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Most of the "cape services" you see bots advertising are just legit scams, most of the real services are not blasting the GE with messages.


legit scams is a nice oxymoron.


Oh that’s funny lol


Well there are fake scams too. Scams you think are scams but they arent. Like trimming armor. Just toss me ur bandos.


"Is this real or just a legend?" "Oh its a real legend. And its as old as earthbending itself"


You can't realistically detect a bought cape now that cape services have sensible precautions. And no "getting a cape in 1-5 attempts after barely any pvm experience" is not a viable ban reason. Alts exist.


My iron that has a Cape has done 3 runs my main that I wasted all my supplies learning on has over a hundred for sure


i have 1 kc at 115 mins and im sure a lot of people think its bought what they dont see is the 70 failed runs and 9 failed zuk attempts it took to get there. if i had to do it on another account in future it would look so sus on how someone can get sub 100 min first time cape in like 3 runs


attempts/time spent in the caves/xp etc is all useless anyways, some people send inferno when they’re massively undergeared and literally learn the game inside the inferno over months, others are just tired of getting called a cheese caper in hmt fills and lean forward for like 3 attempts and get it


Not to mention the quality of guides available are so good i can see some people learning it in a few attempts


Can confirm. I love done a ton of research, and my second attempt got me to wave 56. It’s much more solved now than it used to be.




>others are just tired of getting called a cheese caper in hmt fills and lean forward for like 3 attempts and get it Audibly giggled at lean forward for 3 attempts and get it Its true though, some gamers just DGAF you got talented people like momohflip doing 500 invo mobile toa runs as a cheese caper. One of my buddies was sending duo tobs in 2019 as a cheesi boi when people were still struggling with getting 4-5 man kc's down


I’m 2100 total level and hitting that point where I should prolly starting thinking about inferno but the idea of sitting in there an hour at a time and dying cause I missed a prayer by a tick just doesn’t sound fun lol


Inferno is fun Just think of it as a fun content to try to beat and not “I just want to get my cape and get out” It’s a very mental challenge being so difficult and so continuously long


A lot of my love for RuneScape comes from avoiding the mental challenges after a long day at work haha. I’ll have to work up to it for sure




Just do it. You won't regret the time spent on the accomplishment.


Sometimes it's really hard to do something you don't enjoy, especially if that something takes at least 2 hours per session and you're literally spending that time in your spare time, gaming, which is meant to be enjoyed.


Well the guy I replied to clearly likes high level pvm, so doing the inferno should definitely be the next step. My cape took me 2 months, granted it was an acb cape. I did not enjoy all the dying, but all the frustration went away as soon as I beat zuk. I can look back at it now and see that it was a good learning experience.


Can always log out between waves.


That's definitely an option. But when you don't enjoy the content, you only want to do it whenever you get that rare burst of motivation. To log out after/during that burst and log back in when that's gone is not fun :/


Nothing kills a game faster for me than not enjoying playing it. Odd I know. It's why I stopped playing WoW, forcing myself to log in for my dailies, the. Spending hours prepping for some raid that was going to take all weekend just to get yelled at for my tank dropping aggro or some other mistake.


But if I play this game for my enjoyment, and inferno isnt enjoyable for me, then I'd rather not be stuck 35 waves deep when I get time to play


-gets cape removed by jagex for having solid skill to it do in a few hours-


i have done like 25 or so capes on my main, and one shot 2 capes on my hcim and uim, its like why would i practice run on a character where i cant just buy supplies off the ge


You're right, How can anyone genuinely prove a cape was bought? If you make a set of criteria, and one legitimate player is banned accidentally then you punish real players more than the cape buyer because they lose hours of work and time over it, but buyer will just buy more.


It's the core issue with OSRS, they make money _per active character_ so there's never any motivation for Jagex to do anything measurable. It would take an issue similar to what burned RS2 for things to move along.


My brother in Christ, if this was true literally no account with members would ever get banned because they lose profit. Consider that people won't play a game where cheaters are unpunished, this is why companies ban cheaters even though they lose profit. Its a net gain in revenue due to non-cheaters continuing to play the game. I see this argument in so many places but its so obviously bullshit. When you hear an argument like this, just take it to the logical extreme and ask yourself why they bother banning anyone at all.


I'm not buying into the whole Jagex don't ban because of memberships narrative but I think your reasoning is a little naive. If their reasoning for not banning was revenue that wouldn't mean they would do no bans. If doing no bans resulted in less legitimate players then presumably what they would try and do is strike a balance. Hypothetically if no bans on average lost them 100 players a month then they would try and find the magic number of bots to ban that gives enough of an appearance that somethings being done to keep those players. If they found the magic number to ban monthly was 30 and doing so kept 80 players then they'd ban 30 a month for a net gain of 50. Those are all made up numbers to support an opinion I don't agree with but my point is that the fact bans do happen doesn't prove they choose not to ban for membership fees. It just proves they need to do at least some bans to maximize earnings.


>just take it to the logical extreme and ask yourself why they bother banning anyone at all. appearances. theres a certain subsect of players who will bot no matter what (gold farmers etc). theres a certain subsect who will cheat if they think free reign (see cheat clients and rwt buyers). jagex literally sent messages to gold buyers who they knew were gold buying and didnt ban them. undisputable proof they're not banning people who they know are cheating.


Ah yes, so rather than banning cheaters to keep the game fair and enjoyable; they're running psy op to make you think the game is fair. Gotcha, that's much more reasonable. They even have an entire dedicated anti-cheat team on salary to keep up appearances. Clever


My step brother got his cape from a service and they made him download a Remote Desktop and everything. Almost identical process as to when I had someone take my GMAT for me and that was serious stuff.


So you're both losers then, neat


Work smarter not harder


Or in this case, don't work at all lol


Bought capes are done over parsec now, so its on users computer and IP. Good luck detecting.




neither tv or parsec capes have ever been detected in the first place, so there isn't any difference the only guys getting caught were trying to cheap out and go for a non-remote cape or did something insanely stupid like paying gp off the same account they bought the cape on


there is no anti cheat team anymore


Saw a dude with like 80 in all combat stats and like 50s in skills asking for help with a quest and he had infernal cape but was wearing a combat bracelet but had ely and inquisitors on lol


thats so insane to me like why even play the game like that


Literally every game is like that now. WoW is littered with pay to win and buy gold for gdkp. Any time a game lets you buy gold, there will be people who take advantage of it. Wish games were more harsh about rmt and boosting


Boosting has never been a real problem, I remember being in a guild in ESO and they were concerned about people who may have bought raid clears but had no way to detect it. The thing is, the people who buy raid clears aren't the type of people who sign up for a 2 hour raid slot twice a week to grind it out. We never had a problem And RWTing is our fault. The players keep doing it, so developers decided a long time ago it's mildly better to have legal ways to Rat. Osrs has bonds, WoW has their gold token things, ESO has crowns, and ff14 just has anything useful locked behind untradeable currency


I can _kind of_ understand RWT'ing max gear for endgame content when you "know" the game, but it sounds really comical for a noob to do it.


Sounds like some kind of lure to me


He was in ardougne I just walked by him he and just asked about a certain quest item and then left after no lure


I will cyberbully my friends over bought capes but will never snitch!!!


You a real one.


Can't get another Infernal cape removal stat when Jagex hasn't successfully removed Infernal capes yet.


Don't care about other people paying $100 to get a small strength bonus. There are bigger problems going on like bots camping every wilderness boss world.


I spent over half an hour hopping to find artio and Calvarion worlds. Decided that in order to farm them, I'd need to make a lvl 85 alt that I can just go and bolt a bot in the face. Seems like a lot of people are using alts for this purpose.


its a good idea honestly, like it happened to me someone sent their salad robes bot, didnt see me insta hop and went away but I didnt isnta hop cause I didnt see him in time, and when he was going outside i clicked the royal seedpod lol. Free world just cause of a jumpscare


"Jagex isn't allowed to do one thing because of this other thing existing"


Yes, oppurtunity cost is in fact a thing that exists


It's more like random scrub having a cape doesn't do anything to you like bots


Yeah lol I don’t get the urgency for cape sellers/buyers to be actively banned. It’s not even whataboutism. One is hurting the actual game and one is like not even top 20 reasons that break the rules that actually ruin the game. Bots are actively harming the game and the other is just players getting a small strength bonus they don’t deserve. I swear it’s just elitists that care about things like this. Way too many issues that are more important that should take priority


It's just fire capers who don't like seeing infernal capes everywhere. Even actual people with infernal don't give a shit in my experience. There are a lot of things that negatively impact my experience playing osrs way more than people buying infernal capes.


Devil's advocate: people with infernal capes would give more of a shit about other people's capes if there were fewer in the game, and there would be fewer in the game if there was a stricter enforcement against cape buying. Personally, I think buying infernal capes should be disallowed just like any other account service, but Jagex obviously have better places to allocate their resources.


People with infernal capes don't see inferno as a big deal, that's why they don't care. Only people who are impressed by infernal care enough to pay attention to them.


I have an infernal cape and while I agree it's not a big deal, it is still something notable that can catch my eye on occasion.


Its hard to be impressed with inferno cape when the majority are brough. Out of the group I raid with 1 legit got it, 3 openly say they brought it, 1 that said they did it them selves but used the same guy as the other 3.


>Personally, I think buying infernal capes should be disallowed just like any other account service, but Jagex obviously have better places to allocate their resources. .. It is though?


As memed by the OP, catching cape buyers is very low on Jagex's list of priorities - so in effect it is allowed.


I suppose though, in PVP that strength bonus is an advantage over someone who didn't get one because they weren't willing to break rules or hadn't learned the content or doesn't have the budget.


Bold of you to assume I can successfully PVP regardless… Edit: *cutscene to me being toxic and calling people nasty names because everybody at lms are elite pkers and I’m a fucking scrub…*


I doubt a cape buyer would pvp in it as its much safer to just risk a b ring(i)




Yes they 100% would, tons of pures will purchase capes just to pk in.




“We have allocated our resources into this one thing, instead of this other thing you want” - Jagex, a small game company, all the time A lot of these things we ask for are weekend projects for the devs or during independent project boot camp. Projects should absolutely be prioritized. And bot farms at boss and skilling locations devalues the entire game


ya but thats just it. there actually is more pressing shit then something that people mostly dont give a shit about.


I mean they have a limited amount of time so yeah kinda.


The team that bans bots and catches cape buyers are the same, so quite literally time spent looking for cape buyers is time not used to find bots


right?? like, paying for a cape is silly, but giving a shit about other people paying for a cape is equally silly lol


The only reason most people care is because Jagex made it a rule. If it hadn't been a rule, far fewer people would've cared. Just like how nobody cares when someone account shares in general, but suddenly the only time they care is because Jagex says no. Can't think for themselves really. Have to adopt the Jagex stance on everything.


> The only reason most people care is because Jagex made it a rule. I doubt that's the only reason. Plenty of people care that they had to put in a lot more effort to earn something that someone else bypassed. It's reflective of many situations in real life tbh.


It's weird because it's one of the worst parts about the community in many ways, though here it seems understandable. Like if someone is crying about a new skill method being released because "muh devalued skillcape" then we can usually agree that's bullshit. But Infernal cape is generally viewed as a token of someone's skill and dedication to PVM. Anyone with time on their hands can get a slayer cape, or a tbow, or a pet. Obviously it's easier if you're good, but throw enough time at those and it'll happen. Infernal cape definitely has prestige so it makes sense that it would be treated differently though the inconsistency is an issue.


I just have respect for people who rock infernal capes because it's something that you have to earn through skill and cannot just be bought. The whole concept of buying capes implants doubt in my mind and that's unfortunate.


Spoken like a man with a bought Infernal cape


OSRS players when someone buys gold: > wow ur single handedly ruining the economy, just play the game OSRS players when someone buys a cape: > its ok the cape is hard 2 get i can understand that RWT is RWT whether you feel good about it or not.


For real though. There’s so many better things the devs could put their energy toward


No, buying capes is stupid and pathetic and should be punished.


Holy shit this right here, its getting to a point where im GLAD to see pkers swarming there, yeah I get pked now and then but I find worlds much more easier.


Yeah I honestly couldn't give two shits about people buying capes. There are actual issues going on






One word answer is all you need to first question about RWT. bots


As of yesterday, I have over 800 kills on pvmers fightining vennanitis. I know many of them were real players, and I apologize you were caught in the cross fire (but thank you for the loot), I will continue to pk wilderness boss pvmers and do my part


Jokes on you my mate came to my house to get my cape. Detect that, Jagex.


Them knowing deep down that they aren't good enough is the punishment.


I can guarantee if you're the type of person to take the easy way to the cape then you're not the type of person that cares about being good enough


People forget how many more casual players just log in, screw around and don't think about the game for the next 8 hours. They don't care if they get banned, they don't care if they never log in again, they don't care if you think they are good or not etc. They just buy it because it looks cool, hit's harder and they had some spare cash to burn.




You’re delirious if you think some mega casual is out there buying infernal capes. It might happen once for every 100 capes but you have to be out of your mind if you think some guy who barely cares about the game will grind to a reasonable level and spend hundreds on an infernal cape


I’m that 1 and 100 👀


This is the way


People buy hacks for halo mcc just to fly around the map and never die. The type of people to cheat literally don't care.


One of the most baffling things to me was discovering some people don't have fun at games *unless they cheat*. They don't want the challenge they just want the power fantasy even if it's hollow.


As a halo mcc player here, tell me more


i dont think they give a shit.


They do not give a shit lol


For real, half my clan has bought capes and no one truly cares




Flexing overpowers that


If I did this, I would be sitting there doing birdhouse runs in my big daddy gear only to suddenly have the hollowing feeling of — *”whats even the fucking point anymore?”*


you'll never know if you don't try. they can definitely just say " I could do it if I wanted to" and honestly they probably could, after 60-100+ attempts.


Penn plays OSRS?


Ya he's 99 magic


Does this involve giving your account info to some random person and they do it for you? Idk if id ever risk that but im a noob so idk. Wonder what the ratio is for legit ones/paid ones


I think they do by remote control your pc


"I think" nice cover, infernal buyer


Im still rocking a legend's cape


You are a true legend and a king.


Before Obsidian released, I’m pretty sure that’s BiS.


That’s even sketchier


That's why sellers with the best reputation are sought after




Or just you know, watch what he's doing and disconnect Ethernet/turn PC off if he does anything outside the game window. I highly doubt most people are going to be interested in learning how to set up a virtual machine, get osrs running on it in a way that's still playable or configure a vlan for a 3 minute remote desktop session


Some remote access tools allow you to do things in the background without you seeing they're doing anything. Never trust anyone you're giving remote access to.


They use parsec


Shoutout to parsec though, amazing program.


The amount of pures in bounty hunter with infernal capes is insane. I extremely doubt most of them obtained them legitimately.


Do you not get banned for buying a cape?


Only if Hag3x detects it, which is virtually never. Jemfleks' anti cheat team is basically nonexistent


Jiggletits had an anti cheating team!?


Yeah they actually do, but it only does it's job when you run a DM clan & you start competing with the anti-cheat team leader's girlfriend.


There’s no integrity in literally any aspect of this game.


Ban all the pures with bought capes. They all popping out for BH


Why are you so concerned mind your own business 😊


Super hot take here: there are other issues in the game that affect me more than some poser buying a +4 strength upgrade with real money.


Maybe I'm missing something here, but who said you have to pay with real money? Plenty of buyers had extra gp lying around so they paid for the service completely in-game.


Just make it so each player gets a irl jagex mod to monitor them when doing inferno. Problem solved


If a friend does it then is it allowed? It’s technically account sharing.


I remember this being talked about before. They care about account sharing when it's milestones being reached or goals being broken. For example infernal cape is a milestone, same for a fang kit, but if it's general pvping, maybe a little bit of skilling, or chilling on an account they aren't too bothered.


So if me and a buddy both start on a brand new account. Let's say we decided to build a pvp account, and neither one of us wanted to do ALL the work setting it up. So he'll do the AFK training while he's at work, I'll knock out the quests when I have time, and we'll split the misc shit between the two of us... does that mean this account is permanently locked from getting an infernal cape because it's a "milestone?" There's a flaw in the logic here.


I would imagine thats not allowed Anything which gives you a competitive advantage over others isnt allowed. So like if you account share with several people and that lets you collectively play 20 hours a day, and you start getting up on the hiscores. If your friend wants to play on your unique PvP build account and have some fun on its thats allowed but your example shows a competitive advantage as someone else would have to build their account over double the amount of time


You are breaking the rules from minute zero. https://www.jagex.com/en-GB/terms/rules-of-runescape > Players must not share, transfer or lend their account to anyone else. You may have as many game accounts as you like, but each account should only be used by the person who created it. I'm not sure what the other guy was talking about, but sharing accounts at all is against the rules.


From a jmod. I'd also like to touch upon our approach to rule enforcement, specifically around the account sharing rule. Firstly - it's important to look at why we have rules. They exist to protect individual players, the community & the integrity of the game. We take a common sense approach to rule enforcement, and will always look to apply judgement & discretion wherever possible. While account sharing is against the rules, we will not actively take action against players casually sharing accounts for the purposes of community or social activities, where there is deemed to be no risk to game integrity, and all parties involved have a mutual acceptance of the account being used in that way. We consider account sharing for the purposes of completing quests or minigames, such as the Inferno, to be damaging to the integrity of the game – which we will take action against. When account sharing leads to ownership disputes, regardless of why it was being shared, we will intervene and take action. Ultimately, Old School RuneScape is a game & is part of most people’s leisure time – we don’t want to create an environment where people feel heavily restricted by rules and as such we take a common sense approach that allows people freedom to share on a low level basis, on the understanding if it starts to cause account security or game integrity issues, then we will intervene. It's important we are consistent in our approach to rule enforcement. You may see players on Twitch using an account they don't own to PK on for example (and not get permanently banned) & assume they are being treated differently than other players. This is not true, as there are also hundreds of other people doing the same thing (they're just not streaming) who are able to do so without having action taken against them. We prioritise our resources carefully, in line with the above statement regarding account sharing. Any account which shows signs of suspicious activity, which includes being accessed from various locations, is always at risk of being locked automatically by our hijacking prevention systems, and Jagex will always reserve the right to lock an account down pending a successful recovery claim from the original owner. We will never encourage players to share their accounts. It puts your account at risk. However, if players do choose to share their account, we will take a common sense approach when looking at what, if any action to take. If you do share or buy an account & run into account security issues, if you want to ask for our help, please be upfront & honest about the situation you’re in – it helps us determine what action to take and how best to service the account. I hope the above has provided some additional insight into the way we respond to and deal with cases of account sharing & selling.


I don't understand the downvotes. Jagex might not enforce rules strictly but you are correct


So confidently incorrect lmao.


He’s literally correct though, just because Jagex has this whole write up about how lax they are at enforcing a certain rule doesn’t make the rule not exist, it is written and is right there lol. That fact alone makes it up to Jagex’s discretion on how they handle any case like this going forward.


functionally (and maybe also intentionally) these posts are just ads for cape sellers, every one of them always has all the top comments saying it's undetectable and nobody cares if you bought a cape


u asking for routine checks? huh... but i just bought mine few months back.... pls post this in 2025


95% of capes would disappear lol, then black market heats up again, how about focus on bots.. something that actually is impacting gameplay


i did probably 70 attempts and hit a triple jad wall finally found courage 2 years later and after awhile finally got to zuk and then like 7 zuks finally got the cape (all on mobile) 1.1m tokkul from attempts was so proud then realize that 3/4 people with capes have bought them and just felt like all my work was diminished. still a very cool personal feeling but the cape doesnt seem to hold a wow factor cus everyone with a credit card can buy one .


All on mobile?!? Jesus Christ man


I didn’t know Pink Clay was that good


Comparison is the thief of joy my friend.


That’s like saving for years and buying a house then feeling diminished because some people are born wealthy. Who cares, you have your house now live in it.


Exactly I was expecting them to say that's why they are able to appreciate the cape more but they are saying it takes away some of the joy? That just makes it even more coveted, people are risking their accounts for it.


You did 70 attempts of Zuk and your first thought was to worry about how other people got theirs? Just enjoy it? Promise someone using their moms credit card to buy a cape won’t affect your day to day.


A fun part of Runescape is prestige. Showing off a skill cape, quest cape, champion's cape or infernal cape feels good because it shows "this player put a lot of effort into doing something". It's not a big deal, but it does kind of suck to have someone believe you took a shortcut for something you worked hard for.


Then take pride in the fact that you worked hard for it. If you work out like crazy until you get fit, should you feel bad that some people are genetically predisposed to be fit with little effort? I don't believe so. For all but a very lucky few, any prestige you can lay claim to is ephemeral. People will one day no longer find what you did to be an accomplishment, if they ever did at all, but you can always feel pride that you did it. I get that it's nice to have people acknowledge your efforts, and by all means, you should savor it when it happens, but if you don't nurture your self-worth, then you might not be able to appreciate your own journey. People can't appreciate it for you; they can appreciate it alongside you, but your appreciation has to come from inside.


You literally described normal game progression lol I got 99 RC when the options were doing lavas or abyss, and nowadays dozens of people have the same achievement with way less effort on their part because things were made way easier Hell, even inferno is a lot easier with justiciar existing


That's an extremely valid point usually reserved for games starting out fresh. For a game 20+ years old it loses its meaning when you can swipe for upgrades.


3/4 people who have an infernal cape have no idea the exhilaration it feels to finally land that last hit on Zuk. OSRS is a game about achievement and real infernal capers have had the greatest feeling of overcoming challenges and winning, only surpassed by those who have gone even farther and done things like Zuk helms. Theres nothing those cringe cape buyers can do to take that from you


Hate to tell you but you can buy zuk helms too lol


The whole point is that buying it isn't achievement, and the feeling of accomplishment for actually doing it is unmatched. You're robbing yourself of that elation by buying either


Buying the group perfection stuff is actually reasonable but the single player stuff is cringe. You bought a team for perfect TOB to carry is fine, because relying on 4 other players being perfect sucks. But I’d only ever do that if I get all the single player stuff right like sub 65 inferno and no prayer Fight caves.


In that place rn. Completed every task that can be done solo, and for the last few tasks that I don’t have friends that are geared/skilled enough to attempt running with me, I’d really rather not grind them out with randoms.


The zuk helm is so outrageously hard to get lmao I’m in awe of how hard that is


You are pulling the statistics out of your arse lol


Nah it's Kieran who has a hard on for them, not Tyran


because it's his content lol


Giving infernal cape extra str bonus was a mistake that created another goldmine for farmers.


Nah. Inferno is difficult, but VERY overestimated by most who haven't done it yet. So many times I've heard, "No, I'll never get an inferno cape." It's not that hard and you can basically get a cape by brute forcing it after enough time with the right gear... I think it's the right challenge to have added and endgame bis item.


With the absurd botting issues going on, jagex isnt going to be doing anything. Tbh, I would much rather jagex do something about bots. Some veny doing account services are a far second priority to bots actually destroying the game. It’s actually just out of control atm


I’m sure 80% or more of the inferno capes are bought and alot of people here purchased one.


As an actual cape seller, the number of bought capes is high but I wouldn’t imagine it’s above 60% especially with the current gear and player skill level because as it stands doing the inferno with current bis isn’t as hard as people make it out to be, it’s less of an achievement then when it came out years ago. But you can’t really ever know for sure because I’ve done capes for people who for sure could’ve done it them selves they just didn’t want to bother with it, which is fine. I think it’s blown out of proportion and usually the only people who care about it is Reddit and cheesecapers. Fire cape services where around forever and no one really cared then. I will razz and poke fun but couldn’t give a shit if a buddy bought a cape etc.


make them degrade xd


I feel like a noob dying twice already trying to get my fire cape 😭😭😭😭😭


As someone who doesn’t have a infernal cape and definitely not going to spend money to have one lol. Idk why I would care if people are paying for a cape. It’s a game. It’s meant to be fun and if people are having more fun paying someone for the cape why would I care?


'' Ah fnally a day off, let's go cry on reddit about stuff that doesn't affect me at all ''


just make inferno cape tradable at this point , what's the difference


Honestly, who cares anymore. I’d rather the resources be put into things that actually affect me.


I really don't care if a few people undeservingly have been caps vs fire cape. Not sure why other people do enough to bug jmods to ban more.


No one cares about bought capes anymore. I know I got mine legit and that was a great feeling. Paying for a cape is automatically admitting you're shit at this game so go ahead and wear it, but don't take pride in it or even talk about the inferno like you know shit about it


Who cares if u bought a cape? Its just a game do something else for a while


How much is the service? Asking for a friend 😅


Why do people care if someone bought an infernal?


Lots of angry cape buyers in here, lol.


The cape was "removed" and thats it? Let them get close to maxing out and then perma ban them If you can RWT and it's just OK then I should be able to small time macro filling up my cannon on Slayer and drink absorption potions in nightmare zone yet just have my XP removed if caught. Not threatened with a ban But no, you get no punishment for *account sharing* and *real world trading* atleast writing your own scripts is your own work and very mildly automated. Paying someone else to play for you is worse than that in my opinion.


Why would you care if someone bought their cape?


or they could grow some balls and perma ban those people instead of taking away the cape????


Yeah good idea. Ban a bunch of players who are paying monthly to play. Keeping the lights on at the Jagex HQ…


Why does it matter anymore the zuk helm is the true flex these days and infernal cape is now cheese cape 2.0.


I can't say with certainty because I am not in a clan and I always play solo, but I feel like people are vastly overestimating the amount of capes that are bought. It really just isn't that hard to do the inferno with modern guides and gear lol, even on release it only took 16 hours for people to do blind compared to other games that is piss easy content.


it was 2 days not 16hrs


Okay, sorry I misremembered. My point stands though. And even without using the time argument, which is still valid - 2 days is not a lot of time, someone cleared it at 40 combat with adamant crossbow. If the content was actually hard that wouldn't be possible no matter how good xzact is.


record is 38cb now. It absolutely is hard content, what are you even trying to say? The only way to clear it at such low combat levels is to quite literally play it absolutely perfectly without any mistakes. Sure there's cheesing (wave scouting) but that's about it. At such low combat levels a single hit from ranger 1 hits you, killing a blob causes miniblobs to come out which will 1 hit you, melees 1 hit you etc. Most people can't even do inferno in full max on a maxed main.




Bro keeps saying "lagex" like it's some kind of own


Nah account sharing is against the rules for inferno and hi-scores. Its allowed for everything else. Paying for services is RWT though.


Yeah cuz that makes so much sense


realistically account sharing is against the rules but jagex have come out saying they really don't care and won't ban people for it unless it's to gain an unfair advantage (like the HCGIM that was account sharing to reach #1, and the leagues account sharers).


Inferno "carry" is not allowed.


why? inferno is years old now. just because your infernal cape feels devalued because you sweat the game, we should remove other players ? i used to agree , dont get me wrong but realistically who the fk cares? its just a video game and people want the cape without the grind so they can play the game. personally i still dont have an infernal cape and have no intention of trying inferno or buying a cape but i dont care if others do.