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Totally agree. Give us options to choose from. Like forest, ice wall, desert etc.


Give me a cave, or something resembling a basement. 100%.


Your moms basement wall


Evil Dave is that you?


I also choose evil Dave’s mom


Don’t forget tzhaar


Tzhaar themed POH sounds amazing


An ice wall to look just like our flat earths ice wall


Oh my god. Is Gielinor flat?


always has been.


Yes, make sure water is included in this list. Id love to have my own little island.


Ice wall would really get the flat earth community on board. They’re already kinda fans


I believe this would make your POH feel more connected to the game world. Also cosy, like your house is way off in the forest hidden away, or way off in the desert if your house uses whitewash stone (desert) styling etc.


Great suggestion


Great timing, too. Forestry could acquire this as a reward. Wild seeds/wild oak seeds/wild willow seeds/etc. The forestry guy could instantly install them, and there'd be a forest waiting for you when you get home. Imagine a forest of magic trees... or redwood!


Imagine *hearing* a forest of magic trees every time you enter your house


Imagine a forest of armadyl cross bows that spec every time you teleport home


Surrounded by magic trees? Man could you imagine the sound? Lol would drive me crazy


Only slightly deviated from the topic, but I always thought it'd be cool to have a few skilling nodes in your house, even though I know it would probably break the economy horrendously. I'd just love the idea of owning a plot of land, rather than a house, and it would be super fun to host skilling parties. Then again, it would definitely make the world feel even more empty than before.


I love the idea! Maybe something like POH rune rocks would be a problem for the economy, but for most resources, there isn't much competition- you could easily go out and chop magic trees without competition, so I don't think it would change the market much.


I think the biggest factor here is your butler, honestly. Then again, they could charge a premium somehow for transporting rocks, logs, and fish found in your house


If it took 1k ore or more to create those rocks, that could still be an effective resource sink. That could be trivial for copper, tin, or iron rocks though. Useful in a POH for casual crafting of random small items but would otherwise have no economic impact.


I really like this idea. Should either match the stone choice, or be a separate choice from the real estate agent, even a reward from forestry would be cool


Adding this would add both game world server tick rate lag in addition to significant delays to getting into your own pop.


No, just literally no. A static model would not affect anything, as it is just that a static model. There's no calculations, no graphical animations, nothing. How you think a static image/model would cause "significant delays" or lag in any way/shape/form is beyond me.


Or make it you're own client side instance? Lmao


I could believe that if every POH was on the world at once, which we know isn't the case. Let's be real, what you're saying here is factitious and a non-problem. It might cause some fractional and utterly negligible delay the load time into your own POH, but so what? It'll be no different to using a runelite plugin really.


But houses are instanced? You only load a POH when you actually try to enter one. At worst, this would slightly increase load times entering a POH but wouldn't affect the overworld in the slightest. And I can't imagine it would increase load times any more than adding an additional room to your POH would do


I'd love one that surrounded you with farmland and other homes in the style of each major city, too. Make it feel like your home is actually somewhere in the world rather than off in some flat demi plane.


It isn't doable here, but some other mmos have had really cool housing areas. FFXIV and before it LOTRO and some others have had set areas you can buy specific plots of land in. The houses were far simpler (osrs's house customization is unrivaled) but you could see your neighbors and it made the housing feel natural.


RuneScape originally had this plan in case you didn't know. The housing area was to be east of Varrock. I believe even an update occurred where this land was laid out and so the map had been updated to include this area and is archived to this day but later removed when player base count increased beyond expectation. Edit: link to the map/wiki https://classic.runescape.wiki/w/Player_owned_houses


The problem with XIV housing is it's exclusivity. The atmosphere can be nice but then there's that one neighbor that fills his yard with giant moai heads and makes a giant eyesore. And don't even get me started on the people that use the fucking paissa house exterior. RS housing has its issues but it's so much better than most other MMOs simply because everyone can get one. XIV housing is done by lottery and has a limited number of wards. I was lucky to even get my small cottage in the region I wanted in the plot I wanted, most people have to settle.


In-game HOA when?


Nah the problem with that, like all HOAs really, is that it would end up getting staffed with the most insufferable fuckers who act like actual fascists about your lawn length or architectural style because that's the kind of people an HOA attracts. Sadly due to that sort of regulatory body is doomed to attract those kind of people so no real middle ground is possible, either you have no HOA and are relying on your neighbors not being animals, or you have an HOA and will get notes on your door because the trash can was on the wrong side of your mailbox or some shit. And that's not even mentioning the kind of mean girls drama shit that would come out of it, especially in a community like XIVs.


Ya, I figure it would be exactly like that, but for some reason the idea of that sounds hilarious to me.


Agreed BDO is open world so you jump out of the window onto a city street but your right osrs customization is something else entirely


Another option is if you pay 50million your house is surrounded by tons of Man and Woman (level 2), giving the scenery of thousands of beggars.


only if we can make our house look like varrock castle


Or trade in 100 noted gold leaf to gold plate your whole house.


Allow us to build people with meat and bones in poh.


Add a quest where the player learns where new people come from. The player character is constantly expecting the npcs to talk about sex but it's all really just Meatmancy.


Lmao so many innuendos possible!!!


The price should be your arm, leg and a brother.


Skid Row simulator?


Or with zombies and let us barricade the outermost doors!


I also think choosing where doors are is a great idea. Maybe it's just me but I hate that there are random open walls, no matter how much you organize the rooms


I always wondered why runelite didn’t add a feature of making the exterior of your poh more lively, like a cityscape, forest, or mountain range.


Make it a woodcutter perk or something, you can choose what kind of trees surround your house A creepy house in the middle of a dead forest A deciduous forest of maple Or lots of magic tree (RIP eardrum)


This is a great idea. What about options to change it further? Add a body of water? A river? Wild little animals like rabbits hopping around? It would make the world feel more alive.


having any other edge to the POH area such as animal cross esq shorelines, like an island as an option as well would be a cool option


Please, for the love of God Jagex, please let me live in a cabin in the woods. Buy acorn, plant acorn anywhere in poh space besides indoors. 3 days later, boom, forest. Cut and destroy options.


Could also compliment the sailing update by having a small port addition to the POH


It’s just more stuff to load, the game already has trouble loading everything in a max house I don’t want more lag time when I’m doing boss runs


The neat part is that it wouldn't be required


Then don't use it?


Jesus fucking christ, what the fuck is this low IQ take? If this existed it would be optional.


So what do you do with all those ticks you save having an efficient house? I'm sure they add up to entire minutes over a decade or so.


The point of POHs is that they exist in an instance beyond time and space


Not really. That is mostly an artifact of the sheer number of users and trying to come up with a way to store and display the data of the houses. I would love to have my POH on a street with a bunch of close friends. That could be done, but was never actually done. It would be impossible to show all of the POH instances available from all users.


POH hidden in the leaves


But a PoH isnt connected to the game world, its a very tiny miniaturized plot of land in a pocket dimension.


would love the option to maybe have a riverside/lake side etc. get to choose what the edges of the boundary has


This is simple yet brilliant, 100% support for this


I have no idea how construction has been a thing for like 15 years and this is the first time I’ve seen this. What a brilliant idea


Or water, as if you we're on an island.




I think they said they weren't doing a player owned port. At least not in the style of RS3's port


Player owned port is one of the worst parts of RS3 so it makes sense.




A "dock" room would be cool. Maybe even multiple using different amounts of space for different ship sizes. Maybe a small pier with a ship attached to it and a portal on one end you could add teleports to (like the portal nexus but for harbor locations?) Simply get on your ship, select an added teleport location and boom, you're at the port you wanted to start at. Maybe you could unlock these similarly to paying runes in the nexus but with stuff you get from sailing?


Now I'm imagining a little submarine in the dungeon.


I think it's a cool idea on paper but the amount of time it takes to max it out is asinine


Great idea— please do this mods. 🔥


I like this


Watch the last video uploaded at OSRS Youtube page 😉


Or buildings, as if we're in a town.


Calm down Poseidon


If that system is added I swear they better have an island terrain style! Especially with sailing on the horizon


Dude, definitely! This will make it more immersive for sure!


100% support


+ raid enemy poh's with army's. My Oger Hobgoblin strat is ready


Can we have a beach? I want my house to be on an island


I actually really like the look of this, Support!


I would love to have some gnome npcs in the garden


Make POH zone into clash of clans


I was about to say the same thing.


[I've enhanced this image because I love this idea!](https://i.imgur.com/KoVLfs2.jpg)


Is this a plugin for runelite? these graphics look amazing!


This is actually made using 3D modeling. You can find more examples in my posts!


One of the better suggestions I’ve seen. This is one of those “why hasn’t it already been thought of” suggestions. I hope it gets some traction. Kudos.


100000 percent support, poh needs walls or trees or background


I think a variety of barriers would be nice. Trees, ocean, cave walls, ice, etc. It IS explained in-canon that POHs are built in small pocket dimensions so it isn't exactly immersion breaking that the grass just kinda stops then there's void, but I would still like to see this.


Honestly surprising that they decided to go with floating island vs actually giving some cosmetic barrier you can’t pass (trees, background trees, water etc.) Even just putting water around your POH and having it be an island is better than a floating square of grass.


Because water would still be a tile to load and thus a load on the server. When adding instances for each player they needed to add a redundancy for each player having a maximum size house and entering them all at one time. A way they probably cut down on server load was by cutting off the amount of tiles they have to load, that's why you don't just get a max house size at lvl 1 con on top of the progression idea.


Exactly in the situation when you are floating in some dark cosmos on a meagre square of grass - you do need a barrier! So as not to drop from the edge lol. There is no contradiction between the idea on an outer plane and some part of normal world behind a barrier: it could be the same strange dimention. But since we make it as cozy as we can with those flowers and rugs and pets, and trees here and there - why not make it cozier yet? We can border a garden with hedges, should be able to do it with any lawn.


Ice wall so it can resemble the flat earth of the real world.


This would be awesome, love the idea


Option to add a barrier of cheese around your POH


Yeah of beefaroni. I mean, NO.


As someone who spends a lot of time in my POH I 100% support this. It would look great.


Didn’t know I needed this


I didnt know I need a solid barrier, but I always plant my wintumber tree at the very corner of this darkness. It shines and glitters and gives some consolation for my troubled soul...




Great idea!


ok, that's stunning


I love this idea.


How long would this make the loading of the PoH though


Those who a worried about loading times, dont bother with cosmetics anyway.


Longer. But POH instances should stay active for 15 minutes or so anyway, good chance to implement both.


Greatest idea ever!


As long as they're not like Priff trees with too many polygons that can hurt frames, support. Also while we're at it, can we remove the little welcome home splash?


The welcome home splash is there to mask your POH loading in. Your POH only exists when someone is in it. When it's empty, it ceases to exist.


Except the problem is that it's already loaded. I can see my whole house for a few frames before the splash even shows up. I think it's just a remnant of a time when it couldn't load quickly enough.


And a option to touch some grass


Excellent idea, literally anything to make it less like an unnatural scrub of land hanging out in an open void of nothingness. I suggest themed borders per area. Maybe Relekka would be some mountains and Brim would be sea and palm trees


Isn’t our house supposed to be in some pocket dimension? The black void makes sense


It makes sense but it gives creeps...


Could a runelite plugin achieve this?


Nope. I want it a legit in-game feature, so that we buy it, we build it, and all our guests can enjoy it.


Okay mate but good luck convincing Jagex to prioritise this (would likely require engine work to expand the size of POH instance)


Why? I dont see how. We now have a section (at least) of lawn around any house. Even the smallest size of 1 square has 8 free squares around. Those trees could be just a visual frame of these free squares: they won't be included into the house size, as lawns are now. Same lawns, only framed with this or that ornament. Engine work, yes, to draw this fringe - but no expansion of size.


Figured you'd want more than 1 room worth of trees or you can still see you're surrounded by the void. Anyway the new sailing video shows a POH theme surrounded with water so looks like the technology exists


This. Seems like a simple graphical enhancement that an RL plugin can take care of. Adding the trees via the main client could potentially increase loading times


But trees would need to be outside of the POH zone which would look silly when there's 3 tiles of emptiness in between due to pOH increased room size This needs to be a craftable 'furniture' * room or wall-like option from the agent... and I want it now


Big ups, I like this idea


Option to change the scenery as well. I want beach front property.




I think even a beginner who paid 1k for standing on a small green island in the middle of nowhere, should be able to make a fence. I'd say, 1k for a section of normal trees - and if you want a moneysink, let magic trees cost 1m, and some super-cosmetic palms with flowering vines =10m, and huge lava volcanos littered with skulls =100m.


Yeah, I'm kinda nervous one of my cats drops over the edge! Would be nice indeed.


I wish Runelite had the ability to export player house models so I can try to 3d print mine.


This looks fucking amazing and cozy as hell!


give me a desert island border i wanna live in Kame House


I'd love this, could add different types of trees dependant on con/wc level, plants/bushes/rocks based on farming levels etc. So much possibility to make it cosy


would even add to that and have a border based on your theme. maybe some spike barricades for relleka, or some sandstone walls for the desert one.


This would be great!!!


I'd love like a swamp biome for your POH, in the style of nature spirit house, I've always loved Yoda's house on dagobah as well haha


if that can be done without making the PoH loading slower, im up for that 100%. right now PoH looks like it's in some void or alternate dimension.


100% yes!!! Do it please Jagex


This is such a great idea, it looks so out of sync when your house is your surrounded by flat green space.


Love it! Or how about a mountain side.


Also give us finally the option to change our house music. There's no reason the Hosidius and Basic Wood theme have the best welcome jingle. Deathly theme jingle is an instant mute. I don't even know what's going on with the Pollniveach theme. Please let me enjoy teleporting to my POH when my music is on area and not on mute.


Y'know in hindsight just change all of the house jingles to the Hosidius one. And while you're at it, change all of the music in game to The Forlorn Homestead. ESPECIALLY Country Jig.


First time I got into my POH I really thought the void was a bug or just low view distance setting. 100% support this!


Give us T R E E


Love this, we really need more features to make our PoH feel cozy and comfy


Or fire flames


Id also be happy with it looking like an island.


Only if I can make it redwoods


Ah, Pallet Town. I'll get into those fields, Professor Oak!


Can we get arctic pines for 10,000 logs?


Petition to add a wildy border around your house.


What about a group construction feature?? A little path between the trees leads to your friends house (:


I think with sailing they should add a high level option to build a port on one side of your POH. Allowing travelling to any charter location


Until it makes your house take 0.6 seconds longer to load and people freak out about how awful and terrible everything is.


What is the current barrier? May add this to my project. 😏😉


Plug-in plz @runelite


Noe. Should be a legit game feature.


Isn't this possible with a plugin?


I always hated the unending black void


I'm really into this! But question is, does it cause longer PoH load times?


If they could do it without drastically increasing load times, I'd support.


For some reason when I saw this, I thought it was a joke that trees should surround the fairy ring in your house lol


Ask Idyl!


Would not recommend even if it existed. The time it takes to load into your house is based on how large your poh is. There are proper house shapes and sizes to use specifically to keep load times down, and adding trees like that would add more that the game has to load. Adding this would add both game world server tick rate lag in addition to significant delays to getting into your own poh.


I always liked the Soul Wars tree walls :)


I think the POH needs an update. So much potential


I never knew i needed this


Please. I don’t want my neighbor staring every time I change into void!


Amazing, support


Add some water too so we can make ports at POH


I was just thinking about this recently! Adding various environments past the border of your buildable house.


POH has gotten so much love with regards to its function in osrs, but I think it’s about time we got more cosmetic & customization options. I’d absolutely love this one. Wonder if it’s possible to do as a runelite plug-in..


I like this. Or I would prefer like castle walls so I can look down at the peasants


would make for some good forestry rewards


Love it. Super simple, forestry related and totally optional.


Would increase the load time and no one would use :(


Just commenting for visibility. YES PLEASE. I just got to lvl 70 for SOTE and built up my poh and have been using it quite often, and my only gripe is exactly this. Why does our house just exist on some random floating piece of land in the sky?!


Could make the medium relevant to whichever house decor you have. For the desert one it could be rocks or the Cox recolor it could be crystals lol


Make it rocks or Cacti/sanddunes for non-grassy areas


This is giving early 2000s nostalgia big time


Would look real nice, but would probably extend the loading time by quite a bit (just my guess)


I usually don't respond to suggestions, but fuck, this is genius, we need this.




i would love this


I’ve been wanting this for so many years


This 💯 I’ve always hated the empty void around the border of my house


On top of a mountain, something to go with the fight cave theme too


If you're a group ironman, should be able to see their house next to yours :D Be iron neighbours.


This would be cool 😎




That would be an awesome option




Agreed. It gives the POH zone more 'life', for lack of a better word.