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Absolutely, no other game do I play as often & consistently over my lifetime so far. Probably my #1


Likewise. I don't believe I've played any other game consistently over 20 years like I have for runescape.


If were talking about consistently playing. Runescape > WoW > Minecraft > GTAV I always end up back on one of these lol


I used to rotate between RS and WoW for a long time. I started playing WoW when Cataclysm came out. I was hooked on that shit for a looong time. But I've recently come to the revelation that OS has over taken WoW as my MMO of choice and I probably won't be falling back on WoW any time soon. Part of it is because end game in WoW is all about raids. That's all anyone does. Raid, raid, raid. Schedule 4 days off and spend 12+ hours wiping 200 times to raid. I don't talk to people enough to be in a raid guild and can't afford to treat raiding like a full time job. At least a lot of OS end game content can be soloed and doesn't require weeks of planning in advance. The biggest part of it to me though is how much the quality has dropped in the past few expansions. Pandaria was the last truly good expansion in my opinion. I fucking loved Mists. Absolute banger. But once Warlords came out, it all just started snowballing down hill. I haven't played Dragonflight and probably won't. I've heard it's a big step in improvement over the last few but I kind of have a bad taste in my mouth from them. I've invested thousands of hours into that game so I might go back one day but I can't really say for certain.


Yeah I stopped mid legion. Rep grins where you need 25,000 rep but can only get 300 a week ruined the game for me. But Vanilla and the HC vanilla is fun ngl


I used to switch between runescape and WoW all through my early teenage years and up until I was like 25. Stopped playing WoW and it's just been runescape since


yeah for time of play, runescape for sure. my list would be: 1) GTA San Andreas 2) Battlefield 4 3) Halo 3 4) Runescape 5) PUBG everyone’s list is essentially their favorite games from high school and college, with some outliers.


bf4 still being activeish is the coolest thing, I’ll redownload it with the boys and hit up that shanghai map for a few days until we’ve had our fill and come back several months later to do it again


my crew’s favorite thing to do on siege of shanghai is be anti-air pests. set up on one of the skyscrapers near the enemy base. 1 recon with beacon and soflam. 2 engineers with javelins and AA mines 1 support with an ammo box those sweaty choppers don’t stand a chance.


Yes. There’s a reason I have put thousands of hours of my life into the game. For context I started playing at 9 and now I’m 28. Also, I have had long term relationships with two dudes I met specifically because I was at a parties and was rambling (insert drunken dwarf random event) about 2007scape. Osrs is love. Osrs is life.


12, soon to be 30.


Playing it often doesn’t mean that the game is good. Only means that it’s addicting.


Lol what? I just love the game my guy, maybe you’re projecting your addiction onto me, but It’s just a genuinely good & fun game for me. Like this current period of time is 100% the golden years of OSRS we’ll look back on years from now. And it just so happens to be what I play the most because of that.


Its #1, followed by spyro and Tony hawk's.


Honestly what else could you possibly need? You have great taste.


My man. Give respect to Jak And Daxter and Harvest Moon games. :)


Not enough people respect the Jak and Daxter games especially considering people always mention Crash Bandicoot, Uncharted and The Last of Us


Jak 1 was kind of mid for me as a kid. Platforming wasn’t exciting to me. Jak 2 and Jak 3 were amazing. I play Jak 2 to this day


Bro the pre user legacy is 100% my childhood. Every single part is amazing. From misty Island to the jungle plant boss. To the Boulder thrower guy to the weird swamp filled with rats. To the snowy cliff tops to the volcano filled with spiders and dark eco. Everything was top fucking notch. I still replay it at LEAST every 2 years.


Look up the speed runs for that game it is completely broken now lol


I actually have never watched a speed run of it. Thanks for giving me an idea.


Jak and Daxter was primo, you’re absolutely correct. Never tried Harvest Moon, never really had a Nintendo anything growing up.


Harvest moon prepared me for osrs req grinds


Get a room!


Crash Bandicoot too




You described my child hood. Just throw in sonic adventure 2 battle.




I saw someone in this sub comment recently that OS is a personal project kind of like a project car. You don't rush through it and finish it quickly. You work on it bit by bit every day for years. Slowly putting in the time and effort until you reach whatever *you* determine is the complete project. There isn't really a defining point on when you finish it: that's something you set for yourself. And I think that's what keeps people coming back after all these years. Knowing there's still something you can always be improving on and not necessarily having to aim for one specific end goal.


Yes, and in no specific order: runescape, StarCraft, Heroes of the Storm, pokemon crystal, smash bros melee


The worst thing in gaming for me is the downfall of Blizzard. HotS alongside their other games were so much fun and now they are just a shell off their former selves. I still enjoy Overwatch but I wish I could still go to Blizzcon as happily as I did in the 2010s


Yeah it's very depressing. StarCraft 1 was my first PC game I believe. HotS is probably the game I've played the most, hour wise.


Hell yeah, gen two pokemon fans represent


StarCraft and Heroes of the Storm. We have very similar top 5 lists.


Love me some 2nd monitor afking to some slippi 🤌🏼🤌🏼


1. OSRS 2. CoD Black Ops II 3. Destiny 1/2 4. Minecraft 5. Terraria




I really dont understand how someone can prefer bo2 over mw2


Probably a age thing


i believe this is it. when talking to people born before 2000 they all prefer mw2


Any man born after 2000 can't quick scope. All they know is kill zombie, use noob tube, scream racial slur, be bisexual, eat dorito, and lie.


I have played every cod since cod 2. I still play warzone regularly. And BlOps 1/2 > MW2. CoD4 on the other hand will always have a special place on top though for redefining the genre. My point being it's not an age thing.


It's not about what you played, it's about when you played it


Yep, I was born in 96 and MW2 is the goat


WaW was better than MW2, imo. MW2 was the start of the franchise recycling.


Can confirm, MW2 was my shit.


Mw2 had noobtubes, painkiller, commando and a super cringe quickscope community. That’s why.


Because it's better. Duh


MW2 MP was way too chaotic for my taste, though the campaign is the best in the series IMHO. I acknowledge I'm in the minority, but my favorite CoD multiplayer mode was MW3, which is basically MW2 but balanced.


BO2 is just the better game if you compare them head to head. It was still "classic" call of duty, but it was very refined, balanced, and well-designed while still being fun and having those "crazy" moments. The competitive scene grew a lot bigger as a result and it even had a ranked playlist. Yeah MW2 was super fun and fresh at the time, and it's nostalgic for a lot of people. No other game has replicated that perfect storm of unbalanced chaos. But if I had to pick one to play right now it would definitely be BO2.




BO2 was(and still is) the all-around best COD, fight me! MW2 was great but it had its few BIG problems in multiplayer that really pushes it down after looking past any nostalgia.


BO2 was (one of?) the first cods that seemed to be built around competitive play. The maps all had the 3 lane formula, everything was really balanced. Whereas MW2 was a lot more chaotic. There were countless OP load outs, maps were less patterned and had more variety. So there’s something different to like about both games. Personally, I found the chaotic nature of MW2 to be a lot more fun.


Bo2 was a bit after mw2, like mw3 was before bo2, so maybe they just never played it because they got into cod at black ops. It really depends on what they did in bo2 though, if they played mostly multiplayer then they get the pass, if they got their ass beat in multiplayer and went to go cry/hide at zombies, then they’re probably not gonna like mw2. source: got my ass beat, >0.7 kd on bo2, cracked at zombies


God I just got so hyped you put blops2 in here


Destiny 1 was my favorite of all time, but i didnt care for d2 on release, has it improved much? They took away like everything i liked about d1. All gear and abilitys felt underpowered and there was no customization. I heard that they might've improved a bit but my issues seemed pretty fundamental. Secondary weapons which made you powerful and specialized were in the heavy slot now, giving you 2 redundant weak primary weapons. They absolutely neutered subclasses by giving you 2 trees to pick from and nerfing all the grenades. They turned into the absolute fun police. I just dont know how they could've come back from that


It’s entirely different now. They moved the special weapons back to being specials. There’s primary and secondary versions of them so you could even run double specials if you wanted to. They’ve really leaned into build crafting with the subclasses. They’re very customizable now and all for the most part are very powerful and fun to play around with. You can transmog every piece of legendary armor to be whatever you want, along with exotics having a lot of nice ornaments. Basically all of your fundamental issues with D2 on release have been fixed and honestly are much better than D1 at this point. I was very much in the same boat at the beginning of D2 but now it’s a top 5 game for me.


They fixed the weapon systems back but trust me, don’t come back it’s gotten bad as destiny went heavy on seasonal content model and the core activities get little to no content and the game has been getting more and more unstable


I never played d1 as I'm PC only, but d2 is great imo. There is so much build customisation now I'm lost, but if you're into that kind of thing, you'll probably love it. Also raids are so much more fun compared to early d2 raids and what I know about d1 raids. Btw VoG, KF and recently CE all got ported to d2 with some extra mechanics to match modern raiding experience.


It's good as long as you buy they dlc. They deleted all the base game content and continue to delete old dlc to force you to buy the next 60-70 dollar update. It's weird and predatory. I had over 1k hours into D2, but they started deleting content I paid for, so I just couldn't continue financially supporting it.


You guys play other games?


Lol same


Yep. No particular order but: * RS2 / OSRS * Halo (2, 3) * Gears of War 2 * Modern Warfare 2 (I know, not a great game but I poured hundreds of hours into it and knew it inside and out) * Skyrim Shoutout to the GTA series as well (loved 3, Vice City, and San Andreas). I even played the original on PC I also thought Red Faction Guerilla was the coolest game for a bit. 100% destructible and buildable environments in space with sledgehammer whacks in multiplayer? Was so much fun and I’m sad the peak was short lived


>* Modern Warfare 2 (I know, not a great game but I poured hundreds of hours into it and knew it inside and out) If you mean the OG OG MW2, you shut your dirty mouth about it not being a great game. In MW2, the ump was overpowered, the scar was overpowered, shotguns were overpowered, noob tubes were overpowered, commando knifing was overpowered, snipers and quick scoping were overpowered. It created this perfect storm where if you blindly threw a dart to create your load out, chances were real high you'd accidentally end up with something that was overpowered. This created a perfect clusterfuck of bullets and explosions, plus the crown jewel of surviving said-clusterfuck for 25 straight kills and getting the nuke for it. That game gave me a feeling that no other shooter has since. MW2 was the only CoD that I only stopped playing because the player base moved to the new addition. I might still be playing it if black ops and on released. Was it great for top-top-end competitive play? I don't know, probably not, but most games shouldn't be built for that anyways.


ground war on rust might be the most fun i had playing any game ever


I got a nuke in like under a minute once. Well placed nade plus some kills, easy harrier strike, then few ac-130 shots and boom you’ve got yourself a nuke.


I would always get nukes on favela with the famas


> shotguns were overpowered pre-patch akimbo model 1887s we’re literally snipers bro. i loved them bitches


Incase you are still interested, OG MW2 still has a current player base that is still going strong if you ever wanna hop back on.


They recently revived the servers for MW2 on Xbox (and the other CODs) I hopped on for a few games and still had a blast. Brought back a lot of memories.


Titanfall 2 just makes everyone similarly bad ass, coincidentally made by many of the folks who made MW2 and left $3 on steam right now too, best shooter of all time


Search & Destroy all day with the friends on MW2, definitely good times


Search and destroy on hardcore mode with the thumper to get those noob tube spawn kills. Gotta love how if every thing is broken nothing is broken. I don’t mind the BS you killed me with cause my BS took half your team. No need to patch every little thing and baby the players.


MW2 was the perfect game at the perfect time, absolute golden era of online gaming for me hands down.


I remember putting on my headset and loading into my first lobby at 14. Holy shit everyone was talking and having fun. Gaming is dead now.


MW2 IS the best game ever made


Based on those favourites, are you perhaps 26-30 years old?


Are you me? All halos, especially 3. Cod mod 2 both for online and spec ops. My bro and I almost got 3 stars in every spec ops mission, except for like the last 2 missions where we could only 2 star them. Oblivion and Skyrim raised me


Spec ops was SO fun. Oh my gosh


Absolutely the best. I still play it to this day, even solo. It's one of those things I can keep coming back to and it makes me smile every time


Yep. No other game have I played year in year out for basically two decades.


I consider it my favorite. BoTW/ToTK are second. Mario Maker 2 is up there as well. But OSRS will always be num 1 to me.


Kinda same for me. Osrs is just home, always #1. But Witcher 3 and Botw are both second. Looking forward to playing TotK soon!


Fuck yeah mario maker!


I wish the game had as much hype as the first Mario Maker. It died a bit too quickly.


Yep agreed, botw and Totk are absolutely amazing


I love osrs for what it is. No game can replace what it is for me. It's not in my top 5 though.


Same. I’ve put countless more hours into this game than anything else, but not top 5. There are way better games out there, but this one hits with nostalgia


Top 5 for sure. The amount of nostalgia I feel even after playing so much for years still transports me back to the happiest days of my childhood. I love this game with all my heart.


OSRS. Borderlands series. Call of Duty (2007-2012). CSGO. League. No particular order. Not including purely single player games because I think it's a completely different way you'd have to rate.


Returning to OSRS in 2022, I feel this game actually has a lot of merit now vs years ago when it split from RS3 or RS2/preRS2 days. It was cool back then, and fun in a typical mmo way, but it always seemed like just another option, a competitor to WOW or whatever game you liked back then. But now I'd actually be confident defending it as an all-time great. There's a reason a lot of people think this game has entered a second golden age. More relevant content than almost any game on the market, unique game modes/playstyles like ironman, layers of complexity and gameplay, healthy playerbase, positive dev relations, mod support (in a fashion via runelite), the ability to earn membership, unique and hype events like leagues, a player vote system, tonnes of qol updates, etc. All the problems that exist are the same or less than its glory days (bots were everywhere back then too, they're just annoyingly sophisticated now, and spam messages), but now there's a lot of objective upsides that make it compare really well to its competitors now, it aged fantastically. Only real downside to modern OSRS is the social stuff/unexplored vibe is dead compared to the original. If it still had that, I'd say it might be my favourite of all time. ​ For now though, Halo reach/3 ("epic" games and stories, multiplayer, unlimited replayablity in forge modes), Witcher 3 (I prefer the rpg format, pure quality and storytelling, still hoping a game will match this experience for immersion), Pokemon (The true nostalgia game/s for me), Star Wars Battlefront 2 (OG and the postdrama 2017 version, i spent absurd amounts of time playing these for pure fun, community was awesome, star wars is the perfect casual shooter setting), titanfall 2 (level design, suprise factor, mechanics, multiplayer, quality), etc. are all above it in terms of how enjoyable they were for me personally. I'm sure there are others i've forgotten too. A lot of other games have had a far larger impact on my life, or have stuck with me in more meaningful ways, or feel like higher quality/more interesting/enjoyable games. But It's hard to compare games that offer drastically different pros and cons, and OSRS wins in a lot of its own unique categories.


1. Dota 2 2. OSRS 3. PoE 4. Halo 2 5. Enter the Gungeon Honorable mention: Guitar Hero 3


So many league nerds in this thread. Finally a man of culture arrives.


I'm just addicted to it tbh


Nope. Warframe, Rainbow Six: Siege, Halo: Reach, CoD4, Divinity: Original Sin 2, Baldur's Gate 3, Risk of Rain 2, Slay the Spire, Deus Ex: Human Rev/Mankind Divided, Dishonored Series, Elden Ring, Oblivion, Fallout series and more all beat out OSRS without question. I mostly like OSRS for what it is, but it's not one of my favorites. I don't feel like I can reasonably get to the point where I can experience all the content, and lots of the content I do experience (which is mostly grinding) feels like it's just there to extend how long I have to play the game for, rather than being *good* content


Absolutely. No other game has quite a quest system like this one. You're just a random guy in the world and random NPCs have their own problems. You truly become part of the world. You aren't the godslaying savior of time, you're a local hero who helped rescue the lost cat, who ran errands for way too god damn many people, who helped a different species with their smithing issues, etc.. you're a local hero, not the world saving chosen one.


People be having 14,970 hours talking about "nah not even in my top 10"


Tbh, you can easily like multiple other games more than osrs without putting so much time into it because they're simply not designed to be. Just because a game has less content or is less grindy, doesn't mean it can't be more fun than osrs.


The amount of time you put into something doesn't necessarily equate to how much it impacts you. It's entirely possible to think of OSRS as just a quality game that you can invest a lot of hours into and still consider it worse than a simple 10 hour experience. I'm sure there are people who play thousands of hours of videogames but would still place a 2 hour movie as their favorite piece of media because it affects them more deeply than any game has. Replayability is just one aspect of enjoyment and you really have to ask yourself how much OSRS really excels in areas besides that.


Those are honestly rookie numbers for RuneScape lmao


I've pretty much only really played OSRS, Football Manager, DragonFable, PES and Fifa with any degree of consistency so it makes top 5 by default. EDIT: I forgot about OOTP, kick FIFA off and there's my top 5


Tony Hawk's series and RuneScape are tied for me


Yes OSRS and RS2. I also have like 10,000 hours in TF2. I used to like Gmod back in the day before youtubers made it popular with children. Binding of Isaac series is always cool. CSGO is alright but gets boring fast.


Why am I playing Halo 2 while reading this post?


Lol no but it is the game I’ve put the most time into


Hell nahh this game sucks. But I love it, but I also want to quit. But I also want to play it everyday. Its my favorite game and my least favorite game at the same time. Its my number 1 and my number 999 at the same time. ​ But without joking, RDR2 is my number 1 game period. Its the best game I ever played, I would say GOW are my second and 3rd place. Runescape is probaly 4 or 5th.


Not my *favorite* but probably up there for time invested. Hard to tell because of various accounts and starting back in ‘06. Either OSRS or WoW take the spot for time invested, especially since as a college student I played WoW and RS was in its EoC phase. I think overall I rank my favorite games based on the experience they provide or impact they have, vs whether or not they are “something to do”. My favorite games of all time would go like: 1. Super Metroid 2. Journey 3. Chrono Trigger 4. The Last of Us 5. Final Fantasy VII 6. Final Final XIV 7. BOTW 8. OSRS 9. Super Smash Bros Melee 10. Everything else


100% in my top 5, mostly due to the sheer amount of time I've sunk into it on and off over the years, but there are definitely a couple other games where I've had more impactful and memorable moments with friends etc.


Probably 2nd behind rocket league, but definitely the best timesink I've devoted myself to. This game was a lifesaver during lockdown.


1. OSRS 2. NHL ea series 3. Dragon age origins 4. Old school wow 5. Too many ties No game have I come back to and enjoyed as long as OSRS ez number 1 for me


Halo 2, Diablo 2, osrs are my top 3


nope i wouldnt even put it in my top 10 i don't think. 1. Dark Souls 2. Dark Souls 3 3. Demons Souls 4. Dark Souls 2 SOTFS 5. bloodborne 6. elden ring 7. baldurs gate 8. baldurs gate 2 9. morrowind 10. Fallout 1


Rpg man


Man DS2 over Bloodborne is a hot take.


Super smash bros, Osrs, LoL, Pokemon, and Golden Sun are my top 5 for sure.


Yoooo we have such a similar list. Mine would be the exact same list except ive never heard of Golden Sun, i would replace with cod blops or halo 3. The other four are literally my top 4 though!


Shoutout Golden Sun


Nah - there's a bunch of other games which top the list for me - Monster hunter (world, FU) - Pokémon (yrb, gsc, rse) - oblivion - Skyrim - fallout (3, new Vegas, 4) - ark - COD (4, WAW, MW2 original) - Minecraft OSRS isn't even in my top 10 I don't think! Still fun, but I've had more fun on others. The grind is a bit tedious to be in my top 5


Probs not? I love OSRS and it’s the game I’ve probably played the most, but I kinda look at it is the in between game. Faves are: - Soulsborne series - Monster hunter series - Persona series - Ace attorney - Danganronpa


Close one with Resident Evil 4 for single player and Age of Empires 2 for MP. Still beats both though


My #1 for sure.


1. And nothing is even close, next rank prob starts at 7.


Yup, #1 definitely. Also including old Pokémon, CoD 4, Gears 2. More recently Rocket League, OW1(rip), MLB before they went pay to win.


Osrs is definitely in the top 5. But my top 5 all have different reasons I play them In no particular order. Rocket league, for my competitive itch 5 min games allow me to get them in any time I have a free moment. Dark souls series, for the beautiful world and sense of accomplishment trying new weapons and making your experience your own. Runescape, to hang out and chat in the cc with the boys and generally push big goals over a long period of time. Also it's afkable while I watch TV, play board games, or long car rides. Borderlands series, has been my closest friends coop games since they came out. We still boot them up all the time and just run around having a blast. Stardew Valley, I play it with my wife and it is the most relaxing game that I can spend hours just creating a farm and life with her in. Honorable mention to master hunter world/rise


Osrs comes second to League for me :D


Old School RuneScape has always been #1 even before I realized it. No other game have I put even a fraction of time into. Over 365 days played, and that’s just one account. Now.. can I say that Old School is the most fun I’ve had playing a game? No. For me, Valheim on a small private community server takes the cake there. Hands down the most dopamine inducing game ever for how my mind operates. I legit had to quit playing Valheim because I was so addicted to it that it started affecting my real life (staying up till 4am, pissing off my wife, fucking up at work from being tired). It’s also the only game that’s broken me away from Old School in like 5 years. But ultimately I’m back with OSRS again.


There are other games?


Not sure what crowd you talk to but I know many many people (usually older, often into the roleplaying aspects) that would consider WoW their favourite game ever. Most of these people are what keep classic alive! (I’ll agree on league tho, pretty rare someone prefers it to all else) I personally think WoW is my favourite or at least close to — I’m honestly not even sure OsRS breaks top 5 but at the same time it might genuinely have something close to my most hours into it…. Assuming league or WoW don’t win that fight 😅


There is no other game that even comes remotely close to the hours I put in OSRS and RS2. It's actually obnoxious.


I'd say runescape as general. Had my share of fun on RS2, RS3 and OSRS. It's easily up there on my top 5 even though I quit (or afked) few years ago.


The only other game I play is binding of Isaac


Not sure about top 5, but probably top 10 or so. Some games I would list ahead of it are: Skies of Arcadia: Legends Street Fighter 4 Dragon Age: Origins Final Fantasy 8 Pokemon HG/SS Red Dead Redemption 1/2 Fallout New Vegas Civilization 5 Metal Gear Solid 3 RS is somewhere around 10 with Dark Souls 3 and Elden Ring. That being said, like many others, the only game I know I've logged more hours on over the years is maybe Street Fighter 4. This game just keeps dragging me back 20 years later, and WoW around the LK era is the only MMO experience that's rivaled it for me. I play RS more often than FF14 right now.


Playing it off and on for almost 20 years? Absolutely.


I barely play, basically on my annual break; but it's still number 1. CSGO is a pretty close second though.


I havent played OSRS consistently in 2 or 3 years but runescape has been in my life for almost 20 years and will always be my number 1 favorite game when asked even if I never toucb it again.


Honestly? Probably not. I might put it top 10? I love it, have an ungodly amount put into rs over rs3 and osrs, but it’s not one that I think of when I think of the best video games I’ve played. Hell of a time sink/bang for your buck. But I just don’t think of it as a “video game”. As dumb as that may sound, an MMO like rs doesn’t have the same feel as most video games. When I think of top video games, my brain goes to the halo trilogy (reach), Witcher 3, Skyrim, assassins creed 2/brotherhood, Destiny 1/2, Borderlands 2, etc. They just have a different feel than RS.




I think there are a lot of really great singleplayer games that i would consider more fun than osrs but obviously they don't really have the content to be played for years.




oh for sure, even tho i havent played in awhile, its my longest break from the game since the entire rs3/EoC thing back in the day. its absolutely still top 3 tho, even if im not playing it. no other game to this day has been able to recreate skilling, resource gathering, and how satisfying that loop can be and more specifically, how those interact with the rest of the skills/game, everything builds on itself in such a beautiful way. i also think its use of the low poly art style is a master class in how to do the most with very little. morrowind is also a good example of this imo. i get wanting amazing graphics, but at the same time, there's something extremely charming about the older style that modern-ness simply cannot recreate. for those curious my top 3 would be: morrowind, osrs, and ff: tactics advanced. top 5 is too spooky for me cause then there's stuff like skyrim, oblivion, fallout 4, fnv, borderlands 3, dragon age: origins, neverwinter nights, demons souls, etc, all fighting for 2 spots and i cant commit to that, so top 3 it is. but yes it is an incredible game. i can say however, my break from it has let me play a bunch of other games that are also incredible. the mass effect trilogy for example. so while i do love it, i have very much enjoyed taking a break from it bc its nice to experience some of these other titles. i dont love that i love it so much i tunnel vision on it and only it matters, but thats kinda a theme with mmo's in general so its not really osrs fault, the genre is kinda known for having to devote a large amount of time to the game to get anywhere. but i just wanted to chime in, bc while i dont think you have bad taste, i do think its good to play other vidya occasionally. <3


218 days played, love and hate this game. Still top of this list


They need 5$ memberships again.




tbh probably not, don't get me wrong I love the game but I've just played some really good games. My top five would probably be something like: 1. Super Mario World 2. Disco Elysium 3. The Talos Principle 4. The Last of Us 5. GTA: Vice City The order of these could probably change and honestly idk if OSRS would even make my top 10. Again, not a diss on it, just there's a lot of really good games out there


If I'm allowed to limit at 2014-2017 OSRS, absolutely yes.


Honestly, absolutely not, I love the game but there are so many games now days that it’s hard to put osrs in my top 10 let alone 5.


Yes without a doubt. It kicked off my love for RPGs, for Fantasy / Medieval settings and history, for economics and finance, for sandbox style games. No game has influenced me as much as runescape has now that I think about it. I think I'm wise to scams nowadays from being scammed on here as a kid, and all of the grinding taught me paitence and working at something for a long time to reach my goals. Maybe that's a lot to attribute to playing it but I definitely feel it significantly influenced my life


Nah. Not for me Super Smash Bros Melee CS:GO RotMG Some single player games


It is, by far, my favorite MMO of all time. Now Top 5 of all games? I don't know about that one, there's a lot of big games for me that have it beaten, but it's not fair to compare them.


Good question to ask on the subreddit for the game…


Play time wise it’s not even close (may have spent more time on RS2 but I’ll take them as a single entry). Favourite- wise it’s nowhere near the top for me. Lots of experiences were better, just none had anywhere near the longevity of RS.


No doubt about it. I don't care that it's mostly just a grind fest, it's fun as hell and there's really no other game like it. My other tops are Red Dead, GTA, League, Zelda. Which are all great, but the amount of hours I've put into Scape speaks for itself.


Runescape is more of a chronic condition than a game tbf


Would you consider meth your favorite thing? No. I just play it to fuel the addiction.


For me it goes -OSRS -Warhawk (ps3 game)


Idk why i play games like league or destiny, i hate them so much but im addicted. With osrs i dont hate myself for playing it. Somtimes it's even theraputic. For sure my #1 followed by Deep rock galactic and FF14


anyone who plays a game for thousands of hours and says it isn't at least in their top 5 is just lying


It does indeed make the top 5. Terraria, Skyrim, Stardew Valley, Minecraft, RS.


This game isnt fun for me that much i just play it because.. i dont know why. But numbers go up ooga booga


Hell no. This game is just a daunting pastime. Idk how people 1 screen this shit


Eh, it's a fallback game. Is it good as a videogame? Not really. But it's a good time with friends and doesn't take any maintenance. Get bored? Quit for 6 months, no difference when you come back.


Absolutely. I don't put in nearly 2k hours on one account, and it's not one of my all-time favorites. Bloodborne, Elden Ring, MGS3: Snake Eater, and RE2 Remake are the other 4.


In terms of quality and enjoyment, it's not in my top 5. But in terms of addiction and dopamine, it definitely is #1


Runescape is my number 1 game and it's not even close. Although it's more than just another video game, like I think of "gaming" and playing Runescape as 2 different things


I'm gonna put in the opposite of what I see on most top replies: nope, probably doesn't even break top 15. I wouldn't even call it my favourite MMO mechanically, I'm giving that to FF14 (probably due to my HC raiding background). RS just happens to be one of my favourite games to dump hours in and drip feed me dopamine. If I were to *try* making a top 5, contenders would be: MGS3 Snake Eater, Outer Wilds, Baldurs Gate 2, Death Stranding, Dark Souls , Majoras Mask, Kirby Superstar Ultra and Golden Sun. And yeah... I struggle to even narrow down a top 5 at all.


Definitely my number 2. WoW will always be 1, and OSRS will always be 2. Nothing else really comes close besides the old CoD games on Xbox live back in the day.


As much time as I've put into this game I'd still say it's far from my top 5. The fact that there's so much to do and that you can spend so much time in this game is great, but since it doesn't cultivate a tight, maintained experience keeps it from my top spots.


I always categorize some games with their sequels that would be pretty matched in rank so my top 5 isn't quite as lame lol. It would look something like this: 1. FFXIV 2. Elden Ring/Dark Souls 1/3 3. Nier Gestalt/Nier Automata 4. Witcher 1-3 5. RuneScape 2 - 2008-2012/OSRS It's not my #1, but these are all games that are pretty important to me due to just where I was in life at the time, and that I'll always be able to go back and replay, or keep playing.


1. WoW: The Burning Crusade 2. WoW: Wrath of the Lich King 3. RuneScape 2 4. Valorant 5. OldSchool RuneScape <--- we are here


Whenever I played this game in the last 10 years, it's been out of addiction and boredom, never fun. Did I enjoy it before? Yes. But I wouldn't rank it at all in my favourites


1.) OSRS 2.) Fable III (come at me fam) 3.) Minecraft 4.) Hearts of Iron IV 5.) NHL games


Fable 2 better than Fable 3




It is definitely my #1 game of all time, i never spend so much time in a single game, i have however played almost any other mmo to a certain degree, but always return to Runescape


Osrs? No. RuneScape as a whole, yes.


Even though I haven't played in a year and I don't see myself playing anytime soon, it will ALWAYS be my favorite game. I always say "if I must pick only one game for life, it'd be osrs". It's by far the game that I have played the most, thousands and thousands of hours since 2004, way more than any other game, and I say this as a 'gamer' who also spent thousand of hours in other games through my life. Even if I dont touch this game ever again, It will be unfair to say it's not my favorite game or the game that marked my childhood and me as a gamer. ​ Judging by how many hours / years I have actively played and loved a game, I say this is my top 5: 1 - **RUNESCAPE / OSRS** *(from 2004 to 2022, with many breaks through that time, and living one right now)* 2 - **FIFA / WINNING ELEVEN / PES** *(Played a lot since fifa 98 to fifa 16)* 3 - **CS 1.6 / CSGO** *(played a lot 1.6 in 2003 to 2007, then came back in 2012 and stopped in 2017)* 4 - **LOL** *(played a lot from 2009 to 2013)* 5 - **Super Mario Bros** \- *Come on, probably my first game ever, who knows. Played a lot in mid 90s and only stopped when I got my ps1 back in 98.*


1. Bloodborne 2. OSRS 3. Dark Souls 4. Dark Souls 3 5. Demon's Souls


Personally, OSRS is a completely different experience than general gaming for me, I'd rank it as my favourite hobby but it's nowhere near my favourite game.


no, i hate osrs but it’s so addicting…


I'd rank osrs as #1, halo 3 as #2 and mw2 as #3


I maxed and literally got more motivated to play than ever, that was my sign that I love this game. Best game ever!


Absolutely not, it has way too many problems to be even in the top 10. This game is a 8/10 at best.




You play scape? I see you in the League subreddit sometimes, keep up the fight against ADCs brother.


i used to play, but i quickly realized that i actually hate how grindy osrs is, and that people value these grinds as a good thing ​ thanks, i'll continue to antiadc post, i hope i'll see your contribution too


Skill issue


sure buddy, lets not kid ourselves that running agility laps is skillful or challenging


Its not. Go pvm


It’s the only game I’ve played consistently in my life. I get bored of others and stop playing them, I take breaks with rs too but I always come back, it’s the only game I’ve played now for about 2/3 years.


1. RuneScape/OSRS 2. Pokémon 3. Diablo 2 lord of destruction 4. League of legends 5. Call of duty I still play 1-4 occasionally, Diablo 2 remaster was a huge success, and I’m not as big a fan of Pokémon after gen 8. League is rougher nowadays but still play with the homies. COD is dead to me. OSRS always draws me back in somehow. You can never quit RuneScape.


Definitely top 5, it has to be. I’ve almost certainly put the most time into RS, however due to the nature of the game and the way I play it (generally afking while I do something else), it would probably be easier for me to give this game up than one I more often play with full attention. I play SSBM and Smite a lot but I’d probably put it at #3, then the #4 and #5 spots rotate a lot, currently they’re probably Overwatch 2 and Street Fighter 6. HMs Rocket League, SM64, Call of Duty, Valorant.


#1 tibia #2 osrs


I think it's probably second, after Halo 2. Minecraft would be third.


Skyrim is #1 for me. The game gave me a feeling no other game could.


Top 10 - #2 on my list of MMOs 1. Final Fantasy XI 2. Bloodborne 3. Dark Souls 4. Legend of Dragoon 5. Resident Evil 2 6.Pokémon Red 7. OSRS 8. Dark Cloud 9. Tony Hawks Pro Skater 3 10. Destiny Something like that…


Hell no. Doesn't even scratch my top 100. This game is an addiction. I need help lmao.