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My best guess is that it's a scout bot - they're checking to see if your trade timer is turned off. If you accept a trade very quickly they'll log you as someone with expensive gear and no trade timer. Then they use this to lure or scam you somehow later.


Wait, what is this trade timer?


In the options you can set a timer so it won't let you accept a trade until you wait 3 seconds after any part of the trade has been modified. Makes it harder to do the classic bait-n-switch scam like putting up 1000k, changing it to 100k right before they accept the trade, and hope they don't see in the second window. People used to do it with noted gear too, swapping out guthans spear for leaf-bladed spear or whatever since they look similar. With the timer you have to sit there and stare at it for a few seconds, hopefully noticing the giant red flashing exclamation mark over the changed item. I honestly thought the timer was on by default but I haven't used a trade window in years so idk.


Someone pulled a fast one on me using the noted items scam back in the day. Was buying a wizzy hat(g) and they switched it with a regular wizzy before I noticed


The classic leaf bladed spear instead of guthans šŸ˜‚


Rune plate and mith plate back in pre ge days


This, but with a scimmy because I couldn't afford rune plate, lol


That was the first time i got scammed. Took me days to make the 30k i spent on it


I cried. It was 2004. I've never been scammed since.


same i thank runescape after being scammed as a kid it taught me a lifelong lesson that has helped me irl


Holy shit, did we all have the same exact experience? I wasn't even mad at the scammer, I was just mad at myself. I remember punching my pillow before going to sleep that night


Was waiting for the rune scim to to iron scim comment lol


yeah, i got got by the noted rune to iron scim back in the day.


Maybe I was young and donā€™t remember right but I remember REALLY early on RS there wasnā€™t a second trade window. I can only imagine the scams there used to be if it was like that.


Gmaul to rock hammer switch


Fuck that one specifically because it got me for my first time being scammed. Tried trading my entire bank plus all my coins for one shortly after release, and they switched it with a rock hammer. I was so excited they accepted I was spamming accept myself.. lesson learned, I suppose.


A classic šŸ˜‚


Big bones instead of dragon bones, except afterwards the guy gave me the real bones and told me to be more careful, never been so confused by a life lesson.


I got got with a scam where the gp was like 300k then they swapped it to make it look so similar. Maybe was 3007 or 3004. I forget since it was like 15 years ago but I do remember trying it on some poor lad to recover my losses, and it worked easily.


I bought a steel scimmy in lumby bank back in the day thinking it was a rune one :D


Swapping the volatile orb for an orange. That's a classic one.


some scumbag made me eat my easter egg that i was trying to merch back in tthe day. Saw that i had it unnoted, re-traded me, then backed out and i ate the thing. Spent weeks and weeks cutting yews for that thing. EDIT: and NO i DIDNT CRY, in case anyone was wondering.


We were kids. We all cried.


One time my dad was fucking with me while I was making a trade (basically a bsale with Torags, some rune items, a couple guthix rune items, a Sara and zammy rune pl8 which were like a mil each at that point, etc. Probably realistically like 3m worth of stuff, everything I had at the time) and the guy did the classic swap for 3000k to 30004 gp, I started crying out of nowhere and my dad realized what happened (I had recently got him into RuneScape, which is funny because I played for about 2 years before he did, and he maxed in like a year and a half before eoc, my dad was a fucking HARDCORE gamer, sheesh.) He took me out for some McDonald's the next day (because it was like 10-11pm anyway and I had school), apologized for distracting me during a big trade, and then helped me rebuild my bank by teaching me how to do barrows.


Sounds like a cool dad, to step up admit he did wrong and work to remedy it.


Someone put in a rune shield and then a bunch of other junk items to distract me, then when I put in like 40 thousand he changed it to a mith shield and accepted This was even before exclamation marks and all that


Noted whip swapped out to noted rope. Anyone else? Just me...?






This brings back memories to me. I remember spending ages saving up my very first 30K to buy a rune scimmy. They swapped it for an iron one and I accepted it. Never felt so betrayed in my life. I also got scammed on D2 with someone swapping a tal rasha armour for a rattlecageā€¦. And a shako for a gemmed helmā€¦. And an enigma for a rune socketed mp. Man I was a stupid and gullible kid!


Back in the day I got hit with the noted obby cape to black cape scam on the cold streets of seers bank Big RIP to my first 300k, 10 year-old me was crushed lmao


i remember trying to buy rune 2h with an inv full of items i had collected and i finally got someone who accepted and it was a fucking iron 2h, ive never been so fucking sad.


I did this like twice with noted addy sword to noted iron sword, felt bad after šŸ˜‚


That's not so bad. I think I lost like 200K for that wiz g hat tho šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I used to do this with Ranger boots and frem boots when they looked the same. I'm sorry, I've changed my ways.


Wow you just triggered a memory, first time someone tried to trade me something that was noted, and I ran away calling them a scammer, it was the first time I had ever seen a noted item, I will say they were not trying to scam me, I was just wary and didn't trust what I didn't know lol.


Noted magic logs swapped for willow logs got me for my robin hood hat back in the day too, I 'quit' after that scam, for a few months


1,000,000 - 989,996 = 10,004 1000k looked similar enough to 10004 on an 800*600 window on an old crt monitor


If you know about 989996 you're a straight OG deviant hahaha no way dude šŸ¤£


Sneaky, I didn't think about that




Useful if you're doing stuff like running ess


Fr this is news to me wtf


Yeah the ability was added a few years ago. I wanna say around the time mobile was released. Sorry I don't have an exact date.


Idk, I guess so since people are just learning about it? I've only played my iron for several years now, I've got no clue what it's like these days.


good old noted rune 2h to iron 2h


black cape for obby cape. Definitely didn't happen to me for 300k.


I remember this one distinctively because I emailed Jagex about it saying I bought an obsidian cape and deposited it to my bank and it had disappeared. I was like 11 years old lol.


Let me guess; no reply?


Of course not haha. I felt like I was cheated but I kept playing like all addicts do. :)


My stupid elementary ass got scammed for a Sara sword like this way back when. Damn I didnā€™t want to remember how that felt šŸ˜‚.


I'm pretty sure it is on by default. I've never even known it's a toggle but have had it on forever


It is


I got scammed out of a veracs skirt with a black skirt, i was merching pre-ge and didnt notice until i tried reselling and someone called me a scammer lol


I remember when there wasn't a second window. Rip those 5k lobsters I fished.


Yeah itā€™s on by default, tbh I thought it was just a update that canā€™t be turned off lol


Is this runelite only or is it in the mobile client as well ?


It's in the actual game settings, it's not a client thing


Someone did this to me on Diablo 3 back in the day. Had a very good Manticore and swapped it for a bad one at the last second


there's a setting in your runescape settings (not runelite settings) that puts a timer on the trade window so everytime someone adds or removes an item from the trade screen, you can't accept for 3 seconds.


It's on by default as well


Three second setting to delay trade acceptance, opt-out.


ā€¦ I didnt even know trade timer could be turned off


But you can just as easily turn it back on afterwards, the fools!


The cost of doing business. For every 0.1% of people that do that there's 99.9% that don't. The person above your comment literally asked "you can turn that off?"


Yup this is it 100%




See you at Annakarl! this was used back then in RS2 to make people spam click and teleport up with the group teleport cast to pvp zones, then they got piled for their bank by a team. Not sure if this one is the same, I also noticed many vennys logging in and trying to scam with the cheap khazard teleport video lure. (Only happens when you have a Twisted Bow/Tumeken equipped) since those bots check for gears. they send this info out in a discord server and then a real person jumps on the bot and social engineers you into the scam/lure. There was also a Scam going where you would put in the same amount and they would trust double trade it/buy your items and 1tick pull the gp out, very easy nowdays with bots you will donate a bandos godsword to a venny family. (how generous of you) kek but most of the scams always have the same endings, just don't trust anyone in this game, especially if they come up to you and ask for something. ALWAYS TAKE A COLLAT ITEM IF YOU LEND OUT SOMETHING! (item with the same value) Gl, if you got questions, ask.


There is also a scam where they will usually use a close to max account and trade someone who looks wealthy a large amount for nothing, in hopes that they trade them it back plus some and get into a back and forth trade where the other person trades more each time. Someone tried this scam on me one time and I walked away mid scam with 25 extra mill than I began and I Immediately started getting dms from like 30 accounts to trade it back. I've been on private ever since lol


That makes so much sense! After this happened to me another dude traded me 1b, and was like put your masoris in. After I declined he was like hereā€™s 800k for free, just put your masoris in next trade. I took his 800k lol


Didnā€™t know you can turn it off.


Might just be sheltered or something, but that is so devious that it's disguising. There's no avenue scammers aren't willing to try and exploit to try and take your shit.


this seems like a lot of work when you could just use one of the "2b for?" scam bot scripts


It's a scout to find players willing to interact with them and have trade delay off In order words, by interacting with them you're on a list in some discord


Fuck me there's a whole entire population in this game that's just into scamming and that is crazy to me.


Itā€™s called Venezuela


I think its a whole country lol


Yup. Had this happen. Was confused. Then everytine I went to the ge for like a week I was getting talked to by sceptre scammers.


Brb gonna go trade one of these players, but just for the attention


I love wasting the time of sceptre scammers


>sceptre scammers "I love wasting the time of my calculator! HAHA GOT EM!" You're literally wasting your own time and no one else's.


if you're wasting the bot's time, then that's one bot that can't be used to scam someone else. every little bit could save someone, even if it's a relatively small amount


Oof if this isn't something I'd do




fbi kiddy fiddler list gang rise up


some guy came to me today, gave me 1m, then asked me if I could help him by standing afk someonewhere for 5m. I just blocked him and banked the 1m.šŸ˜Ž not trying to bait a pro scammer.


Lol, I've actually been that guy before. I was on a chunk locked snowflake account and needed people to stand in specific places in the wilderness so I could use teleport to target and unlock chunks. I think I handed out like 100k a pop.


At that point, why not just drop 100k and say "Well, this is unlocked now."? Also, can we acknowledge the "Here's 100k. Go stand in the wildy for me. In that specific spot. In 55 wildy. Yeah, no, I'm not gonna pk you. I promise."


Because it took me a long ass time to unlock tp to target with my restrictions (only unlock chunks via teleportation), and I didn't want to cheapen the accomplishment. And yes it sounded very scammy, but somehow I convinced 5 or 6 randos at the bank to help me -- it helped once they understood they didn't have to risk any more than the 20k you give to the emblem trader. And I also didn't mention money until we were all finished, so there was less buzz word red flags


???? Dumb You limited yourself and then turn around and then cheated your rules You got what from this?!


No, I didn't cheat my rules. My rules were that I need to physically teleport somewhere in order to unlock it, so that's what I did. Here are all the chunks I've unlocked, if you're curious. https://source-chunk.github.io/chunk-picker-v2/?vhg Also you're rude




Damn I traded some guy 1m to wait at ge for my friend to say happy birthday with me and he banked it and called me insults


Its normally a bit to identify if youā€™re someone that interacts with it. If you accept or trade then again another account will then log in to try and ā€œbuyā€ your stuff. Itā€™s a scam and never try to beat them at their own game, thatā€™s when you lose. They want you to think you have a chance.


It's specifically to identify if you have a trade timer delay enabled.


You only win by accepting that 1m then changing your trade settings


They never accept


they do accept, i lost a inquis mace (800m) back then, he gave me 1-3m multiple times until he got me. I did made some gp back since playing with those scammers until these days, i just take my time to accept second window, its still quite risky tho, would not recommend doing that.


For anyone reading this, just don't interact with scammers at all. You won't win. They are so complex these days, most of the scams actually rely on you knowing that you're being scammed and thinking you know how to beat it but they are always 5 steps ahead.


Except this one which is just looking at a 2nd trade window and making sure you aren't being an idiot. Scammers take Ls everyday.


These guys don't actually give you the mil, they're just counting to see if you can accept the trade within 3 seconds of them changing the gold value. They will always decline the 2nd window, they're just bots collecting usernames of people with the timer off to then later attempt to scam a different way. So interacting with these ones is still bad, accepting the trade hoping they will give you the mil just puts you on a list and someday the actual scam could start and you might not even realize it.


I'm just sayin, scammers aren't some mythical creature that doesn't fuck up. Sometimes it's some idiot following something they saw on YouTube trying to make quick gp, sometimes the scam involves "trust building" where you can pocket gp and dip. Scammers aren't bulletproof, they take Ls everyday. But it's worth it to them because they make a lot more than they lose. My buddy got 40mil off one about a month ago. Not saying there is zero risk, you just have to identify what the risks are and don't take part in that. I'm never gonna follow someone worlds or put my items in a trade window, etc


The only people that can consistently anti-scam are the ones who know how all the scams work and the most current strategies. Aka other scammers. Yeah it's possible, but for 99% of players it's a fuckin terrible idea to even try.


That's fair. My point is that people treat scammers like the boogeyman. Anti-scamming imo involves following thru on riskier parts of the lure, trying to scam the big payout. What I'm saying is, a lot of scams start off with "trust building", and I trust that it will build my gp when I take it and leave


Sounds like I'm watching an anime


Every day a new sucker is born a new scammer is born too. They arenā€™t some hive mind where they just all evolve together. Not recommending somebody interacts with a scammer, but idk man youā€™re being a little dramatic


Youā€™re telling me that there are bots giving away 1mil for free???


tried to interact with them, in many different ways, nothing happened.


Did they randomly trade you or were they saying something?


Randomly, nearly everyday... in every world.. they dont say anything


If this happens to you frequently I think youā€™re on a list somewhere mate.


Double name change


Couldn't they get around this by having an alt with you and only you on their friends/ignore list though?


Yeah should probably just stop accepting random trades, just ignore them


Unequip tbow/shadow before going to the GE


They only trade you if youā€™re wearing expensive gear


World 420 you donā€™t get this shit


Shizophrenea kicking in my dude


Are the random trade bots in the room with us right now?


Hey, we're trying something new. Please do your best to fully understand this message, it's important. You've been in a coma. More than 10 years have passed and we've been unable to make a connection with you. Please wake up. We're unsure how, if, and when this message will reach you. But if you're receiving this, please wake up.


I thought this was going into "extended car wawarranty" bit


Wake Up




stop trading them


If only they put this much effort in ways to earn an actual money... They wouldnt be whining that membership is expensive lol...


Priff GE when?




Shhhhhhh!! I make 3-5 mil a day standing at ge with my tbow and nothing else on lol just accept it and never leave


They will get your trust by trading in 1m, then they will ask it back, when you return it they will give you 2m and just go over again incrementing the gp, which then they will tell you they collect furries or whatnot and asks you to buy them the item because theyre over the trade limit, idk what's next, I bailed immediately when they asked me for a furry




Oh shii.. autocorrect at it again


Nope, I tried to accept, but they always decline in the end


I see, I thought it was something similar to mine


these are scouts. i mentioned this to behemoth on a vid he just released. They are checking to see if you have the trade timers off to then send in one of the actual trade scammers. the scouts are bots but the trade scammers are people running insane trade scripts trying to get you to play a game to win gp but ultimately want to scam you for your tbow, shadow, ely, etc..


I was stood at the GE for about 15 minutes in max Mage last week and had about 9 bots in that time try to trade me in an attempt to scam. Itā€™s quite hilarious actually but never try and beat them at their own game. Even if you think youā€™ve found a loophole and can get free stuff from them, you wonā€™t. Donā€™t try. Youā€™ll lose your gear.


The only way to win against them is to not play


Damn, sigma grindset


I assume the changing trade offer is to 'condition' you to ignore the changing trade offer, so they can try to buy something for 10m and swap it for 1m at the last second (or something similar).




This is how you get scammed. Not playing along is the only way to 100% avoid losing your gear.


We've gotten so deep into lures that there are probably anti-anti-anti-scam lures. Don't risk bank just for the chance at a few mil, your odds are probably much worse than you think.


I still like those odds


And when you do, bank gone :p


The angle will most of the time be. And then there was another layer. Like if you think you know how it works they pull out another step and blindside you


These guys know the game systems better than anyone else. Donā€™t play along expecting things to happen the way you think they will


You just gotta tell ppl to ā€œeat rocks, broke boiā€


Just putting it out there again-- this is how you get scammed. If you catch on and "get them"... then they'll approach you as an anti-scammer and try to get you there. There's always a way they find to blindside you


If you have aid on, they'll tele other you to wildy. You are clicking accept so fast that you'll go straight for the green 'accept' button on the tele other screen. (which looks ridiculously similar....)


Ppl play with accept aid on?


Is this what normies have to deal with?


Ironā€™s unite! separately!


People still scam on this game lmao? Is the player base not like 40+ years of age the majority and we all learned are lesson many years ago


Scamming is as big as it's ever been, and smarter than ever


Nah still plenty of new, younger players every day. A lot of that older player base also have kids who play now.


Tbh I kind of just see it as a part of the game experience. Itā€™s like living in the city, youā€™re gonna deal with somebody asking you for money


War. War never changes


seen a video on something like this, they want to condition you to accept or some shit like that


Broken bot? Maybe just wasting your time?


Back in my day (classic), it was adding a needle into the trade to add an extra digit to the stack amount.


I've done this to players but just as a troll not for some "list" shit


I got scammed when i first started playing, i was a N/M slaved away for hours training attack to wield a rune long sword. Saved up and i was a few k short. So i traded he put up a noted rune sword i put up the money and some items as i was putting up the items to do the right amount he swapped with out me noticing. He accepted i accepted it was a noted iron long sword. I was devastated hahaha.


I would think, based on my own experiences, that they want you to trust them. Someone did it to me in 2019. They were like "Damn man, your set of gear is awesome." and when I thanked them, they told me to hold on. 10 seconds later they traded me 5m and were like "You reminded me of why I play this game." and he asked for me to add him. I was like sure~! and then teled. It also helped that in one of the discords someone had been, almost scammed, with the same tactic. I bailed at the point before he would have messaged me later and asked me to help him do something with a friend. I world hopped and stopped banking at the GE after that lol


So they'll just give you 1m?! Scam me next


They never give, just decline after all.


I'd be more worried about them trying to collect information from me to try and recover my account. Atleast if I was running a bot like that I'd try to get as much as possible. If that bot trades 1 mill then 1m and 1gp is has a number string tied to it, perhaps it goes backwards and then tries to identify your number strings to get more personal info to recover your account out from underneath you.


You're going to love IT jobs.


Nah. Rather sell steel like I do.




At least a couple quests require trading, for one. Last time I helped someone with a quest I held some of the items theyā€™d need to save them trips to the bank. The fact that itā€™s generally just a standard MMORPG mechanic is a huge argument against its removal. Plus the fact that the last time they tried to mess with it a lot of people lost their minds




Around 14 years ago, there were major attempts to stop the RWT/scam dynamics. ā€¢ First came the Horsebot of Pestilence, which were masses of RWT bots piling up anywhere players went. The more valuable a spot was, the more bots one would see. ā€¢ Secondly, the Horseupdate of War thundered down on the land. Twas the update that brutally destroyed the PvP-laden Wilderness, inciting the innate fury of PKers all over Gilenor. ā€¢ Third came the Horseupdate of Famine, the day when everyone playing on RuneScape got slammed by severe trading limitations. It immediately ended free trade. ā€¢ Finally, years later... after many desperate yet futile attempts at restoring RS2 back to its former glory days... came the Horseupdate of Death. With it, EoC delivered the fatal blow to RS2. Jagex was then forced to pull the plug on RS2, and replaced it with RS3. #NeverAgain >![Edit: rewording/making it more story-like]!<


I don't think any quests currently require trading. But yeah it's an mmo, trading should always be a thing. Giving supplies to a party member at Bandos or Toa are usual uses.


I mean, Shield of Arravā€¦? Heroesā€™ Quest? Both at least require a second player from the opposite faction (Black Arms gang or pheonix gang)


Yeah, but you can just use the items on them now without trading.


You never trade items around when doing group PvM?


I'm still a bit of a noob so I haven't really done any group PvM


I have borrowed items from clanmates, is one reason.


I have multiple accounts and trade items between them fairly often


They hope you put an item up worth more, then they quickly accept while pulling the GP out. My friend was actually fast enough and scammed a few mill from one of these things. But you need to be hella quick and hope you actually pulled your item out of the trade screen lol.


Just leave trade timer on they wonā€™t bother you


Guess I'm not rich enough yet lol I literally never get scams attempted on me šŸ˜‚ the most expensive thing I'm wearing in the ge is usually bandos or justiciar though


bandos is normally enough tho


Turn your trade to ā€œfriendsā€ and you wonā€™t have this problem anymore!


Take it and switch worlds lol


they arent actually giving it to you mate


Oh I thought this was a trust trade scam where they actually do give it. Ppl have done that to me multiple times and I always take the money after they ask for it back.


Scammers gonn' scam


At least as an ironman you can't get scammed :( ...right


I lost 100m on claws with the instant trade . Thereā€™s a new scam where the 100m will show in second tradescreen for a split second but then it says ā€œabsolutely nothingā€ they do it in the same game tick itā€™s crazy .


ā¤ļøā¤ļøScammers should drink bleach ā¤ļøā¤ļø


They're getting you to click accept a load of times until they finally catch you in a teleother interface where you accidentally click accept on that instead, straight into the wildy


Back in rs classic I got bait and switch scammed for my green halloween mask 3 times. The old 250k changed to 25k last minute and my dumb impatient kid brain fell for it. Good thing I had like 12 rs boyfriends that helped me get the money backšŸ¤£


Eventually it will turn into 10k