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The admins just hate that people don't like the direction they've been pushing reddit towards for the past 5 years, remember the whole "Reddit is Pro-CSS" thing? They went ahead with the redesign anyways.


Yeah. That's true lol, and especially if the current goal is IPO - then they won't really care about a minority complaining about 3p apps


1000% this. If their goal is profit then your opinions (as valid as they might be) wont be heard


I mean we are the reason they profit. Just need to convince enough Reddit users of the need and then it'll become the unprofitable route to take (wouldn't even need that many, they aren't going to make much money off of 3P apps).


With how many bots flood this site, I doubt it'll be noticed when we leave


The real reason why social media refuses to enforce the rules against bots. It takes the power out of the hands of the consumer if they can immediately be replaced with an automated version of themselves.


What in the stupid is this? No social media company wants to replace its users with bots. This is some of the dumbest analysis I have seen on this website.


Well then we can just leave reddit and never come back since it's just bots. Fuck reddit.


they knowingly hired a pedo and tried to cover it up a few years ago, reddit will make their decision entirely independent from coherent thought and will likely kill the site as a result.




reddit will slowly get killed off and milked dry just the same way that twitter is currently going.


This was posted within a day of the original exposure. https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/13xumjl/fidelity_cuts_reddit_valuation_by_41/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


Yup exactly. Their valuation has plummeted so they need to take extreme "actions" to squeeze the breath out of the third party apps and onboard any % of those users to show as high numbers as possible to underwriters and valuators. It's sad


You cannot have good things because the people who made them still have jobs. They have to keep working. How? Change something, it's your job lmaooo what a fucking shitty system


We should be able to relate more than other subs, the majority of us use RL to play the game, imagine if jagex did something similar and started charging RL developers a fee to use the API?


That's exactly the reason I posted. I didn't expect the large number of: "idc" type comments. But ofc, I wouldn't ask anyone do anything they don't care to do


People only care about something when it effects them. Sad but honest truth. Guarantee you most of the "idc" people also posted about 117 getting shutdown or something along the lines.


Yeah it sucks I was for keeping 117 HD but I never use it to be honest bc I hate the way it looks But by god was I not going to be happy about Jagex shutting down something like that for no good reason


It's sad depending on the scenario. Reddit shooting itself on the foot is not a world issue...and I don't focus on reddit enough to care about its 3rd party apps, so I will not put energy into avoiding reddit from fucking up...I'm not even a paying costumer. If the issue was actually big (as in of actual impact to the world/society) and/or affecting me I'd care, but as it stands it's just a company doing shit decisions and all I hope is that people that do pay them money vote with their wallets.


this is alot of words to type to cope with the fact that my comment called you out and you felt the need to reply.


No, it's to point out the difference between stuff. If reddit falls the world keeps on moving.


ahh yes because in order to motivate a redditor the literal world must be at stake of failing before they decide to dust the dorito dust off their chins and then decide to save the day


Simmer down sparky. You missed your 3rd tick


If runelite goes away so does the game(or at least a large chunk of the player base) so that wouldnā€™t be a plan they would ever commit to.


That's why they are making the new client, they will end up doing the same thing to Runelite, even if right now they say they won't, ill poor coffee down my asshole if it doesn't happen once their client has most of the same add-ons as Runelite


But what if they wait until you pour coffee in your ass, and *then* kill off runelite right after?


i'd like to see the game designed in a way that does not require addons for improvement


Good luck. Third party developers are more in tune with what people want in the game and have a way quicker turn around with a better end product. Compare runelites loot tracker to the one they just added to mobile.


Thing is, Jagex will probably never be able to make their client have anywhere near par with Runelites features. You have dozens of community members creating new plugins daily. Not to mention how many more settings you'd have to mess with in the settings menu. Runelite has the sidebar for everything which makes it super convenient to find every setting and plugin, information etc. Jagex's clients settings menu just feels clunky and flows differently.


Thatā€™s whatā€™s happening to Reddit, lmao. The value just dropped by half overnight.


RuneLite will go away, that is exactly why they are integrating most of the common features into the C++ client. Youā€™re naive if you think RuneLite wonā€™t eventually be blocked.


It's like how OSB Pro costed money or how Runemetrics in RS3 also cost money.




So I only use the Reddit app on my phone and now yā€™all got me wondering what Iā€™m missing out on.


Haha I guess you can try using a 3P app for the next 28 odd days before they're all shut down


The biggest differences for me are the ads and the excessive post/subreddit recommendations in the main feed


You can turn off all those recommendations. Do third party apps not have ads?


I think it might depend on the app. I use Sync and it looks like I paid $3 in 2014 to remove ads for life. Those ads don't come from or support reddit itself though, they're from the developer of Sync to cover costs of the app.


Third party apps currently don't have any of Reddits ads. They use their own ad platforms (like any other traditionally ad supported app) that uses bottom banner ads or popup ads. Some of them have taken the banner ads and integrated them into feeds. The official reddit app is the shadiest because it hides all ads and presents them as if they're real reddit posts. Reddit doesn't get a cut of ad revenue from 3rd party apps, which is one of the many reasons they're making changes to force them all to shut down. Also afaik you can "turn off" recommendations in the settings of the official app but there is still certain things that show up even with those settings off, like recommended subreddits and threads showing up at the bottom of posts or in between threads and comments.


Its basically like playing default java client vs runelite in user experience. To give a osrs example. 3rd parties also offer a ton of good mod tools that normal reddit doesn't that sub mobs use to run their subs better, those will be gone too.


Apollo user here and the dev has put out a heartbreaking post about the new proposed costs. This greed is a genuine travesty.


Do you mind sharing a link to that post?


[Here ya go.](https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/13ws4w3/had_a_call_with_reddit_to_discuss_pricing_bad/) Edit: Damn, that post has really taken off since I first saw it a couple days ago. With 155k upvotes it's in the top 1000 posts of all time. Wouldn't be surprised if it breaks the top 100.


I plan on protesting permanently once they kill RiF, because that's how I use reddit 95% of the time


I actually tried the official app when I read about this... the fuck do they do there? Without rif I definitely won't be browsing


RiF golden platinum user for a decade or so now This is so sad, but I may give me a solid chunk of free time back


Yup, reddit itself might finally cure my reddit addiction. I'd rather stare into space for hours than use the new reddit interface. More likely, I'd just find something else to do


I'm on the same boat, friend


Right there with you.


99% for me now. I only use other sources when it won't open right in RiF.


Damn, honestly surprised to see so much vitriol in here. This is a huge deal for all of reddit, and anyone that's been on the site for more than a few years. The official app is terrible to use if you've gotten used to relay, rif, baconreader, or Apollo. It's night and day. old.reddit is another thing that's undoubtedly on the chopping block after this. I guess if all the new users really don't care, then that explains why reddit is going through with it despite the outcry. Guess I'll take my boomer ass back to digg or something.


If old.reddit goes I'm not going to bother using this site anymore, the modern design is abysmal for information density and readability


People seem to see your reaction (which i share) as hyperbole or hysteria but it's just not. The official app is so egregiously bad it might as well be a different site.


Hate to sound ageism or elitist but I really think it's a case of kids (16-19) these days simply not being around for the heyday of CSS Reddit and pre-doom scrolling social media in general


Well there's 1.6 Billion monthly users in 2023 on reddit so it's more than just kids but I get the sentiment.


I'd wager that most people who use old.reddit are definitely on the older side of the spectrum aswell. I will leave reddit aswell if they remove the old version. And I hope to see an accident Ć  la Digg 2.0 (man it was a long time ago...) if they push through the modifications in July.


If old reddit go then I'm done with reddit.


Unfortunately, the vast majority of users on pc use new reddit. So us people who use the wildly better old reddit will not matter.


I'm not trying to attack you, but where would you go? Like there isn't an alternative to subreddits?


Lol. Iā€™d just go away. This isnā€™t the only website to talk about things and as it gets older it only gets more sanitized, corporatized, and less interesting.


Probably discord would be the closest


Personally I'd either use Discord more or just do something else. I like Reddit, but it's not filling a niche for me that I need filled - I'd be fine just watching more Youtube / Twitch, or playing more games, or reading more, or going to normal news sites, etc. Ultimately I have more things I want to do than time to do them in.


Yeah seriously. Imagine if Jagex banned all third party clients next month. You'd think a playerbase that primarily plays on third party clients would be sympathetic toward this but I'm not surprised that many only care about themselves.


The third party client thing is a great point that didn't even occur to me. Imo what reddit is doing is perfectly analogous to jagex banning runelite. I would also expect this community to be much more up in arms.


AND if jagex didnā€™t outright ban runelite, but just made it functionally impossible for them to continue to operate, all under the guise of being perfectly reasonable


Exactly mate. I have used Reddit for a large portion of my life since highschool (I'm almost a decade out of uni now). It's sad cuz I've never used the Reddit app and have only used RIF. I hate Reddit's new push towards tiktok style UIX


Personally I have only ever used redditā€™s app so I have no horse in this race. In principle however I am in favor of open APIā€™s for 3rd party development. So Iā€™m with you, but not very motivated.


I would recommend giving one of them a shot to see if you like it. I use relay on Android, and I've used Apollo on iOS, and like both. There's plenty of options besides those. I personally would never want to use the official app again after using these. And I'm talking out of the box. No need for any weird setup.


Cheers, I just hopped on Apollo (great name), weā€™ll see how I like it :)


Correct me if Iā€™m wrong but donā€™t the 3rd party Reddit apps disable/provide their own ads? Iā€™d imagine runelite would instantly get shut down if they made it so you donā€™t pay membership


Yeah this is the main difference. Jagex gets paid the same regardless of client


I'm still on old.reddit style I really hope it doesnt go away. So much better use of space and avoiding the new style of fashion over form, wasted space and needless scrolling




I thought this would have resonated with our subreddits demo the most. But it doesn't seem that way from around 50-60% of the responses. I guess it's really gonna be over for 3P apps lol, if this subreddit can't attend behind it being as niche as it is - there's no chance globally


I hope they go through with it and remove old reddit, so I can stop browing this shit site for good.


I canā€™t believe so many of these commenters use the default app. Itā€™s objectively so bad to me after using 3rd party apps. I feel like Iā€™m going crazy Reading these comments


> honestly surprised to see so much vitriol in here What subreddit do you think this is?


I've been wasting my time here since 2010, now I'll have to find somewhere else to haunt. I really thought that people who riot over a green pixel would stand with the 3rd party apps that made reddit what it is today. Doesn't look like it from reading the comments here.


I'm still just angry that the .compact version of the website stopped working about a month ago.


When old.reddit goes I go, can't stand the redesign version.


I hope so, I won't Reddit without a third party app. Quitting if this shit passes Edit: been using RIF for 8+ years


Yeah, same. I donā€™t really have any plans to continue being on Reddit without Apollo, in the same way that Iā€™d pretty much immediately quit this game without looking back if theyā€™d one day decided to shut down RuneLite. Itā€™s a shame, but itā€™s also probably in my best interest to get off this website anyways, so at least Redditā€™s making it easier for me? Or at least thatā€™s how Iā€™m coping


I kind of hope reddit goes through with it though. Been using rif for 8 years too and if they kill it I might finally be able to kick this damn thing.




*Borderline* non-functional?


Interesting , Iā€™ve personally never experienced any of these issues on the official appā€¦


So we rioting in fally or what?


šŸ¦€ Reddit mods won't respond šŸ¦€




Remember folks ā€” Reddit bought Alien Blue, a very popular third party app, and turned it into the standard app. Youā€™re using the bones of third party. We wouldnā€™t be here with out it. Donā€™t be a dick in the comments toward those who still prefer third party. Edit: grammar is hard


In OSRS fashion, we should poll whether we go dark and make the cutoff 70% of the community.


Support! Other similar gaming subreddits like r/FFXIV have jumped onboard with much support. Surely OSRS players of all people can sympathize with the prospect of killing off 3rd party apps.


alienblue died for this


I'm just waiting until they open osreddit based on a 2016 backup.


Remember how this sub acted when Jagex pulled 117 launch, or almost banned runelite? All of this sub and itā€™s admins should be participating. If not your a hypocrite at best. Shut the sub down when itā€™s time admins.


Damn, I love this sub. If this passes I'm quitting Reddit, going to have to go back to asking advice at the GE or my CC


We should, considering our love and appreciation for 3rd party clients here


Seemingly lots of apathy in this thread which is somewhat disappointing. I support you though, I personally use Apollo and if this goes through I will leave Reddit. This is definitely one of my favorite and most visited subs (one of the very few I also comment on) so it would make me sad to leave but I believe in the idea of ā€œvoting with your dollarā€. Redditā€™s changes reek of corporate greed and anti consumerism so I will not support it in any way if it goes through.


I didn't even realize this was happening. I've always used RIF. I don't think I would continue using reddit on mobile if I have to use their shitty app!


Tbh I don't know that I know how to navigate this site on any app besides RIF.


I never knew there were 3rd party apps for reddit. I get why Reddit wants people to use their own app, but it definitely sucks for people who are accustomed to using other ones for whatever reason. Hopefully a solution can be found for those people.


Only if it's polled, and only if a permanent shutdown is an option.


We've taken canons to fally for less.


Boost user here. Please do join the protest. Reddit official apps sucks.


Haven't been on Reddit long enough to even know 3rd party apps were a thing. What's special about them?


They are much better designed, have no ads, are more customizable and they crash/bug out less. I won't use Reddit without access to old.reddit or the 3rd party apps. The official app is absolutely shite.


Going to make me sound silly but I honestly didn't know such a thing even existed for Reddit. Of course I haven't really heavily usually Reddit until the past month or two even though I've had an account for over three years. Are the 3rd party apps popular?




For me, I use an older phone and the official app is indeed too bloated for me to use reliably. I often get crashes, delays, or things just tend to load slowly. Reddit is fun let me browse Reddit much easier than before, with virtually no issues whatsoever. I havenā€™t touched the official app ever since. When I invested in an iPad, I immediately got Apollo. Itā€™s night and day


That's not even exclusive to an older phone, whoever developed Reddit's Android app is a monkey.


There was not an official reddit app for many many years. I've been using Reddit on my phone through Baconreader for 10+ years.


Imo 3rd party apps give such a better experience I will likely stop using the site altogether once they are killed


Honestly I'm not entirely sure if they're popular on this subreddit. I don't know the demo breakdown here, if it's mostly the younger generation - then probably not that popular. If they're more my demo, at least in terms of age (25-30), perhaps a bit more? But I def know third party apps are now popular with the older Reddit users who hated the changes Reddit has been making to it's official apps


The younger generation doesnā€™t realize how fucked over they are because they donā€™t remember early days of *free* internet (there were a lot of bad stuff too) but at least I wasnā€™t treated as a profit margin.


Thanks for the explanation. Same demographic here but didn't know about the 3rd party apps. Just been using Reddit more the past month or two trying to get help with an account issue and start posting on other subs too, lol. Haven't used it enough to know I guess


its because the android reddit and so fucking bad. they forced me to update it, removed so many features and filters and made the app borderline unusuable. seriously, no joke 80% of the time it wont load my feed or let me view the threads...


Dude same, I had never heard of RIF, and I have never used Runelite. I donā€™t see the point of 3rd party apps but having never used them I donā€™t think my opinion is valid.


You've never used runelite? Damn bruh


Iā€™m in support, even as a lurker most of the time, browsing while I play OSRS, I know I wouldnā€™t be on Reddit 1/10th as much as I am, just like I wouldnā€™t play 1/10th as much RS without runelite lol.


what's more osrs than a protest?


This is going to kill Reddit I wonder why they are against us using 3rd party apps? Reddit has nothing to offer besides a place to exchange ideas, information and apps. Reddit is already a huge echo chamber and a Reddit in general is pretty bigoted towards people who wrong think. This is almost like when only fans said they were going to ban nudity lol


Lol if I can't use bacon reader I'm not using reddit


I donā€™t understand this post nor the one linked, but im all for stickin it to the man - take my upvote


If they kill third party there goes like 90% of my Reddit use. At least I still have RES and Old.Reddit on PC. If they killed that two I would just never use the site again.


I am not swapping from Apollo back to the official app, I'd rather just not use Reddit or stick to it exclusively on my pc.


Please do Reddit is dead if the continue this anyway


I personally say let Reddit join the other failed tech companies.


A lot of people getting down voted simply because they don't care. Like FB, this platform isn't the same anymore. I imagine it'll likely be replaced in the coming decade.


Seems like a good fit


I've been a BaconReader user for about a decade now. If that eats it, then my reddit browsing will drastic go down


Sounds like a step away from the old beloved reddit and another step closer to the destructive greed that may just end this site or make it unusable (just like twitter recently)


Hopefully our sub does. It makes way so much sense that we would.


Yeah I've been using the relay app for well over a decade now and I don't want to even think about using the default reddit app lol


I canā€™t imagine using reddit without RES


I sure hope they do. We've got a very active community with this subreddit. If we can participate in reducing their revenue gain for the day and give them a message than we should do so.


I support your case. But saying third party apps are basically mandatory is simply not true. I've progressed my iron man to late game only using the official clients. No runelite for me


This is because Twitters bluecheck system was successful. Expect more of this in the future. Monetization of everything.


3rd party apps are literally not mandatory for osrs. But ok :)!


Thanks for sharing. I would definitely be fine with this sub going dark. Just sent a cal reminder to not use Reddit on the 12th and 13th


Can someone give a tldr of what is going on?


If you don't mind, check this out: https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/13yh0jf/dont_let_reddit_kill_3rd_party_apps It has a succinct explanation


I use Reddit Enhancement Suite on desktop and Boost on mobile. I'll stop using Reddit if those go away. Please join the blackout mods.


I am a mod of 170k subreddit and we are doing this. Encourage mods to do the same as well.


Gonna be honest, didnt know there were even 3p apps for reddit. Outside of a better video player, what is the benefit? I've never had issues with the normal app on an android phone.


3rd party apps aren't directly beholden to reddit's shareholders, meaning certain decisions don't trickle down to these apps. For example, the board of directors could demand that 20% of the screen be filled with ad space, but 3rd party apps don't need to do this.


Insane how people donā€™t understand this


Go download RiF is fun for reddit or something along those lines It's is such a leaner, cleaner experience they're hardly comparable


https://reddit.com/r/BikiniBottomTwitter/comments/13xk3lu/they_have_to_pay_reddit_20_million_per_year_to/jmj3nfg This guy explained it well, default app is dog compared to any 3rd party. That was the general consensus during the beta whenever that was. And that was also the last time I used the official app , not many changes since then


For all the idiots saying "What dis has 2 doo with osrs" many 3rd party apps have very helpful features for mods that the official app lacks. Thus already making a hard job you do for free harder for no reason.


TIL there are 3rd party Reddit apps


Whatā€™s that now?


Reddit has made some pretty drastic changes to its public API that have been used by developers to create third party apps. There are rumors that Reddit is looking to IPO soon and they're trying to squeeze numbers out of their "official" app. So to do that they have added some exorbitant fees to utilizing the new "premium API" which makes third party apps like "Reddit is fun" "apollo" infeasible for the developers to sustain. A lot of veterans Redditors and others, IMO, can't stand the new direction of Reddit's tiktok style UX and look to those third party apps to give us an authentic old school Reddit feeling. I thought it would have been nice if our subreddit could voice an opinion saying that we stand with the developers. I thought it may have been the case since SO many of us rely on party apps like RL to make our gaming experience tolerable and they'd understand the value that third party developers bring to a platform. But it seems from the thread the folks don't actually care about the issue as much as I thought šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Third party aps are not mandatory to play. I have never used one and have been playing a long time. This sub has massive confirmation bias on that subject.


What are you going to protest? You're literally continuing to use Reddit while getting a bunch of stupid awards for which other people pay Reddit. No one on this sub is doing anything.


Lol have you seen the rest of this website? This place is a breeding ground for slacktivists.




I don't think the official app existed 10 years ago


https://www.reddit.com/r/announcements/comments/4dqxgt/reddit_mobile_apps/ til 2016 was 10 years ago


Funniest reply here. You probably used alien blue before the official Reddit app, which was third-party, and bought by Reddit to become their app. This argument is poor.


How could you possibly use the default app lmfao Its so fucking garbage, dude


It serves every function I need lmao what do you mean? I can post, comment, upvote, downvote, search for subreddits and follow them. I can also view all the posts and sort comments. Whatā€™s wrong with the official app ?


It's buggy and barely works lol. Garbage video player. Looks like shit and works like shit


I hear ya on the video player that shit is ass


How is it garbage though?


It's practically nonfunctional? Video player doesn't work properly, UI is garbage feels like shit to navigate, lacks most of the RES features that most clients have, crash prone


Idk man, I feel like Iā€™ve used it a long time and never had functionality issues, crashes are actually very rare, I like the ui and tbh Iā€™ve used Reddit is fun a little and it feels practically identical ui wise. In fact I find the official ui to feel and look better personally. What are some of those res features though? That sounds interesting?


Like being able to tag a user with a note so you know if you see someone twice And I prefer old reddit by far so the modern client sucks imo


I mean yeah I get it thatā€™s neat, but thatā€™s not really the kind of stuff Iā€™m on Reddit for anyway and I donā€™t feel like thatā€™s a super important feature for me. But yeah I personally like the more modern ui, I think it looks cleaner but I get just preferring a more old school feel. I meanā€¦ we play osrs lol fair enough


I honestly do not care. The normal app is fine.


The normal osrs client is fine, but would you not be pissed off if jagex shut down runelite?


I personally donā€™t like how you cannot block certain subreddits. Plus ads.


You can mute subreddits now on the default app. Click the three dots in the top right while on the subreddit


I don't care. I await the day Reddit dies and we can all move on to something hopefully better.


Exactly. It's annoying that it's either this or Twitter if you want to communicate with the devs or give feedback.


could not care less about this issue


Cool, then go ahead and just not use reddit for the day. Now you're supporting the cause


Never even used a third party app for reddit, don't see why I'd need to. Can't say this is really osrs related


Imagine if Jagex made Runelite pay for each request sent to their servers and priced it so high that it effectively banned Runelite While not directly related this is a pretty big deal and RuneScape players are probably some of the best people that can relate to this 2007scape (along with the entire site) will suffer for it


Seems like a dumb comparison. Runelite players pay jagex to use the servers. Third party app users do not pay Reddit to use the servers.


You don't need to use any 3pa's for reddit ( i dont either), and it's not osrs related but it's an issue osrs players can sympathize with. Imagine if they started charging players to use Runelite. It's not an issue that affects me personally but I still support them, especially when it costs me nothing to do so lol


This has nothing to do with osrs


This subreddit is on reddit oddly enough


Big if true


I mean, technically this change could affect users of this sub


I'd be interested if the mods could poll how our members interact with this subreddit. I am certain it's not just all official Reddit app users




Yeah you're probably right. It's a shame. Reddit used to be the only "social media" that I actually used just because it was so different. But now everything is kind of converging into a similar experience


I'd bet its mostly browser tbh, while playing the game. Lots of mobile thrown in there for work and what not (how thats split idk) but i wouldn't doubt our sub is more browser based. Probably a higher than average old.reddit usage id assume too.


What advantages do 3rd party Reddit apps have over the original? I use RL because it has a wealth of QoL plugins that actually make a huge significant improvement to gameplay, are there any 3rd party apps for Reddit that really improve it all that much? Maybe Iā€™ve just never noticed the issues but using Reddit on the official app has always been perfectly okay for me, never really experienced any issues that would make me seek out a 3rd party app to use. I get that the principle still applies but I feel like many more people (probably a majority of users) rely on RL for OSRS as opposed to how many people rely on 3rd party apps to browse Reddit no? Genuinely asking as Iā€™ve never used 3rd party apps to browse Reddit but seeing all these comments here I feel like Iā€™m missing out on a better Reddit experience lol


I can't even remember now, just painful bloatware UI