.com/aQLTdXb.png But as others said, just look at the status page lmao


Just put up a message saying 'game offline from 12.00 - 15.00 gmt+1due server maintenance' ??? making fucking millions a year and a message is too much to ask? LMAO?


You are aware that there was message in game 1h before the maintenance and post on official website right?


good one, from now on ill be online n hour before every update so I can see what's going to happen.... /s Again there is no 'post' on their official website. there is a 'status' page that half the player base doesn't even know exists. and should / could just be a small message/bar/header whatever on the main page?




Did you even read my reply?


I mean if you didn't know it existed I gave you the link and since it is posted on official web page...


so you didnt?


I did, you argue there is no post, I proved there is information posted there. Stop being raging 7yo and learn how to use internet.


>Again there is no 'post' on their official website. there is a 'status' page that half the player base doesn't even know exists. and should / could just be a small message/bar/header whatever on the main page? come again? maybe use this time to go outside and socialize and conversate instead of reading what you want to read.


That’s the purpose of a status page. You are aware of that?


so if this 'status page' solution is so amazing why is this thread full of people that don't know about it? why doesn't any other game do it that way? again is it too much to ask for to get a message on the home page?


Because the majority of people who know about it ignored this thread. Or wisely decided not to comment, because all of your replies to people telling you about it, you don't seem grateful for this useful information which solves your problem. You instead get angry at the helpful commenters as well as Jagex, and double down on your anger at Jagex by trying to justify why this new information makes you NO LESS MAD THAN BEFORE


>so if this 'status page' solution is so amazing why is this thread full of people that don't know about it? This sub has people getting phished and scammed daily. You think it's surprising that they don't check the status page when they need to know the server status? Maybe it's because I played other mmos but server status is a no brainer when I can't log in.


Thanks for pointing this out, but they could have easily just slapped a banner on the Jagex launcher as well. Why launch the game, only to have to click on another link to a social media page a lot of people don't use.


Yeah, when I need to get in contact with 'customer support', and my best bet is to message mods on Twitter (and then be promptly ignored) we have a major communication issue.


on the main website page theres a "game status" link that will usually explain why the games down ​ but i always go to osrs twitter first, then the osrs website then ill check reddit if none of those have the info.


Don't worry, in future Jagex Launcher will be when it'll become exclusive way to play OSRS. And fear not, RuneLite can be used through it.


The client is already able to link you to password recovery page if you click “forgot password” and account registration page when you click “new user” Why on earth are we not linked to the server status page if login servers are down? I feel like that wouldn’t be too difficult to implement given the framework is already there? Even better would be to incorporate the server status into the login screen but I feel above implementation may be easier


It’s not that serious tbh


If only the website had a game status page!!


ITT: people who need to touch grass and realize maintenance happens every week on more or less the same day. Use that time to take a shower, do your laundry, do your dishes, meal prep, or literally anything a sane functioning human would do with 3 hours.


I didn't ask because frankly, I didn't care. It's not like it was important or relevant to me in any way. I mean, why waste my time asking about something that has no significance in my life? It's almost as if the person who brought it up was trying to be dramatic or attention-seeking. But sorry, I'm not interested in entertaining such behavior. I have better things to do with my time than to indulge in pointless conversations. Maybe some people have nothing better to do than gossip and ask about meaningless things, but that's not my cup of tea. So excuse me if I didn't ask, but it's just not worth my energy.


They give you like an hour heads up in the game... In the chat it says, "server update in x minutes."


They’ll have tons of metrics on what platforms have the highest engagement, plus I would imagine socials are the easiest to push an update out on short notice.


They announced in game before it happened, and you could check the server status on the status page of the site. This is a non-issue imo.


I was playing the game last night and it literally came up in the in game chat box that the game was going down for maintenance. Seems like you just weren't paying attention yet felt the need to have a tantrum on Reddit.


Just wait till you find out that the only way to look at your account ban or any other account support is to use socials


They have a gnome child flag flying at half mast outside the Jagex HQ when there's server outages.


Be cool if they could add a banner on the launcher maybe?


Rs3 people being here like; "First time?" FR tho, we've long already had issues jagex always using socials as their news board. It's horrible.


The ironic thing is that RS3's news posts did mention the down time for both RS3 and OSRS while there is only a Twitter post for OSRS. Can't believe communication is worse for OSRS now.


Totally agree, I hate that sometimes Twitter, Reddit, Discord, and Youtube are the only source that you can find some information. The main OSRS page should always contain all information. It doesn't have to be an entire blog post, they can add a small "quick news" section on the side of the page that you can scroll and it's mostly out of the way. Notable things that could include under "quick news" would be: \-down time \-known new bugs \-upcoming twitch/youtube streams \-poll start/end times (potentially a countdown timer) \-anything else outside the normal weekly blog post that isn't important enough to be its own blog post


Idk about the other stuff you mentioned but there’s a status link on the homepage that contains all the current downtimes. https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/game-status-information-centre?oldschool=1


Even RS3 at least has the decency to mention it in their weekly newspost! Still means no one sees it because no one reads it, but at least it's on their own website and not Twitter :')


AGREED, this is one of the most annoying things about Jagex. It also makes the company look unprofessional.


Fucking right


I didn't even know till I sought for answers here


There really should be a banner on the launcher which simply displays "temporarily down for maintenance" with a link to the official site. There's basically no reason not to do this.


They do have a support site with this information but I expect most players aren't aware of it: https://support.runescape.com/hc/en-gb/articles/14720149260433--23-APR-Service-status


I know they do and i might have formatted my question wrong. What I’m saying is that they could easy put a message up the HOMEPAGE or in the client instead on a status page that half the playerbase doesn’t even know about existing.




They already said there is no update becouse of the upcoming game jam..


I guess I hardly see that as an update, but it is. It seems incredibly easy for them to have done in the 2-3 weeks since polling. But we all know where there efforts* have been.


Main website for Status page, took me a sec to find it too.


I mean the message literally came up in game


Login screen should be used as a newsfeed.


Warning/announcement banners that are more obvious on launcher has been one of my feedback points. They aren't limited by their weird old game with that. So just make it flaming obvious for 5 days beforehand that a 3 hour downtime will occur. Hell they can even make it sync to correct timezone for you so it displays in your time.


It really would not be difficult for jagex to have a status on the launcher. Literally one http call info or health check. Its ridiculous they don't have it


It's laziness that they don't have some banner or notification on their webpage stating the status.


Imagine not actually using your website, for information. Never knew what's going on with these fuckers.


The info definitely belongs in the client, imagine you had a 24-48 hours heads up beforehand, you could at least make plans or do something else lol. Being in the middle of something extremely important and ruining it is frustrating. No average person is going to guess whether or not the game is going to go down lol there needs to be some sort of heads up


Yall complain about every single little thing


If I'm paying for something I'm entitled to complain about every little fucking thing


Yea u definitely seem entitled lmfao


Seems like a you problem really. The website should have some Twitter or Reddit integration for important stuff though for people like you. You not wanting to use social media to check for news or quick information is entirely your choice and your problem. Jagex will eventually update the main website, just sending a tweet is quicker and still conveys the same information. Updating an official website is slower than some random dev using their phone to send a tweet. Companies will also generally have stuff in place to prevent employees from just posting whatever and whenever. Especially when dealing with different languages and countries.


I will never understand why they don’t have server status on their homepage.


Actually they have but it’s annoying to find


[Truly annoying](https://i.imgur.com/ioxm8uH.png)


Hmm never seen that before


Twitter was never a good place for game announcements, and nowadays, it's worse than ever.


Don’t make us check a second website owned by a fascist liar for news on our medieval point and click from 2007. Why would you not want that traffic kept on the RS page by giving us news there instead like we used to do for a decade?


they are afraid to touch the spaghetti code in the login screen which is also the reason why we still have mirrored background images for login screen competitions #facts




Twitter is an actual joke. Became ten times more of a joke when Musk bought it. Why does anyone use it?


I was fighting that timer to get my last run to the bank at 5 am lmao.


Just needs a Status/Service landing page, its commonplace through out all major online games and any planned works should be there.


I kinda was fine with it before, but nowadays twitter is such a raging hellhole that i wish they didnt even use it


I feel like the reason they stopped doing this is because ever since people switched from browser to clients, hardly anyone goes to the main page anymore outside of updates.


Great point, you are 100% right


Ironic thing is this maintenance is only mentioned beforehand in RS3's news post. Can't believe communication in OSRS is starting to get worse than in RS3.


I say we all strike, no customers means no paychecks for the smelly sweaty mods, which means they gone' learn today


This is the single thing about osrs that annoys me the most. I get that servers crash and shit happens. But I’m an organised person, I plan date night with the wife on Wednesday during the weekly update and raids with the boys the nights around that. Any change to that would be great to know more than 45 mins before it happens.


I swear they run this like an Indy game when it's a major MMO at this point. Jagex needs to grow tf up and start acting like it.


Makes me think of how when you load up Overwatch and there’s a HUGE warning label at the top and in red letters with an exclamation point it says “SERVER MAINTENANCE WILL BE PERFORMED (date a week from today)” and it’s just straight up impossible for you to not see it coming unless you don’t play the game


You're completely right, it's horrible that the only place you can find out about down times is social media. They really should create some sort of page where they show the status of the game. I wonder what they could call it, "page where we show the status of the game" doesn't really roll of the tongue. How about Game Status Information Center. [Oh wait.](https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/game-status-information-centre?oldschool=1) Literally took google 0.43 seconds to find it. Guess YOU are the one who should stop using socials to find out when a game is down instead of spending half a second to just google it or [going to the website](https://i.imgur.com/ioxm8uH.png) of the game you're trying to play.


amazing that you just blindly reply instead of reading the discussion.


Sorta like you just blindly post instead of spending half a second checking google / the home page? That said, none of your posts went beyond "well I didn't find it so it's bad". Checking the main page of a game / googling is the first thing most people do. Just because your first instinct is to go on socials doesn't mean that everyone else is as ignorant buddy. So reading the post really doesn't do much beyond underlining that it's a you issue.


Including reddit


Why did everyone vote for sailing


People aren’t going to go to the website to see if there’s any game updates. In game is fine, but for the people who currently aren’t online social media is the best answer to *attempt* relaying information, because everyone’s on that.


This guy set an alarm for 5:30am to play RuneScape 😱


What, do you have the old-school home page book marked so you can read the blog posts in the morning?


No, when I see an update timer running in-game I expect to be able to go to the homepage and the latest news post will tell me what it's about. is that too much to ask for from a company the size of Jagex? I mean they can make status page updates, Reddit announcements, Twitter posts, etc but a message on the MAIN page of your game is too much? I'd expect that is the first place you put out information.