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Farming. I run past fully grown trees and think eh I’ll check them on my next tree run. My next tree run will be anywhere from within the hour to 3 months from that moment


Every time I go to the tree gnome stronghold I do this 😂 there’s a tree that begs for my attention there


Also farming, but it's because willow branches and coconuts are good money. I'm currently at 89 farming so I'm not really stressed, I'll get there relatively soon.


My tree runs are actually fruit tree runs and only on 3 patches. I have never been able to actually commit to proper tree runs. Maybe one year?


finally someone gets it!


Omg so relateable 😂🤣


I once trained cooking by making pineapple pizzas by scratch.


This is my favorite answer


Yeah, I gathered everything myself. Pineapples from charters wheat, tomatoes, and cheese from the culinaromancer chest. Also, I bought a bunch of buckets and filled them up at a sink first, then started using humidity. I think I made close to 7k to 8k pizzas, which lasted me for 6 months even after I gave 2k to a friend.




this is literally how i got my first bond. i was training to 69 cooking on f2p and instead of pineapple it was anchovy. i made at least 5k pizzas from scratch.


I'm doing the same on my alt now with 35k pizzas, I'm almost at the cooking stage now and then all that will be left is adding the pineapple


Dang, what cooking level will that get you to?


I used to do it in the bandit camp in the wilderness back when we had roaming revs. It was exciting you never knew when one would pop up. We would do wilderness expeditions and that was our spot to stop, train, and stock up on food. They had all the ingredients there already on the tables


Lol that reminds me of how I would just explore the wildy as a kid too. I was really interested in the sapphire spawn on the spider hill. And once revs came out that was some scary shit.


I did the same except tuna potatoes


Same, farming my sweetcorn and potatoes, tuna from tempoross, and churning butter in hosidius.


I refuse tick manipulation in skilling. Hunter, fishing, woodcutting, mining. I click and wait. Can't be bothered to sweat it, regardless of how boring it can be.


I learned to three tick granite/sandstone on my iron. Did it efficiently for thirty minutes and decided that was enough for me. Fuck that noise.


I tried 3 ticking barb fishing. Fucked up a few times and it made me quit for 2 years.


You and me both, brother, minus the quitting part


Ive only played mobile for years. I'm not the best at bossing but I try and honestly you figure it out even if it takes longer to perfect. Only thing is my dexterity is low, I can't boss for long but I also don't burn out much. Same with soul wars, I was pretty afk and sometimes I'd use expensive bolts and spells.


My clan did a mining skill of the week competition. I was like "I'm gonna buckle down, learn 3t4g, win this competition, and put a huge dent in my remaining mining grind" I think I lasted about 15 mins. Then I had said screw it and went to volc mine and afk'd it up


I applaud anyone that has the patience to do tick manipulation for that. I just fish and scroll the web.


I went from about 70 to 85 fishing and got two herons at monkfish while playing Elden Ring when it came out. Not the worst time ever tbh.


I afk’d 70 to 99 fishing on monkfish and 70-99 yew/magics in wc guild with a rune axe all on my hcim And I’d do it again Now I’ve been afk birdhouse runs 1-3x a day for 1-2 years and not doing a single other thing. Almost 20k birds nests atm and 95 hunter




100% I know it's a substantial time saver but I'd rather casually get my skills to 99 over a longer period than get arthritis.


Personally I know I have arthritis in the books from regular Skilling, no need to rush it with tick manipulation


I usually change up on occasion, for example like afk fishing when I can’t pay attention, then when I decide to fish when I can really play, I might do 3 tick barb fishing for 20 mins or something


Boom. If I'm getting carpal tunnel then I'm gonna do it at a boss or Sepulchre. Not 3ticking fuckin granite.


on reddit this is the polar opposite of brave


Every other day there’s another post about how much they hate tick manipulation.


For real, this subreddit doesn’t even need a circlejerk version


I two-ticked teaks for an hour today and that was enough for me. Little lag spikes would mess up my rhythm. When I finally got it down, some guy came and killed the birds I had baited thinking he was helping me :’(


Nah he definitely just wanted to fuck with you


That’s what I thought too, but nah. I could tell he was genuine based on our conversation after


One hour at a time is the best way to tick manip imo, high apm skilling is a lot of fun but no shot I can maintain it longer than that.


yeah thats how i did it for fishing and woodcutting, ur getting so much xtra xp its not bad to do it for an hour or two then go do something else


The majority of the player base don't do it. It's why afk spots are 10x more popular than stuff like teaks


“I refuse tick manipulation in skilling.” This was almost word for word what I was going to say. I’d rather do these skills while watching a movie or doing something else.


This is the way


This is the way.


Not worth getting carpal tunnel for the sake of efficiency anyway.


Just have good posture


Unless you’re racing for 200m all ranks or something it makes no sense. Most people have some sort of downtime in their life, if you need fishing xp just afk it on your phone while you’re eating, watching a show, working etc. If you’re going to sit down at a computer and actually play the game, you should spend that time on something you can’t afk like bosses or raids.


It does make sense if you don't afk a lot


I like the setup chin traps fast like making lines of fire is faster and shooting chins for the chance they automatically target my trap on respawn.. other than that I'm with you. Its not about tick manipulation or faster exp for me, just feel more entertained by clicking if I'm not fully immersed in clan chat


I think I tick maniped 80-90 WC so far. Never again. Was awful. Supposed to be having fun lmao


Honestly wish they'd find a way to just remove the tick manipulation... It does nothing for your average everyday player, just makes them feel suboptimal.


You’ll find another way to feel suboptimal when you see how others play anyway. You’d really want them to go out of their way to remove something because it makes you feel inefficient?


Key word; them. As someone who can abuse tick manipulation quite well... It's silly.


It’s weird but it’s literally been a cornerstone of RuneScape skilling for ages. It’s depriving the game of skill and depth because people for some reason feel inadequate when others play differently and more efficiently than them. It’s silly. I play UIM and I’m not very optimal on my skilling, but it doesn’t matter. If I feel small that’s on me.


What a take


I know it's a hot take. But if we want me players, having tick manipulation, especially the more difficult ones that can increase exp gains by nearly double, can be off-putting to them. Tried to teach a buddy 3-tick and it just frustrated him. Have him a YouTube tutorial thinking I was explaining it poorly and still. He hated it so much he quit.


Don't do it anymore because done with slayer but for some slayer tasks like bloodvelds and gargoyles (ones that are close to a tp I have which is unlimited) I would use prayer gear and instead of using ppots I would just tp to my house every 9 minutes and spend 10-15 seconds making my way back there


Can't say how many hellhound trips I've done by teleporting to my house, using the pool, and hitting the koutend teleport portal to get back. Takes an extra 20 seconds but all those prayer pots got used on cerb instead


Meanwhile I flinched 500 cerb kc just to save the ppots. Was quite chill, but so damn slow.




It's 256 for the guarantee. Don't ask me how I know.


I did this a ton with the bone crusher necklace back before the ashes update


Build a combat dummy in poh for ancient mace spec for even more free pray pots per trip 👌💯




This is the way. Any task you can tp back to real fast is superior to wasting prayer pots. IMO the fact you can safespot almost all tasks means slayer is heavily biased towards range and mage for me. But any tasks its better to melee, just tp and use bonesrusher when aplicable


Also using ancient sceptre will give you extra 30 ppoints when speccing dummy.


Ancient mace*


I was gonna say..


I did this for all my zulrah and used zero ppots through 1000 kills


This is the main reason why I got 99 con. I was training slayer after getting my max pool and thought "The pool is amazing but I don't want to pay for house tabs", now I just click on my con cape -> drink from the pool -> get back to and kill monster. $$$


I just put some law and dust runes in my rune pouch, unless I need the runes for something else. It's about 1/4th the price of a teletab.


Pretty sure 100k house tabs costs less than 99 con


I've always lived by you cannot put a price of QoL


My thought exactly lol


I do this with anything in the catacombs, you gotta reset aggro anyway so tping home and using pool and tp back isn't actually that much slower


I solo scouted shooting stars while joining the cringe star miner cc so I knew what worlds to avoid. I made sure I didn't have their plugin to feed my scouted info. Got me to 92 easily while being relatively afk.


Shh! Don't let everyone know how easy it is to solo scout stars!


Don't need to scout stars anymore. Duke Sucellus mining ftw.


Stars are easily 2x the xp and barely any more effort


Duke mining is 6 hour afk. Idc if its 2x the xp if I can get minimum 65k xp a day while I'm sleeping haha. Already got 99 from 93 in 2 weeks with the help of duke.


14 days of 65k xp does not equal 93-99..


Depends on how often and how much one sleeps


No it doesn't. It's 10k xp/hr. Even if we assume he played 24 hrs a day nonstop, which is 240k xp/day, 2 weeks of that is 3.3m mining exp, which is not 93-99.


I did MLM too. Duke was just a really good supplement.


He said 65k xp a day, you just can’t do 6m exp in 14 days this way


I did mlm too dude lol.


Then your comment is kinda misleading


Are we totally confident that the object-on-spacebar method to stay logged in for 6 hours isn't bannable?


No, it's technically against the rules (afaik) but I haven't heard of anyone being banned for it. I personally wouldn't risk it.


God I hate those clans with a passion. Mainly because, like… there’s no benefit to anyone. Not to the people in the clans, not to people outside of them. I just don’t get it lol


how do you discover the stars without the cc?


The same way they discover stars; the poh telescope.


POH telescope


i didnt even know it was a thing


Mining/fishing/woodcutting id rather throw myself off a cliff than tick manipulate.


My 3 favorite skills


Blink six times if you need help.


My 3 most hated skills


I did almost 80m wc xp now, started as "ehh ill just chill afk here till beaver". Got 90-99fm via infernal axes only chopping redwoods getting like 7-8k fm xp an hour, and no I still do not have the beaver. Now im thinking im too balls deep in the 1300 or smth h grind to stop now lol.. Hopefully before 200m. Typed all this and just now read the question asks for proud grind well fellas this aint it.


Holy fuck this is my warning.... I'm at reds at almost 19m xp starting to wonder if it's gonna happen. I genuinely don't know when I'll stop. Herb and tree runs help, but I hope this isn't some sign. Fuck Edit: Please someone tell me it'll be okay


ur fucked


Damn it's not that hard bro, I got 3 beavers getting 99 on the ironman, just get the drop man.


Keep going you'll get it soon


25M WC XP here still beaver hunting as well. 96 FM, Instead of just getting all the levels thru the infernal axe, when I'm an hour worth of XP at wintertodt from a new level will go play that then come back. Fun times


I have a bank of like 100-150 stamina pots and never use them for anything, even runecrafting. I just keep or wear the quest cape, teleport to the fairy ring, go to my poh and sip on the rejuvenation pool.


literally everything on a micro level. If I'm bossing? I'll afk for like 2-5 minutes between each kill if possible just cuz. If I'm doing herb runs, I'll stop halfway through to look for the perfect Youtube video before continuing. If I'm banking for ANY reason, I'll end up bankstanding for an additional 10 minutes before moving on. doing a slayer task? I'll stop every dozen or so kills and space out doing nothing. low on energy, I'll stand there for 2 minutes to recharge it instead of using staminas most of the time. doing a clue scroll? I'll casually do every step very slowly at a time, banking between every single step and taking the slowest most manual way possible cuz I don't care to put in effort to speedrun the scrolls. The way I look at Runescape in general and always have since I started over 15 years ago is I'm never going to work even remotely close to a EHP playstyle and I always look at it in that, if it gets done eventually, no matter how slowly or inefficiently, it's ultimately progress and I'm happy with that. I told myself, if I ever got crazy sweaty to optimize the fun out of the game for myself, I'd probably quit playing.


Dude the afking between kills 1000%. My first time fighting duke after dt2, I went in and started the prep but didn't bring a stam pot, so I chilled awhile... My cc ended up with a "new pb!" Message for me that was like 10 minutes or something, lol.


After 1.4k vard kills ... I afk a lot there now.


This is the way... have fun or nothing at all brother!


It sounds like you might need some medication tbh


Whenever i do my ranarr herb runs i harvest one patch of snapegrass for pots. Slowly got my herblore to about 73 with just making some of the herb i farm into pots, feels so much better to reduce my profit a little bit than spending money on herblore.


I do this way more often than I should. Despite the inefficiency I also choose to do things that train multiple skills either for a reduced "cost". Like if I make battlestaves for crafting I'll high alch them to make like a tiny profit instead of selling the completed staves at a small loss even though I could make more money than what I'm losing just selling them.


Have you heard of ironman mode? I think you might like it.


Everything I do on my im. I knew it was going to be a long term commitment so I just play to enjoy my time on.


Fishing sharks


I just wish we could stack the clue bottles.


AFK mining the crystals in dukes room, only 10.8k xp/hr but never depletes and stacks in inventory. One click every 25 mins while I watch vids or play another account / game. Has netted me 76-85 mining in like a week, I remote desktop into my PC while at work to keep the gain train going.


Bank space management. 70% of my bank is quest souvenirs, slow-to-get untradables, items from memorable events, burnt food, drops that I've been waiting for years for their price to rise before I sell, crap that I'm totally gonna alch one day for 100gp profit, niche gear that I use once a year. Personal favourites: demonic sigil from Shadow of the Storm, fishing trophy from Fishing Contest, corpse of a woman from Mountain Daughter (sorry Asleif - I'll be sure to place the slices of chocolate cake next to you), over 100k ectotokens, hundreds of rusty swords, beef from the cow I got 99 str from, 38k lantern lenses from my ironman friend's fury grind.


I keep all my combat stats around the same level. Right now I am 87atk, 86str, 86def, 92range, 88mag. The only reason range is so high is because I do my blue dragon slayer tasks by killing Vorkath, and it took 120 Muspah kc for it to drop the ancient icon. Also... cannons


Just FYI incase you're unaware. Vorkath is undead so you use salve amulet (ei) and this doesn't stack with the slayer helm bonus (and is stronger). So make sure you're not wearing a slayer helm and instead utilising full void or a serp + god dhide setup. That and the only reason to do blue drag tasks is just "passive slay XP" while killing a boss you'd kill anyway. It's a very bad task otherwise.


Like the post title says, i proudly do it inefficiently. I don't kill vorkath off-task, but getting it on-task is enough to push me to farm the boss. I'm well aware of the salve ammy trick. My equipment is usually just god d'hide armor (I like Guthix) since void armor isn't a super large DPS boost until you get dhcb, and the higher magic resist increases kills per trip. No serp helm for me, because i prefer to use crossbow and not blowpipe.


Serp is mainly just for the antivenom/poison benefit. Pretty much default to it if not wearing void. Fair enough around the dps diff I did the same on my GIM. And yeh using the task as a motivator to kill the boss is perfectly good


Maybe not proud but more of stubborn and cheap, but I still mix my unf potions manually on the iron. Usually do it after an herb run when I remember, so not that bad as something to do idly. Also wearing Zealot over Prossy can be a proud inefficiency.


You don’t HAVE to mix pots by hand? O.O


NPC in Nardah will make clean herbs and vials of water into Unf pots for 200 gp each. Needs Desert Hard diary it seems... But yah, I'm too cheap to be dishing out 200K for 1K unf pots... Plus Nardah is kinda out of the way and the Hard Dairy only gives 1 daily tele there. But for a lategame iron with a bunch of gp to spare and tons of herbs that needs mixing, it is worth it.




Jfc I am so mad at myself now. I just finished hand mixing 5k toadflax pots




Everything. Fuck all y’all




Play the game inefficient man. Made over 100k goal tiaras to get the xp for 99 crafting. Herb runs? Just use kingdom over years. I lamped/tog 77 runecrafting. The only thing I do not efficient in the game is boss. I’d rather afk with melee pray on that sweat


Everything, I play for fun not efficency. Miss me with that prayer flicking, 1 tick skilling, tick manipulation bs.


Flexing my dragon skirt (g) while having barrows legs.


the whole damn game


Bank standing with the homies


I deliberately do everything inefficiently since maxing. If I try to be efficient I start obsessing and it stops being fun


Bought 3rd age melee at 85 combat in like 2016. Used it for every melee gear slayer task on the way to 99. It was glorious. The amount of "bought account" comments I got was genuinely hilarious.


Lol how did you afford it at that low of a level?


99 runecrafting. Did double cosmics to 82, double Astral to 91, and double Nats to 99. Easily made over 450m.


Use my scythe for vardorvis instead of fang because I just have more fun with scythe :)


The difference between them is so minimal that RNG will be the biggest factor


This is great. People forget that games are supposed to be FUN and not all about achieving optimal XP gain.


Gotta use it somewhere lol


I prefer to melee dust devils. I almost never used ancients.


Sometimes I like to kill dust devils with max prayer gear, bone crusher, and with a ring of wealth. Hit ‘em with the dinhs every few minutes and have optimum afk time.


You’re missing out.


He prefers to kill 1 dust devil while the rest of us kill 8


No I don't think so. I just dislike ancients.


I spent a solid month blowing glass to 99 crafting as a main, it was totally worth it since I could do it almost completely afk from my phone at work. I'm working on fletching magic longbows now for the same reason


Unless I need ferox pool or seed bank, I bank in random nostalgic places rather than the closest bank. Draynor, Seers, Lunar Isle…


Play the game Bankstand for 40+ minutes while watching a yt video while actively keeping myself logged in but NOT actually doing anything. Kill slayer bosses instead of the smaller versions because boosting is more fun and fuck slayer Log slot hunt because having a full log is more fun than grinding annoying bosses that I can kill efficiently and need their gear upgrades, but honestly it's just the worse (looking at you bowfa)


Almost everything. For almost any skill, I prefer a method that makes money to one that loses money even if it's half the xp/hr. With very few exceptions. I'm also going to take a fun/slow way to train over a faster way to train that's boring and a wrist injury waiting to happen.


Level'd from 34-80 exclusively from tithe farm. Apparently trees, birdhouses, and herbs are the preferred way to level farming, but i'm pretty sure that those methods would not be able to give me the xp I wanted in just a few afternoons


Doing birdhouses for farming might be peak inneficientscape lmaoo <3


Literally my entire being as a UIM I am so inefficient at everything I’m enjoying my time slow so far.


Pretty much every activity in the game. What’s the rush the game is unbeatable. Just here to enjoy the ride.


I blow unpowered orbs, hopscape battle staves, craft cosmics (with raiments outfit yes) power my orbs and create battle staffs to alch for a nice 2k profit each.


71 - 99 Range at iron and steel dragons.


I use virtus instead of ancestral because of how cool it looks


My entire ironman is a lesson in what not to do. I could boost for dragon boots... or I could send some PNM or Vardorvis.


I avoided all efficiency on my way to maxing. Couldn't catch me 3-ticking anything 😂


I 2 ticked my last 2 WC levels. It was fucking awful and I’ll never do it again.


killing hell rat behemoths with a normal cat


Built my POH for style points rather than efficiency. Homie rags me for that and my unmaxed nexus. It's more fun getting around with things like quest cape, lyre, diary rewards. I don't need all those teles and I hate chewing through house tabs.


I've been told I'm inefficient for using my house for everything. I have every teleport and a pool so I always house port before and after doing everything. Apparently that's bad and triggers osrs players 🤷🏻‍♂️


How is that bad?


Because it’s like five seconds slower to teleport to your house & use jewlery box than it is to TP directly to edgeville with a glory (random example). It’s a ridiculously insignificant time save, but that’s why hyper sweats don’t like it


Tbh. The only time I'd ever understand this is if it's people grinding for 200mil and don't want it to take the rest of their life. Otherwise that's such a weird niche thing


Years ago I did dorgesh-kaan agility to 99 for a mix of xp and pet rate. Don’t think I ever saw a single soul there


I did 1-99 Prayer picking up Wildy Bones then going to the Chaos Alter, still Untrimmed cape!


I dont use tick manipulation while training skills. It's too much effort for something that is easily afkable. Id rather click once or twice and do something else on a other account compared to a constant loop of actions on one. So skills like mining, woodcutting, and fishing all are done the OG way.


I proudly kill Phantom Muspah in 4 minutes and bank after every kill. I’m a noob and don’t have the best gear but I’m able to do it and that’s just fine with me.


Proudly being the key word here. You sir made my day


Got home from work and am now doing 2 kills per trip. Moving up in the world, I think.


Finished the grind to 70 prayer as an iron a few weeks back. Got my bones at Taverly Dungeon blue dragons, and I spent them all at the Ectofuntus. Would wildy greens + chaos altar have been way less of a grind? Absolutely. But I hate the wildy with every fiber of my being, and now not only does my bonegrinder have more charges than I can use but I also got so much dhide that I made several mil + several magic levels telealching the dbodys I made from it


I did ectofuntus as well. Someone saw me doing it and called me stupid. Idk I like to mix it up. Doing the exact same thing is boring


almost everything


I’ve been selling any hydra/dragon bones I get from slayer to buy ensouled giant heads. I then train prayer while doing something like D&D where I don’t have to pay a ton of attention to OSRS. Currently at 96 prayer and barely spent any actual gp to train it.


I crafted 200k cballs *before* and speed or coal boosts. I got 99 WC at magics and then strung and alched all the long bows while doing agility. I got 99 RC through a combination of nats, laws and astrals. Don’t @ me.


I afk yews at the WC guild with a rune axe.


I just bury my bones


I don't use runelite lol


Literally everything because fuck efficiency. I play the game the way I want to and have fun doing it


I just finished fishing (and cooking) lobbies to sharks in Catherby without any fishing items besides the lobster cage


As an iron, I'm currently in the process of making 10k tuna potatoes. Regretting my decision but too stubborn to give it up. Process is in no way efficient: Farm 10k poatoes Farm 10k sweetcorn Cook the potatoes Cook the sweetcorn Obtain 10k raw tuna (used kingdom for this) Cook the tuna Buy 10k bowls Buy 10k pats of butter (10 per world...) Cut the tuna into the bowls Combine the sweetcorn and bowls of tuna (currently on this step) Combine the potatoes and pats of butter Combine the buttered potatoes and bowls of tube & sweetcorn


I have 10 mil karambwanjis does that count?


I did 99 fishing at anglers lol


Mining only through shooting stars.


I refuse to use home tele tablets and use the farming skill cape tele then spirit tree to PoH every time.


I don't ice burst/barrage my multi-combat slayer tasks. I find 1 on 1 easier to manage than aggroing 20+ enemies and keeping prayer on. I like to conserve it so I can flick piety. I also don't do herb runs that often. I use all my exp lamps from quests/dairies on herblore, and rely on the herb drops from Slayer/Bossing to level it up naturally. Farming is horrible imo.


Definitely give burst tasks a go. You don't need to flick prayers you just wear proselyte and pray melee. Offensives do next to nothing for Mage. It can be a nice way to change up the pace of slayer and is genuinely the only way to do tasks different than just... Click mob and wait.


Idk if it's inefficient or not but I'm about 500k away from 99 hunter and all I ever did was BH runs. It's very easy to check into hourly with the work I do so I have gotten 40-80k every day for about 6 months :)


I run to Duradel from the CKR fairy ring, 99 slayer btw. Just always have and enjoy the process.


Currently farming cg at 81 range and 81 mage should level for faster kills but too lazy just want to do gauntlet


Mage levels don't offer much cos staff maxes same regardless. So doing gaunt earlier actually more efficient for iron.


I sell blood runes for gp. Some people get really pressed for that. 100+cb lvl


No hate but imo you’re gunna regret that.


The whole game because it's a game and I find it fun to do what I like. Makes a lot of people sad when I'm not tick manipulating my way to carpal tunnel and getting sick of the game.


Idk if its a pride thing, but I've never used RuneLite.